10 Activities of Maths

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PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE + Relation: If A and B are non-empty sets, then any subset of A x B will be called a relation from A to B. = Types of Relation: A relation R on a set A is the— (i) universal relation on A if R= Ax A (ii) identity relation on A if R = ((a, a) :a¢ Aj (iii) void relation on A if R = 9 '* Arelation R on a non-empty set A is called (i) reflexive if a Ra for every a ¢ (ii) symmetric if a Rb then b Ra id) transitive if a Rb and b Rc, then a Re * Arrelation R on a non-empty set A is called an equivalence relation if the relation R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive MATERIALS REQUIRED é * Drawing sheet . * Some pieces of threads = * Sheets of white paper + Glue (@) To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in @1 banda, be L) i PROCEDURE ‘Take a cardboard and paste a white sheet of paper on it. *-Fix the threads randomly on the board with the help of nails. +8.Some of the threads are parallel, some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined | *8shown in Fig. 1.1 ii . plane, defined as ((a, 6): symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive. the wires represent the lines Jy, ly, +». _ is perpendicular to each of the lines /,, ly, /5 [see Fig. 1.1.] is perpendicular to J, and J,. Liha ih +l, 1l, ll, 1,1, il ltl, refore, the given relation R is symmetric. Hitjandi,11,>1, 11, it is not true, because /, is parallel to /,. Therefore, the given relation R is not & a ee - °F all tines in a plane, defined by R (6) To verify that ¢1 he relation Rj = 1G, m) =I) m) a San equivalence retati PROCEDURE 2. Fix some threads rando orate sheet of paper oni ofthem are porate to caep'Pe® with the help of nails such that some ad other and some are inclined (ref, Fig. 1.2), Fig. 1.2 DEMONSTRATION 1. Here the threads are represented by the Times Ly, boy ay L 2. Line 1, is perpendicular to each of the lines /, 8. Line 1, is perpendicular to 1, 4 Line 1, is parallel to dy, ly is parallel to 1, and 4, Be (las by) Uy, Uh (gy Uys © R. 7 lay Uay Uy (ref. Fig. 4.1). is parallel to J. OBSERVATIONS, 1, We know that every line is parallel to itself. So the relation R = {(!, m) relation (is/is not) Gp 2. In Fig. 1.2, observe that J, il ly. Is ly Til mt... reflexive So, (yl e R => Uy by) . R(@/e) Similarly, Uy W lg Ts by nn 4? Off So, Uy Lye R = Uy ly) . R(ele) and Uys by) © R= (gy Us) .R(@/e) ; ‘The relation Roo... symmetric relation (is/is not) 1? tsp & In Fig. 1.2, you observe that fy y and lly 18 fy wonsosonn fy? LI le) $0, Ug, Ly) © Rand (ly, fy) € R= Uy ly) weennns RUCME - —_— asses Similarly BH Ey and 2H ly WS ly seeeeene 2 LD So, Ig WE Ry) R= (ly RiGie) lation R transitive relation (is/is not) Thus, the Hen ©, the relation Ris reflexive, symmetric and transitive. So, R is an equivalence y ati PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE This ity is useful in understanding the concept of an equivalence relation, RESULT We have verified the relation R in the set L of all Hines in a plane, defined by R= (Um .1, is an equivalence relation. . STUDENT ACTIVITY _ Students can repeat the same activity by taking some more threads in different positions momblvaeloce..c. Q. 1. What do you mean by relation R ina set | Q. 4. Write an example of a relation which & a? symmetric but neither reflexive mr Ans. Relation R in set A is any subset of (A x A). transitive. Ans. Consider set A = (a, 6, cl, then the relatioy . R = ((a, 6), (6, a)) set A is symmetric Ans. A relation R on a non-empty set A is called Ee eee oe ee tat symmetric if a R b then 6 Ra, where a, 6 eA Q. 2. Define a symmetric relation because (a, a) ¢ R. ). 