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International Journal of Sustainable Development &

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Water, water, but not everywhere: analysis of

shrinking water bodies using open access satellite

Sachit Mahajan & Jenny Martinez

To cite this article: Sachit Mahajan & Jenny Martinez (2020): Water, water, but not everywhere:
analysis of shrinking water bodies using open access satellite data, International Journal of
Sustainable Development & World Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2020.1851803

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Published online: 26 Nov 2020.

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Water, water, but not everywhere: analysis of shrinking water bodies using
open access satellite data
a b
Sachit Mahajan and Jenny Martinez
Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;; bDepartment of Computer and Decision Sciences, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Antioquia, Colombia


The importance of water cannot be overstated. Not only it is essential for life, it is a vital Received 27 September 2020
resource for sustainable development. Water resource management is pivotal to ensure water Accepted 11 November 2020
security and sustainability. Having such water monitoring resources is challenging, especially in KEYWORDS
less developed countries that have limited resources. With the advancement in technology and Surface water; open data;
availability of open-access satellite data, there are opportunities to reinforce the abilities of sustainability; satellite data;
researchers and decision-makers to monitor and identify changes in water resources. In this decision making
work, we describe an easy to implement workflow for estimation of surface area of waterbodies
using open-access data from Sentinel-2 satellites. The method uses Normalized Difference
Water Index (NDWI) for surface water detection that is used to estimate the surface area of the
waterbody and analyse changes over a period of time. We develop four case studies based on
waterbodies in Spain, Morocco, and India to highlight how satellite imaging can effectively
help in estimating and visualizing the changes in water surface area. Temperature and rainfall
data are analysed to understand the impact of climate change on water resources due to
increase in temperature and changes in precipitation patterns. The proposed method is
validated by testing it on four additional lakes and comparing the results with publicly available
data. We show how open-access satellite data can potentially be used for regular monitoring of
waterbodies as well as filling the knowledge gap to assist in decision making at both local and
regional levels.

1. Introduction accessible to the regulatory bodies but can be easily

understood and implemented by people.
With the growing threat of global warming and climate
Technological advancements have made it possible
change, there has been an increase in the number of
to easily monitor environment at a wider geographical
extreme precipitation events all over the world. In
level like air quality monitoring (Mahajan 2018), water
addition to that, rapid urbanization and population quality monitoring (Nasirudin et al. 2011), urban sus­
growth have also put more world waterbodies under tainable transportation (Ahlgren et al. 2016) and insect
extreme stress (Vörösmarty et al. 2000). Water manage­ classification (Huang et al. 2018). That has led to devel­
ment is a key feature of a balanced ecosystem and it opment of data-driven applications (Mahajan et al.
has also been promoted by United Nations (UN) 2018, 2019; Duran-Rodas et al. 2019) and open tools
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 that discusses to bridge the gap between the researchers and com­
about water and its sustainable management as a key munity members (Juang et al. 2019; Mahajan et al.
for developing sustainable communities (Sørup et al. 2020). Satellite imagery has been used as a feasible
2020). It is also critical for addressing other SDGs like and reliable method, and an alternative to in situ mon­
SDG 2 which is related to food security and SDG 3 itoring (Yigit Avdan et al. 2019).
which is related to public health. Understanding Remote sensing satellites are capable of monitoring
water stress and building resilience to water scarcity changes and are widely used in applications related to
land cover change analysis (Stow et al. 2004; Wang
requires a good understanding of waterbodies (Stead
et al. 2009), water-level monitoring (Crétaux et al.
2014), demography and resources at regional and local
2011; Taravat et al. 2016), air quality monitoring
levels. Technological innovations and the availability of
(Hutchison 2003) and disaster management (Gitas
open access data can be considered as a potential
et al. 2008; Bello and Aina 2014). Satellite images are
solution for achieving sustainable development goals a valuable source of data for understanding atmo­
(Anadon et al. 2016). This can lead to development of spheric and environmental variations.
knowledge-sharing platforms that are not only Programmes like Copernicus and Landsat satellite pro­
gramme provide easy access to Earth’s surface images.

