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Laboratory File
Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing
Master of Computer Applications

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology


Subject Code:- PGCA1929

Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

Ms. Harmeet Kaur (Astt. Peofessor) Ajit Kumar
Manjit Sir (Lab Incharge) MCA 3rd Semester
GJIMT Mohali Roll No.:-2111914
GJIMT || 2022

-: INDEX :-
Sr. No Experiment Page No. Remarks
Use logic programming in Python to check for prime 3
1. numbers.
Use logic programming in Python parse a family tree and
2. infer the relationships between the family members. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

3. Python script for building a puzzle solver. 9, 10

Implementation of uninformed search techniques in
4. Python. 11, 12
5. Implementation of heuristic search techniques in Python. 13, 14, 15, 16

6. Python script for tokenizing text data. 17, 18

7. Extracting the frequency of terms using a Bag of Words 19, 20
8. Predict the category to which a given piece of text belongs. 21, 22, 23

9. Python code for visualizing audio speech signal. 24, 25

10. Python code for Generating audio signals. 26, 27, 28, 29
Create a perception with appropriate no. of inputs and
11. outputs. Train it using fixed increment learning algorithm 30. 31, 32
until no change in weights is required. Output the final
12. Implement AND function using ADALINE with bipolar 33, 34, 35
inputs and outputs.
13. Implement AND function using MADALINE with bipolar 36, 37, 38
inputs and outputs.
14. Construct and test auto associative network for input 39
vector using HEBB rule.
Construct and test auto associative network for input 40
15. vector using outer product rule.
16. Construct and test heteroassociative network for binary 41, 42, 43
inputs and targets.
17. Create a back propagation network for a given input 44, 45, 46
pattern. Perform 3 epochs of operation.
18. Implement Union, Intersection, Complement and
Difference operations on fuzzy sets. Also create fuzzy 47, 48, 49,
relation by Cartesian product of any two fuzzy sets and 50, 51, 52
perform maxmin composition on any two fuzzy relations.
19. Maximize the function f(x)=x2 using GA, where x ranges 53, 54
form 0-25. Perform 6 iterations.

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Experiment:- 01
Aim:- Use logic programming in Python to check for prime numbers.

 Prime Numbers:- Prime numbers are natural numbers that are divisible by only 1
and the number itself.
 Example:- 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, etc.

 Code:-
# Input from the user
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
# If number is greater than 1
if num > 1:
# Check if factor exist
for i in range(2,num):
if (num % i) == 0:
print(num,"is not a prime number")
print(num,"is a prime number")
print(num,"is not a prime number")

 Output:-

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Experiment:- 02
Aim:- Use logic programming in Python parse a family tree and infer the relationships between
the family members.

 Family Tree:-
 The core of the Family Tree data model are the individual persons that, linked
together by relationships, create the Tree. The purpose of the other data objects is
to give support and detailed information about the person, relationships and the
research recorded in the Family Tree.

 Parsing a family tree:-

 Now that we are more familiar with logic programming, let's use it to solve
an interesting problem. Consider the following family tree:-

 John and Megan have three sons - William, David, and Adam. The wives of
William, David, and Adam are Emma, Olivia, and Lily respectively. William and
Emma have two children - Chris and Stephanie. David and Olivia have five
children - Wayne, Tiffany, Julie, Neil, and Peter. Adam and Lily have one child -
Sophia. Based on these facts, we can create a program that can tell us the name of
Wayne's grandfather or Sophia's uncles are. Even though we have not explicitly
specified anything about the grandparent or uncle relationships, logic programming
can infer them.
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 These relationships are specified in a file called relationships.json provided for you.
The file looks like the following:-
 Code:- relationships.json

"father": [
{ "John": "William" },
{ "John": "David" },
{ "John": "Adam" },
{ "William": "Chris" },
{ "William": "Stephanie" },
{ "David": "Wayne" },
{ "David": "Tiffany" },
{ "David": "Julie" },
{ "David": "Neil" },
{ "David": "Peter" },
{ "Adam": "Sophia" }
"mother": [
{ "Megan": "William" },
{ "Megan": "David" },
{ "Megan": "Adam" },
{ "Emma": "Stephanie" },
{ "Emma": "Chris" },
{ "Olivia": "Tiffany" },
{ "Olivia": "Julie" },
{ "Olivia": "Neil" },
{ "Olivia": "Peter" },
{ "Lily": "Sophia" }

 Code:-

import json
from kanren import Relation, facts, run, conde, var, eq

# Check if 'x' is the parent of 'y'

def parent(x, y):
return conde([father(x, y)], [mother(x, y)])

# Check if 'x' is the grandparent of 'y'

def grandparent(x, y):
temp = var()
return conde((parent(x, temp), parent(temp, y)))
# Check for sibling relationship between 'a' and 'b'
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def sibling(x, y):
temp = var()
return conde((parent(temp, x), parent(temp, y)))