5. What do by an equivaler Q. 3. Define a reflexive and a transitive retations. | ido} yous mean) by, relation? ive: elatic yn a non-em| | 7 Ane, Reflexive: A’ relation Ran a nonempty | Ans, A relation R on set A is said © M8 set A ie called a reflexive fe Ra for every | equivalence relation if and only if ae reflexive, symmetric and transitive A. relation on a non-empty set A is called a transitive if a Rb and bRe then a Re, where a, be € A, PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE __ + A function f: A > B is called a one-one function if th also distinct elements of B, one element of A, MATERIALS REQUIRED © Cardboard + Nails + A practical workbook + Strings + Adhesive * Plastic strips + A geometry box ete. PROCEDURE 1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix three nails on it as shown in Fig. 2.1. Name the nails on the strip as 1, 2 and 3. 2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix two nails in the plastic strip as shown in Fig. 2.2. Name the nails on the strip as a and b. 3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the right strip ref. Fig. 2.3. 7 Take the set A= (12, 3) . 5. Take the set B= (a, I respondence elements of B a: pi 6. Join the correspondence elements of A to the corresp* 'S Shown in kip», OBSERVATIONS - L. The image of the clement 1 of set A in set Bis + The image of the clement 2 of set A in set B is ... The image of the clement 3 of set A in set B is .... So, Fig. 2.3 represents a image in B. So, the function is ..... 2. Every clement in A has a. + (ONE-one/no o, 8. The pre-image of each element of B in A (onto/not onto). Hence, the given funetion is onto, As the function f: A > B, where A = (1, 2, 3} and B = jg defined as / = ((1, a), (2, 6), (3, 6)} is not one-one but onto. +. (exists/does not exists). So, the function, PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE. This activity can be used to demonstrate the concept of one-one and onto function. Note: Demonstrate the same activity by changing the number of the elements of the sets A and B. RESULT We have demonstrated a function which is not one-one but onto. To demons ‘rate a function which is one-one but not onto, OBJECTIVE | ) To draw the graph of sin-'-x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concep, i reflection (about the line y = x). Miro, PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE __ + Values of inverse trigonometric functions (a) For x © [-1, 1], we have sin“ x = 0 if sin 0 = x and 0 € | (6) For x © [=1, 1], we have cos~! x 0 if cos 6 = x and 0 € [0, ml. (c) For x € R, we have tan"! x = @ if tan @ = x and 0 € (- %). (d) For x € R, we have cot"! x = 0 if cot 0 = x and 0 € (0, 2). (e) For x € R —(-1, 1), we have sec! x = 0 if sec @ = x and 0 € [0, m] — (w/2) (f For x € R —(-1, 1), we have cosec x = 6 if cosec 0 = x and 0 € [ _ ‘| ~ (01. If x is positive or zero, then the values of all inverse trigonometric functions wil lie in (0, 7/2}. If x is negative, then the values of sin! x, tan! x, cosec”! x lie in (- 2, 0) and the values of cos"? x, cot“! x, see~ x will lie in (w/2, rm]. MATERIALS REQUIRED. * Cardboard * Graph paper + Ruler * Coloured pens * Adhesive * Pencil + Eraser + Cutter + Nails + Thin wires + A geometry box ete. PROCEDURE 1. Take a cardboard of any convenient size. 2. Paste a graph paper on the cardboard, 20 ay ne ee eTaPh, draw two a lines XOX and YOY" (ref. Fig. 3.1). "* hich are perpe dicular to each other and denoted by Fig. 3.1 ‘4 Graduate the axes approximately as shown in Fig. 3.1 by taking unit on X-axis the unit of Y-axis. 1.25 times 5. Mark approximately the points (* sin®)(E gin ®) (nae ; 5 (Bsin 2),(E sin 4), [F-sin 3) in the coordinate plane and at each point fix a nail, 6. Repeat the above process on the other side of the x-axis, making the points 7 "s . in | |, SF sin = ],...,(—, sin) approximately and fix nails on these points as BP nF oo Bn) ? Pi, Ps, Ps, Pj, Also fix a nail at 0. 