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Assignment #3
Section: B

Group Members:
Ahmad Tabassum – F2019001100
Tayyab Naeem – F2019001133
Muhammad Umar – F2019001092
Muhammad Faisal Farooq – F2019001086
Syed Touseeq Mehdi – F2019001082
Table of Contents
1. Core Strategy:........................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Mission Statement:.........................................................................................................................2
1.1.1. Vision Statement:.........................................................................................................................3
1.2. Basis of Differentiation:..................................................................................................................3
1.3. Target Market:...............................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. Major Targeting:.....................................................................................................................3
1.3.2. Minor Targeting:.....................................................................................................................3
1.4. Product/Market Scope:..................................................................................................................3
2. Resources:..............................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Core competency:...........................................................................................................................4
2.2. Key Assets:......................................................................................................................................4
2.2.1. Tangible Assets:.......................................................................................................................4
2.2.2. Intangible Assets:.....................................................................................................................5
3. Financials:..............................................................................................................................................6
3.1. Revenue Streams:...........................................................................................................................6
3.2. Cost structure:................................................................................................................................6
3.2.1. Fixed cost:.................................................................................................................................6
3.2.2. Flexible/variable cost:..............................................................................................................6
3.2.3. Cost Calculation:.....................................................................................................................6
3.3. Financing/Funding:........................................................................................................................7
4. Operations:............................................................................................................................................8
4.1. Channels..........................................................................................................................................8
4.2. Product (or Service) Production:...................................................................................................8
4.3. Key Partners:..................................................................................................................................9

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Core Strategy

Business Mission Basis of Differentiation

Mission Statement: Environment friendly

“To promote digitalized and highly detailed Legally verified document
secure travel document”

Target Market Product/Market Scope

Major Targeting: Educated Citizens Potential essence in terms of market

Minor Targeting: Non-Educated Citizens Existing essence of product (e_Passport)

1. Core Strategy:
The Core Strategies of our company (e-Passport facilitators) are divided into four different sub-
categories which are stated below:
1.1. Mission Statement:
“To promote digitalized and highly detailed secure travel document” (e-Passport, 2022)
1.1.1. Vision Statement:
“Following the end-to-end data encryption strategy having an advantage to promote the best
quality service in terms of secured and safe travelling”. (e-Passport, 2022)
1.2. Basis of Differentiation:
Facilitating the clients with the environmentally friendly, card less or paperless which is legally
verified and secured travel document.
1.3. Target Market:
E-Passport facilitators mainly targeted two kinds of geo-graphical perspectives:

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1.3.1. Major Targeting:
Educated adult citizens across the country.
1.3.2. Minor Targeting:
Non-educated adult citizens belong from rural areas.
1.4. Product/Market Scope:
In future predictably, being a facilitator, the growth of market can be evaluated with the
importance of this project i.e., providing the e -Passport; a safe legally verified travel document.
(E-passport Market Size, Share, Growth, Sales, Trade, Shipment, Export Value And Volume
With Sales And Pricing Forecast By 2025, 2022)
The importance of this project is categorically briefed and self-explanatory by understanding the
following stated essence:
i. End to end encrypted travel document
ii. Environment Friendly
iii. Legally verified and authenticated document


Core Competency Key Assets

Tangible Assets:
Land, Decor, Furniture, Office Based
Use of right skillset for the right domain Machinery
having right expertise and relevant experience Intangible Assets:
of working within the company. Rights Reservation, Software installation,
application, website.