# Check if x is y's uncle

def uncle(x, y):
temp = var()
return conde((father(temp, x), grandparent(temp, y)))

if __name__=='__main__':
father = Relation()
mother = Relation()
with open (r'C:\\Users\ajitk\Desktop\PythonAI\.vscode\relation-
ships.json') as f:
d = json.loads(

for item in d['father']:

facts(father, (list(item.keys())[0], list(item.values())[0]))

for item in d['mother']:

facts(mother, (list(item.keys())[0], list(item.values())[0]))

x = var()

# John's children
name = 'John'
output = run(0, x, father(name, x))
print("\nList of " + name + "'s children:")
for item in output:

# William's mother
name = 'William'
output = run(0, x, mother(x, name))[0]
print("\n" + name + "'s mother:\n" + output)

# Adam's parents
name = 'Adam'
output = run(0, x, parent(x, name))
print("\nList of " + name + "'s parents:")
for item in output:

# Wayne's grandparents

name = 'Wayne'
output = run(0, x, grandparent(x, name))
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print("\nList of " + name + "'s grandparents:")
for item in output:

# Megan's grandchildren

name = 'Megan'
output = run(0, x, grandparent(name, x))
print("\nList of " + name + "'s grandchildren:")
for item in output:

# David's siblings

name = 'David'
output = run(0, x, sibling(x, name))
siblings = [x for x in output if x != name]
print("\nList of " + name + "'s siblings:")
for item in siblings:

# Tiffany's uncles

name = 'Tiffany'
name_father = run(0, x, father(x, name))[0]
output = run(0, x, uncle(x, name))
output = [x for x in output if x != name_father]
print("\nList of " + name + "'s uncles:")
for item in output:

# All spouses

a, b, c = var(), var(), var()

output = run(0, (a, b), (father, a, c), (mother, b, c))
print("\nList of all spouses:")
for item in output
print('Husband:', item[0], '<==> Wife:', item[1])

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 Output:-

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Experiment:- 03
Aim:- Python script for building a puzzle solver.

 Code:-
from kanren import *
from kanren.core import lall

# Declare the variable

people = var()

# Define the rules

rules = lall(
# There are 4 people
(eq, (var(), var(), var(), var()), people),

# Steve's car is blue

(membero, ('Steve', var(), 'blue', var()), people),

# Person who owns the cat lives in Canada

(membero, (var(), 'cat', var(), 'Canada'), people),

# Matthew lives in USA

(membero, ('Matthew', var(), var(), 'USA'), people),

# The person who has a black car lives in Australia

(membero, (var(), var(), 'black', 'Australia'), people),

# Jack has a cat

(membero, ('Jack', 'cat', var(), var()), people),

# Alfred lives in Australia

(membero, ('Alfred', var(), var(), 'Australia'), people),

# Person who owns the dog lives in France

(membero, (var(), 'dog', var(), 'France'), people),

# Who is the owner of the rabbit?

(membero, (var(), 'rabbit', var(), var()), people)

# Run the solver

solutions = run(0, people, rules)

# Extract the output

output = [house for house in solutions[0] if 'rabbit' in house][0][0]

# Print the output

print('\n' + output + ' is the owner of the rabbit')
print('\nHere are all the details:')
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attribs = ['Name', 'Pet', 'Color', 'Country']

print('\n' + '\t\t'.join(attribs))
print('=' * 57)
for item in solutions[0]:
print('\t\t'.join([str(x) for x in item]))

 Output:-

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Experiment:- 04
Aim:- Implementation of uninformed search techniques in Python.

 Uninformed Search:- Uninformed search is a class of general-purpose search

algorithms which operates in brute force-way. Uninformed search algorithms do
not have additional information about state or search space other than how to
traverse the tree, so it is also called blind search.
 Following are the various types of uninformed search algorithms:-
 Breadth-first Search
 Depth-first Search
 Depth-limited Search
 Iterative deepening depth-first search
 Uniform cost search
 Bidirectional Search

 Breadth-first Search:- Breadth-First Search (BFS) is an algorithm used for

traversing graphs or trees. Traversing means visiting each node of the graph.
Breadth-First Search is a recursive algorithm to search all the vertices of a graph or
a tree. BFS in python can be implemented by using data structures like a dictionary
and lists. Breadth-First Search in tree and graph is almost the same. The only
difference is that the graph may contain cycles, so we may traverse to the same
node again.

