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00 COVER AND INTROS················································································································································································································································································· 1

01 ABROT ENG································································································································································································································································································ 9
02 ACIDS GENERALITIES············································································································································································································································································· 14
03 AC BORIC ENG························································································································································································································································································· 16
04 AC FLUORICUM ENG··············································································································································································································································································· 21
05 AC MUR ENG···························································································································································································································································································· 28
06 AC NIT ENG·······························································································································································································································································································35
07 AC PHOS ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 46
08 ACIDUM SULPH ENG··············································································································································································································································································· 51
09 ACONITUM ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 62
10 ACTEA ENG······························································································································································································································································································ 68
11 AESCULUS ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 76
12 AETHUSA ENG························································································································································································································································································· 83
13 AGARICUS ENG························································································································································································································································································91
14 AGNUS ENG······························································································································································································································································································99
15 ALETRIS ENG························································································································································································································································································· 105
16 HELONIAS ENG······················································································································································································································································································ 111
17 ALLIUM ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 116
18 EUPH ENG······························································································································································································································································································ 122
19 ALOE ENG······························································································································································································································································································· 129
20 ALUMINA ENG························································································································································································································································································ 135
21 AMMONIUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 143
22 ANACARDIUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 154
23 ANTIM CRUD ENG················································································································································································································································································· 160
24 ANTIM TART ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 168
25 ANTRACINUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 174
26 APIS ENG································································································································································································································································································ 179
27 ARANEA ENG··························································································································································································································································································188
28 ARGENTUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 195
29 ARNICA eng·····························································································································································································································································································206
30 ARSENICUM ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 213
31 ARUM ENG······························································································································································································································································································ 225
32 CINA ENG································································································································································································································································································ 230
33 CALAD ENG···························································································································································································································································································· 238

This Copy is Licences Only to: | DOINA MUNTEANU

34 ASA FOETIDA ENG·················································································································································································································································································241
35 MOSCHUS ENG······················································································································································································································································································ 247
36 NUX MOSCATA ENG·············································································································································································································································································· 251
37 AURUM ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 256
38 BAPTISIA ENG························································································································································································································································································ 263
39 PYROGENIUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 270
40 BARYTA ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 277
41 BELLADONA ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 286
42 BISMUTHUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································296
43 BORAX ENG···························································································································································································································································································· 301
44 BROMIUM ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 307
45 BRYONIA ENG························································································································································································································································································ 318
46 BUFO ENG······························································································································································································································································································ 329
47 CACTUS ENG··························································································································································································································································································337
48 CADMIUM ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 342
49 CALCAREA GEN ENG············································································································································································································································································ 347
50 CALCAREA CARB ENG·········································································································································································································································································· 354
51 CALC PHOS ENG····················································································································································································································································································358
52 CALC SMALL ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 367
53 CANTHARIS ENG····················································································································································································································································································378
54 CAPSICUM ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 383
55 CARBO ENG····························································································································································································································································································390
56 CAULOPHYLUM ENG············································································································································································································································································· 400
57 CAUSTICUM ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 405
58 CHAMOMILLA ENG·················································································································································································································································································413
59 CHELIDONIUM ENG··············································································································································································································································································· 420
60 CHINA ENG····························································································································································································································································································· 426
61 CICUTA ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 434
62 CLEMATIS ENG······················································································································································································································································································ 440
63 COCCULUS ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 445
64 CONIUM ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 450
65 COCCUS CACTI ENG············································································································································································································································································· 460
66 COLCHICUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································464
67 COPAIVA ENG························································································································································································································································································ 470
68 CROTON ENG························································································································································································································································································· 475
69 CUPRUM ENG·························································································································································································································································································480

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70 CYCLAMEN ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 488
71 DIGITALIS ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 495
72 DIOSCOREA ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 501
73 DROSERA ENG·······················································································································································································································································································506
74 DULCAMARA ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 512
75 EUPATORIUM ENG··············································································································································································································································································· 524
76 FERRUM ENG························································································································································································································································································· 530
77 GELSEMIUM ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 536
78 GLONOINUM ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 545
79 GRAPHITES ENG····················································································································································································································································································552
80 HAMAMELIS ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 564
81 HEKLA ENG·····························································································································································································································································································571
82 HELLEBORUS ENG················································································································································································································································································ 579
83 HEPAR SUL ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 583
84 HYDRASTIS ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 593
85 HYOSCIAMUS ENG················································································································································································································································································ 599
86 HYPERICUM ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 608
87 IGNATIA ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 614
88 IODUM ENG···························································································································································································································································································· 622
89 IPECA ENG······························································································································································································································································································633
90 IRIS ENG································································································································································································································································································· 639

