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By. Group 2

Cast :

1. School teacher - Yudha

2. Headmaster - Nisa
3. Maelina (student/victim) - Cahaya
4. Kid’s mother - Nastiti
5. Kid’s father - Ismael
6. Calo/Student (sosmed kid) - Andi
7. Student 1 (good student) - Ika
8. Student 2 (good student) - Ayu
9. Student 3 (good student) - Nabila
10. Student 4 (good student) - Amel
11. Student 5 (bully) - Rahtri
12. Student 6 (bully) - Ade
13. Student 7 (bully) - Fretty
14. Narator - Nufikha

One day, there was a small family who was happy and prosperous. All wishes are easily
granted. The Ishmael family, this family is led by a successful and well-known politician. He and
his wife adored their only daughter, her name is Mael, who was spoiled rotten and grew up to be a
selfish young lady. Whatever the daughter desires must be preceded.
Until one day, after school, his daughter Mael arrived in a grumpy mood. She wants to
move to school because she is bored. Mael wishes to demonstrate his wealth, but it makes no
difference that all students are equal to her, away from poverty. As a result, Mael wishes to
express her desire to demonstrate her wealth by moving in an ordinary, public school. Mael will do
anything no matter in a bad or good way being the center of attention or popular.
Mael :”Mommy! Where are you!?” (By throwing away her bag and shoes)
Mom :”Yeah honey, what is it?” (While walking in a hurry)
Mael :”Mommy, I wanna move to another school!”
Mom :” Why?”


Mael :” My school sucks…the teacher were so boring and the kids, I hate them! They always hurt
Mom :”It’s not easy honey, I must discuss to your father first, I cannot decide it by myself”
Mael :”I don’t want to know and I don’t care, I just want to move tomorrow!”
Mom :”Okay, I’ll talk to your father, but now you can have some lunch at the dining room, go…”

(Dangdut song played, while the father sits on the chair and reading newspaper then mother
comes approaching)
Mom :” Honey, our girl has just complained about her school to me.”
Dad : ”And?” (While reading and still not giving attention)
Mom :”She wanted to move to another school honey..”
Dad :”How come? What happened?” (Begin to give an attention, while putting down the
newspaper on the table and taking off the glasses)
Mom :”She said that she was not happy studying in private school, she felt that her school sucks,
her teacher was boring and her friends always hurt her. So, she wanted to study in public
school honey”
Dad :” (Intonation getting higher) Really? I think all school are the same, they have same
curriculum. Let her learn how to handle that situation, stop pampering her!”
Mom :”(While begging) Honey..., please…, don’t you worry to your girl? Just this once, let her
move to another school”
Dad :”Okay-okay, but hold on, i want to call her just want to make sure that she want it
seriously. Mael! Sweety! come here!” (Calling out loudly)
Mael :” (while coming approaching) yes dad, what is it? (Asking curiously)
Dad : “What happened with your school? What made you uncomfortable?”
Mael : “Dad, I don’t like the kids at that school, I cannot make friend with them, they always
hurt me.”
Mom :”I can understand your daughter’s feeling, i think this school had no good environment for
our daughter. Our daughter is clever honey, don’t let our daughter struggling hard in that
school” (pretend to be sad)
Dad :”Isn’t it better if we just give a warning trough your teacher so that you teacher can tell
to your friends who always bothering you?”
Mael : “(She yelled at her father) No! Father please, I want to move to another school father!
Don’t you think my studying interest is number one? (While whining) father, I have
imagined a new environment, new friends, and new teachers, don’t you want me living
happily and prosperous?"

Mom :” Look at her honey, I can let her down, can you? (Pretend to be sad dramatically)

(Seeing that enthusiasm, the father overwhelm and finally do what they asked for.)
Dad :”Okay, okay…. I’ll do it for my sweet daughter. You have to be calm, everything is gonna
be fine.”
Mael :”Yeay, thank you father! (while running happily back to her room)
Mom :”See? she looks happy, isn’t she?”
Dad :”Okay, i’ll call the headmaster of her school now.”

