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Republic of the Philippines


College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023
1. This examination contains 70 ITEMS QUESTIONS. Examinees shall manage to use the (ONE) 1 HOUR.
Vision: 2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only (ONE) 1 BOX for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more shaded boxes will invalidate your answer.
A leading institution of 4. AVOID ERASURES.
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
research and extension
programs and projects, I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Each question has four (4) choices where you can find your answer. Choose the best
directed towards answer carefully and shade the corresponding box for your answer on the provided separate answer sheet.
lasting peace and total
human development

1. Which of the following describes school as an organization?

a. it has its own system of governance influenced by a fixed organizational structure
or bureaucracy
b. its main function is to help learners to learn and develop knowledge, skills, and
Basilan State College shall values essential for every individual.
provide quality human c. it is composed of teachers, administrators, students, staff, and other stakeholders
resources equipped with
adequate knowledge, skills, united in one purpose and guided by common values and culture
and attitude in d. Important organizations that prepare young children of their future roles as
technological, vocational
and professional fields of
productive citizens in the country.
instruction, research,
extension, and production
2. Which of the following statement is correct?
to improve the quality of
life of its clientele. a. Norms, pertains to shared values and behaviors of students, teachers, staff, and
b. Administration, provides administrative and management support for the day-to-
day activities and functions of the school
c. Vision, a sense of direction of what the school hopes to accomplish tor itself, for
the people, and for the society
d. Core competencies provides a framework for organizational culture and behavior
or the entire school

3. Which of the following describes school as a community?

a. it has its own system of governance influenced by a fixed organizational structure
or bureaucracy
b. its main function is to help learners to learn and develop knowledge, skills, and
values essential for every individual.
c. it is composed of teachers, administrators, students, staff, and other stakeholders
united in one purpose and guided by common values and culture
d. Important organizations that prepare young children of their future roles as
productive citizens in the country.

4. Which of the following has a function to help learners to learn and develop knowledge,
skills, and values essential for every individual?
a. School as community
b. School as a learning organization
c. School as an organization
d. Simply School

5. Which of the following is/are significant social transformation that created a new world of
economy under the so called fourth Industrial revolution?
a. Narrow Employment opportunities
b. Millennial workforce
c. Entrepreneurship
d. All of these
6. Which of the following describes as the ability to understand mechanical and system
works and the application of technology like artificial intelligence and many engineering

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

a. Data Literation
b. Human Literation
c. Globalization
d. Technology literation
A leading institution of 7. Changes and reform in the Philippine Educational system are essential as it uplift the
excellence in innovative quality of education. Of the following forces which is influential I implementing changes in
instruction and creative school?
research and extension
programs and projects, I. Cultural Forces
directed towards II. Professional Forces
lasting peace and total III. Personal forces
human development
IV. Egocentric forces
a. I, II, and IV
b. I and II only
c. I,II, and III
Mission: d. I, II, III, and IV
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human
8. The following are indicators of a good school EXCEPT?
resources equipped with a. There is welcoming friendly atmosphere
adequate knowledge, skills, b. Minimum time is spent with children who learn less quickly
and attitude in
technological, vocational c. Strong leadership from senior management
and professional fields of d. Support staff are given credit for their competence and contributions
instruction, research,
extension, and production
to improve the quality of 9. As an agent of social change, school must set example of a good social institution. Which
life of its clientele. of the following is not a best practice in modeling a well reputable school?
a. There is Enough and adequate support for learning
b. Some of member the school community must be treated with respect especially
c. There must be a strong school and home relationship
d. There is welcoming friendly atmosphere

10. Which of the following least describes School?

a. School is not just a place for learning. It is community of people committed to
develop human potential with a goal of attaining social transformation
b. School need to be relevant and responsive to the need of the society
c. The school culture must be positive
d. The School’s bureaucratic structure rationalized to serve the interest of the whole

11. Ms. Dimaranan is designated as college dean of a University, upon receiving

memorandum from the academic affair office for immediate revision of the course
syllabus she immediately disperse the order to the different instructor under her
supervision, of the underlying factors for successful management Ms. Dimaran is
a. Unity of Command
b. Unity of Direction
c. Division of Work
d. Authority and Responsibility

12. Accreditation of Colleges and Universities is vital to upgrade its quality and standards,
that is why Dr. Beneva Ariotes prepare task forces and group them according to their cup
of teas to make sure the quality and the preparedness of the related documents, the
situation exemplifies which factor of successful management?
a. Unity of Command
b. Unity of Direction
c. Division of Work
d. Authority and Responsibility
13. In the implementation of the new guidelines for immediate revision on modality of
instruction the College dean instructed the teachers to prepare for power point
presentation for the content of their lessons, here comes a new order from the