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I first met Gheorghe more than 15 years ago at a Homeopathic Conference. We were both invited as
delegates from our respective countries to attend a Bird Flu Convention. It was at the start of the global
Pandemic concern. That first evening over drinks, he shared some of his research on Hahnemann and
his thoughts on the possible connections of the thoughts of Hahnemann and the Italian Renaissance
philosopher Marsilio Ficino. I was very impressed with the scope of his knowledge and his scholarly

Over the span of years since, I have urged Gheorghe to share his works regarding Homeopathy
and Semiotics with an English speaking audience. It is now about one year and a half that this has come
to fruition. Since then I have had the privilege of regular conversations and the sharing of cases with
this wonderful doctor and am grateful for the opportunity.

I have been studying and practicing Homeopathy for over 35 years and teaching for over 25. I
can recognize important work when exposed to it. Gheorghe asked to see some of my published cases
and after reviewing them he said “Joe, only one thing is missing - Pictures”. The visible realm of
symptomatology. I have been so struck with this fact. Predominantly our work is literary - matching
the written proving symptoms - the totality - to the verbal expression of the patient. Often we use some
observational information.

Dr. Jurj, who also has his doctorate in Semiotics, has taken the observation of the visible world
of the patient to a level not seen before in my experience - although as he points out - so many of these
observations have remained buried in the old works and not frequently used. To watch him work as he
minutely examines the skin for clues, then the mouth, the back, the gestures, posture and the gait is
truly to learn to see and observe afresh. Gheorghe feels that if a person has been living in a remedy state
for some time, surely there will be reliable visible clues expressed by his physical body and if carefully
gathered and examined for coherence could they not be a valued part of the totality? His experience
with serious pathology and the immense video library he has amassed over 30 years proves this to be
correct. In this very thoughtful and entertaining volume we have many gems - the proven results of his
years of work.

The presentation of this book is so impressive thanks to the unique artistic and medical talent of Emil
Ibragimov. At each individual remedy you will at first be presented with delightfully thoughtful and
creative images as well as pictures of real patients all meant to visually impress you with what is unique
in each remedy. Then in overlay style the succinct descriptive text will appear. Each image was long
considered before Emil gave them life. Some depict the presentation of the patient or symptom as a
caricature. Some are beautifully symbolic or meant to create effect. Even the fonts and colors were
selected as part of the overall effect of the remedy image.

So much attention to detail. All are so memorable. My deep gratitude to Gheorghe and Emil for the
love and care so evident in this presentation.

I ask each one of you to linger over each of these remedy presentations - learn them well - test these
observations for yourself - and hopefully even add to the body of useful observations. Use this wonderful
little book as a gateway to a new world of observation and precision in Homeopathic prescribing.

Joseph Kellerstein
Canada, Toronto

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Two years ago, after I finished reading my seminar in Kiev, I saw a

notebook with sketches of homeopathic medicines in one of the
participants. His drawings were a kind of illustration of what I was saying
about certain medicines. I appreciated the quality of the drawings ("well,
this is his way of remembering information”) and forgot about it. A couple
of months later, this doctor contacted me on the Internet with even more
drawings that he made based on my courses, asking for my opinion. I agreed
with some of them, but not quite with others. We talked for a while, and I
asked him if he could take on a much larger project: making a book
together, combining my modest 30 years of homeopathy experience with
his extraordinary drawing skills. My strengths were my extensive practice
and the fact that I videotaped a large number of consultations of my
patients with subsequent observations, carefully noting the smallest details
of what concerns visual semiotics. His strong point was his exceptional
talent in drawing, creativity, 20 years of experience in homeopathic practice,
and zeal for learning. When we decided to work together, we both
concluded that our acquaintance was predestined from above.

When we started working on our book, we didn't really know what it

would be like. Several hours of Internet communication were devoted to the
discussion of each drug. I showed videos of my patient`s appointments, and
we discussed the details that were worth illustrating, what was important,
and what patterns I had discovered during my practice. We spent hundreds
of hours of hard but interesting work, sometimes with conflicting opinions,
with a lot of corrections, improvements, trying to make the illustrations
accurate, memorable and evoking an emotional response.

The purpose of this book is not to be an exhaustive Materia Medica, but to

be a reliable tool to help you remember the characteristics of some
homeopathic remedies. Some specific symptoms and signs we did not
display in the book because of their frequent mention in the homeopathic

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The purpose of our work is to acquaint the reader with many years of
practical experience in finding the necessary symptoms and signs that
indicate such a drug.