The father contacted the private school that his daughter would move out from that
school. The school also agreed to Mael's family's request and took care of the files to be submitted
to Mael’s parents. The father also contacted the school which his daughter wanted, Sidokere High
School, the school is informed Mr. Ishmael of the requirements, and he agreed to fill them.
Dad :”Okay, everything is fine…, they will give the paper tomorrow, but the principal said that
there is one requirement that need to be full fill in the Sidokere High School. It is
certificate of poverty.”
Mom :”Wait, how we get those things?”
Dad :”Honey, relax, this is easy, we just need to contact my collegue. I know someone inside
Sidokere district, he know all about this kinda stuff.”
Mom :” This is for our daughter honey, plus we dont have to pay anything if she enter this public
school” (Happy in evily way)
Dad :”Sounds great!”
Mom :” Thank you honey, btw, do you mind if i go to the salon and hangout with my friends?”
Dad :” Sure, anything you want honey, happy wife happy life.” (While give her a card)
Mom :” Husband is honey, when he gives money!” (improve mantja)
Dad :” Really? Wife is cute when she is mute.”


Mr. Ishmael called his relatives and they agreed to meet the next day. The next day,
Ismael, the father of Maelina arrived at the Village Office to take care of the paperwork for his
daughter’s transfer of schools.
Ismael :” Excuse me, good morning”
Admin :” Good morning, Sir. What can i help you?”
Ismael :” Is Mr Pras available?”
Admin :” Yes. Sir. What do you need?”
Ismael :” Just tell Mr. Pras, Mr. Ismael is coming and wants to meet”

Admin : (surprised) “Oh sorry Mr. Ismail I didn't know it was you. Let me lead you to Mr.
Pras' room, he was already waiting for you, Sir.”

(Menuju ruangan Mr Pras.)

Admin :” All right, this is Mr. Pras' room.”
Ismael :” Thank you.”
Admin :” Anytime, Sir.” (walking away from mr. ismael)

(Knock knock)
Mr Pras :” Who’s there?”
Mr. Ismael :” You!”
Mr. Pras :” You who?”
Mr. Ismael :” Yuhuuu!”
Mr. Pras : (kesal) “ohh shit!!”

(Mr. Pras membuka pintu.)

Mr. Pras : (upset) “ Ismael? How are you?” (they do greetings)
Mr. Ismael :” I’m good, bro. What about you?”
Mr. Pras :” Busy life, you know..., all right, we have an appointment. Don’t we?
Mr. Ismael :” Of course, Pras, listen to me. I have a daughter, i have a daughter who studies at
private school but she feels uncomfortable with the environment. So now, i want to
move her out to the public school but with the it must be have a poverty
certificate for registration.”
Mr. Pras : (listening carefully) “Then? What do you mean to come here?” Mr. Ismael :”
Please..., i need you to make that fake certificate for my daughter.”
Mr. Pras :” Nope, i cant do that, bro.”
Mr. Ismael :” Come on, Pras. Poor my daughter, she feels uncomfort in her school now. She
want this school!”
Mr. Pras :” Once again, I'm sorry. I can not do it”
Mr. Ismael :” Come on man..., we’ve been bestfriend since high school” (smile, while giving
something(bribe) to mr. Pras)
Mr. Pras :” Okay (while accepting mr. Ismael bribe), i do this for the sake of your daughter.”
Mr. Ismael :” That’s my man..., thanks thats all i need!
Mr. Pras :” Okay, so, I’ll take care of it and I’ll let you know ASAP.”

Homophone Antonyme

Mr. Ismael :” Ah, you’re the best! Thanks!”
Mr. Pras :” NP”
(Mr. Pras & Mr. Ismael pamit) – (Mr. Ismael keluar)

(Admin knocking Mr. Pras room door)

Mr. Pras :” Come in!”
Admin :” Excuse me Sir, i wanna remind that you have another meeting today.”
Mr. Pras :” Meeting? Who should i meet with?
Admin :” President and crew Sir.”
Mr. Pras :” Okay! Let’s go!”
(Admin & Mr. Pras improving/pergi keluar)


Finally Mr. Ismael managed to get the letter for his only daughter. Finally, Mael managed
to move to a public school with the intention of venting her frustration at that time there was
not enough attention at the private school before. In this public school, Tadika Runtuh High
School, the school bell rang, she entered a class with the head master arrogantly and seemed as
if nothing could compete with her wealth. One time, in the class...
Teacher :” Good morning, students. Well, how are you today everyone?”
All students :” Morning, sir. We are good, thank you and you?” (answering, all the students
saw mael, and whispered about her)
Teacher :” All right, today we are going to studying a new chapter.

