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Cleo L.

Flores Grade 11 Caregiving-Concern


Caregiving Earth & Science

Agricultural sciences, which deal with the processing and production of food and fiber. They
cover techniques for cultivating soil, growing and harvesting crops, raising animals, and
preparing plant and animal products for use and consumption by humans. Animals have been
working to meet this demand since more than 11,500 years ago, and both then and now, their
efforts align with humans' unceasing need to comprehend and manage Earth's ecology. Many
political figures around the world have realized.

The outcomes of widespread application of techniques have altered agricultural production. Six
individuals can bare-minimally generate enough food for themselves and four more persons in a
good harvest year under the prescientific agricultural conditions. One farmer in the United
States, for instance, is now able to feed more than 100 people thanks to advanced
technologies. By using better processing techniques, the farmer has been able to enhance
yields per acre and per animal, lower losses due to illnesses, pests, and spoilage, and boost net
production.Until the 1930s, labor-saving innovations like the cotton gin were the main
beneficiaries of agricultural research. However, crop production per acre grew significantly once
the yield potentials of the primary economic crops were increased through agricultural research.
For instance, the yields of corn, wheat, and soybeans per acre tripled, while those of soybeans
and farm productivity per hour increased by approximately ten times between 1940 and 1980 in
the United States as capital replaced labor. By enabling the transportation of food across longer
distances, new methods of food preservation also improved production efficiency by enabling
changes in the locations of production and consumption.

Summary: The Journal of Agricultural Science publishes papers concerned with the advance of
agriculture and the use of land resources throughout the world. It publishes original scientific
work related to strategic, applied and interdisciplinary studies in all aspects of agricultural
science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural

Opinion: In my own perspective we need to appreciate the little things like the farmers in our
country. Because without them,There is no way we could survive without farmers. The urban
population has no space to grow their own food products, or the plants and the animals that are
Living in this earth.

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