 BFS Pseudo Code:- The pseudo code for BFS in python goes as below:-
create a queue Q
mark v as visited and put v into Q while Q is non-
remove the head u of Q
mark and enqueue all(unvisited) neighbors of u

 BFS implementation in Python:-

 Now, we will see how the source code of the program for implementing
breadth first search in python.
 Consider the following graph which is implemented in the code below:-

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 Code:-

graph = {
'5' : ['3','7'],
'3' : ['2', '4'],
'7' : ['8'],
'2' : [],
'4' : ['8'],
'8' : []

visited = [] # List for visited nodes.

queue = [] #Initialize a queue

def bfs(visited, graph, node): #function for BFS


while queue: # Creating loop to visit each node

m = queue.pop(0)
print (m, end = " ")

for neighbour in graph[m]:

if neighbour not in visited:

# Driver Code
print("Following is the Breadth-First Search")
bfs(visited, graph, '5') # function calling

 Output:-

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Experiment:- 05
Aim:- Implementation of heuristic search techniques in Python.

 Heuristic Search:- A heuristic technique is a problem specific approach that

employs a practical method that often provides sufficient accuracy for the
immediate goals.

 Following are the various types of uninformed search algorithms:-

 A* search
 Simulated Annealing
 Hill Climbing
 Optimal search
 Greedy best-first search
 Memory bounded heuristic search

 A* Search Algorithm:-
 A* search is the most commonly known form of best-first search. It uses the
heuristic function h(n) and cost to reach the node n from the start state g(n).
It has combined features of UCS and greedy best-first search, by which it
solve the problem efficiently.

 It finds the shortest path through the search space using the heuristic
function. This search algorithm expands fewer search tree and gives optimal
results faster.

 A* Search implementation in Python:-

 we are going to find out how the A* search algorithm can be used to find the
most cost-effective path in a graph. Consider the following graph below.

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 Code:-

def aStarAlgo(start_node, stop_node):

open_set = set(start_node)
closed_set = set()
g = {} #store distance from starting node
parents = {}# parents contains an adjacency map of all nodes

#ditance of starting node from itself is zero

g[start_node] = 0
#start_node is root node i.e it has no parent nodes
#so start_node is set to its own parent node
parents[start_node] = start_node

while len(open_set) > 0:

n = None

#node with lowest f() is found

for v in open_set:
if n == None or g[v] + heuristic(v) < g[n] + heuristic(n):

if n == stop_node or Graph_nodes[n] == None:

for (m, weight) in get_neighbors(n):
#nodes 'm' not in first and last set are added to first
#n is set its parent
if m not in open_set and m not in closed_set:
parents[m] = n
g[m] = g[n] + weight

#for each node m,compare its distance from start

i.e g(m) to the
#from start through n node
if g[m] > g[n] + weight:
#update g(m)
g[m] = g[n] + weight
#change parent of m to n
parents[m] = n

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#if m in closed set,remove and add to
if m in closed_set:

if n == None:
print('Path does not exist!')
return None

# if the current node is the stop_node

# then we begin reconstructin the path from it to the start_node
if n == stop_node:
path = [ ]

while parents[n] != n:
n = parents[n]



print('Path found: {}'.format(path))

return path

# remove n from the open_list, and add it to closed_list

# because all of his neighbors were inspected

print('Path does not exist!')

return None

#define fuction to return neighbor and its distance

#from the passed node
def get_neighbors(v):
if v in Graph_nodes:
return Graph_nodes[v]
return None
#for simplicity we ll consider heuristic distances given
#and this function returns heuristic distance for all nodes
def heuristic(n):
H_dist = {
'A': 11,
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'B': 6,
'C': 99,
'D': 1,
'E': 7,
'G': 0,

return H_dist[n]

#Describe your graph here

Graph_nodes = {
'A': [('B', 2), ('E', 3)],
'B': [('C', 1),('G', 9)],
'C': None,
'E': [('D', 6)],
'D': [('G', 1)],

aStarAlgo('A', 'G')

 Output:-

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Experiment:- 06
Aim:- Python script for tokenizing text data.
 Tokenizing:- Tokenization is a common task a data scientist comes across when
working with text data. It consists of splitting an entire text into small units, also
known as tokens. Most Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects have
tokenization as the first step because it’s the foundation for developing good
models and helps better understand the text we have.

 Following are some ways for Tokenizing text data:-

 Simple tokenization with .split:-

 Code:-
my_text = """Hey I'm Ajit Kumar . I Just Love Coding ."""
print(my_text.split('. '))

 Output:-

 Tokenization with NLTK:-

 Code:-
# import the existing word and sentence tokenizing
# libraries
import nltk'punkt')
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

text = "Natural language processing (NLP) is a field " + \

"of computer science, artificial intelligence " + \
"and computational linguistics concerned with " + \
"the interactions between computers and human " + \
"(natural) languages, and, in particular, " + \
"concerned with programming computers to " + \
"fruitfully process large natural language " + \
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"corpora. Challenges in natural language " + \
"processing frequently involve natural " + \
"language understanding, natural language" + \
"generation frequently from formal, machine" + \
"-readable logical forms), connecting language " + \
"and machine perception, managing human-" + \
"computer dialog systems, or some combination " + \


 Output:-

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Experiment:- 07
Aim:- Extracting the frequency of terms using a Bag of Words model.

