Car Dee

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The most important period of human development is from birth to eight years old.

During these

years, the development of cognitive skills, emotional well-being, social competence and sound

physical and mental health builds a strong foundation for success well into the adult years . The

write up seeks to justify the significance of a car toy to the development of a toddler .Key terms

to be defined

According to Ramsden (1992), learning and developing involves comprehending the world by

interpreting knowledge. Saljo (1979) goes ahead and define learning as storing information that

can be reproduced. For this essay learning is relatively permanent change in a person's

knowledge or behavior due to experiences.

First , role of car toy or items in the processes of teaching and learning at 3-4 level drives the

learning process into a profound developmental level with effect to child maturity. Thus, the use

of a car allows learners to engage in the learning process with the mind, the body and the

emotions fully involved. According to Wiltz and Nancy (2012) emotional learning is the chief

regulator of developmental education. The use of a battery power model of learning provide

children with indivisible involvement. The use of technologies drives the child’s mind as the

child make observations of nature in their realistic characteristics and this complement to child

understanding and development.

Car toys bring along various social advantages to the learners as they try to play with car

toy , they try perform the respective activities with their peers while guiding each and also

competing with each other. This acts as a platform to communicate their thoughts and feelings

thus giving them the ground to sharpen their respective communication skills in the same time
they know different modes of transports .Vygotsky supports that language is developed through

social interactions when playing with toys . In other words, learners get to develop in a cognitive

manner. When playing with bus toys children have to use imagination, creativity and play in

order to transport meaning to the audience. With toy activities children engage in enjoyable

interactions using verbal and non-verbal language. Such related activities help them respond

verbally to what they see and hear. Bruner (1994) supports that engaging in expressive

activities teaches children to construct messages with purpose and confidence using literacies

The car model provides learners with a large scale to explore and manipulate a concept in its

natural setting. The model puts learners on the actual ground exposes them to real and natural

worldly speculations. Some environments, elements and properties exist in mind of learners as

ideas such as cars whereas there is need for exposure to reality. Piaget in Kissel (2005) positions

that infants gain knowledge through total involvement in the environment using their senses.

Learners at ECD level are mostly along sensory- motor and pre-operational stage, in which they

use senses to understand the environment. A car item is credited as the most appropriate model

which enhances learning and development of a child concepts since it places learners in the

community while provide learners a large room to fully use their senses.

Playing with car toys solidifies social skills that are gained in a child’s early developmental

years. When children play with toys , they learn to communicate with one another kindly and

cooperate. By taking care of a bus , they learn how to take care of one another. By learning

important social skills at an early age, children are learning responsibility as well. They learn
how to take care of a car toy by playing with it. Learning this skill can help children learn to

care for their pets, or older siblings more readily understand how to care of their younger

siblings. Another important social skill that children learn when playing with bus is how to

process emotions such as empathy and compassion. Just like caring for their teaches

responsibility, it teaches them to empathize with those around them and allows them to grow up

into caring people.

Ekiri (2007) states that the teacher must plan activities that relate to what learners know and

experience every day to develop their minds, use model like car that is familiar to learners or

found in develops them, point out that play is children’s work. More so, in Darling (2004) he

states that for children development children learn through play with equipment’s and the car is

one of them using a car to play while driving is a unifying mechanism and that reason is the

most spiritual activity to a child. This implies play way method forms a strong foundation for

language skills acquisition. As learners do these activities, help them to tell differences in sound

by identifying source of sound the car is producing, they will respond to vibrations as they

perceive Hence language skills developed in them. So, this car model method become vital in

acquisition and fostering of development in four to 5 years old learners.

The car item help learners in their classroom as it encourages socialization among learners while

they play with it showing each other hence developing social skills. Social interaction plays a

fundamental role in the development of cognition and emotional understanding in the 3-4year

old. According to Bandura (1992) social learning modeling behavior process is performing and
practicing the positive behavior that is observed. The boat truly applies to social learning because

it drives to real play.

Therefore, this assignment focused on how the teacher can use the car for learning and

development of 3-4 olds , It helps in developing the learner’s social skills, language

development and cognitive development as well


 Bruner, J and Paul, R. (2009) Foundation of critical thinking journal of developmental


 Ekiri , A. S. (2007). Montessori: The science behind the genius. New York, NY: Oxford

University Press.

 Ramsden,P.(1992). learning to Teach in higher education. London :ROUTLEDGE

 Saljo,R.(1979)"Learning in the learners Perspective.I."Some common-sense

conceptions". reports of the institutes of education, University of Gothenburg,76.

 Wiltz F. and Nancy W.(2012) What do you do in child care. Children perceptions of high

and low quality classrooms. London Batsford

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