CONTACT Sachit Mahajan

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

The data sets are easy to access and can be retrieved Nevertheless, there are certain challenges that still
by using services like EarthData or Sentinel Hub need to be addressed like data reliability, accuracy of
(Militino et al. 2020). The increase in the numbers of water-level estimation methods (Sieck et al. 2007) and
high-resolution satellites and access to the data pro­ accessibility of information at grassroots level. In many
vides unprecedented opportunities to monitor the areas; particularly in developing and underdeveloped
changes in the earth’s environment. Data obtained countries, water-level monitoring networks are often
from remote sensing satellites can be considered as
sparse and under-equipped. This directly impacts the
a cost-effective method (Geyman and Maloof 2019) for
decision-making process that could lead to severe con­
estimating the surface area of the waterbody that not
only helps in monitoring the change in the waterbody sequences. In this work, we discuss how remote sensed
but can also help in quantification of water storage of satellite data can be integrated into creating an efficient
lakes and reservoirs (Schwatke et al. 2019). framework for monitoring waterbodies. We aim to add
It has been observed that surface areas of waterbo­ a sociological aspect to remote sensing where we have
dies are sensitive to environmental changes and can be described how open access data and tools can be used
considered as a source of understanding the gradual
to efficiently extract water surfaces. To the best of our
change in the earth’s eco-system (Mason et al. 1994; Zhu
et al. 2014). Satellite data have been widely used for the knowledge, there are limited works (Kämpgen et al.
analysis of water-level variations (Taravat et al. 2016). For 2014; Chalh et al. 2015; Buytaert et al. 2016) that have
water quality assessment, the algorithms usually use discussed the use of open or linked data for water
visible and infrared parts of the spectrum (Yigit Avdan resource management. Big data and technological
et al. 2019). There have been several water mapping advances are facilitating water resource sustainability
methods proposed over the years. The spectral water
in some parts of the world (Zhao and An 2018), but
index-based method has been considered a reliable and
that also opens up questions like how can we ”rethink”
cost-effective solution (Ryu et al. 2002). Among others,
the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) water resource management in areas with limited data
(McFeeters 1996) is considered to be an effective solu­ and ground-level monitoring resources. In this work, we
tion that uses the green and Near Infrared (NIR) bands of leverage open data to enhance water resilience, specifi­
satellite images. In (Birkett 1995), the author successfully cally focusing on the areas that are struggling with
implemented satellite radar altimetry to derive lake level water sustainability issues. As compared to traditional
changes. In (Nhu et al. 2020), the authors used space-
in-situ monitoring, we propose a cost-efficient open
borne remote sensing and GIS techniques to evaluate
the changes in water level of Lake Urmia. The authors data-based approach that can be potentially be used
analysed the Landsat imagery, temperature and preci­ to understand the change in water level by estimating
pitation data to understand the relation between envir­ the surface area with water, that could potentially com­
onmental factors and decreasing water levels. Machine plement the traditional monitoring methods. The sys­
learning has also been widely used for predicting water tem exploits the high-resolution frequently updated
levels of lakes where the authors have used neural net­
satellite data and open access tools (Aleksandrov et al.
works and genetic algorithms (Kisi et al. 2015; Khan et al.
2018) to design solution for analysis and estimation of
2016). In a recent work (Park et al. 2020), the authors
proposed a water-level estimation method combining surface area of waterbodies. Extraction of waterbodies
Sentinel–1 Synthetic Aperture Radar observations and and estimation of surface area is important as it offers
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission surface models. The the insight into environmental and human effects on
method was tested and validated on six reservoirs using waterbodies that can be essential for computing the
the altimetry data as the ground truth. The authors in change in the surface area as well as applications like
(Chipman 2019) demonstrated how satellite imaging
flood monitoring. A workflow for waterbody surface
data could be used for monitoring lake surface areas,
water levels, and volume for lakes in southern Egypt. area estimation and analysis based on NDWI is imple­
The authors also highlighted how the proposed method mented and evaluated using four case studies.
could potentially be used for other lakes and reservoirs Validation is performed by applying the proposed
that have experienced a decline in water levels due to method on four lakes in Texas, USA, and then compar­
evaporation. ing the estimated percentage surface area of lakes with
The access and use of high-resolution satellite data
the reference data. The results of the studies are used to
are already lowering the information barrier and open­
understand the complex patterns from the spatio-
ing up possibilities of technological innovation to pro­
vide useful information to a wider audience. temporal satellite data. The results give an insight into