(Headmaster knocking class)

(Headmaster and Mael entering the class)
Headmaster :” (Greeting Mr. Yudha & students) Hello Mr. Yudha and hello everyone, one
moment please. (Start to talk with Mr. Yudha face to face) I’m sorry if i interupt
your class, i need your help to make Ms. Mael comfortable in this class, the new
student in this school.”
Teacher :” Absolutely yes Ms. Nisa, my pleasure to help you and Ms. Mael”
Headmaster :” Good!. (talk to Mael) Mael this is Mr. Yudha, now he will help you to make some
good friends with your classmates. Is it okay?”
Mael :” Y.”
Headmaster :” Great!, (Talk to mr. Yudha) Okay, Thank you for the help Mr. Yudha. (Talk to
class) Attention everyone, i need all of you guys do your best and please pay
attention to your teacher! Okay?”
All Students :” Yes, Miss Nisa!”
Headmaster :” Good!, Mr. Yudha

(Headmaster & Teacher improve pamit)

(Headmaster leave the class)
Teacher :” You may be wondering who is the girl with me. Do you want to know? I can see it
already in your curious face you guys!”
(All students agreeing the teacher : Yeah, tell us Sir!)
Teacher :” This is a surprise for this class! She is our new friend! Okay, you will know
who she is.”

(teacher speaking to mael)

Teacher :” You can inroduce yourself to your new friend little girl, take your time.”
Mael :” (Mael waved a hand) Hi, my name is Maelina Ismael but you can call me Mael. I
love to see everyone in here, i like to sit in the front because everybody will notice
me firstly like a shining star. Thats it, thanks.”
Teacher :” All right! Her name is Mael everyone, you can say hi to Mael!”
All student :” Hi Mael!”
Teacher :” Okay Mael, lucky for you, theres empty seat, you can sit overthere.”

(Mael heads for her seat,then ayu spoke up )

Ayu :” Excuse me, Sir!”
Teacher :” Yes, Ayu?”
Ayu :” But this seat is belong to Ika.”
Mael : (showing cynical expressions)“I dont see Ika sit on here!”
Teacher :” Ow, i’m sorry Ayu, i dont know this is Ika’s seat. I’m wondering where she is
Ayu : (answering with some hesitation) “Well, i dont know either
Sir.“ Mael : (breaking the silence) “Umm, hello? So this is my seat or not!?”
Teacher :” Oh yes, yes, have a sit Miss Mael.”
(mael sits next to ayu)
And Ayu’s seatmate came, Ika, who was late and finished being punished, with breathing
heavily because she was running around from the school hall to get to the class.
Ika :” (improve breath heavily) “sir..., sorry i come late today!”
Teacher :” Oh my god, Ika, i thought you will not be able to come today.”
Andy :” Ika late everyone!” (while pushing his phone/recording)

(The slay & Andy improve to embarrase Ika)

Teacher :” Hey! You guys! Have your manner, let Ika explain!”
Ika :” Sorry, I woke up late sir, and ... (looking at the seat confusion)”
Teacher :” I’m sorry Ika, your seat is taken for today. That is Mael your new friend, is it
okay if you sit behind Mael, next to Nabila?”
Ika :” Ouh, no problem Sir” (Ika sat beside nabila)
Teacher :” Well, good, okay everyone, please open your textbooks and read on page 62.”
(Teacher reprimand Andy)
Teacher :” Andy, its time to focus on the book, put your phone down!”
Pras :“ Sir, chill, you will become popular like me”
Teacher :” Andy... ” (deadly stare)
Pras :” Okaaaaay, sir” (put down his phone)

(ayu invites to talk and nabila also want to get acquainted)

Ayu :” Mael, nice to meet you.”
Mael :” Ya, me too.”
Ayu :” Ika, she is a new student in this school. Mael, this is Ika.
Ika :” (pushing a handshake) I’m Ika, i’m already notice you in the front.”
Mael :” (spraying hand sanitizer on ika hands with disgusted face) I’m Mael, your hand
sweating, you’ve been grounded, sorry bout that.”
Ika :” Ouh, sorry Mael” (laughing shyly and feeling bad)

(Mael took out and item that was considered quite expensive)
Ayu : Wow, is that a new iphone?

