Even More Green

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In today’s word, it is highly important factor to take care of our enviroment, by being greener than

First of all, to do this, I shall start with transportation. When travelling, try to walk or use public
transport. Enviromental friendly cars may seem rather pricey, but if we are using it for a longer term,
we might actually make a profit. Although my opinion about those cars are rather negative. They are
a newer invention and the battery itself is an awful item to our planet. I believe that using public
transportation is a better option at the moment due to it transporting multiple citizens at once.
Moreover, renewable energy sources are outstanding for the enviroment , for example solar, water
and wind power. I believe that the highest in demand is the solar energy. Just like with the electric
cars, if you buy it for a longer term, you actually save a lot of money.
Trying to use chemical-free solutions as well for example at your home and workplace makes a big
difference as well.
The most important thing is recycling and selective waste management.You can even try
composting if you have a yard.

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