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Quarter II

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and
write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which function of management deals with identifying, attracting, hiring, and
retaining people with the necessary qualifications to fill the responsibilities of
current and future jobs in the organization
a. Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing d. Leading

2. It is a set of activities design to attract qualified applicants for the job vacancies
in an organization
a. Staffing b. Recruitment c. Selection d. Hiring

3. ABC company is posting a job vacancy in a newspaper. What method of external

recruitment is this?
a. Employee referrals c. Advertisement
b. Recruitment from educational institutions d. Internet recruiting

4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of external recruitment?

a. It consumes a lot of time and is costly
b. It is less expensive
c. The number of applicants to choose from is limited
d. It may result in jealousy among other employees

5. This is a type of recruitment wherein an organization fill job vacancies through

promotion or transfer of employees who are already part of the organization.
a. Internal recruitment c. Recruitment through advertising
b. External recruitment d. Unsolicited applications

6. It is the process of choosing individuals who have the required qualifications to

fill the present and expected job openings
a. Recruitment b. Selection c. Training d. Development

7. This is a type of job interview wherein the interviewer asks the applicant to
answer a set of prepared questions.
a. Structured interview c. One-on-one interview
b. Unstructured interview d. Panel interview

8. This is a type of employment tests designed to measure the applicant’s mental

a. Intelligence test c. Personality test
b. Proficiency or aptitude test d. Vocational test

9. Which of the following should be done before conducting a training program?

a. Evaluating the training program c. Training needs assessment
b. Employee development d. Aptitude tests for employees

10. This is a type of employment test designed to reveal the applicants’ personal
characteristics and ability to relate with others.
a. Intelligence test c. Personality test
b. Proficiency or aptitude test d. Vocational test
Quarter II

Test II. Arrange the following steps in selection starting from the first step, second,
third, and so on. Write only the numbers in your answer sheet followed by an
arrow to show a flowing diagram.

1. Screening interview to identify more promising applicant

2. Requesting applicants to complete the application form
3. Establishing the selection criteria
4. Screening by listing applicants who seem to meet the criteria
5. Verifying information provided by the applicant
6. Informing the applicant that he/she has been chosen for the position applied
7. Interview by the supervisor/ manager or panel interview

Test III. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if it is not.
1. The number of personnel or human resources needed by an organization
depends on the size of the organization and the complexity of its operations.
2. Referrals from schools and from employment agencies are examples of
external recruitment
3. Time and energy can be saved in internal recruitment
4. The training needs assessment includes determining who among the
employees needs training or retraining
5. There is no perfect way to select a firm’s human resources
6. It is the manager’s responsibility to train their employees
7. The most important resource of an organization is the human resource.
8. In a panel interview, there are three to five interviewers who take turns in
asking questions to the interviewee.
9. Development is learning given to an employee in order to prepare him/her
for future job appointments and other responsibilities
10.In the hiring process, employee orientation comes before job analysis.

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