Therefore, we decided to show and describe those almost unknown

signs and symptoms that I identified as a result of many years of
successful practice in choosing the necessary drug.

Our goal was not to write another long-winded book on homeopathy,

but to create a visual one. Thus, the text in this book is a list of what I
have found necessary, and sometimes crucial, for prescribing a drug.
For some drugs, the localization, tropicity, modalities and the most
important pathologies in which they are indicated are indicated.

Here I must remind you that this book does not encourage any
superficial or simplistic approach to our patients, and a real study of
Materia Medica is a prerequisite for the successful practice of every

We wanted the reader to be able to recognize and successfully apply

a particular homeopathic remedy with a memorable image. Therefore,
for the sake of illustrating the main ideas, I took the risk of somewhat
simplifying and reducing the pathogenesis of the drugs depicted.

I have focused on some of the main proven key symptoms, while not
excluding others.

The knowledge conveyed in this book by words, images, symbols,

even colors and shapes, we considered as a necessary basis for the
successful practice of any homeopath, as well as a quick way to
memorize pathogenesis.

In homeopathy, it is rare that one symptom corresponds to only one

drug, because the same symptoms can be found in the pathogenesis of
several drugs. Therefore, we have listed drugs that have similar
symptoms in parentheses in some figures.

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On the other hand, we came up with whole pages of differential
diagnostics, for example, “capricious children” or “what tonsillitis looks
like in different drugs”, and even synthetic diagrams so that you can
quickly differentiate drugs of the same class among themselves, for
example, Baryta, Calcarea or Kalium.

In general, the drugs in the book are in alphabetical order, but in some
cases we preferred to show the drugs one after the other, without
taking into account the alphabet, because we considered them to be
closely interrelated. This is the case with Allium cepa and Euphrasia,
with Aletris and Helonias, with Arum, Cina and Caladium, or with
certain specific classes of medicines, such as Nosodes or Snakes.

This book is not a simple illustration of the homeopathic Materia

Medica, it illustrates ideas about Materia Medica by transposing the
traditional language of homeopathy (words, symptoms, descriptions)
into images, in an iconic and symbolic manner. Some drawings are
visual metaphors that illustrate such general concepts as, for example,
“rush”, "fears”, "sensitivity to cold", etc.

We chose this path, and Emil stressed many times that images should
be bright, unusual and easy to remember. The images, description, and
visual effects are important in themselves, but we worked much more
on the holistic presentation of the drug than on its individual
symptoms, much more with drawings than with photos (although we
added many photos from my patients ' files depicting important signs of
the drugs). More attention was paid to creating a memorable image of
the drug, which could cause such emotions that the reader will
remember, than to the very description of the depicted symptoms. We
tried to give meaning to every detail in every drawing - the shape of the
letter in the name, the color of the background, in a kind of internal
symbolism designed to create a holistic impression and facilitate

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The main purpose of this book is to capture what you already know, and
to help you find what you didn't know yet, didactically in a broad sense
(in the form of sketches of the main characteristics of homeopathic
medicines), but at the same time to make it beautiful and artistic. We
wanted to create a memorable book in the right sense and give powerful
images, easy to remember, vivid and, last but not least, funny and
pleasing to the eye.

At the end of the work, we encountered another problem: how to

technically implement all this?

It is now a fact that people use more digital means to read and obtain
information than traditional paper books (such readers are becoming
fewer as the Gutenberg era gives way to the digital era). In the end, we
decided to use a more modern format - an e-book, rather than a
traditional paper book, as this allows us to make the illustrations more
dynamic, and the information that comes gradually, step by step, almost
in a cartoon style, is better suited to the didactic design of the book that
we wanted to create. This book was conceived as a "click" book ("click" -
pressing the space bar), opening page by page, and not as a traditional
"scroll" book, read line by line. At the end of each visual presentation of a
homeopathic medicine, a summary text is placed, which is intended to
remember the previously presented characteristics and facilitate the
search for the necessary information, if the reader wants to find some
symptoms, using the name of the homeopathic medicine or by keywords.

The book is mainly intended for practicing homeopaths, but it is also

open to non-professionals, because it illustrates the wonderful world of
homeopathy in all its diversity.

We hope that our readers will appreciate our work.

Gheorghe Jurj.

Emil Ibragimov.

July, 2021.

