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Paper / Subject Code: 31927 / Department Optional Course-l: Ad'r'ance Database Management Systenl
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T,e , CCornp 3l c seiTn-El R

ec Schetvne)
(3 Hours) ITotal ]Iarks: 801
N.B. : ( l)
Qucstion No.1 is cornpulsorl
(2 ) Attenrpt any three frorn tlrc rernaining
(3) Figurcs to the right indicate tirll marks
(4) .\ssunte suitable data if necessar-v

Solvc any four :- 20

(a) Drau' the neat diagranr of query proccssing.
(b) Describe query evaluation plan.
(c) Cornpare betrveen SQL and NcSQL.
(d) Write the clifferent parameters fbr measuring the cclst r,f query.
(e) Whaf is Graph database.

2 (a) Discuss the pha:;es of dishrbuted querv processing *'ith neiit iliagram . 10

(b) [:xplai n Tcrnporal database. i0

3 (a) Erplarn CAP Theorem NoSQL Databases 10

(b) XI\{L doculnent of 'Restaurant Menu Card' has fi''od iterns, categorized into 10
Starters, Drinks, Chrnese, South and Punlabi. Fach food itenr element
corrtai;rs nan-te, cost, calories and veg /rron-vcg 1laq. Write XML Schema for
above XML document.

(a) I}plain MangoDB Sharding. l0

(b) Explai;r ACID pr operties. 10

(a) Explain 2PC in detail rvith neat diagrarn? IO

(b) Extr;lain JSON Data Types. Give examplc cf .ISON document. l0

6 (a) Explain Spatial Database. r0

(b) E,xplain MongoDB CRUD Operations. 10



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