7. Join the nails with the help of a tight wire on both sides of x-axis to get the graph of sin.x from ® =F ig® 22 8. Draw a graph of the line y = x (by plotting the points (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), . ete. and fixing a wire on these points), 8. From the nails P,, P,, P,, Py, draw perpendicular on the line y = x and produce ieee een that length of perpendicular on both sides of the line y = x are equal. At these points fix nails, QQ, Qyy Q other and fix the nails at, 10. Repeat the above activity on the 11, Join the nails on both sides of the line y = x by a tight wire that will sho sin ty. We Gg 6 the graph DEMONSTRATION __ Put a mirror on the line y = x. The image of the graph of sin x in the mirror will re graph of sin~! x showing that sin"! x is mirror reflection of sin x and vice versa Present the OBSERVATIONS ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is .. ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is ... ‘The image of point P, in the mirror (the line y = x) is .. ‘The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y = x) is ‘The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y The image of point P; in the mirror (the line y The image of the garph of sin x in y = x is the graph of of sin"! x in y = x is the graph of .. : . and the image of the graph PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE Similar activity can be performed for drawing the graphs of cos x, tan“ x, ete. RESULT. We have understood the concept of mirror reflection and drawing the graph of sin“! x N STUDENT ACTIVITY To draw the graph of tan“ x, using the graph of tan x and demonstrate the concept of mir reflection. OBJECTIVE __— oe To sketch the graphs of a* and log, %, a > 0, a #1 and to examine that they are mirror images ofeach other. pREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE If log, x=y then x =a Concept of coordinate axes and plotting the points on it. MATERIALS REQUIRED. Drawing board * Geometrical instruments Drawing pins + Thin wires Sketch pens * Graph paper Adhesive © Pencil Eraser * A plane mirror Squared paper PROCEDURE 1 2. 8, Take a drawing board and paste a graph paper of convenient size on it with adhesive. Draw two perpendicular lines XOX’ and YOY’, depicting coordinate axes. Mark graduations on the two axes as shown in Fig. 5.1. Find some ordered pairs satisfying y = a* and y = log, x. Plot these points corresponding to th ordered pairs and join them by free hand curves in both the cases. Fix thin wires along thes: curves using drawing pins. Draw the graph of y = x, and fix a wire along the graph, using drawing pins. Fig. 5.1 6. For a®, take a = 2 (say), and find ordered pairs satisfying it as 6 and plot these points on the squared paper and fix a drawing pin at each point. 7. Join the bases of drawing pins with a thin wire. This will represent the graph of 2*. 8, Now log, x ¥ gives x = 2", Some points satisfying it are: ] T, 2 a 1 | 2 | 4 1 oft Le Plot these points on the squared paper and fix a drawing pin at each plotted point. Join the bases of the drawing pins with a thin wire. This will represent the graph of log, * 9. Draw the graph of line y = x on the square paper. 