(hearing ayu, pras started livestream again, toward mael, wowed along.
Nabila also saw it and was exited)
Nabila :” Wow, thats so cool! Get to know me, my name is Nabila. You can call me Bila or
Nabila, it's up to you!”
Mael :” What if i call you noisy? You sounded like cats and dogs, so loud. What are you
exiting like that, its just a phone.”
Nabila :” Hehe, sorry Mael.”
Mael :” (underestimating) Of course, you dont have one.”
Nabila :” Mael, do you use your savings to buy that?
Mael :” Not really.”
Nabila :” (shock) What?, Your parent bought that for you?

(suddenly the teacher warned the three of them)

Teacher :” Nabila, Ayu, Mael, focus on your book, this is not discussion time.”
Ayu & Nabila :” Sorry sir”
Mael :” (rolling eyes) Sighh...”

(seat next to gossip)

Rahtri :” Well, well, look at her, a shining star she said.”
Ade :” We’ll see, how long the star shining in this class?”
Fretty :” I have an idea, girls.” (fretty laughed loudly amid the silence of the
classroom HHHHHHH)

(everyone was silent and fretty came to his senses)

(guru pun menegur)

Teacher : Hey, i’ve just warn you all, and why you laugh like that!

(all the students chuckled lightly)

Fretty : Oops, sorry Sir. (while closing her mouth with her palm)

Fretty has an idea, that is to pretend that she wants to be friends with Mael. Fretty and
her friends wanted to use Mael so they wouldn't lose being the popular one. Short of time, the
recess bell rang, class ended and mr. Yudha also closed the meeting.
Teacher :” All right everyone, our times is out. You guys can have a break!”
All student :” Thank you, Sir”
(Teacher leave the class)

Nabila :” Lets go to the canteen Mael, ayu!

Rahtri : (while stopping their way) “ Hello hello, let us introduce our selves.”
Ade :” We are from!?”
Ade, Fretty, Rahtri :” The Slay”
Fretty :” Hello Mael, nice meeting you. My name is Pretty Fretty and you can call me
Rahtri :” You can call me Rahtri, i would help you if you need me.”
Ade :” (clapping mael’s shoulder, turning her back on the nabila) I’m Ade, we better
give you a tour about this school. You down? Its gonna be fun!”
Mael :” (slammed ade’s hand and refused haughtily) Ummm... (glancing up and
down) well thanks but no need, im hungry, bye. (walking forward)

(as mael went away, started gossipo)

Rahtri :” Why the hell she acted like that?”
Ade :” Thats mean! Who does she think she is!”
Fretty :” But from the looks, she looks like a rich girl.”
Ade :” I think so, i was looked at her phone. And its the newest iphone.”
Fretty :” Yea right, i saw that too.”
Rahtri :” And her shoes, its niku jordan!”
Fretty :” Its gonna be nice if we can be her friends, we use her, she looks like a walking
money. Actually i dont really like her.”
Ade & Rahtri :” Yayaya! Its a good idea.”
Ade :” Girl! My stomach is rumbling..., I’m hungry!
(Ade, Fretty, Rahtri improve pergi ke kantin)

Not long after, the bell rang signaling the break was over. They go to class and study
again. Day after day passed, Mael did feel she was the most superior, arrogant, reckless, and
arbitrary. But one day, when she didn't suspect that her fraudulent use of the affirmation was
exposed. The affirmation was uncovered because of a survey conducted by the school the other
day, after which the teachers also talking about it regarding a fraudulent case carried out by the
Mael’s family while were they walking in the hall of classes.
Teacher :” Mam, you must know something important.”
Headmaster :” This cannot be tolerated, this is cheating, it eats up the rights of other people
who need it more”
Teacher :” I agree, this report refers to Mr. Ismael, the father of one of our students,
Maelina Ismael.”

