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Practical Research 2

Name of Students: Pio, Andre Mark R.

Moyano, Calvin Klein M.

Nantes, Alvin V.

Redoma, Jhan Yobener J.

Tanay, Jerome A.

Grade Level/Strand/Section: 12-TVL-HE DARWIN

Satisfaction Level of Students and Canteen Standard


Background of the Study

This study was pursued to gain insight on the satisfaction level of the Senior
High School students and the canteen standard in Santiago Integrated
National High School (SINHS). In Calamba City, the foods offered in school
canteens have a vital part in securing children’s consumption of nutritionally
equalized foods. It's significant that menu offerings meet the nutritive norms
for the academy children. This study estimated the nutritional quality of
school canteen menus consumed by the secondary School children of Colegio
de San Juan de Letran, Calamba City, Philippines rested on the
Recommended Energy and Nutrient Input (RENI). The research methods used
a survey on canteen concessionaires’ menu and lunch meal input of 200
selected secondary schoolchildren, vital informant interview, and observation.
One- tailed t- test was used to determine if the lunch menu intakes
statistically met the RENI. Results revealed that some concessionaires offered
fruits, vegetables, and fish. Some school children consumed fruits, vegetables,
and fish. In terms of nutrient input, only mean calcium input met the RENI.
It's concluded that the menu offerings in the canteen weren't sufficient to meet
all the RENI for adolescents. Limited variety of lunch menus in the canteen
resulted in limited input of essential nutrients. As recommendations, the
Colegio has to formulate programs on covering the trade of nutritional foods at
the canteen. The canteen concessionaires have to carry out product
positioning and suitable form revision. (Encabo F. V. and Ventanilla M. L.,
2014). It shows that the school canteen must follow the guidelines that have
been ordered by DepEd for the students to be satisfied in the canteen.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Canteen standards

Healthy Lifestyle
Food Safety,
Hygiene and
Satisfaction level

Figure 1. Shows the conceptual framework of the study. This study aims to determine
if there’s a significant relationship between the satisfaction level and canteen
standard. It also shows the independent variable which is the Satisfaction level and
the independent variable which is the canteen standard.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the student’s satisfaction level and canteen
standard of SINHS.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following:

1.What is the satisfaction level of students?

2. What is the canteen standard?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the satisfaction level of students and

canteen standards?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study is for determining if there’s a significant relationship between
satisfaction level of students and canteen standard.

The study is delimited for the selected SHS students in Santiago Integrated
National High School, the main purpose of this study is to know the satisfaction level
of the students and if the canteen follows the DepEd order.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to:

Canteen. This study will help the canteen to maintain the service quality they have.
This will also benefit the students, teachers and the school.

Student. This study will help the students to have a good environment where they
are satisfied and they will benefit from the good service quality that the school
canteens provide.

Teacher. Same for the student, this will also help the teacher to have a good canteen

School. This study will prove that the school is attending to the needs of students
and teachers for a healthy environment.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the
context of this research.
Satisfaction level- a level of pleasure and contentment resulting from a person’s
performance. This also measures how satisfied they are in foods, workplace and

Canteen standard- guideline or protocol in operating and managing the school


Canteen- a place where students and/or teachers buy a food that the school


The ideas, completed thesis, generalization or conclusion, techniques, and

other items are included in this chapter. The information that is included in this
chapter aids in familiarizing information that is related to and related to the current