10. Now, place a mirror along the wire representing y = x. It can be seen that the two graphs of the given functions are mirror images of each other in the line y = x OBSERVATIONS 1, Image of ordered pair (2, 4) on the graph of y = 2° in y = x is It lies on the eraP ofy= h 2, Image of the point (8, 3) on the graph y = log, x in y = x is scsuee Which lies on the &t@? ofy=. Repeat this process for some more points lying on the two graphs. PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE understandin, ing thy ‘h other in y= This activity is useful in which are mirror images of eae RESULT, We have sketched the graphs of @ and log, x, as 9 N STUDENT ACTIViTy —— To established a re! lationship be een common logant . (ta the base) of the mumbo mon Togarithan (tothe ME Voto Q. 1. Define logarithms, and x is a ry ane an, Q@ 2 If log, x Ans. 24 = 16. . 3. Fine € value of log a. OS Find the vat f log, as. Q 4. The value of log, 16 = . | Ans, Ans. 4 Q.5. Fill in the blanks Q 9. log,m xn = Ans. log, (m xn) = log, m + log, An Q 6. Fill in the blanks. | 7 fog, m — log, n = a8 Ans, log, | a= n “1 and examined their mirror images, base 10) and natural logarithm Write the logarithmic series, The logarithmic series is: log (1+) ee Bot ty Stee ere 23 ats “| What is the condition of the logarithmic expansion(a)? The logarithm ie expansions are valid, iff Ike Write the condition for a b log $+ log? = tog (a + 6), on 5 + log > = tog ‘The required condition is @ + 6 = 1, Find the value of logy, 27, 3 aa OBJECTIVE To find analytically the limit of a function fix) at x = c and also to check the cons, function at that point. Continuity of y, PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE * Concept of limit of a function * Concept of continuity of a function + Continuity at a point: A real function fis said to be continuous at a point in its dom if the limit of the function at the point a equals the value of the function at a i lim f(x) = fla) Otherwise the function is said to be discontinuous at x = a, if the function is not continyo atx =a. MATERIALS REQUIRED + White sheet of papers + Pens * Pencils * Calculator PROCEDURE ne 1. Consider the function fix) = | x-4" . 8 x24 foie 4) wht 2. Take some points on the left side of c(= 4) and some points on the right side of = + are very near to c. 3. Find the corresponding values of fix) for each of the points considered in step 7 4. Record the values of points on the left and right side of c as x and the corresponsi" * of fix) in a form of a table. 5, The values of x and /(x) are recorded as follows: gable 1: For points on the left of ¢ (= 4), ry 9 3 3.999 | | | x | 39 3.99 | 3.999 | 3.9999 | 99900 | s.o99000 | s 9999900 [ap | 79 | 799 | 7.999 | 9000 i SoaaT | soncon] I as0sor ola 6, Table 2: For points on the right of ¢ =» | 4 4.01 | 4.001 | 4.0001 | 4.00001 | 4.000001 | 4.0000001 | fo) 81 sor | S001 8.0001 | 8.00001 | 8.000001 | 8.000001 OBSERVATIONS 1. The value of fix) is approaching to 2. The value of fx) is approaching to ~ 4 from the left. ~ 4 from the right. 8.80, Tim fix) = « and fim, fix) = 4 fd) = 4, Therefore, lim f(x) 5.18 lim fix) = 4) ..2 (Yes/No) at x = 4 (continuous/not continuous) 6. Since fic) = lim f(x), so, the function is PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE _ This activity is useful in understanding the concept of limit and continuity of a function at a point. RESULT Here, we have found that left hand limit, right hand limit and the limit value at 4 are same ie, lim flax) = lim fix)=lim fix) = 8 = aa ma ‘The function is continuous at x = 4. a N STUDENT ACTIVITY (a) To verify that for a function f to be continuous at the given point xo, Ay = fixy + AX) ~ fix) is arbitrarily small provided Ax is sufficiently small (6) If you are given a function fix) at x= 2, find & Hint: lim fix) = Jim (24h) Also, f2) =k (given) Since fix) is continuous at x = We have lim fix) = 2) = ‘ skie,k = Q. 1. Is every constant function a continuous function? Ans. Yes. Q. 2. What do you mean by continuity at a point? Ans. By definition, a function fix) is said to be continuous at a point x = if lim fix) = flay a of its domain Q. 3. Define left function ) Ans, Left hand limit: Left hand limit of f(x) 8 x — a exists and is equal to 1, if as x ‘“pproaches a through values smaller than @ the values of fix) approach a definite “nique number 1, which can be written as Jim fix) = 1 hand and right hand limit of a Ans. Q.5. An Right hand limit: Right hand limit « Ax) a8 x a exists and is equal tori * approaches @ through values sre” than a, the values of x) approach’ definite unique real number r, which be written as lim fix) few . Sum, difference and product of ©, isi! 5 sous. continuous function is continu’ true? Yes, it is true. Find the domain of the function st resents fia) = —— —, where it re? x 5x46 continuous function. R ~ (2, 3) int of inflection. thod: i ‘met the sign of f(x) changes from +ve to —ve as x Increase ‘itical value x = a, ‘aximum value. fia) is a local ™ i TAC _ye to +ve as x increases First derivative p If for a particular &r through x = a, then iy If for a particular critical val through x =a) then la) isa (ii) If for a particular oP =a, then fla) is vative method: the sign of /“() changes from not change as x increases throu =a, the sign of F mum value. ‘itical value * | maxim either a local Second deri articular critical value is a local s a local minimum vé xed, | maximum value. alue. e first derivative method is used to study the For a P: wpa) <0 = Radi ifr >0 = Radi Giiy f(a) = 0. or © => The test fails and th nature of fla). MATERIALS REQUIRED. «A piece of plywood « Wires + Fevieol + Adhesive «White sheet of paper ete. PROCEDURE oe _ Take a piece of plywood of a suitable size Cut off t es Lut off two pieces of wires each of length 30 em and fix them on th e papel on it. and paste a white sheet of paper ywood i ron P| nthe re form of x-axis and y-axis, is curved 8 ts 7 itable length and bend it in the shape of curve. Fix th 3. Cut off another wire of s also 1s0 on the white paper pasted on plywood (ref. Fig. 10.1). ant 4. a Cut off five more (ref. Fig. 10.1), OBSERVATIONS 2 = 10, u, 12, » Sign of the slope of the tan, - Sign of the first ihe log, rst derivative at a point on the curve to the immediate Reighbourhood of A and on the left of Ae = Sign of the slope of the tangent i.e. first derivative at a point on the curve to the immediate neighbourhood of A and on the right of A ie a - Sign of the fi rst derivative at a point on the curve to immediate neighbourhood of B and on the left of Bis, right of B is “ive at a point on the curve to immediate neighbourhood of C and on the Sign of the first derivative right of C is Sign of the firs left of D is at # point on the curve to immediate neighbourhood of C and on the * derivative at a point on the curve to immediate neighbourhood of D and on the ‘8M of the first derivative at a point on the curve to immediate neighbourhood of D and on the Fight of D is Sign of the first derivative at a point nmuodiets inthe right of Pig oto” the left of P is and immediate neighbourhood of P and on A and B are points of local © and D are points of local Pisa point of a - sabia is PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE 1, This activity may help in explaining the concepts of points of local maxima, local mini ; inflection, a 2, The concepts of maxima/minima are useful in problems of daily life such as making Okey, of maximum capacity at minimum cost. RESULTS 1. Tn Fig. 10.1, wires at the points A, B, C and D represent tangents to the curve and are Paral to the axis, ®. The slope of tangents at these points are zero, i.e. the value of the first derivative at thee points is zero, 3. The tangent at P intersects the curve. ‘* Sign of the first derivative at points A and B changes from negative to positive. So, they are the points of local minima. 