2. Resources:
The resource of our company (e-Passport facilitators) is divided into two different sub-categories
which are stated below:

2.1. Core competency:

The use of right skillset and relevant experience with right expertise for the right domain is
mainly helpful in terms of differentiating the company with its competitors
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Following are the set of skills are highlighted in terms of increasing the probability of
company growth and success:
i. HR (Human Resource Managerial skills)
ii. Managerial skills (POLC)
iii. Interpersonal skills
iv. Leadership skills
v. Technical skills
vi. Data Analytic skills
vii. Finance Handling skills
viii. Customer relationship management/support (What are core competencies and how can
they lead to success?, 2022)

2.2. Key Assets:

The company (e-Passport facilitators) is divided into two categories:
2.2.1. Tangible Assets:
The asset that our company (e-Passport facilitators) owns and have physical appearance i.e.,
touchable called tangible assets. (Tangible and intangible assets, 2022)
Tangible assets of the e-Passport facilitators include the following physical appearances:
i. Land use includes office or physical appearance.
ii. Aesthetic look/well painted decor (lightening) and Furniture.
iii. Machinery divided into two different sub-categories: Office based data
management/storage systems and servers handling the data (input/output) includes the
maintenance and regular inspection for the sake of showing the application and website
virtually available. (Resources Passport, 2022)
2.2.2. Intangible Assets:
The asset that our company (e-Passport facilitator) owns and haven’t any physical appearance
i.e., non-touchable and virtual called Intangible assets. (Tangible and intangible assets, 2022)
Intangible assets of the e-passport facilitators include the following physical appearances:
i. Virtually, rights association.
ii. Software installation (using for the task completion)
iii. Application/website virtually availability. (Resources Passport, 2022)


Revenue Streams

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e-Passport Creation Charges
One-Time Installation
Renewing and Verification Charges

Cost Structure Financing/Funding

Type of Cost:
Fixed or Variable Cost High potential PR Investors
Cost Calculation: Governmental level Access
Includes the cost directly involved in the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA)
intangible product manufacturing, International Civil Aviation Organization
design/decor and employee’s/ administrative

3. Financials:
The Financials of our company (e-Passport Facilitators) are divided into three main different
sub-categories which are stated below:
3.1. Revenue Streams:
The e-Passport facilitators providing an online passport that facilitate/users for travelling abroad
which is cardless/paperless and environment friendly by welcoming the new advance featured
technology to counter the security threat named as e-Passport. (E-Passport Market by
Component and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2021-2025, 2022)
Following are some of streams through the e-Passport facilitators could generate the revenue by
targeting the accurate audience (Clients):
i. One time systems installation charges are applicable to be pay-off by vendors.
ii. At the time of e-Passport creation, one time subscription charges are applicable to be pay-
off by the clients.
iii. Renewing and verification of e-Passport, there should be specific and flexible amount to
be pay-off by the clients.
3.2. Cost structure:
The product going to launch by the company (e-passport facilitators) is Intangible product i.e., e-
Passport while manufacturing and designing the product the type of cost can be understand by
two different terminologies of cost in terms of product life cycle. (Cost Structure, 2022)
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3.2.1. Fixed cost:
At initial stage, till the growth of company the cost of intangible product (e-passport) should be
the fixed because of company branding and to become a market leader. (Cost Structure, 2022)
3.2.2. Flexible/variable cost:
Shifting from initial stage to maturity and then growth level the cost of intangible products (e-
Passport) should be flexible and changeable according to market demand because of market
sustainability, demand allocation and brand loyalty. (Cost Structure, 2022)
3.2.3. Cost Calculation:
The cost of intangible product (e-Passport) should be calculated by staying in familiar with the
following sub-cost regulators involved:
i. Manufacturing cost, Design/Decor Aesthetic cost
ii. Employee’s Salaries (includes the entire team of coder’s/programmers)
iii. System installation cost
iv. Software manufacturing and usage cost
v. Subscription charges or access charges applicable for the software’s/systems/servers
required for product manufacturing and designing.
vi. Administrative cost. (Cost Structure, 2022)
3.3. Financing/Funding:
Financing/Funding the company (e-Passport facilitator) should approach following potentials
investors and regulators although they have much potential to boost up whole business
entrepreneurial idea:
i. Investors (who have relatable PR with Aviation Industry)
ii. Governmental level (Proper sequenced guidance and increasing the approach towards
international territories by developing the higher and potential PR).
iii. Getting in touch with Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) for every kind of
physical and virtual kind of approval in terms of finance and legal formalities.
iv. Under the umbrella of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) getting in touch with
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to implement the appearance of virtual
passport across the number of territories and getting the finance/fund from the ICAO for
the betterment of e-Passport appearance. (General Requirements for Passport, 2022)



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Physical Appearance
Virtual Customer Support Portal and Query Support system
Non-Profit Partners includes loyal customers, family, friends and relatives.