Satisfaction Level

According to Gervacio and Pascual's study from 2019, the respondents

demonstrated a high level of awareness and happiness about student issues and
services, as well as a high degree of benefit from them. The service evaluation of the
unit also shows a high degree of satisfaction. The respondents' knowledge of and
contentment with student affairs and services were positively connected with the
considerable strength of the connection, showing that degree of satisfaction grows as
their awareness rises.
Eight criteria were examined by Qian et al. in their research of plate waste
indicators (2021). More food was wasted by women than by men, in particular. Food
waste may be reduced with education. Food waste increased as family economic
circumstances improved. Dining with friends resulted in more food waste as
compared to eating alone. Food waste becomes more significant the more pressed for
time we are. Meal waste decreases in direct proportion to food pleasure. Food waste
among students in the south of China is worse than it is among those in the north. It
is advised that university administrators and canteen managers give Chinese
university students' food waste a high priority by enacting regulations that are
tailored to their individual needs in order to decrease plate waste in university
In view of the examination of Cha and Website optimization, (2018) it assumed
that the choice credits of understudies' cafeteria were menu, taste, cost, and
neatness. With 301 studied surveys, the review was achieved by AMOS 23.0 and the
Primary Condition Model was utilized for analyzing the speculations as factual
strategy in this review. In the outcome of the speculation test on the fundamental
impact, the parts, for example, the menu, taste, cost and tidiness were found to
influence fulfillment altogether. Then, the directing job of orientation, age and
remittance was inspected. Be that as it may, understudies' college cafeteria
determination credits differ contingent upon their stipend as it were. The way
coefficients from menu to fulfillment were more outstanding in the gathering with a
more modest recompense, while the way coefficient from cost to fulfillment was more
huge in the gathering with more remittance. The review analyzed the impact of
determination characteristic of understudies' cafeteria on the fulfillment, and effect of
understudies' remittance, and gave significant ramifications when they picked the
As per van Kleef et al, (2018) the measures of better items sold expanded from
31.1% during the benchmark time frame to 35.9% in the last period. A moderate
increment prompted higher relative deals of better items (40%) than an unexpected
change (34.5%). Review information showed that understudies' typical fulfillment
stayed harsh toward the progressions over the long run. By and large, results suggest
that rising the accessibility of better items in school containers prompts little certain
progressions in deals of items, particularly in the item bunches drinks and
sandwiches. A steady presentation might ensure that understudies gradually become
acclimated to grouping changes.
It is in this manner basic for college cafeteria chairmen to continue upgrading
the nature of food and drink that is given to the clients to build their fulfillment level.
Also, an appealing menu, with exceptional food assortments, at a sensible cost ought
to be given to the clients and served in a fitting air that can stimulate their excitement
for feasting at the college cafeteria. The current review separates the undertone
among saw quality, administration quality and fulfillment concerning a college
With instructive costs expanding every year and costs of numerous different
offices expanding extensively, understudies' requests and assumptions are likewise
expanding the administrations and offices that they get. If colleges neglected to check
out their widespread administrations carefully, in which food and drink
administrations can have a detectable effect, disheartened understudies could discern
the all-out item presented as underneath their assumptions. This could affect their
investigations and will pressure them to rethink their choice of picking a specific
college. It is, in this way, fundamental that the understudies' food necessities need to
be analyzed irregularly by which college leaders can improve the item conveyance
and, consequently, understudy's maintenance targets (Garg and Kumar, 2017).
As indicated by Castillo, (2019). The discoveries show that various variables
influence how fulfilled understudies are with the school bottle administrations. Staff
individuals need to communicate with kids in a warm and inviting manner for school
bottles to all the more likely serve students. Client care preparation should be given
by the board. It's critical to consider how food is seen. In this manner, organization
and staff ought to serve nutritious food that is reasonable and fit as understudies
would prefer. They ought to keep on giving container offices an exclusive requirement.
One of the school's assistant administrations is the activity of the flask. For the
Branch of Training specialists, school organization, and the board to work on the
activity of such help, it is basic to appreciate understudying happiness with food
presented in containers.
Canteen Standard

