0KG6448TFmChuuOPFxZQw Activity-Template - Email-Coalition

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SC Classification:PUBLIC

Email #1

From: Peta
To: Alex
Subj: Request of expand rollout – risk

Hi Alex,

Regarding the request of the expansion we might consider the impact, rollout will yield
more accurate metrics and generate much larger profits if successful, the benefits
may not outweigh the risks as you have doing in our last meeting. Expanded rollout
would require pushing back the timeline, paying for more tablets and wiring, and
definitely more back of house hires. Limiting the rollout to the bar area will make it
easier to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and keep the project within the
original scope

Concerned about the potential risks we would convince Omar and Deanna to stick
with the original plan and limit the rollout to the bar area

Let me know how I can help


Email #2

From: Peta
To: Larissa
Subj: Request of expand rollout – risk

Hi Alex,

Regarding the request of the expansion we might consider the impact, rollout will yield
more accurate metrics and generate much larger profits if successful, the benefits
may not outweigh the risks as you have doing in our last meeting. Expanded rollout
would require pushing back the timeline, paying for more tablets and wiring, and
definitely more back of house hires. Limiting the rollout to the bar area will make it
easier to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and keep the project within the
original scope

Concerned about the potential risks we would convince Omar and Deanna to stick
with the original plan and limit the rollout to the bar area

Let me know how I can help


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