 Bag of Words model:- Bag of Words model is used to preprocess the text by
converting it into a bag of words, which keeps a count of the total occurrences of most
frequently used words.
 This model can be visualized using a table, which contains the count of words
corresponding to the word itself.

 Code:-
def vectorize(tokens):


for w in filtered_vocab:


return vector

def unique(sequence):

seen = set()

return [x for x in sequence if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))]

#create a list of stopwords.You can import stopwords from nltk too


#list of special characters.You can use regular expressions too

special_char=[",",":"," ",";",".","?"]

#Write the sentences in the corpus,in our case, just two

string1="Welcome to Great Learning , Now start learning"

string2="Learning is a good practice"

#convert them to lower case



#split the sentences into tokens



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#create a vocabulary list



#filter the vocabulary list


for w in vocab:

if w not in stopwords and w not in special_char:



#convert sentences into vectords





 Output:-

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Experiment:- 08
Aim:- Predict the category to which a given piece of text belongs.
 Code:-

#import sentimentintensityAnalyzer class

#from VaderSentiment.VaderSentiment import
SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from nltk.sentiment.vader
import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import nltk
from PIL import
from tkinter
ment Analysis")
ANALYSIS!",background='#FFE4C4',fg="#D2691E",font="Arial 50
al 35 bold").place(x=550,y=240)
#function is prime sentiment

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sentence) print("Overall Sentiment
Dictionary is:",sentiment_dict)
print("Sentence was rated
as:",sentiment_dict['neg']*100,"% Negative")
print("Sentence was rated
as:",sentiment_dict['neu']*100,"% Neutral")
print("Sentence was rated
as:",sentiment_dict['pos']*100,"% Positive")
print("Sentence was overall rated as:",end=' ')
if sentiment_dict['compound']>=0.05:
elif sentiment_dict['compound']<=-0.05:
result="Negative" else:
print("Neutral") result="Neutral"
Sentence was overall rated as:%s"%(result))
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2 2D',font="Arial 15",fg="#D2691E"),y=400)
n t="Arial 15",fg="#D2691E"),y=400)

 Output:-

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Experiment:- 09
Aim:- Python code for visualizing audio speech signal.
 Code:-
def showing_audiotrack():
# We use a variable previousTime to store the time when a plot update
is made
# and to then compute the time taken to update the plot of the audio
previousTime = time.time()

# Turning the interactive mode on


# Each time we go through a number of samples in the audio data that

corresponds to one second of audio,
# we increase spentTime by one (1 second).
spentTime = 0

# Let's the define the update periodicity

updatePeriodicity = 2 # expressed in seconds

# Plotting the audio data and updating the plot

for i in range(n):
# Each time we read one second of audio data, we increase
spentTime :
if i // Fs != (i-1) // Fs:
spentTime += 1
# We update the plot every updatePeriodicity seconds
if spentTime == updatePeriodicity:
# Clear the previous plot
# Plot the audio data
plt.plot(time_axis, sound_axis)
# Plot a red line to keep track of the progression
plt.axvline(x=i / Fs, color='r')
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Audio") # shows the plot
# a forced pause to synchronize the audio being played with the
audio track being displayed
previousTime = time.time()
spentTime = 0
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 Output:-
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Experiment:- 10
Aim:- Python code for Generating audio signals.
 Code:-
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import wave
import math
import struct
import random
import argparse
from itertools import *

def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):

"grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

def sine_wave(frequency=440.0, framerate=44100, amplitude=0.5):

Generate a sine wave at a given frequency of infinite length.
period = int(framerate / frequency)
if amplitude > 1.0: amplitude = 1.0
if amplitude < 0.0: amplitude = 0.0
lookup_table = [float(amplitude) *
)) for i in xrange(period)]
return (lookup_table[i%period] for i in count(0))

def square_wave(frequency=440.0, framerate=44100, amplitude=0.5):

for s in sine_wave(frequency, framerate, amplitude):
if s > 0:
yield amplitude
elif s < 0:
yield -amplitude
yield 0.0

def damped_wave(frequency=440.0, framerate=44100, amplitude=0.5,

if amplitude > 1.0: amplitude = 1.0
if amplitude < 0.0: amplitude = 0.0
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return (math.exp(-(float(i%length)/float(framerate))) * s for i, s in
enumerate(sine_wave(frequency, framerate, amplitude)))

def white_noise(amplitude=0.5):
Generate random samples.
return (float(amplitude) * random.uniform(-1, 1) for i in count(0))

def compute_samples(channels, nsamples=None):

create a generator which computes the samples.