how the reservoirs have changed over the years and temperature and regular draught conditions have
provide an opportunity to potentially utilize these adversely affected the dam.
insights for awareness, decision making, and promoting
Al Massira reservoir
better data-informed governance. The method can be
Al Massira reservoir is located in Settat province of
applied to other global water resources to understand
Morocco and is built on Oum Er-Rbia river. It is
and analyse the change in the water levels. The work­ Morocco’s second largest reservoir and supplies
flow is easy to implement and can be used by experts as water to many big cities including the capital
well as non-experts to analyse historical data and under­ Casablanca. Marrakesh, one of the biggest cities in
stand the change in water levels. Morocco also relies on Al Massira reservoir for its
water needs. It is also responsible for supplying water
for agricultural use around the area. The reservoir has
2. Materials and methods a capacity of 2,760,000 m3. The maximal depth of the
reservoir is 40 m and the length is 30 km (Atelghazi
2.1. Study area et al. 2019). Over the years, Al Massira reservoir has
In this work, we have considered four waterbodies been a center of attention due to the adverse effects of
around different parts of the world, namely: Spain, climate change and increase in the water demand.
Morocco and India. Figure 1 shows the indicative loca­
tions of the four waterbodies. These waterbodies are Osman Sagar lake
selected due to the availability of open-access satellite Osman Sagar lake is located in the city of Hyderabad,
data. Other important reasons behind selecting these India, and is one of the main sources of water for
waterbodies are the emerging sustainability issues1 residents of Hyderabad. It was created in 1920 by
related to these waterbodies that have adversely damming the Musi river. The area of the lake is around
affected the water ecosystem and are leading to 46 km2 and the reservoir is 29 km2. It has a capacity of
potential threats like decrease in he water supply to 110 million m3. It is not only an important source of
the region, reduction in vegetation and hydrological water, but also a famous tourist spot. With the growth
imbalance. in urbanization and less rainfall, the reservoir is under
threat (Ramachandraiah and Prasad et al. 2004).

Buendia reservoir Thippagondanahalli reservoir

Buendia reservoir (Embalse de Buendia in Spanish) is Thippagondanahalli reservoir is located in the city of
a reservoir in Spain and is located between the pro­ Bengaluru, India; a city of over 12 million people. The
vinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara. Buendia dam has reservoir is at the confluence of the Arkavathy and
been active since 1957 and has a capacity of Kumudavathi rivers. It is one of the main sources of
1,638.7 million m3. It is a major supplier of water to drinking water for people in western Bengaluru.
cities like Madrid. Also, it is one of the major sources for Constructed in 1935, the reservoir has a storage capa­
hydroelectricity production and caters to the needs of city of 95 million m3. Over the past twenty years, the
people in nearby towns. Increase in surface water level at reservoir has continuously decreased. As

Figure 1. Indicative locations of the four water bodies: (a) Buendia reservoir, (b) Al Massira reservoir, (c) Osman Sagar lake and (d)
Thippagondanahalli reservoir.

