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1.Because he did not want to leave his newly-wed wife behind/in the village (or) (5 X 2 = 10)
Because of lethargy
2.Because marriage had increased his responsibilities and he got into debts
3. (B)
4. (B)
5. (C)

6. (B) (5 X 2 = 10)
7. (C)
8. (B)
9. (B)

11.The pie-chart gives information about 'Enrollment of Students in a College' (5 X 2 = 10)

12.500 students are enrolled for MBBS
13.A/B/C (250) - Add mark
14. (C)
15. (C)


16.Victoria, who is a precocious girl, loves her grandfather. (or)


Victoria, who loves her grandfather, is a precocious girl.

17.A special plastic device was invented by Nick's mother.
18.Since he had not worn shoes, his feet developed cracks. (or)
His feet developed cracks since he had not worn shoes.
19.(a) to
(b) of
20.(a) had already left
(b) had
21.You should not waste water./ It's not good wasting water. (or) Any relevant expression may
be considered for award marks.
22.Can you please solve the sum in this chapter?/
Can you please help me solve the sum in this chapter? /Please help me solve the sum in this
chapter. (or) Any relevant expression may be considered for awarding marks.
23. i) b
ii) a
24. a) objected
b) expend
c) purchase
d) unwillingly (add mark may be considered since there are two words under (d)
25. a - 5
26. a) trying
b) adapt
c) regrettable
d) solemnly
27. a) rec ei ve
b) prem iu m
28. a) bravery
b) perseverance
29. a) jewellery
b) enough
30. A) irritate; bother
B) verb
1.Ping - pong
2.Pitter - patter
3.Mish - mash
4.Tick - tack
1.Hodge - podge
2.Helter - skelter
3.Hanky - panky
4.Hurly - burly
32. 1) C
2) E

3) F

4) A
33. a) Conversation between Sarada and her husband on her returning home
Husband : Yemoi, you are back home. Thank god!
Sarada : Please don’t call me yemoi, geemoi. Call me by my name.
Husband : Have you got your name?
Sarada : Yes. I am Sarada, a graduate.
Husband : That’s fine. But, look at the state of the house in your absence. It looks like choultry.
Now that you have returned, it is like a festival for me.
Sarada : Just scrubbing the floor doesn’t make a festival. You should have cleaned the
house when I was away.
Husband : How can I do it? It’s your job, no?
Sarada : No need to think so. You are equally responsible to keep the house tidy.
Husband : Sorry, Sarada. Now onwards I will call you by your name and will share your burden.
Sarada : That’s fine. Let’s chalk out a plan to look after the household chores.
Husband : Ok, dear. Agreed. Relax for today. I will clean the house.
Sarada : Thank you for understanding and supporting me. I will rest till the children come
home and then cook food.
Husband : Ok, Sarada. Do as you wish.
b) Mr. Abel's diary entry expressing your agony over the behaviour of your daughters.
6th December, 2023
9.30 pm
Dear diary,
Today is an eye-opening day for me. My two daughters and my sons-in-law behaved very
selfishly. I had never expected that my own daughters would befool me like this. They don’t
have any concern for me. They love my property more than they love me. The thought of
remarriage had never come to my mind before. I think Mrs. John Sharrocks is the right person
for me. I hope she will take care of me. On Monday I will consult a lawyer to get my will altered.
Poor Victoria! She is the only person in this house who loves me. I will allot a part of my property
to her. I hope God will bless me with peace.
34. a) Letter to your friend inviting her to your elder sister's marriage.
6th Dec. 2023.
Dear Jyothi,
Hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am glad to inform you that my elder sister
Lakshmi's marriage is going to be performed on the night of 10th December, 2023 at VTR Grand
Marriage Hall, Vijayawada. The bride groom is the son of my father's friend. He did his B.Tech
and is currently working at Infosys, Hyderabad. He is a handsome and nice guy. Hope you
would come to me at least one day in advance of the ceremony. A separate wedding invitation
has already been posted to your parents. So, please ask them to make it convenient to attend
the wedding. Longing to see you soon, Bye....

Yours lovingly,

Ms. D.Jyothi,
Surya Apartment,

Mr. Rishi Sunak is a British citizen of Indian origin. He was born on 12th May in 1980 in
Southampton, England. His father Yashvir Sunak was a general practitioner and his mother
Usha Sunak was a pharmcist. Rishi Sunak had his education at Winchester College. He did his
graduation from Lincoln College, Oxford and completed his MBA from Standford University,
England. His spouse Akshata Murthy is the daughter of Mr. N.R. Narayana Murthy, founder of
the Infosys Company. Rishi has two daughters. He began his career as a business man and
later turned into a politician. Rishi Sunak was elected an MP from Richmond in 2015, 2017 and
in 2019. He was elected the Prime Minister of England in the recently held elections. Rishi is
the first Indian to become the Prime Minister of England. He represents the Conservative Party.
35. a) How much money was given as Sarada's dowry?/
How much money was offered by Sarada's parents as dowry?
b) Who took care of Sarada's two deliveries?
c) How many children does Sarada have?
d) What kind of person is Sarada's husband?
e) How are Sarada's children?
b) The given table gives information about 'The Results of a Survey Conducted on the Favourite
Sport of College Students.' The survey was conducted on games and sports. It says about the
percentages of college students who like different games. Cricket is the most favourite game
for most of the college students whereas kho-kho is the least liked game by some. Over fifty
percent of college students like cricket, kabaddi and tennis whereas football and kho-kho are
liked by college students less than fifty percent.
JNR - 9550188193


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