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“30 Days Banking

Ritual Challenge For

It shows gratitude and appreciation for another day of your life.
Next Fresh (brush and all) Fast and get ready for Meditation.

i. Sit upright on your bed with your legs crossed (as if you’re
Meditating). Close your eyes.

ii. Take 30 explosive breaths in and out through your nose,

While raising your hands up and down. Make sure to inhale
And exhale through your stomach and do it rapidly.

iii. Think of 3 things in your life that you are grateful for. Make
Sure at least TWO of them are small things that you can be
Grateful for (such as a rain drop or a pen), while the other can
Be big. By thinking of small things, you’re forcing yourself to
Find gratitude in all of the small things in your life.

iv. Do another 30 explosive breaths in and out through your


v. Think of 3 things you want to create in your life. It can be

things you want to create for that day, that week, that month,
year, or at any moment. It can be anything you want. Focus
and visualize those 3 things. See them as if they are real.
vi. Do another 30 explosive breaths in and out through your

vii. Spend a few minutes just meditating. Quiet your thoughts

And silence your mind. Feel totally at peace and at ease.

viii. Finish by thanking the energy source that created you, while
Asking for any healing or power for that day. Open your eyes.

70% of our bodies are made up of water.


Emotion is created by motion.

➢ Mission Statement

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that the
Purpose of my life is to be even more fully alive, grow and
Make a difference in 1 Million students to become a next banker/ get top
b-schools of India & To Achieve FREEDOM in Their LIFE!”

➢ Values & Rules

❖ Health and energy are my #1 value

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that I am

Healthy and energetic!”

❖ My rules/beliefs about what it takes for me to be

healthy & Energetic:

“I am healthy and energetic anytime I consume healthy fruits

And vegetables, or drink water, or do anything that enhances
my physical well-being.”
➢ Empowering Beliefs

“I love my life!”

“What I do today, shapes my today and creates my


“Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and fit feels!”

“I eat to fuel my body, not satisfy an appetite.”

“I am generous and loving every day!”

➢ Power Virtues

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that I

am confident!”

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that I

am determined!”

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that I

am loving!”

“I, Swapnil Tulaskar, see, know, hear, and feel that I

am happy!”

➢ Ultimate Vision/Goals

Whatever you focus on, you will move toward.

I am so happy and grateful now that by April {DATE}

❖ What am I happy about in my life right now?
❖ What am I excited about in my life right now?
❖ What am I proud of in my life?
❖ What am I grateful for in my life?
❖ What am I passionate about in my life right now?
❖ What am I committed to in my life right now?
❖ Who do I love? Who loves me?
❖ What am I going to give today?

➢ Primary Question

How can I become even better while appreciating even more?

of who I am and the love that is inside of me right now?

You don’t need a reason to celebrate. Celebrate everyday of
your life!


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India’s Biggest Online Banking School.
If you are looking to become a next banker in
Do Call 8459533869

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