5. Sign of the first derivative at Points C and D changes from positive to negative. So, they an the points of local maxima. 8. Sign of first derivative at point P does not change. So, it is a point of inflection. s STUDENT ACTIVITY (a) To understand the concepts of absolute maximum and minimum values of a function in a given closed interval through its graph. (6) The manufacturing cost of an item consists of € 900 as overheads, 2 the material costs ¢ 3 pet x item and labour cost 175 for x items produced. How many items must be produced to have minimum average cost? icgsaMllVE M968 sen, QI. Define the point of local maxima of a ivative of # Ans. When the value of the derivative function y = fix) function at a point A changes from -‘° ght of Ans. When the value of the derivative of a +ve when we move from left ool function at a point A changes from +ve to point A, then the point A is calle ~ve when we move from left to right of local minima. value? point A, then the point A is called point of Q. 3. What do you mean by maximum va! local maxima. jue eval Ans. Let /ix) be a continuous function. ae if of fla) is said to be a maxima valves fa) is greatest of all its values rd of @ of x lying in some neighbourhoo Q.2, Define the point of local minima of a function y = fix). _SBJECTIVE To construct an open box of maximum volume from a given rectangular sheet by cupins squares from each corner. uy PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE * Basie paper folding activities. * Formulae of area and volume of rectilinear solid figure. MATERIALS REQUIRED * White chart paper * A pair of scissors * Cellotape * Calculator « Geometry box « Fevistik ete. PROCEDURE 1. Take a rectangular white chart paper of size 40 cm x 30 cm and label it as LMNO, 2. Cut four squares of side x cm each from corners L, M, N and 0. 3. Make an open box by folding its flaps using cellotape/fevistik. x ON x x 10m x 20cm’ x M Fig. 11.1 DEMONSTRATION __ 1. When x = 1, Volume of the box = 38 x 1 x 28 = 1064 2. When x -5, Volume of the box = 37 x 1.5 x 27 = 1498.5 3. When x = 1.8, Volume of the box = 36.4 x 1.8 x 26.4 = 1729.7 50 ee 5. When «= 2.1, Volume of the box = 85.8 x 241 x 2h. = 1939.6 6. When x = 2.2, Volume of the box = 35.6 x 22 x 25.6 = 2004.9 7. When x = 2.5, Volume of the box = 35 x 2.5 x 25 = 2187.5 When + = 8, Volume of the box = 34 x 3 x 24 = 2448 5, Volume of the box = 30 x 5 x 20 = 3000 em? 29 x 5.5 x 19 = 3030.5 em? 28.6 x 5.7 x 18.6 = 3032.17 em? 13, When 28.4 x 5.8 x 18.4 = 3030.8 em? Clearly, volume of the box is maximum when x = 5.7. 9, When © 10, When x 11. When x = 5.7, Volume of the box 8, Volume of the box 5.5, Volume of the box 1 OBSERVATIONS Volume of the open box (when x = 6) 2. V, = Volume of the open box (when x = 1.9) 3.V = Volume of the open box (when x = 2.1) 2.2) Volume of the open box (when x = 2.4) Volume of the open box (when x = 3.2) " Volume of the open box (when x 7. Volume V, is .. than volume V. 8, Volume V, is . than volume V. 9. Volume Vy i8 seen than volume V. 10. Volume V, is than volume V. 11, Volume V5 is sos than volume V. So, volume of the open box is maximum when x = Alternatively: Let V denote the volume of the box. Now, V = (40 — 2x) (80 ~ vx or V = 1200x ~ 140x? + 4x? w 200 ~ 280x + 12%, For maxima or minima, we have, a =0, ie. 3x? — 70x + 300 ie ae = 104 4900 = 3600 17.7 or 5.7 Reject x=1T7 = 280 + 24e When x av = 5.65, —~ is negative. oe is neg Hence, y "ee. V will be maximum at x Br MATHEMATIog i RESULT_ We have verified and found the point when volume of an open box is maximum STUDENT ACTIVITY To show that the isoscel es triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a ven Gg an equilateral triangle. Hint: Let ABC be an isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle. Let the radius of a circle bey Let