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“Connection Lost”_Worksheet- 9.º Ano «S.

João Bosco
“Connection Lost” Worksheet
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________No. _____ Class:______

Date: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Match the word to its definition.

1) Civilization ____ a) when 2 or more things happen at the same time in a

surprising or unusual way.
2) Complexity____ b) to work together
3) Foretell____ c) to say what will happen in the future, usually
magical (a fortune teller)
4) Exist____ d) to think something will happen
5) Expect___ e) to bring interest or attention
6) Catastrophic____ f) complicated
7) Extraordinary____ g) a terrible event
8) Cooperation____ h) people, nation, society
9) Skeptical ____ i) a statement about what will happen in the future,
usually based on information (a weatherman/woman)
10) Prediction____ j) be real, be alive, be happening
11) Coincidence____ k) to disagree or be doubtful
12) Stir up____ l) very unusual or surprising

2. Answer the questions about the text.

1) What is this article about? ______________________________________________________.

2) What is the Mayan Calendar and when was it created? __________________________.
3) Why did the Mayan Calendar stir up interest? ____________________________________.
4) What could have happened in 2012?____________________________________________.

3. Answer the questions about the text.

1) How do you usually spend New Years Eve? How about New Years Day?
2) What are you looking forward to in the New Year?
3) Was this year (2022) a good year for you? Why/Why not?

Ano Letivo: 2022/2023 Matosinhos

“Connection Lost”_Worksheet- 9.º Ano «S. João Bosco

Class Discussion
4. Here are 10 of some of the most important events in 2011. Can you think of more? Choose 1
event and talk about why it was important or not important. Share your ideas with the class.

1) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2) Argentina’s World Cup victory
3) Inflation returns
4) Iran uprising against hijab mandate
5) Covid restrictions ease around the world
6) Andrew Tate gets banned from social media
7) World population exceeds 8 billion
8) The death of Queen Elizabeth II
9) Victoria’s Secret features a model with Down syndrome.
10) Climate Change intensifies.

You can write your ideas here:


With your partner, make a prediction for the New Year. Do you think anything important will
happen? What do you predict in the future?

5. New Year’s Resolutions: A decision that you make on the first day of the year about things you
want to do or stop doing during that year.

How can you stick to your resolutions once you’ve made them?
Some people find it helpful to work with others and/or chart their progress and problems
Let’s work together to have a better year this year!

First, choose 4 goals you want to achieve in 2023 and then write the problems you might have, the
first one is done for you.

Ano Letivo: 2022/2023 Matosinhos

“Connection Lost”_Worksheet- 9.º Ano «S. João Bosco
Goals / Resolutions Problems Steps (with your partner)
1) I want to speak better I’m shy. I’m lazy. I don’t study 1. Try to relax in class.
English. much. I don’t pay attention in 2. Review your notes in the
class sometimes. morning.
3. Try to focus in class!
2) 1.
3) 1.
4) 1.

Now ask your partner for advice on how you can achieve your goal.

Ask : “I want to speak English better, What should I do?”

Answer: “First you should_____. Then you should_______. Maybe you should______.” Etc..
Write your partner’s advice.

Ano Letivo: 2022/2023 Matosinhos


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