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Instructional material department to prepare whole talking module, the Instructors baffle
for what to prepare, of the underlying factors of successful management the university
a. Unity of Command
Vision: b. Unity of Direction
A leading institution of c. Division of Work
excellence in innovative d. Authority and Responsibility
instruction and creative
research and extension
programs and projects, 14. Which of the following describes as a division of labor wherein individual tasks are
directed towards divided into separate a job which allows managing tasks easily?
lasting peace and total a. Formal selection
human development
b. Career orientation
c. Hierarchical of authority
d. Task Specification

Mission: 15. Which of the following best describes Department Chair/coordinator as role of teacher?
a. This may include instructional leadership and administrative functions.
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human b. Facilitates professional development
resources equipped with c. Serves as liaison officer between administration and colleagues.
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in
d. Serves as a mentor for co teachers
technological, vocational
and professional fields of 16. Which type of power found in an organization wherein the personal authority, based on a
instruction, research,
extension, and production
type of ‘seduction’ and hence, the devotion of supporters?
to improve the quality of a. Traditional Authority
life of its clientele. b. Charismatic Authority
c. Seductive Authority
d. Rule Oriented Authority

17. Which type of power found in an organization where it based on historically created
legitimacy where authority is hereditary and based on dependent subordinates?
a. Dynastical Authority
b. Patriarchal Authority
c. Rule Oriented Authority
d. Traditional Authority

18. Which best define Leadership?

a. Essential factor that contributes to the successful operation of an organization
b. People working together to achieve common objectives through division of labor.
c. Hierarchical structure that is always present at any type organization
d. Inherent to the teaching profession.

19. Which of the following does not belong to the school leadership style?
a. Instructional Leadership
b. Distributed Leadership
c. Transformational Leadership
d. None of these
20. Which of the following is/are academic non-teaching personnel in the basic education
school in the Philippines?
I. Guidance Counselor
II. Principal
III. Librarian
IV. Registrar
a. III and IV
b. I, II, and III
c. I, III, and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
21. Which least describe teachers?

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

a. They licensed professional assigned to teach in different subject areas in

different grade levels and are responsible for managing classroom environment,
facilitating instruction and assessment of student learning.
Vision: b. They are professional who are teaching in tertiary Education
c. They are professional who are teaching in both public elementary and secondary
A leading institution of Education
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
d. They are teachers teaching in public and private elementary and secondary
research and extension Education
programs and projects,
directed towards
lasting peace and total
22. Which of the following does NOT belongs to the public basic education school structure?
human development I. City Counselor
II. Private Organization
III. Teacher in kindergarten
IV. School Security guard
Mission: a. III and IV
b. I, II, and III
Basilan State College shall c. I, III, and IV
provide quality human
resources equipped with d. I, II, III and IV
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in 23. Renaming the DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION, CULTURE and SPORTS as
technological, vocational
and professional fields of DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
instruction, research, a. RA 7836
extension, and production
b. RA 4670
to improve the quality of
life of its clientele. c. RA 7610
d. RA 9155

24. What is the Republic act for institutionalizing kindergarten Education into the basic
education system?
a. RA 7610
b. RA 10533
c. RA 10157
d. RA 9155

25. When can teachers be required to work on assignment not related to their duties?
a. When on probation
b. When found inefficient
c. When lacking in educational qualifications
d. When compensated under existing law

26. There are many compelling reasons why the Philippines government pushed for
enhancement of the basic Education system. Which is/are the reasons why the
Philippines should shift to K to !2?
I. The Philippines is the only country in Asia with !0-year basic education
II. Too many non-practical subjects
III. Too young for Labor force
IV. No global Recognition
a. II, III and IV
b. I and II
c. I, III, and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
27. In which grade is mother tongue used as a medium of instruction according to the K-12
a. K to 1
b. K only
c. K to Grade 2
d. d. K to Grade 3
28. Which of the following is not included as tracks in the Senior high school?
a. Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS)