per the records,2 the last time the reservoir was full was for obtaining and analysing water-level data (Zupanc
in 1988. With the growth in urban development in et al. 2019). The original shape files of the waterbodies
Bengaluru and increase in water demand, the reservoir are obtained using the OpenStreetMaps. Data from
water level has continued to decline leading to major Land Viewer Earth Observing System4 (EOS) can also
sustainability concerns (Liu et al. 2019). be used to compare the water detection results. Land
Viewer provides free and easy access to the data
archives of Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1 and
2.2. Data MODIS. It is a simple to use interface where the user
In this work, we have used imagery data obtained from can simply input the dates and access the data from
Sentinel-2 satellites. Sentinel-2 is a high-resolution, multiple satellites.
multispectral imaging mission by European Space Additionally, temperature and rainfall data are ana­
Agency (ESA). The satellites sample 13 spectral bands. lysed to understand if there was any relationship
Out of those, four bands at 10 m, six bands at 20 m and between the change in water levels, temperature and
three bands at 60 m spatial resolution.3 Sentinel-2 rainfall. Monthly average temperature and rainfall data
satellites have sensors that can detect reflected light are considered for Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Marrakesh
from Earth’s surface. It includes not only visible red, and Madrid. The data are considered for the time
green and blue (RGB) bands but also NIR and Short period between April 2018 and March 2020. The data
Wave Infrared (SWIR). The data can be easily accessed is accessed using Weather API from World Weather
by using the tool called Sentinel Hub (https://www. Online.5 In this work, the Level-2A (L2A)
product of Sentinel-2 is used. The L2A data is atmo­
2.3. Method
spherically corrected. We considered the data available
between 1 April 2018 and 1 April 2020. The time period Water-level estimation workflow is shown in Figure
was kept consistent for all waterbodies but number of 3. It is based on eo-learn (Aleksandrov et al. 2018),
observation points were different for different water­ a collection of open source Python packages that can
bodies based on the availability of satellite data with be used to access and analyse satellite images. The
low cloud cover. High cloud cover affects the imaging workflow consists of several blocks that are designed
performance of satellite sensors as they are not able to to perform specific tasks. The first step deals with
penetrate the cloud that impairs their ability to provide defining the region of interest. In this particular case,
accurate data (Marshall et al. 1993). Figure 2 shows an it would be a waterbody for which historical and cur­
example of Al Massira reservoir on different days with rent data are available. Once the region of interest is
different cloud cover. It can be seen that when the selected, the next step is to acquire satellite data for
cloud cover is higher, it is impossible to accurately that region. We use the BlueDot Water Observatory API
estimate the geometry of the waterbody. This obstruc­ to download the geometry of the waterbody. The next
tion can adversely affect the accuracy of the algorithm. step involves putting the geometry in the bounding
The higher the cloud cover, the higher are the chances box so that relevant Sentinel-2 data can be down­
of wrong estimation of water levels. Therefore, in this loaded. For example, Figure 4(a) shows the actual geo­
work we discard the images with cloud cover greater metry of the Buendia reservoir. Once this step is
than 5%. Table 1 shows the available samples for all complete, the rest of the work flow is implemented
four waterbodies after images with higher cloud cover using the eo-learn package.
were filtered. To execute the workflow, RGB bands are down­
The geometries of the waterbodies are obtained by loaded to visualize the true color images of the water­
using BlueDot Water Observatory API that provides all bodies. Additionally, NDWI band combination is also
the satellite observations using a RESTful API. The downloaded that will be used for detecting water.
BlueDot Water Observatory is a service that uses NDWI is a widely used remote sensing index that has
Copernicus satellite imagery to provide historical and been used for monitoring agricultural drought (Sun
current information about water levels of waterbodies et al. 2013), detecting flood-affected areas (McFeeters
like lakes, dams, reservoirs, etc. It is a cost-effective tool 1996) and tasks like mapping waterbodies using high-

Figure 2. Different frames of satellite image of Al Massira reservoir with different cloud cover.

Table 1. Number of available data samples for different waterbodies.

Water Body Number of Samples
Al Massira Reservoir 101
Buendia Reservoir 67
Thippagondanahalli Reservoir 52
Osman Sagar Lake 98

Figure 3. Workflow for estimating surface area with water.

Figure 4. Buendia reservoir: (a) Water body geometry, and (b) Examples of how NDWI extracts water traces. Higher value of NDWI
correspond to higher water content.

resolution multi-spectral satellite data (Du et al. 2016). can be observed that some of the image patches have
In general, waterbodies tend to reflect very less in the lower intensity. This can happen when the image has
infra-red part of the spectrum. The NDWI will be able to significant cloud cover that obstructs the view of the
recognize any waterbody based on high absorption in ground. To tackle this problem and correctly estimate
the NIR band. NDWI is defined in equation 1: the water level, we would filter out clouds using the
cloud masks feature. Cloud mask feature is provided
Green NIR by Sentinel Hub and that is used to calculate the valid
NDWI ¼ (1)
Green þ NIR data mask. Here, valid data mean that every pixel of
For water surfaces, NDWI will usually be higher. the image would contain some data and it should be
Usually, a value greater than 0.5 would correspond classified as clear sky without clouds. In our workflow,
to a waterbody (Du et al. 2016). Figure 4(b) shows an we keep the cloud cover threshold at 5% which
example of how NDWI extracts water traces. Higher means that all the observations with cloud coverage
value of NDWI corresponds to higher water content. It of more than 5% are filtered out. The next part of the

