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first, firstly/secondly, thirdly in so far as: con tal de que: to extent that

at first/in the beginning: al principio in the end/finally/eventually_ al final, finalmente

para enumerar to begin with so far: hasta ahora, hasta cierto punto
right on cue: en el momento justo
next/then at every turn: constantemente, a cada instante
meanwhile: mientras tanto later/after that/afterwards: + tarde
because of: a causa de due to/owing to+nombre
causa o motivo was caused by: fueron originados por because/since/as
for this reason
in my opinion/to my mind: en mi opinion from my point of view/ in my view
opiniones as far as I am concerned it seem to me (that),
personally, to be honest from sb standpoint
contradicion I am against i don't agree with
a favor i am in favour of undoutedly
in addition/furthermore/moreover besides/as well
also, too al final de la frase all the more: más todavia
basically by the way, incidentally
añadir in any case/anyway At least: al menos
As regards/Regarding
for+sust/gerundio to, in order to/so as to+inf
proposito the purpose of with a view to, with the aim of, with the intention
so that/in order that+ oracion
however/yet/nevertheless althought/even though/though
para contrastar on the contrary/in contrast whereas/while

albeit: aunque
on the one hand, on the other hand in spite of/despite +n+ing
comparar similary/in the same way/likewise similar/almost identical to
both…and, neither, either in comparison with, For the sake of comparison,
so/thus therefore
resultado as a result/as a consequence  thereby: by that means.
Realidad in fact/as a matter of fact actually
generalizaciones in general/generally all in all
as a general rule, on the whole
for example/for instance such as/like
ejemplos particularly/in particular with the exception of
in conclusion in short/to sum up
conclusion on balance, all things considered, all in all in brief
In a nutshell on the whole
Talking of as i was saying
aclaracion obsiously this is to say

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