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

b. Technical- Vocational-Livelihood
c. Sports
d. Art and Design
Vision: 29. Under the approved Department of Education organizational structure which branch has
A leading institution of direct connection to the office of the secretary of the Department of education?
excellence in innovative a. School and learning Center
instruction and creative
research and extension
b. School Division Offices
programs and projects, c. Regional Offices
directed towards
lasting peace and total
d. Administrative offices
human development
30. Which best describe distributed leadership under school as an organization?
a. A type of leadership who inspire their followers to achieve extraordinary
outcomes by inspiring them and, in the process develop their own capacity
b. It is considered as a shared effort by more than one person
c. It is a leadership from superior authority disperse to inferior one
Basilan State College shall d. A leadership of not one but many people of different goals and objectives
provide quality human
resources equipped with
adequate knowledge, skills, 31. Which of the following best describe Culture?
and attitude in a. a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom,
technological, vocational
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
and professional fields of
instruction, research, b. The complex elements of values, traditions, language, and purpose in a given
extension, and production setting.
to improve the quality of
life of its clientele. c. It comprise of intertwining of assumptions, values, and beliefs from which a
group's norms, practices, rituals, and meaning emerge
d. All of these

32. Which of these best describe School culture?

a. seen in the ways people relate to and work together
b. complex webs of traditions and rituals that have built up over time as teachers,
students, parents, and administrators
c. Characterized by deeply rooted traditions, values, and beliefs, some of which are
common across schools and some of which are unique and embedded in a
particular school's history and location.
d. Simply the distinctive identity of the schools
33. Which refers to the teacher’s collaborative working relationship which are compulsorily
imposed, with fixed times and places?
a. Collaboration
b. Contrived Collegiality
c. Cooperation
d. Team Building

34. Which refers to the teachers who are neither isolated nor work as a whole school.
Smaller collaborative groups form, for example within secondary school departments,
between senior and junior teachers, and class teachers and resource support teachers.
a. Individualism
b. Isolation
c. Intrapersonal thing
d. Balkanization
35. School culture could result in positive or negative orientation depending on the agenda of
the leader hence Becoming familiar with the culture of a particular school takes time
a. The first Statement is true while second statement is false
b. The first Statement is false while second statement is true
c. Both Statement is True
d. Both Statement is False
36. I. Values are how we understand the world and people around use

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

II. Values are expressed as the way the school communicates what it represents and
usher’s decision-making and priorities
a. The first Statement is true while second statement is false
Vision: b. The first Statement is false while second statement is true
c. Both Statement is True
A leading institution of d. Both Statement is False
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
research and extension 37. Which of these does not belong to an indication of negative or toxic school culture?
programs and projects, a. Often have actively hostile relation among staff
directed towards
lasting peace and total b. View student as valued client rather than delinquency
human development c. Have norms that reinforce inertia
d. Inadequate clear sense of purpose

38. Having few Ceremonies and school tradition that celebrate what is good and hopeful
Mission: about their place of work is an indication of a
a. Positive School Culture
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human
b. Negative School Culture
resources equipped with c. Reinforcing School Culture
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in
d. Adverse School Culture
technological, vocational
and professional fields of 39. Which of these is/are ways to deal with toxic school negative School Culture?
instruction, research,
extension, and production
I. Actively recruit more constructive staff
to improve the quality of II. Reconnect staff to the VGMO of the school
life of its clientele. III. Protect emergent sources of positive focus and effort
IV. Never confront head –on and work most especially directing negative
a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I, II, and IV
d. I, II, III, and IV

40. I. Defining the role of the school principal, teacher, and school community through open
communication and academic growth activities that can best serve the needs of a
particular school community.
II. Scheduling effective communication mechanisms, such as staff lunchroom visits,
department forums, staff meeting pop-ins, and all-district personnel rallies
a. The first Statement is true while second statement is false
b. The first Statement is false while second statement is true
c. Both Statement is True
d. Both Statement is False
41. Which of the following is/are attribute/s of an effective school with strong culture?
I. The principal as hero or heroine who embodies core values
II. Rituals of enculturation
III. Distinctive rituals that embody widely shared belief
IV. Xenocentric point of view of culture
a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I, II, and IV
d. I, II, III, and IV

42. Under RA 7722, which agency has direct supervision and management of teacher
education institution or colleges of education in the country?
a. Commission on Higher Education
b. Teacher Education Council
c. Technical Education Skills and Development Authority
d. Department of Education

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

43. Which is NOT the salient feature of the Enhanced Basic Education or the K to 12 as
highlighted by Department of Education?
a. Strengthening of the Kindergarten in the Philippines
b. Making the curriculum relevant to learners
A leading institution of c. Gearing up for the future
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
d. None of these
research and extension
programs and projects, 44. What should be the basic focus of the modern-day student-centered learning?
directed towards
lasting peace and total a. Long term vision
human development b. Technology support
c. Proactive Instructions
d. Self-learning

Mission: 45. With the kindergarten act RA 10157, which applies?

a. No child can go to Grade 1 without completing kindergarten
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human
b. A child beyond 5 years of age may go to Grade 1
resources equipped with c. A child who is more than 5 years of age won’t qualify for kindergarten
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in
d. The kindergarten child learns subject such as Math, English, Science and Filipino
technological, vocational
and professional fields of 46. K-12 curriculum is what type of subject-centered curriculum?
instruction, research,
extension, and production a. Spiral c. Broad-field
to improve the quality of b. Fused d. Correlated
life of its clientele.