workflow deals with the application of adaptive impact on the waterbodies all over the world. It has
thresholding to NDWI images. For this, we would been found that global warming can result in change
use the Otsu thresholding method that is a widely in the structure, water levels and even nutrient
used method to get an optimal threshold (Buma et al. dynamics of waterbodies and reservoirs (Jeppesen
2018; Huang and Jin 2020). It is an unsupervised and et al. 2015). There have also been cases where there
non-parametric method of threshold selection for pic­ is excessive rainfall due to climate change. It was
ture segmentation (Otsu 1979). It finds a threshold observed that for all four cities, the amount of rainfall
value from a bi-modal image histogram. The method increased in 2019 during the months of April to July as
is designed to differentiate between the foreground compared to 2018. This is a typical climate change
and background in an image by creating two separate scenario where an increase in temperature is followed
classes by having minimum inter-class variance. In by increase in the intensity of rainfall. In such cases,
some cases it is possible that there are smaller water­ one would expect that the water level would remain
bodies near the target waterbody boundary. The stable or probably increase due to excessive rainfall.
water detection and estimation part of the workflow But there have been certain scenarios where water
make sure that only water within the target water­ levels have reduced and there is no flooding even
body border is used for calculating water-level per­ after an increase in the rain intensity. Such a paradox
centage. The surface water-level percentage change is could potentially be due to drying of soil (Sharma et al.
calculated by using equation 2: 2018). This still remains an open topic as researchers
have been trying to understand the complex relation­
Current Water Surface Area
Surface Water Level % ¼ (2)
Water Surface Area at 100% Capacity ship between precipitation extremes, flood extremes,
catchment area and hydrologic conditions.
The above formula estimates the surface water-level
percentage by comparing the current water surface to
the water surface when the waterbody is at full 3.1. Case studies
3.1.1. Case study 1: Buendia reservoir, Spain
Figure 5(b) shows an example of how surface area
with water is estimated. The proposed methods esti­
3. Results
mate the surface area with water in red boundary and
In this section, we elaborate the results to show the also highlight the actual geometry of the waterbody
trends in water levels for different waterbodies over (grey boundary). The stress can be clearly observed
the period of two years. We have also considered the through the grey boundary in Figure 5(b) that shows
regional climatology of four major cities in the vicinity the part of the reservoir that has dried up. Figure 5(c)
of the waterbodies that are studied in this work. With shows the estimated surface area with water levels. It
the drastic global warming, there has been a direct can be observed that the reservoir water level has been

Figure 5. Buendia reservoir: (a) Monthly average temperature and rainfall data for Madrid from April 2018 to March 2020, (b)
Image patch showing the actual geometry of the water body and the estimated surface area with water, and (c) Percentage
Change in surface area with water.

below 60% over the past two years. No direct correla­ shown within the red boundary for data recorded on
tion can be observed from Figure 5(a) between water 24 January 2020. It can be inferred that Osman Sagar
levels, temperature and rainfall change. But the gra­ lake has been adversely affected by the overuse of
dual increase in the water levels after December 2019 water, rise in temperature and low rainfall over the
till March 2020 can be attributed to an increase in the years. As observed in Figure 7(c), the percentage of
average rainfall during this period as seen in Figure 5 surface area with water went down from March 2019
(a). The drop in the level of Buendia reservoir is sig­
till February 2020. Comparing the average rainfall in
nificant as it is a major source of hydropower genera­
2018 and 2019 in Figure 7(a), it can be observed that in
tion and low-water levels would mean higher
electricity prices. 2019 Hyderabad received more rainfall. As per the local
authorities, the reason for low water level was the lack
of rain in the Osman Sagar’s catchment areas.6 This is
3.1.2. Case study 2: Al Massira reservoir, Morocco
Figure 6(b) shows an example of the surface area a matter of concern as Osman Sagar is one of the main
with water and the actual boundary estimated by our sources of water for residents of Hyderabad and
workflow for images acquired on 1 February 2020. The a source of revenue generated through tourism. The
actual surface with water is highlighted within the red change in the water level has resulted in regional water
boundary. The grey boundary depicts the actual geo­ crisis and could potentially lead to indirect impacts like
metry of the reservoir. It can be observed from Figure 6 human migration, lower food production and biodi­
(c) that since April 2018, the water levels of Al Massira versity loss.
reservoir have been below 50% of the total capacity.
There has been a gradual decrease in the water levels
over the years and as of March 2020, the levels 3.1.4. Case study 4: Thippagondanahalli reservoir,
decreased to almost 30%. This is a drastic dip in the India
levels knowing the fact that the reservoir is a key Figure 8(b) shows the estimated surface area with
source of water for agricultural purposes. There can water of Thippagondanahalli reservoir on
be several reasons behind the dip in the water levels. 29 January 2020. The grey boundary shows the area
Based on the results in Figure 6(a), it can be observed around the edges that has dried out. As observed in
that since 2018 there has been a gradual increase in Figure 8(c), the reservoir was at its full capacity in 2018.
the temperatures as well as reduction in the average The first half of 2019 shows a drastic dip in the surface
rainfall that could have led to the shrinking of Al area with water. The drying up could be attributed to
Massira reservoir. an increase in temperature during the months of April
to June 2019 as shown in Figure 8(a). The surface water
levels started gradually increasing during the later part
3.1.3. Case study 3: Osman Sagar lake, India
of 2019 due to heavy rainfall. The fact that
Figure 7(b) shows the actual boundary of Osman Sagar
Thippagondanahalli reservoir is a major source of
lake in grey colour and the surface area with water is

