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Portuguese - Portugal Comprehension Test

Linguistic Operations

Exported on  04/30/2020

Linguistic Operations  –  Portuguese - Portugal Comprehension Test Guidelines

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Linguistic Operations  –  Portuguese - Portugal Comprehension Test Guidelines

Note: For this test, it is highly recommended that you use the Google Chrome browser1 as the audio clips are not
supported in other browser types. For future reference, Google Chrome2 is the most commonly supported browser
within Appen.

You will hear twenty (20) recordings and you need to type out what was said in each case. You can listen to each
sample as many times as you like, and you can review and change your previous answers before you submit the

Please read the following guidelines carefully before sitting for the test.

• Spell the words you hear as they would be spelled in a dictionary, and according to the new spelling reform "h
• No abbreviations should be used. All words should be spelled out in full.
• Numbers should be written out as words.
• Do NOT use sentence punctuation. Full stops, commas and question marks are NOT to be used.
Apostrophes / hyphens etc. are allowed if required for the normal spelling of a word.
• Do NOT use sentence capital-case. In other words, do NOT capitalise the first letter of a word just because it
is at the start of the sentence.
• DO capitalise the first letter of a proper noun, or any word usually written with a capital letter (e.g.,
"Michel"). Otherwise, all transcription should be in lower-case.
Important: Your test should be typed using the normal alphabet only. If you need to copy/paste characters into the
text box, make sure that they are copied only from a plain text editor (e.g., Notepad) in order to avoid formatting
problems. (Formatting problems will result in an error message and will not save your transcription.)

Good luck!


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