As per Saragino et al., (2016) albeit by and large the respondents are happy
with the school container as far as showcasing blend specific item, spot, individuals
and value there are still regions that need improvement. These worries incorporate
limitedness of serving of viand which are too pungent, inadequate floor region and
absence of ventilation, limitedness of assortment of food, set number of tables and
seats, absence of mindfulness and cordiality of the staff and somewhat unreasonably
expensive costs.
As per Estacio and Gopez, (2021) the fulfillment level of the heads, employees
and non-showing work force in the current techniques on the utilization of school
offices was fulfilled, less fulfilled in the neatness of the solace rooms, less fulfilled in
the opportune conveyance of provisions, accordingly coming about to low even out of
respondent's fulfillment. Then again, a greater part of the respondents were happy
with the correspondence framework inside the grounds yet less happy with the way
that the correspondence letters/memoranda are being flooded appropriately down to
the last concerned faculty.
In the investigation of Pareja et al., (2017) the level of understudy's fulfillment
with the college cordiality the board kitchen offices and elements are each essentially
related with the presentation, or at least, the information and abilities of the
understudies in the accommodation the executives program. There discoveries
diagonal that the understudy's advantage on a specific field was not exclusively
directed by the presence of a total office and financial plan appropriated by the school
yet additionally by the expertise conveyed by the instructors during their research
facility classes that essentially influence the presentation of the understudies. Then
again, sex of the student was not a perspective for fulfillment with the kitchen offices
and dynamic.
The assistance units that gained at standard level of fulfillment incorporate
preparation, enlistment center, agribusiness, understudy administrations, clinical,
supply, library, distribution and data, advertising, the board data framework,
orientation advancement, research and actual plant offices. The client is exceptionally
fulfilled by the staff demeanor of the grounds and their speculation. This suggests
that the grounds related conveyance specialist co-ops are client centered since they
can give and fulfill the required and expected administrations as well as items
specified in their separate units which are contributory to the accomplishment of the
grounds objective Gonzales et al., (2021).
As per Sholiha et al, (2020) the bottles in all resources actually don't meet the
actual reasonability of executing food administration sterilization cleanliness on the
grounds that the parts of the necessities incorporate parts of structures and offices
that never meet the prerequisites. The information accumulated from a review led
utilizing google structure which has been filled in by understudies from 8 resources
beginning from understudies of the 2015-2019 class assign that the container
administration is unacceptable, the degree of tidiness of the bottle in every personnel
is somewhat less perfect, the flask building isn't adequate and the offices which is
lacking, the serving flask's food satisfies the qualification guidelines and reasonable
food costs. The motivation behind this examination is to upgrade the quality,
administration and building fixes in the container of all resources at the UM.
In the investigation of Osman et al, (2018) food quality, mood and staffs have a
huge impact in the understudies' fulfillment with the cafeteria benefits however the
most noteworthy connection is saved between food quality and understudy fulfillment
followed by feel, staff, and cost reasonableness, separately. The board in understudy
food administrations can utilize these outcomes to actually guarantee understudy
fulfillment. This study adds to existing writing by assessing understudy fulfillment in
light of five components of cafeteria food administrations which is an uncommon
exertion in Bangladesh private college perspective.
As per Hassanain et al, (2016) the discoveries accumulated were investigated
and answered to demonstrate the principal disappointments and accomplishments of
the office's presentation, and express the level of clients' fulfillment. A progression of
proposals to refine the exhibition of the understudy cafeteria were created. The paper
gives an orderly methodology for assessing the specialized and useful presentation of
current cafeterias and eatery offices. It is of useful worth to arranging, planning
experts, constructing administrations' specialists and offices directors administered
for the plan and activity of these offices.
It is suggested in the investigation of Chang et al, (2014) that what's in store
examinations ought to grow the quantity of respondents and consolidate additional
respondents from other age gatherings, for example, college academicians and
regulatory staff to give more delegate results and further develop tests for
generalizability. Since the review was done in Malaysia the result may not be
completely generalizable for different nations, as convictions and discernments might
vary. For instance, between created as opposed to agricultural nations, and Islamic
versus non-Islamic nations. This study can be additionally extended utilizing
socioeconomics, market climate, and the philosophy and culture of the understudies
as intervening and directing factors. The review showed that understudies' fulfillment
with the college cafeteria is affected more by food quality and cost decency than staff
and climate. It is consequently predominant for college cafeteria administrators to
continue to work on the nature of food served to the clients to boost their fulfillment
In the investigation of Buted, (2014) exercises and projects which back direct
collaborations among the respondents and College faculty (authoritative work force,
teachers, and security staff) will diminish awkwardness among themselves with
thought to fulfillment pace of the respondents. Subsequently, suggestions are laid out
on advancing these relational exercises and projects.
The organization overall has additionally to foster development through
preparation phases in their expanded sociocultural versatility with thought obliging
unfamiliar understudies. In the space of scholarly guidance, teachers need to devise
guidance in spreading data in regards to their appraisal and reviewing framework
fully intent on expanding students‟ support during the time spent assessment and in
the means of evaluating, and not a dreary movement for the teachers. In the space of
office, organization faculty who are in control of offices need to devise techniques that
will provide food understudies for openness and admittance to offices without