Figure 6. Al Massira reservoir: (a) Monthly average temperature and rainfall data for Marrakesh from April 2018 to March 2020, (b)
Image patch showing the actual geometry of the water body and the estimated surface area with water, and (c) Percentage
Change in surface area with water.

Figure 7. Osman Sagar lake: (a) Monthly average temperature and rainfall data for Hyderabad from April 2018 to March 2020, (b)
Image patch showing the actual geometry of the water body and the estimated surface area with water, and (c) Percentage
Change in surface area with water.

Figure 8. Thippagondanahalli reservoir: (a) Monthly average temperature and rainfall data for Bengaluru from April 2018 to
March 2020, (b) Image patch showing the actual geometry of the water body and the estimated surface area with water, and (c)
Percentage Change in surface area with water.

drinking water for people in West Bengaluru, such considered state-of-the-art databases that have already
major fluctuations in the water level are a matter of been used by the researchers in the past like Global
concern. Reservoir and Lake Monitor (Keys and Scott 2018),
Hydroweb (Liu and Yue 2017) and ICESat-2 by NASA
(Xu et al. 2020) but there is no availability of historical or
3.2. Validation real-time data for the waterbodies that are analysed in
Validation of results is important for accuracy assess­ Section 3.2. We would like to emphasise here that the
ment of any method. To the best of our knowledge, very reason we chose those four waterbodies in the first
there are no open access surface water area data for the instance was the sustainability issues related to them
four waterbodies that we have considered. We and unavailability of sufficient reference/official data.

To address the validation issue, we tested the pro­ It can be observed from Table 2 that the average
posed method on four additional waterbodies that had percentage error in surface water-level estimation is
the satellite data as well as the reference water surface low for all the cases. Figure 9 compares the cumulative
area data available. The waterbodies were chosen distribution function (CDF) of the accuracy of the pro­
based on the availability of satellite data as well as posed method in estimating the surface area percen­
continuous reference data. We considered data for tage with water. The X-Axis shows the average
four lakes in Texas, USA during the time period of percentage error offset between the ground truth
1 January 2017 to 1 August 2020. The reference water (i.e., data from Water Data for Texas) and measure­
surface area data were obtained through Water Data ments obtained using the proposed method for four
for Texas7 that is operated by the Texas Water lakes. For Lake Buchanan and Navarro Mills Lake, 80%
Development Board. The database includes near real- of the observations have an offset below 1%. For Lake
time instantaneous water-level data for all the water­ Tyler, more than 90% of the observation have an offset
bodies in Texas. The database includes data related to below 4%. For Lake Lyndon B. Johnson, 80% of the
reservoir storage, percentage full, conservation sto­ observations have an offset below 5%. The low error
rage, conservation capacity, and surface area. We con­ rate validates the performance of the proposed
sidered the surface area (in acres) data from the method and shows that such method can potentially
database that includes time-series for data sampled be used to complement the conventional surface
daily. It was used to calculate the percentage change water-level estimation methods.
in surface area, which was later used for validation of
our approach. Table 2 shows the details of four water­
bodies, including the surface area, number of available 4. Discussion
samples and the validation result in terms of average
4.1. Consequences of shrinking water bodies
percentage error. Samples with over 5% cloud cover
were filtered. Also, for some days there was no data Water bodies around the globe are shrinking. There
recorded on the ground, so the satellite data samples can be various reasons but the most important are
corresponding to those dates had to be discarded. climate change, drought, urbanization and population

Table 2. Description of lakes, number of available samples and validation results.