essentially it creates a sequence of the sum of each function in the

at each sample in the file for each channel.
return islice(izip(*(imap(sum, izip(*channel)) for channel in
channels)), nsamples)

def write_wavefile(filename, samples, nframes=None, nchannels=2,

sampwidth=2, framerate=44100, bufsize=2048):
"Write samples to a wavefile."
if nframes is None:
nframes = -1

w =, 'w')
w.setparams((nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, 'NONE', 'not

max_amplitude = float(int((2 ** (sampwidth * 8)) / 2) - 1)

# split the samples into chunks (to reduce memory consumption and
improve performance)
for chunk in grouper(bufsize, samples):
frames = ''.join(''.join(struct.pack('h', int(max_amplitude * sample))
for sample in channels) for channels in chunk if channels is not None)


return filename

def write_pcm(f, samples, sampwidth=2, framerate=44100,

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"Write samples as raw PCM data."
max_amplitude = float(int((2 ** (sampwidth * 8)) / 2) - 1)

# split the samples into chunks (to reduce memory consumption and
improve performance)
for chunk in grouper(bufsize, samples):
frames = ''.join(''.join(struct.pack('h', int(max_amplitude * sample))
for sample in channels) for channels in chunk if channels is not None)


return filename

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--channels', help="Number of channels to
produce", default=2, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bits', help="Number of bits in each
sample", choices=(16,), default=16, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rate', help="Sample rate in Hz",
default=44100, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', help="Duration of the wave in
seconds.", default=60, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--amplitude', help="Amplitude of the wave
on a scale of 0.0-1.0.", default=0.5, type=float)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--frequency', help="Frequency of the wave
in Hz", default=440.0, type=float)
parser.add_argument('filename', help="The file to generate.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# each channel is defined by infinite functions which are added to

produce a sample.
channels = ((sine_wave(args.frequency, args.rate, args.amplitude),)
for i in range(args.channels))

# convert the channel functions into waveforms

samples = compute_samples(channels, args.rate * args.time)

# write the samples to a file

if args.filename == '-':
filename = sys.stdout
filename = args.filename
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write_wavefile(filename, samples, args.rate * args.time,
args.channels, args.bits / 8, args.rate)

if __name__ == "__main__":

 Output:-

Experiment:- 11
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Aim:- Create a perception with appropriate no. of inputs and outputs. Train it using fixed
increment learning algorithm until no change in weights is required. Output the final

 Code:-

class Perceptron:


def __init__ (self):

self.w = None
self.b = None


def model(self, x):

return 1 if (, x) >= self.b) else 0

#predictor to predict on the data based on w

def predict(self, X):

Y = []
for x in X:
result = self.model(x)
return np.array(Y)

def fit(self, X, Y, epochs = 1, lr = 1):

self.w = np.ones(X.shape[1])
self.b = 0
accuracy = {}
max_accuracy = 0
wt_matrix = []

#for all epochs

for i in range(epochs):
for x, y in zip(X, Y):
y_pred = self.model(x)
if y == 1 and y_pred == 0:
self.w = self.w + lr * x
self.b = self.b - lr * 1
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elif y == 0 and y_pred == 1:
self.w = self.w - lr * x
self.b = self.b + lr * 1

accuracy[i] = accuracy_score(self.predict(X), Y)
if (accuracy[i] > max_accuracy):

max_accuracy = accuracy[i]
chkptw = self.w
chkptb = self.b

#checkpoint (Save the weights and b value)

self.w = chkptw
self.b = chkptb


#plot the accuracy values over epochs

plt.xlabel("Epoch #")
plt.ylim([0, 1])

#return the weight matrix, that contains weights over all epochs

return np.array(wt_matrix)

 Output:-
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Experiment:- 12
GJIMT || 2022

Aim:- Implement AND function using ADALINE with bipolar inputs and outputs.

 Code:-

# import the module numpy

import numpy as np

# the features for the or model , here we have

# taken the possible values for combination of
# two inputs
features = np.array(
[-1, -1],
[-1, 1],
[1, -1],
[1, 1]

# labels for the or model, here the output for

# the features is taken as an array
labels = np.array([-1, 1, 1, 1])

# to print the features and the labels for

# which the model has to be trained
print(features, labels)

# initialise weights, bias , learning rate, epoch

weight = [0.5, 0.5]
bias = 0.1
learning_rate = 0.2
epoch = 10

for i in range(epoch):

# epoch is the number of the model is trained

# with the same data
print("epoch :", i+1)

# variable to check if there is no change in previous

# weight and present calculated weight
# initial error is kept as 0
sum_squared_error = 0.0
# for each of the possible input given in the features
for j in range(features.shape[0]):
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# actual output to be obtained

actual = labels[j]

