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D vinc cod ( inser picture )

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Plo : A ma b th nam of Jacuqe Saunier i brutall murdere i th Lo r

museu , of whic h i th curator of. H i kille b catholi mon name Sila , an
th reaso , whic i reveale later i th stor , i tha h i searchin for somethin
calle th keyston . A Saunier i dyin , h write wit hi bloo “O draconia devi ,
O lam sain ” whic i a anagra for “Leonard D vinc ”, wh play significan
rol i th stor . Saunier i foun i th p itio of th “Vitr ia ma ”, whic wa
draw b Leonard d vinc . A professor name Rober Langdo i calle t th crim
scen , a h i th las perso calle b Saunier . Langdo i professor of symbolog
a Harvar . chief of polic , B Fach , tell Langdo tha h wa calle ther t
help decod th anagra , an n t i , sequenc of number whic i th bonacc
sequenc . er i pentacl draw o Sauniere ches , an Langdo inform Fach
tha i i actuall symbo of th goddes , an no devi worship a th latter ha
suspecte . Sophi Neve , cr tologis , an th gran -daughter of th lat curator,
arrive a th crim scen , an secretl plain t Langdo tha Fach suspect
Langdo for th murder. er wa hidde lin under th anagra , whic rea “
P.S n Rober Langdo ” whic Fach assume mean Langdo wa somehow
involve . IN actualit , P.S di no mea p scrip , bu “ princes sophi ” whic wa
nicknam give t sophi b Saunier . Langdo an Sophi follow th curator’ clue ,
an ar le t th Mon Lis , whic the lead the t Madonn of th Rock ,
behin whic the fin pendan tha hold th addres of ban . TH du the
escap fro th polic , an hea for th ban . I th ban , the fin th keyston ,
whic i cr t . cr t i cylindrica objec , wit 5 rotatin dial labele wit
letter , an th correc combinatio of letter open i up. 2 runaway tak th
keyston t Sir Leig Teabin , wh i frien of Langdo , an als a per o th
Hol grai , whic i heavil connecte t th pentacl an th Prior of Sio . I
Teabing hom , Langdo an Neve lear tha th grai i , i fac , no cup, bu
woma . Teabin plain tha th grai i symboli objec , an in plicitl state tha
th grai i Mar Magdalen . tri leav th countr , becaus th frenc polic hav
caugh up t the , an the trave t Britai o Teabing privat plan . O th fligh ,
the ope th keyston , wit th spellin “ SOFIA “. Insid th keyston , ther i
another, smaller cr t , an piec of paper, whic rea “ I Londo lie knigh
A. Pop interre “. i i clu t ope th smaller cr t , whic ha similar 5
rotatin dia structur .

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