neglecting the legitimate stage for such openness and availability.
Korea has been expanding the foodservice quality in light of their goals
to give understudies an agreeable and positive climate while eating nutritious feasts.
Be that as it may, the US have made their center goals on making changes to
diminish youth stoutness. Foodservice upgrades as per consistent assessments and
overviews are vital to work on understudies' fulfillment. The assortment of food given
was likewise a significant variable for foodservice fulfillment of the two gatherings.
Throughout the long term, many examinations have found that the more menu
decisions impacted understudies' fulfillment and investment (Jeong et al, 2013).
College food administration administrators ought to carry on to prepare their
representatives to welcome their clients in a respectful way, to be mindful and cordial,
and to expand their insight about the food things served. neatness or cleanliness was
the third most central point, after food assortment and helpful area, which impacts
customer inclination of a food administration to eat in. Despite the fact that
consumers are progressively worried about the healthy benefit of the food they eat,
sanitation is definitely more significant than the related gamble. According to the
administrative point of view, the extraordinary significance of clients put on the norm
of the food administration expects that the food administration given by the college
grounds ought to think about the clients' bits of knowledge and discernments and in
this manner give a push to additional organizations to redesign their grounds food
administration tasks. Interest for good food and nature of the setting, regarding the
solace of the sitting region, is a fundamental level for positive and promising change.
As indicated by the investigation of Galabo, (2019). The environment,
organization, conveniences, elements, and expenses of the container were viewed as
in deciding understudy bliss. The outcomes showed that both understudy satisfaction
and bottle administration quality as assessed by understudies are just modestly
fulfilled. Moreover, the nature of the cafeteria administration is connected to
understudies' pleasure, with substantial quality, reliability, responsiveness, and
compassion showing a significant positive relationship. Furthermore, the flask
administration quality areas of substantial quality, responsiveness, and sympathy
had a significant commitment to understudy fulfillment. Consequently, in light of the
three indicators of understudy satisfaction, school container chiefs are urged to
further develop the help quality they propose to understudies.
As indicated by Juvelyn Garcia, (2019). For understudies, having a school
container nearby is gainful and valuable. Rather than strolling outside, it empowers
admittance to food buys simpler and more advantageous. To make useful
understudies, the best connection School of the Philippines makes a point to have a
container nearby that gives an assortment of food contributions.
To acquire data fair and square of fulfillment of secondary school
understudies with the food administration given by the Caluluan Secondary School
cafeteria. The information gathered from this exploration will give the cafeteria staff
inside arrangement to know about the food served, specifically with respect to the
techniques for readiness and cooking, food taking care of practices and sorts of
administration, understudies' inclinations for various qualities of the food and the
healthy benefit of the food filled in as broke down by sustenance.
As per Mustafa, (2022) both the generally speaking coliform levels and E were
available in each drink that was tried. Coli counts that didn't match the necessities
determined by the Philippine Branch of Wellbeing were named rebellious. There is an
undeniable E in such a manner. The analyzed school's bottles were defiled with E.
coli, albeit the wellspring of the defilement stayed hazy. In the event that left
unrestrained, this defilement might bring about a huge wellbeing risk for the kids,
especially on account of a diarrheal pestilence. It is estimated that messy taking care
of, polluted ice, or ecological circumstances might have harmed the examples. To
protect the kids' security and dispose of any possible dangers, it is exhorted that the
school take on deterrent advances.
In the investigation of Lee et al., (2016) There are more establishments of
higher learning in Malaysia than any time in recent memory, and these organizations
keep on drawing numerous unfamiliar understudies. The viewpoint of worldwide
understudies toward the college cafeteria is essential for foodservice administrators to
grasp to fulfill understudies. To decide the components impacting how global
understudies see the college cafeteria, this study tried to determine their impression
of it. The report tended to have four exploration points. The review's discoveries
covered various factors, including the cafeteria's administration quality, food
determination, and clean circumstances, as well as value, climate, and conveniences.
The foodservice business had the option to get more familiar with the components
that influence how abroad understudies see the U.S. because of this exploration,
which was truly useful.


Research Design

This study will be using descriptive-correlation design to describe the

significant relationship that occurs in the research entitled, “Satisfaction Level of
Students and Canteen Standard ''. According to McBurney & white, (2019) descriptive
correlation will be used to relate the variables and the relationship between and
among them. In gathering necessary data, quantitative research will be used. Also, a
5-point Likert scale will be used to determine the respondents’ rating on the proposed
research output in terms of satisfaction level.

Population and Sampling

The selected senior high school students will be the participants for this study.
Simple random sampling will be used to gather the necessary data from the
respondents. This will be conducted at Santiago Integrated National High School in
the 2nd semester, SY. 2022-2023.

Research Instruments

The research instrument in this study was a standardized survey

questionnaire to collect and gather the necessary data needed for this research. The
question that is included in the survey will be based on the satisfaction level of
students for their canteen standard.
Validation of the Instruments

The research instrument will undergo Cronbach alpha to test its reliability.

Statistical Treatment/Analysis

To identify the satisfaction level of the students and canteen standard, mean
and standard deviation will be used.
To know the significant relationship of the satisfaction level of students and
canteen standard, Pearson r will be used.


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