# the value of two features as given in the features

# array
x1 = features[j][0]
x2 = features[j][1]

# net unit value computation performed to obtain the

# sum of features multiplied with their weights
unit = (x1 * weight[0]) + (x2 * weight[1]) + bias

# error is computed so as to update the weights

error = actual - unit

# print statement to print the actual value , predicted

# value and the error
print("error =", error)

# summation of squared error is calculated

sum_squared_error += error * error

# updation of weights, summing up of product of learning

rate ,
# sum of squared error and feature value
weight[0] += learning_rate * error * x1
weight[1] += learning_rate * error * x2

# updation of bias, summing up of product of learning rate

# sum of squared error
bias += learning_rate * error

print("sum of squared error = ", sum_squared_error/4, "\n\n")

 Output:-
GJIMT || 2022

Experiment:- 13
GJIMT || 2022

Aim:- Implement AND function using MADALINE with bipolar inputs and outputs.
 Code:-

# import the module numpy

import numpy as np

# the features for the or model , here we have

# taken the possible values for combination of
# two inputs
features = np.array(
[-1, -1],
[-1, 1],
[1, -1],
[1, 1]

# labels for the or model, here the output for

# the features is taken as an array
labels = np.array([-1, 1, 1, 1])

# to print the features and the labels for

# which the model has to be trained
print(features, labels)

# initialise weights, bias , learning rate, epoch

weight = [0.5, 0.5]
bias = 0.1
learning_rate = 0.2
epoch = 10

for i in range(epoch):

# epoch is the number of the model is trained

# with the same data
print("epoch :", i+1)

# variable to check if there is no change in previous

# weight and present calculated weight
# initial error is kept as 0
sum_squared_error = 0.0
# for each of the possible input given in the features
for j in range(features.shape[0]):
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# actual output to be obtained
actual = labels[j]

# the value of two features as given in the features

# array
x1 = features[j][0]
x2 = features[j][1]

# net unit value computation performed to obtain the

# sum of features multiplied with their weights
unit = (x1 * weight[0]) + (x2 * weight[1]) + bias

# error is computed so as to update the weights

error = actual - unit

# print statement to print the actual value , predicted

# value and the error
print("error =", error)

# summation of squared error is calculated

sum_squared_error += error * error

# updation of weights, summing up of product of learning

rate ,
# sum of squared error and feature value
weight[0] += learning_rate * error * x1
weight[1] += learning_rate * error * x2

# updation of bias, summing up of product of learning rate

# sum of squared error
bias += learning_rate * error

print("sum of squared error = ", sum_squared_error/4, "\n\n")

 Output:-
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GJIMT || 2022

Experiment:- 14
Aim:- Construct and test auto associative network for input vector using HEBB rule.

 Code:-
%The MATLAB program for calculating the weight matrix is as follows
%Discrete Hopfield net
x=[1 1 1 0];
for i=1:4
w (i, i)=0;
disp('Weight matrix');

 Output:-

Experiment:- 15
GJIMT || 2022

Aim:- Construct and test auto associative network for input vector using outer product

 Code:-

%Auotassociative net to store the vector

x = [1 1 –1 –1];
w=zeros (4, 4); w=x'*x;
for i=1:4
if yin(i)>0
y(i) = –1;
end end
disp ('Weight matrix');
disp (w);
if x == y
disp ('The vector is a Known Vector');
disp ('The vector is a Unknown Vector');

 Output:-
GJIMT || 2022

Experiment:- 16
Aim:- Construct and test heteroassociative network for binary inputs and targets.

 Code:-
# Import Python Libraries
import numpy as np

# Take two sets of patterns:

# Set A: Input Pattern
x1 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).reshape(6, 1)
x2 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]).reshape(6, 1)
x3 = np.array([1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1]).reshape(6, 1)
x4 = np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1]).reshape(6, 1)

# Set B: Target Pattern

y1 = np.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape(3, 1)
y2 = np.array([-1, -1, -1]).reshape(3, 1)
y3 = np.array([1, -1, 1]).reshape(3, 1)
y4 = np.array([-1, 1, -1]).reshape(3, 1)

print("Set A: Input Pattern, Set B: Target Pattern")
print("\nThe input for pattern 1 is")
print("\nThe target for pattern 1 is")
print("\nThe input for pattern 2 is")
print("\nThe target for pattern 2 is")
print("\nThe input for pattern 3 is")
print("\nThe target for pattern 3 is")
print("\nThe input for pattern 4 is")
print("\nThe target for pattern 4 is")

# Calculate weight Matrix: W
inputSet = np.concatenate((x1, x2, x3, x4), axis = 1)
targetSet = np.concatenate((y1.T, y2.T, y3.T, y4.T), axis = 0)
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print("\nWeight matrix:")
weight =, targetSet)