AB = AC A Tes on the diameter perpendicular to BC and passing through BO. Let ZOAC =6 20C = 52800 = $2zBac) = ZBAC = 2Z0AC = 90 Now to prove that @ = ee wmMiva Voce QL. What is the first property of Maxima and Minima? - Yes, by cutting squares from each c of the rectangular sheet, then by x : the rectangular flaps we will get # Ans. If the given functio n fix) is continuous in its domain, then at least one minima and fo : rove jr - 4. Wh sic conditions to P one maxima must lie between two i Q 4. Wi at are the basic oo values of x maxima or minima? Q. 2. What is the second Ans. 7 the The second derivative test oe 8 condition to prove local m# certain point. Property of maxima minima? and cuboid. Ans, Volume of a cuboid pet vadth * Length x Bre | | He une : & 5. Write the formula to find the pcrive_— ; he time when the area of a rectangle of given dimensions becomes maximum, if the 0 fin asin and the breadth is increasing at given rates. tength 1S es) RE: REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE pret | ify = fx), then = rate of change of y wart. x = rate of change of y w.r.t. x at xy dk le=n MATERIALS REQUIRED » Chart paper » Paper cutter + Seale © Pencil «Eraser * Cardboard ete. PROCEDURE L Take a rectangle A, (say) of dimensions 16 em x 8 cm. 2, Suppose that the length of the rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 1 cm/second and the breadth is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/second. Cut other rectangle A,, Aj, Ay, Ag, Ag Az Ags Ag, ete. of dimensions 15 em x 10 em, 14 em x 12 cm, 18 em x 14 em, 12 em x 16 em, 11 em x 18 cm, 10 em x 20 cm, 9 em x 22 em, 8 em x 24cm (ref. Fig. 12.1). Paste these rectangles on a cardboard. ~ » 6. % igs 9. 10. i. 12. 13. Fig. 12.1 Length of the rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 1 cm/s and the breadth is increasing att, rate of 2 cm/s. Area of the given rectangle R, = 16 x 8 = 128 cm’ 15 x 10 = 150 cm? (after 1 sec.). ‘Area of rectangle A, ‘Area of the rectangle A, = 168 cm? (after 2 sec.) 182 cm? (after 3 sec.) Area of the rectangle A, = 192 em? (after 4 sec.) Area of the rectangle A, = 198 cm? (after 6 sec.) Area of the rectangle A, = 200 cm? (after 6 sec.) Area of the rectangle A. Area of the rectangle A, = 198 cm* (after 7 sec.) and so on, Thus, the area of the rectangle is maximum after 6 sec. OBSERVATIONS. 2» = Ss 4 5. 6. a 8. 9% Area of the rectangle A, (after 1 sec) = Area of the rectangle A, (after 3 see) = Area of the rectangle A, (after 5 sec) = Area of the rectangle A, (after 6 sec) = ‘Area of the rectangle A, (after 7 see) = Area of the rectangle Ay (after 8 sec) = .. Rectangle of Maximum area (after .....seconds) = .. Area of the rectangle is maximum after css Se. Maximum) a of the rectangle is ‘Alternatively: yet the Tength and breadth of rectangle be a a e length of rectangle after ¢ s aoe wonds =a — 4 ire breadth of rectangle aRer £ seconds = p frwa ofthe reetanale AREF Fave) = AW) = ‘ \ a0 ib4s Moen eg Oh B= ab Be 6 at yor maxima oF minima, AW = 0. ‘ at) = % t= 2h i= 4 2a-b i (a=) = 4, which is negative. ‘Thus, A(é) is maximum at ¢ = pecondat Here, a = 16 cm, 6 = 8 cm. 32-8 _ 24 Thus, (= —q 4 = 6 seconds. Hence, after 6 seconds, the area will become maximum. PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE __ This activity can be used in explaining the concept of rate of change and optimisation of a function. ‘The function has local maxima/minima at x = 0 and x = * 1.27, respectively. RESULT. We have learnt to find the time when the area of @ rectangle of given dimensions becomes maximum. -\ N AWA stuDeNT ACTIVITY _ ‘The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle with fixed base 6 are a decreasing at the rate of 3 cm per second How fast is the area decreasing