47. Which of the following is/are effective strategy that school leader should possess?
I. Effective Leader seek coherence in Everything they do
II. Leaders must commit to knowledge creation and sharing
III. It is essential for leaders to understand the change Process
IV. Leaders must be guided solely by self-purpose

a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I, II, and III
d. I, II, III, and IV

48. Which of the following best define School?

a. School is just a place of learning
b. School must always possess Excellent culture
c. School is a Major Institution that constitute society
d. School is solely an Avenue for Teaching and Learning

49. Which of the following is the declaration of the School’s objective which serves as guide
for planning and decision making?
a. School Goals and Objectives
b. School Vision and Mission
c. School Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
d. School Performance Review and Ratings

50. Which of the following is the primary Stakeholders that benefit from the school whose
ultimate goal is to be trained and Educated?
a. Teachers
b. Students
c. Administrator
d. Administrative Aids

51. Teacher play a vital role in ensuring the success of the implementation of educational
reform. Which among the following statement is true about the stated reason?
I. Teachers are in close coordination with the students

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

II. Teachers regularly interact with students and in the performance of their function
as a teacher
III. Teacher are the one who implement the reform in the classroom
a. II only
A leading institution of b. I and II only
excellence in innovative
c. I, II and III
instruction and creative
research and extension d. II and III only
programs and projects,
directed towards
lasting peace and total
52. When schools encounter problems or issues, they rely on and expert without any
human development knowledge about the culture of the school or its people. To address this these issues, it is
best to seek assistance from
a. Teacher leader because they are in best position to address these issues since
they are aware of the reason why said issues happened.
Mission: b. Student Leaders because they are in best position to address these issues since
they are aware of the reason why said issues happened.
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human
c. Anyone in the educational institution could address problems since they are part
resources equipped with of the curriculum in general.
adequate knowledge, skills, d. Local experts, since they are best person who could address properly the issue,
and attitude in
technological, vocational
and they are trained to do it in the first place.
and professional fields of
instruction, research, 53. According to the study of Ingersoll, teacher who are given the opportunity to make
extension, and production
to improve the quality of
decision found to have a lasting effect on improving the performance of the students.
life of its clientele. What does the statement mean?
a. Teacher is the maneuver of the educational success in the classroom.
b. The success of student’s academic performance depends upon the teacher.
c. Teacher plays a vital role in shaping student’s behavior and improving their
academic performance, learning is activated by the learners.
d. Learning taken place solely by teacher.

54. When teachers are truly satisfied with the work they do, they stay. However, study
reveals that teachers leaves because of a various reason. Which of the following is/are
possible reason according to the study of Borman and Dowling (2008)?
I. Personal Circumstances
II. Working Condition and Isolations
III. Well Compensations
IV. Stress
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I, II and IV only
d. I, II, III and IV

55. Which of the following is true about Teacher Leader?

I. Teacher is the maneuver of the educational success in the classroom
II. Teacher leader are aware of the reason why said issues happened and can
decide on her own without considering consequences.
III. Teacher leader at all time should be the one who will decide of educational
IV. Teacher leader do not only provide other teacher assistance, they also influence
the work environment to change in order to make it ideal for collaboration and
a. II only
b. IV only
c. I, II and IV only
d. I, II, III and IV
56. Which of the of the following best describe Teacher Leadership?