# Testing Phase
# Test for Input Patterns: Set A
print("\nTesting for input patterns: Set A")
def testInputs(x, weight):
# Multiply the input pattern with the weight matrix
# (weight.T X x)
y =, x)
y[y < 0] = -1
y[y >= 0] = 1
return np.array(y)

print("\nOutput of input pattern 1")

print(testInputs(x1, weight))
print("\nOutput of input pattern 2")
print(testInputs(x2, weight))
print("\nOutput of input pattern 3")
print(testInputs(x3, weight))
print("\nOutput of input pattern 4")
print(testInputs(x4, weight))

# Test for Target Patterns: Set B

print("\nTesting for target patterns: Set B")
def testTargets(y, weight):
# Multiply the target pattern with the weight matrix
# (weight X y)
x =, y)
x[x <= 0] = -1
x[x > 0] = 1
return np.array(x)

print("\nOutput of target pattern 1")

print(testTargets(y1, weight))
print("\nOutput of target pattern 2")
print(testTargets(y2, weight))
print("\nOutput of target pattern 3")
print(testTargets(y3, weight))
print("\nOutput of target pattern 4")
print(testTargets(y4, weight))
 Output:-
GJIMT || 2022

Experiment:- 17
GJIMT || 2022

Aim:- Create a back propagation network for a given input pattern. Perform 3 epochs of

 Code:-
import numpy as np

def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def sigmoid_prime(x):
return sigmoid(x)*(1.0-sigmoid(x))

def tanh(x):
return np.tanh(x)

def tanh_prime(x):
return 1.0 - x**2

class NeuralNetwork:

def __init__(self, layers, activation='tanh'):

if activation == 'sigmoid':
self.activation = sigmoid
self.activation_prime = sigmoid_prime
elif activation == 'tanh':
self.activation = tanh
self.activation_prime = tanh_prime

# Set weights
self.weights = []
# layers = [2,2,1]
# range of weight values (-1,1)
# input and hidden layers - random((2+1, 2+1)) : 3 x 3
for i in range(1, len(layers) - 1):
r = 2*np.random.random((layers[i-1] + 1, layers[i] + 1)) -1
# output layer - random((2+1, 1)) : 3 x 1
r = 2*np.random.random( (layers[i] + 1, layers[i+1])) - 1

def fit(self, X, y, learning_rate=0.2, epochs=100000):

# Add column of ones to X
# This is to add the bias unit to the input layer
ones = np.atleast_2d(np.ones(X.shape[0]))
X = np.concatenate((ones.T, X), axis=1)
for k in range(epochs):
i = np.random.randint(X.shape[0])
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a = [X[i]]

for l in range(len(self.weights)):
dot_value =[l], self.weights[l])
activation = self.activation(dot_value)
# output layer
error = y[i] - a[-1]
deltas = [error * self.activation_prime(a[-1])]

# we need to begin at the second to last layer

# (a layer before the output layer)
for l in range(len(a) - 2, 0, -1):

# reverse
# [level3(output)->level2(hidden)] => [level2(hidden)-

# backpropagation
# 1. Multiply its output delta and input activation
# to get the gradient of the weight.
# 2. Subtract a ratio (percentage) of the gradient from the weight.
for i in range(len(self.weights)):
layer = np.atleast_2d(a[i])
delta = np.atleast_2d(deltas[i])
self.weights[i] += learning_rate *

if k % 10000 == 0: print ('epochs:', k)

def predict(self, x):

a = np.concatenate((np.ones(1).T, np.array(x)), axis=1)
for l in range(0, len(self.weights)):
a = self.activation(, self.weights[l]))
return a

if __name__ == '__main__':

nn = NeuralNetwork([2,2,1])
X = np.array([[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, 1]])
y = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]), y)
for e in X:
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 Output:-

Experiment:- 18
GJIMT || 2022

Aim:- Implement Union, Intersection, Complement and Difference operations on fuzzy

sets. Also create fuzzy relation by Cartesian product of any two fuzzy sets and perform
maxmin composition on any two fuzzy relations.

 Fuzzy Sets:- Fuzzy refers to something that is unclear or vague . Hence, Fuzzy Set
is a Set where every key is associated with value, which is between 0 to 1 based on
the certainty .This value is often called as degree of membership. Fuzzy Set is
denoted with a Tilde Sign on top of the normal Set notation.