when the two equal sides are equal 10 the base. | Hint: Let AB = x cm at time ¢ Ty AC = x cm at time t 1 eee in right angled triangle ADC, gre 7 4x? -6 a ‘AD? = AC? - DC? ro. 72 pe oB) ify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter, the square has the maximum To veri are0- ppe-neQuIsIT Concept of maximum value of a function — KNOWLEDGE __ Concept of optimisation of a function aTERIALS REQUIRED « Drawing board «A pair of scissors + Sketch pens PROCEDURE. © White sheet of papers © Fevistik * Geometry box ete. 1. Take a drawing board of a convenient size and paste a white sheet of paper on it. 2. Make rectangles each of perimeter say 48 cm on a chart paper. Rectangles of different dimensions are as follows: R, R, 1 5 160m — 150m w Ww) i) Ry Rs Re R, o § 5 7 5 7 7 7 gi foo 125cm | __10.8.em_ Ww) ) (wi) wil) Fig. 13.1 ~ . 58 ly bem x9 Ry: 14 is R, : 16 em x Bem, R, : 15 cm x9 em ME 6M 510 om, ee R, : 12 em x 12 em, Ry #126 om x 115, Wem x Ie 5 R, : 10.5 em x 13.5 : 5, Cut out these rectangles and paste them on the white paper on the cardboard a. 3, Cut out these rectangle 7 to (vit). a i 4. Repeat step 2 for more rectangles of different dimensions each having perimeter 4 5. Paste these rectangles on cardboard . DEMONSTRATION - 2 1.Area of rectangle, R, = 16m x8 em~= 128 em ‘Area of rectangle, R = 15 em x 9 m = 135 em Area of Ry = 140 em? Area of Ry = 143 cm? Area of R, = 144 em? Area of R, = 143.75 em? ‘Area of R, = 141.75 em? Perimeter of each rectangle is same but their area are different. Area of rectangle Bsn vnaximum, Tt is a square of side 12 em. This can be verified using theoretical deserpto g in the note. OBSERVATIONS. 1. Perimeter of each rectangle Ry, Ry, Ry Ry Ry, Ry» Ry is 2, Area of the rectangle Ry than the area of the rectangle R,. 3, Area of the rectangle Rg than the area of the rectangle R,. 4, The rectangle R, has the dimensions 00000 X ssnernnee and hence it is a 5, Of all the rectangles with same perimeter, the ... Alternatively: Let the length and breadth of rectangle be x and y. ‘The perimeter of the rectangle P = 48 cm has the maximum area. 2x + y) = 48 or x+y=24 or y= Let Alx) be the area of rectangle, then Ale) =x 24 — x) = 2dx - A(x) = 24 - By Az) =0 3 M-2=0 = x= 12 AY) =-2 AYU12) =~ 2, which is negative ‘Therefore, area is maximum when x = 12 y 24-12 = 12 So, xey= 12 Hence, amongst all rectangles, the square has the maximum area. pra gnis activity is useful in « 59 plaining the The result is also useful in pre ea of i Paring economical sare Of # A ea NM A Fanti on Packages We have verified that 2 x have amongst all th posi IG 8 of the same ‘ame perimeter the we square has the N N STUDENT ACTIVITY To show that the rectang! gle of maximum area that can be inscribed inscribed in a circle of radi radius ris a cquare of side V2r pola dete, Q.1. Amongst all rectangles of the same | Q. 5. If the sum of two positiv ymbers is 64 re numbers is perimeter, the has maximum area. and the sum of their cubes minimum are eovenenes and Ans. 32 and 32 Q. 6. The largest rectangular area that can be Ans. square Q..2, Among the rectangles of a given area, the square has the ... _. perimeter. Ans. minimum ‘enclosed by 200 m of fencing is - 2 3. If fix) is any function, then critical point & Ans. 2500 m’ is obtained by --..--- Q. 7. Ifthe area of a cirele increases at a uniform Ans. f(x) = 0 rate, then _ varies. as the - radius. numbers is 24, write ‘Ans. perimeter, inversely. 4. If sum of two positive the m z their product. An ceed Q. 8. Ifthe perimeter of a rectangle is 70 m then #. The product will be 144 ‘area of rectangle in terms of length (ouill be unere x is length of rectanal ‘Ans. Area of the rect angle in term of © x(35 - x),

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