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Name: ________________ Class IV ___ Date: ________ Roll no: ___

Q1] Answer the following-

a) Name the lesson from which this picture has been taken.

b) Who are the two people in the picture? Name them.


c) Is there a third character in the story? Name that person.

Q2] Why was the boy pretending to be ill? Do you think it was the right thing to
do? Give a reason for your answer.

Q3] Reference to Context:

“Poisoned! Let me see.”

a) Who said this to whom?


b) What did the speaker want to see?


c) What did she do after saying the above line?


Q4] What was wrong with Tom’s tooth?


Q5] What did Aunt Polly ask Mary to fetch?

Q6] Describe how Aunt Polly managed to pull out Tom’s tooth.

Q7] Complete the following sentences:

a) On his _______ to school, Tom _________ showed his tooth his tooth to
the boys.
b) They all _________that he was __________.

Q8] Suggest another title for the story.


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