 Operations on Fuzzy Set with Code :-

 Union :-
 Code:-
# Example to Demonstrate the
# Union of Two Fuzzy Sets
A = dict()
B = dict()
Y = dict()

A = {"a": 0.2, "b": 0.3, "c": 0.6, "d": 0.6}

B = {"a": 0.9, "b": 0.9, "c": 0.4, "d": 0.5}

print('The First Fuzzy Set is :', A)

print('The Second Fuzzy Set is :', B)

for A_key, B_key in zip(A, B):

A_value = A[A_key]
B_value = B[B_key]

if A_value > B_value:

Y[A_key] = A_value
Y[B_key] = B_value

print('Fuzzy Set Union is :', Y)

 Output:-
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 Intersection :-
 Code:-
# Example to Demonstrate
# Intersection of Two Fuzzy Sets
A = dict()
B = dict()
Y = dict()

A = {"a": 0.2, "b": 0.3, "c": 0.6, "d": 0.6}

B = {"a": 0.9, "b": 0.9, "c": 0.4, "d": 0.5}

print('The First Fuzzy Set is :', A)

print('The Second Fuzzy Set is :', B)

for A_key, B_key in zip(A, B):

A_value = A[A_key]
B_value = B[B_key]

if A_value < B_value:

Y[A_key] = A_value
Y[B_key] = B_value
print('Fuzzy Set Intersection is :', Y)

 Output:-

 Complement :-
 Code:-
# Example to Demonstrate the
# Complement Between Two Fuzzy Sets
A = dict()
Y = dict()

A = {"a": 0.2, "b": 0.3, "c": 0.6, "d": 0.6}

print('The Fuzzy Set is :', A)

for A_key in A:
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Y[A_key]= 1-A[A_key]

print('Fuzzy Set Complement is :', Y)

 Output:-

 Difference:-
 Code:-
# Example to Demonstrate the
# Difference Between Two Fuzzy Sets
A = dict()
B = dict()
Y = dict()

A = {"a": 0.2, "b": 0.3, "c": 0.6, "d": 0.6}

B = {"a": 0.9, "b": 0.9, "c": 0.4, "d": 0.5}

print('The First Fuzzy Set is :', A)

print('The Second Fuzzy Set is :', B)

for A_key, B_key in zip(A, B):

A_value = A[A_key]
B_value = B[B_key]
B_value = 1 - B_value

if A_value < B_value:

Y[A_key] = A_value
Y[B_key] = B_value

print('Fuzzy Set Difference is :', Y)

 Output:-
GJIMT || 2022
 Cartesian Product & MaxMin Composition:-

 Code:-
def cartesian():
n = int(input("\nEnter number of elements in first set (A): "))
A = []
B = []
print("Enter elements for A:")
for i in range(0, n):
ele = float(input())
m = int(input("\nEnter number of elements in second set (B): "))
print("Enter elements for B:")
for i in range(0, m):
ele = float(input())
print("A = {"+str(A)[1:-1]+"}")
print("B = {"+str(B)[1:-1]+"}")
cart_prod = []
cart_prod = [[0 for j in range(m)]for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
cart_prod[i][j] = min(A[i],B[j])
print("A x B = ")
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
print(cart_prod[i][j],end=" ")

def minmax():
r1 = int(input("Enter number of rows of first relation (R1): "))
c1 = int(input("Enter number of columns of first relation (R1): "))
rel1=[[0 for i in range(c1)]for j in range(r1)]
print("Enter the elments for R:")
for i in range(r1):
for j in range(c1):

r2 = int(input("Enter number of rows of second relation (R2): "))

c2 = int(input("Enter number of columns of second relation (R2): "))
rel2=[[0 for i in range(c2)]for j in range(r2)]
print("Enter the elments for R:")
for i in range(r2):
for j in range(c2):
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print("\nR1 = ")
for i in range(r1):
for j in range(c1):
print(rel1[i][j],end=" ")
print("\nR2 = ")
for i in range(r2):
for j in range(c2):
print(rel2[i][j],end=" ")

for i in range(r1):
for j in range(c2):
for k in range(r2):

print("\nR1 composition R2 =")

for i in range(r1):
for j in range(c2):
print(comp[i][j],end=" ")

while ch==1:
print("MENU:\n----\n1->Cartesian Product\n2->Minmax
op=int(input("Enter Your Choice: "))
if op==1:
elif op==2:
elif op==3:
print("Wrong Choice!")
ch=int(input("Do you wish to continue (1-Yes | 0-No): "))
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 Output:- Cartesian Product

 Output:- MaxMin Composition

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Experiment:- 19
Aim:- Maximize the function f(x)=x2 using GA, where x ranges form 0-25. Perform 6

 Code:-

%program for Genetic algorithm to maximize the function f(x) =sin(x)

clear all;
%x ranges from 0 to 3.14
%five bits are enough to represent x in binary representation
n=input('Enter no. of population in each iteration');
nit=input('Enter no. of iterations');
%Generate the initial population
%The population in binary is converted to integer
for i=1:nit
phen=bindecod(oldchrom,FieldD,3);% phen gives the integer value of
%binary population
%obtain fitness value
%apply roulette wheel selection
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newchrix=selrws(FitnV, Nsel);
%Perform Crossover
newchromc=recsp(newchrom,crossoverrate);%new population after
%Perform mutation
%after mutation
disp('For iteration');

 Output:-
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-: THE END :-

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