(rahtri accidentally passes by, and eavesdrops on hearing the teachers say mael’s name)
Headmaster :” What? The father of the student of Maelina Ismael is Erik Ismael daughter? It was
the founder of a successful political party, unexpectedly.”
Teacher :” There are also fake files. Lots of fakes received by the survey.”
Headmaster :” Don't let anyone know, this will affect Mael, let me take action to talk to his
Teacher : “OK”
(rahtri also rushed away to tell her friends)

Then Rahtri rushed to find her two friends in the class, Fretty and Ade, to convey something
she had heard about Mael.
(rahtri told ade and fretty who were talking in front of the class in a panic and excitement).
Rahtri :“Guys, I have a big news that would be make this school shaking like having an
earthquake! (sly laugh) this is about Mael, the arrogant girl, hahaha”
Ade & Fretty :“ What is up? Why?”
Rahtri :“ Wait, hold on, (with a sigh) What if i told everybody in the class? Fretty :“
come on please, even better, let everybody know the hot tea”
Rahtri :“ HAHA OUGHEY. (standing in front of the class) Guys i have a bombastic news,
this news will makes all of you shock (laughed loudly) So do you know that Mael is
a rich girl? Wealthy family far away from poverty”
Ade :” Ugh, we all already know that from his reckless style”
Ratri :” Wait a minute, so she’s the daughter of a rich man but she gets educational
funding from the government "
All Students : “ REALLYYYY? HOW COULD?”
Rahtri : “Yes, I heard it from the principal say that. She also faking a files of affirmation
Ika : “ Don't talk like that, I'm sure it's not true, maybe you heard it wrong, Rahtri!”
Rahtri : “I swear to god! I heard the principal and teacher speak very clearly. His father
was a founder of a political party, its insane! Crazy! A founder political party sends
his daughter to school using aid money. Embarrasing!”
Ade : “That's right, it should be given to those who need it more. Like really? Politician?
They have a good cash tho”
(All student improve rethink and agreeing about the news)

The bell for recess rang, suddenly Mael entered class with her reckless style and all the
students looked at her sarcastically, she didn't think all her secrets were exposed so that everyone
knew. Many students are disappointed with her.
Mael : ” Where are you from, I've been looking for you guys.”
Nabila : “You don't need to look for us, you better not be friends with us anymore!”.
Ayu : “Don't say like that, ah we were in class, Mael”
Nabila :” You don't know your rumors that are being spread right now? Look! Everyone is
looking at you sarcastically.”
Mael : (turning to everyone) Uhm, what is it? You guys better tell me.”
Rahtri : “Wow, this is it. The one and only, our pro players.”
Fretty : “Such a shame, it better when it calls a thief, you stole everyone else rights!”
All : ”BOOOOO👎🏻”
Ade : “ Liars! How could you? Your lies stink!”
Mael : ” What is it? I don't feel like I made any mistakes. A thief? I never steal!”
Ayu : “So..., uhm..., nothing, never mind, nothing happened.”
Nabila : ”So, Rahtri said that you ...”
Ayu : (with high intonation) “ Enough Nabila!”
Mael : “Just say it!”
Nabila :” So Rahtri just overheard the teacher and the principal talking about that you are
actually a rich person, but you are using a grant to pay all your school fees."
Mael improve shock and can not say anything
Nabila : “So its true?... We know, just admit it!”
Ika :”Why? You do those things? Did you do it on purpose?”
Semua : “huuuuuuuu. Liar!”

The bell rang and Mael get a lot of insults from her classmates, she was gloomy, trembling,
and was in shock during class until the bell went home. Mael was very sad, worse than what
happened at the previous school.
(ayu improv said goodbye to go homne first)
Ika : (say goodbye) “Mael...”
(Ika leaving class)

Rahtri :” Hey, you! (waiting mael respond – mael didnt respond). Ohh so this is the behavior of
rich people. Not talking? Money will talk huh?”
Ade :” Stand up, now you wont move? You wont talk? What is this? rich people attitude?”
Fretty :” You better move out, liars like you really don't deserve to be here!” ( pushing mael