Product (or Service) Production Key Partners

A team of coder, programmer, developer and Commission Based Partners

designer required who are responsible in terms Non-Profit Partners
of manufacturing, development, re-maintenance, Government, Pakistan Civil Aviation
re-designing and so on number bugs clearance. Authority (PCAA), International Civil
Product Sustainability Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Product availability (Virtually)

4. Operations:
The operations of our company (e-Passport Facilitators) are divided into three main different
sub-categories which are stated below:
4.1. Channels
The stairs towards the possible success and organizational growth are based on the official
number of channels used in a sequenced and regularized form by the company.
The different channels are used in terms of delivering the intangible product, following are some
stated modes of channels:
i. Physical appearance includes the availability of firm (company) on ground through which
a customer can have direct visit to avail the product from the firm’s location.
ii. Virtual customer support portal includes the firm’s online availability through which a
customer/client could reach the company officials while having occasional virtual meet-
ups. Query support systems are auto-generated systems installed officially available on
online automated websites/applications through which a customer/client could be
entertained with all the relevant queries.
iii. Non-profit partners include those of clients/users (friends, family, relatives and loyal
customers/clients) who are aware of such provided intangible product and are
entertaining with the fruitful benefits of the product. (Communication Channels of e-
Passports , 2022)

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4.2. Product (or Service) Production:
Another path towards success, its mandatory to focus on production unit although hire a right
team of required persons for the right job in terms of right concerning.
A production team plays an important role while manufacturing the product, as our company is
offering an intangible product i.e., e-Passport. For the development of this intangible product a
team of coder’s, programmer’s and designers required for the best suitability of e-Passport
design and manufacturing. Another main aim is to sustain this product available virtually for the
long time period, changes in this product, re-designing, re-figuring, re-maintenance, inspection
and so on mandatory bugs clearance. (e-Passport, 2022)
4.3. Key Partners:
While running a business, its mandatory to identify from where a business could reach their
maximum targeted audience called the key partners. Mainly, the involvement of taking the
business at the success is based on the key partners i.e., following are the some of identified key
partners of our company who have direct impact in sales generation:
i. Non-Profit partners include those who have no interest in taking a return (without profit)
are just linked with the business. For example: family, friends, relatives and loyal
ii. Commission based partners who are involved by referring the client/customer as an
applicant and took an advantage by getting a commission on per client/customer. For
example: Tarvel Agencies, Travel Agents, Passport Agents and so on further registered
iii. Government, CAA and ICAO as they have main hold in terms of financing and featuring
the whole regulatory system within the company (e-Passport Facilitators). (ePassport
Basics, 2022)

Communication Channels of e-Passports . (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from

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Cost Structure. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from Corporate Finance Institute:

e-Passport. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from Directorate General of Immigration & Passports:

ePassport Basics. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from ePassport Basics:

E-Passport Market by Component and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2021-2025. (2022, 12 26).
Retrieved from Technavio:

E-passport Market Size, Share, Growth, Sales, Trade, Shipment, Export Value And Volume With Sales And
Pricing Forecast By 2025. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from TMR Research:

General Requirements for Passport. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from General Requirements for Passport -

Resources Passport. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from Resources Passport:

Tangible and intangible assets. (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from

What are core competencies and how can they lead to success? (2022, 12 26). Retrieved from CIO:

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