Lakes Surface Area (Acres) Samples Estimation of Surface Area with Water (Average % Error)
Lake Tyler 4,900 42 2.4
Lake Buchanan 22,330 74 0.5
Lake Lyndon B. Johnson 6,273 46 3.5
Navarro Mills Lake 4,736 37 0.9

Figure 9. Accuracy assessment of the proposed method by comparing the results for four lakes with reference data.

growth. The consequences of climate change related collaboration with the ministries responsible for envir­
to water resources are mainly changes in the precipita­ onment management and share data and insights.
tion patterns and increase in the temperature. This Water-level monitoring and estimation are one such
directly impacts the people who live near the water case but there is potential to implement it for monitor­
sources and depend on their survival (Dong et al. ing other vital resources. With the technological
2008). Depending on regions, the climate change can advances, there is a huge potential to analyse high-
affect different places in different ways. For example, resolution satellite imagery data to understand the
the Aral Sea, formerly the fourth largest lake in area is changing environment. But, there are still many chal­
a well-known water management disaster case. lenges that need to be resolved before scaling up the
Between 1960 and 1987, the water levels of Aral Sea use of remote sensing data. These challenges are
decreased by almost 13 meters and the surface area mainly related to data acquisition, storage, interpreta­
decreased by 40% (Micklin 2007). This is just one exam­ tion and visualization. Most of the local and regional
ple where a major water source for irrigation dried up governments can benefit from a strong collaboration
due to the water management errors that eventually between satellite imagery experts and local/regional
triggered an environmental disaster with severe huma­ data centers. This could potentially help in capacity
nitarian consequences. It is well known that shrinking building as well as lead to data informed decision
reservoirs can have severe destabilizing consequences making. Developing and under developed countries
(Inogwabini 2017). Some of the regions might have could be the main beneficiaries, especially the regions
alternative water sources to maintain the water supply where the decision makers have limited technology
but for cities like Hyderabad and Bangaluru with over and resources. With the availability of open data and
10 million people and scarce water resources, the con­ tools, a strong collaboration with the local technologi­
sequences can be extreme. It could lead to mass migra­ cal community could be a step towards sustainable
tion, socio-economic issues as well as political resource management at local level.
disruption. Open satellite data and tools can provide
new opportunities for local and regional institutions
5. Conclusions
and support water resource management that could
include better monitoring, analysis and decision Shrinking of waterbodies is a global problem. The
making. worst affected regions are the ones that lack an effi­
cient data collection infrastructure and resources to
monitor and understand the hazards. This underlines
4.2. Capacity building for sustainable
the importance of capacity building at grassroots by
using satellite imagery data and open access computa­
With the growing challenges related to environment tional tools to translate the data into useful informa­
monitoring and sustainable development, satellite tion that can lead to data informed decision making. In
imagery has emerged as a viable solution (Streets this work, we show that NDWI based on Sentinel-2
et al. 1995). In this work, we have highlighted how imagery data can be successfully implemented for
open data and available technological tools can be extraction and estimation of water surface area of
successfully used to implement a workflow for mon­ lakes and reservoirs. We created a workflow to access
itoring and estimating surface area with water. We high-resolution satellite data that is then processed
have highlighted four cases where there has been using eo-learn open-source Python package to esti­
a significant change in the surface area with water mate surface area with water. To highlight how these
over the past two years. With the significant change open resources can be leveraged to understand and
in the climate all over the world, it is obvious that the support water-level management at regional levels, we
biggest impact would be on the people living in devel­ used four case studies considering four regionally
oping and under developed countries. This makes it important waterbodies around the world. With the
important to have tools and systems that can identify surface water-level estimation workflow, we were
the challenges related to water crisis, and provide able to provide insight into the trends related to
recommendations to facilitate multi-stakeholder part­ shrinking of waterbodies. The performance of the pro­
nerships in sustainable resource monitoring at local posed method was validated by testing it on four
and regional level. additional lakes. The results were encouraging, with
Missions like Copernicus Sentinel-2 are already pro­ average percentage error for surface area with water
viding accessible high-level data that can potentially estimation ranging between 0.5% and 3.5%. In parti­
be used to make significant contributions to themes cular, we were able to show that with the advance­
like land cover change monitoring and water-level ment in the satellite imagery and data accessibility, it
monitoring (Traganos et al. 2018). With the access to has become easier than ever to engage more actively
high-resolution data, it is possible to create commu­ with satellite data. Complex satellite data can be trans­
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