Ade : “A thief, you good. Liar, you very good. Actually you are pretty good to be an actress,
such a fake.” (evil smile)
Mael improve (with an expression of fear and shame, mael went to leave the classroom)
Fretty :” Dont you dare to tell principle, you know when you do that, you’re coward! You better
fix yourself nobody involved”

Since then, Mael has often been bullied by her friends. Day after day that she went through
enough torturing her heart. She was alone with a tormented mind.
Geng slay :” Good morning, Impostor.” (rahtri forward pushes mael to fall)
Ade :” What are you doing down there?”
Mael improve (mael silent, fragile ouch)
Fretty :” (gripping mael collar-warning sarcastically) ”You heard us!? You screwd!

Meanwhile, Ayu, who witnessed Mael being bullied, ran into the classroom and reported
what she saw to her friends.
Ayu :” (Shock/ketakutan) Guys guys help! Mael get bullied!”
Nabila :” Its better if we dont get involved, don’t mind it”
Ika :” Guys let's help Mael. Poor her, she was indeed wrong but she shouldn't be bullied and
humiliated like this!”

The situation became very chaotic; almost all of Mael's classmates despised her and cursed
her, making Mael even more depressed that she did something reckless. Everyone in the class
panicked and was terrified of what Mael would be doing.
Mael improve (opening and looking for cutter in her pencil case, find the cutter, want to cut
Rahtri : (a bit panicked, terrified) ” Hey..., what’s wrong with you?...” Fretty :” Mael, what will
you do!? Why you grab a cutter?”
(Mael cried as he brought the cutter closer to his wrist)
Ade :” Mael! You dont have to do that! This is too far!”
Fretty : (said to rahtri with panic intonation) You have to call the teachers now!
Rahtri : (ran to call the teacher frantically) (Rahtri leaves tkp)

Ika :” Mael, you might be wrong but if you do things like this, it will not change anything!”
Ayu :” Ika! You better call her mom!”
Ika :” OKAY!”

(everyone was panicked and hysterical)

Erick :” (Shock) Oh my god! What happened?”
Ayu :” Mael wants to suicide!”
Erick :” What the hell!? Hold on! Lemme call my friend!
(Erick improve shout to Andy)

(Andy datang)
Andy :” Whats up!?”
Erick : (Intonasi tegang) “Look at that!”

(Andy recording)

Finally, Rahtri came with the teacher and principal. She already told them what happened.
Seeing that, the teacher and principal made a wise decision to control the situation.
(Teacher comes to confronting while taking the cutter off her/teacher improve
membujuk) Headmaster :” Mael, whats happen?”
(Mael menyerahkan cutter ke teacher)

(Ibu Mael datang)

Mom :” Honey!!! Dont do this!”
(Mom improve panik)
(Mael menangis)
Headmaster :” Calm down, Mael. Don't act on your emotions, and don't do the unthinkable. This
is a lesson for all of us, a lie is nothing more than a crime disguised as temporary
Teacher :” Okay, let me know, who is bullying her? Who caused all of this thing?
Ayu/Ika/Nabila: (improve replied as she was battering) “The slay, ade, fretty, rahtri.”
(Meanwhile the slay improve fear being punished)
Teacher :” The slay?, oh my god those girls!”
(teacher start pointing the slay/improve)
Teacher :(while call them to get closer) “ Girls..., come here!”
(the slay improve scared and push each other to get closer to teacher)
Teacher :” Did you do something bad to Mael?”
(the slay improve doubt/scared to answer)
The slay : (with improve) ” Ya...”
Teacher :” Guys, look at her, thats bad, its better if you guys apologize to her.”
(The slay apologize/improve)

Headmaster :” Bullying is not an option and will not change anything, in fact it may make
situation get worse. We are working together to improve and become better. Mael, it would be
better if you rested for a while to fully recover. We will trust each other and exist if we are
honest, believe me, you will be fine and not alone."

(good luck, hugs)

(Closing/Additional scene)

Eventually, all of Mael's friends came to terms with what happened. Many regrets were felt on that day.
After that incident, since that day they became good friends, Mael also felt much better than before
and learned to be a simple person from the environment and friends around him. Thus, making a
healthy friendship relationship without any camp.

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