a. Teacher leadership involves retentions

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

b. Teacher Leadership depends upon the school head

c. Teacher leadership involves taking actions
d. Techer leadership solely executed in the classroom
57. Which of the following does not does define teacher leadership?
A leading institution of a. Teacher leadership involves administrative function
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative b. Techer leadership solely executed in the classroom
research and extension c. Teacher leadership includes sharing best practices
programs and projects,
directed towards d. Teacher Leadership includes Role-Modeling
lasting peace and total
human development
58. Teacher Leadership includes Role Modeling. Which of the following describes teachers
as a role model?
a. Powerful role in affecting reform in the classroom
b. Well experience, respected, creative, innovative, knowledgeable, passionate and
Mission: committed to developing students
Basilan State College shall
c. Recognized the fact that their own professional development depends on
provide quality human themselves.
resources equipped with d. exhibit exemplary action that are regarded a means to guide students and
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in teachers
technological, vocational
and professional fields of 59. Teacher Leadership includes Sharing of best practices. Which of the following describes
instruction, research,
extension, and production teachers as a as someone who shares best practices?
to improve the quality of a. Powerful role in affecting reform in the classroom
life of its clientele.
b. Well experience, respected, creative, innovative, knowledgeable, passionate and
committed to developing students
c. Recognized the fact that their own professional development depends on
d. exhibit exemplary action that are regarded a means to guide students and

60. Teacher Leadership involves taking actions. Which of the following describes teachers as
a as someone who are involve in taking action in an education endeavor and professional
a. Powerful role in affecting reform in the classroom
b. Well experience, respected, creative, innovative, knowledgeable, passionate and
committed to developing students
c. Recognized the fact that their own professional development depends on
d. exhibit exemplary action that are regarded a means to guide students and

61. In an attempt to improve the educational system, school have sought ways to influence
the curricula or instructions, innovations which usually emanate from external sources be
aligned with existing practices. What does the statement mean?
a. reform in the classroom
b. reform to improve the way student learn
c. Innovation to create something out of nothing
d. Setting direction

62. Which of the following teacher leadership and educational reforms describes as ability to
guide others in understanding the direction of the school will make it easier for the rest to
work along a common vision.
a. Setting Direction
b. Developing people
c. Redesigning the Organization
d. Champion of Learning

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

63. Which of the following describes as the willingness to conform or motivation to work
toward the achievement of goal of the school?
a. Setting Direction
Vision: b. Developing people
c. Redesigning the Organization
A leading institution of d. Champion of Learning
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
research and extension 64. Which of the following is NOT a part of new development in education according to the
programs and projects,
directed towards
CEO of the center of teaching quality
lasting peace and total a. New form of assessment are becoming more accepted and used by educators
human development
b. Organizational Structure are becoming learner and flatter making it possible for
teacher to collaborate closely and freedom to engage in decision making
c. Paving the way for teacher to become novice
d. Benchmarking and Sharing best practices
65. Which of the following shows a supportive social norms and healthy working relationship?
Basilan State College shall
provide quality human a. Setting Direction
resources equipped with b. Developing people
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in c. Redesigning the Organization
technological, vocational d. Respecting differences and acknowledging varying expertise
and professional fields of
instruction, research,
extension, and production 66. Which of the following statements is/are true?
to improve the quality of
life of its clientele.
I. Leadership is inherent to the teaching profession and every teacher/any teacher
may become a leader.
II. A school is not just a place for learning. It is a community of people committed to
develop human potentials with a goal of attaining positive social transformation.
III. Innovative behavior and creativity are irrelevant in fulfilling the role of schools as
agents of social changes and transformation

a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I, II, and III

67. Which of the following cultural norms that influence school’s improvement articulate the
core message or catchphrase of shared goals?
a. We must succeed
b. We know where we’re going
c. Learning is for everyone
d. We can discuss our difference

68. Which of the following cultural norms that influence school’s improvement articulate the
core message or catchphrase of responsibility for success?
a. We must succeed
b. We know where we’re going
c. Learning is for everyone
d. We can discuss our difference

69. Which of the following cultural norms that influence school’s improvement articulate the
core message or catchphrase of collegiality?
a. We’re working on this together
b. Everyone has something to offer
c. We feel good about ourselves
d. We learn by trying something new
70. Which of the following cultural norms that influence school’s improvement articulate the
core message or catchphrase of mutual respect?

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922
Republic of the Philippines
College of education
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

a. We’re working on this together

b. Everyone has something to offer
c. We feel good about ourselves
Vision: d. We learn by trying something new

A leading institution of
excellence in innovative
instruction and creative
research and extension “It always seems impossible until it’s done”
programs and projects, -Nelson Mandela
directed towards
lasting peace and total
human development

Prepared by:

Basilan State College shall Instructor
provide quality human
resources equipped with
adequate knowledge, skills,
and attitude in
technological, vocational Reviewed by:
and professional fields of
instruction, research,
extension, and production
to improve the quality of
life of its clientele.
Chairperson, BECED Program



Dean, College of Education

BaSC Main Campus Administration Bldg.,Isabela City, Basilan (+63) 9157784922

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