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A ota u

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A ota u
A remedy for emaciated people on the extremes of
age or condition.
Suitable for emaciated children who look old,
with wrinkled face, cold, dry,with blue rings
around the eyes, yet with good appetite (Nat-m),
sometimes with parasites (Cina).
Emaciation after long and serious diseases,
with great weakness, thin limbs and loose skin
(Alumina, Silicea).
Goes from one disease to another (morbid
metastasis) or alternations between different
Skin predisposition to make furuncles and a
special key note: oozing omphalitis.

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Every Acidum remedy has its own characteristic, but, as a class there are
some common mental features: restlessness, fatigue, irritability and

The relation with fatigue and weakness is prominent: acids may appear
as necessary remedies after long and intense periods of mental (students)
or physical exertions (sportsmen, constantly exposed to metabolic
acidosis that is not properly balanced by food and hydration). Sometimes
they appear at the end of exhausting diseases or long convalescences.

Many of them might be an acid decompensation of their own root

(Sulphur, Phosphorus, Muriaticum) in physically serious conditions like
cirrhosis or cancer, or whenever the body is exposed to long metabolic or
respiratory acidosis. In these cases, they present a characteristic dyspnea
(sometimes similar with the acidotic respiration), edemas, vascular
diseases, etc. In some acids, like Muriaticum, Phosphoricum, Boricum,
Aceticum edemas are frequent and can reach the stage of anasarca.

Burning sensation is common in all acid remedies, related to increased

acidity of digestive secretions (saliva, gastric hyperacidity) or associated
with sensitive neurologic disorders (burning sensation in some areas).

Acid remedies are, miasmatically, syphilitic remedies: cracks, fissures

and ulcers, sometimes discrete, othertimes long lasting, are common. Just
remember that all acids applied locally burn the skin and are able to
provoke ulcers.

Another common feature is their hemorrhagic tendency, both of

vascular (fragility) and cellular origin (anemia, thrombopenia, disorders of

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Acidum boricum

Edemas (and dark rings) around

the eyes, fatigue, and shortness of
breath. Great thirst for large
quantities of water.

Erythema multiforme and

exfoliating dermatitis.

Useful in some cases of diabetes

mellitus, with dry, cracked and red

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Is one of the most toxic acids, the only one that attacks
Platinum. Its main keywords are asymmetry, deformation and
Fluoric constitution is characterized by asymmetries of face,
ogival palate (high vaulted), irregular implantation of teeth,
deformities of spine and chest (pectus excavatum or pectus
carinatum). The axes of finger are not straight, they make angles.
Tendency to hyper-laxity of tendons and connective tissues;
accentuated bluish striae in unexpected areas like axilla, or
transverse striae on the back of thin persons.

Alopecia areata or alopecia totalis (even of eyebrows, eyelids,

genital or axillar hair)

A great tendency to form keloids or retractile cicatrices.

Deep ulcers with hypertrophic borders. Paradontosis with gums

Exostoses and cysts in various parts (bones, thyroid, ovaries,

breast). Wet eruptions oozing like drops.

Mentally a tendency to excesses of all kinds (drugs, alcohol,

gambling), including sexual libertinism. Cryptorchidism in boys.
One of the main remedies of the so called syphilitic miasm.

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Acidum muriaticum
Might be a decompensation of all muriatic
constitutions, or after long grief, disappointments or

Always think of it when fatigue is the main complain

in these situations accompanied with burning.

Characteristic burning of digestive tract, with pyrosis

and burning hemorrhoids, extremely sensitive to touch so
that the patient sits avoiding the slightest contact,
therefore must adopt a declined one-side sitting position.

Debility or just a sensation of it with moaning,

irritability, sometimes with restlessness and fits of
anger. Ulcers with dark base extremely sensitive.

Cracks at the margins of body orifices (mouth, anus,


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Nitricum Acidum is the main representative of
nitric remedies.
Mentally: restlessness, hurry, anticipation.

Characteristic skin with yellowness of palms and sole,

yellowness around mouth. Sometimes this yellowness
can be seen only when the hands are in hyperextension.
Yellowish discoloration on the palate and under
Dry skin with accentuation of physiological lines.
Cracks and fissures like cuts, very painful and
bleeding easily. Desquamation in large, yellowish
scales, the skin looks as if pieces of a puzzle.

Recurrent urinary infections with strong odor of

urine ( described like horse urine)

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As a constitutional remedy it fits for the
phosphoric root.

Remedy in all conditions when the vital

energy goes down, either by situation (e.g.
burn-out syndrome) or pathology. Always
associated with lack of energy (to
remember that all energy exchanges in the
cell metabolism are mediated by moving
phosphate from ATP to AMP) and all its

Indicated in cirrhosis with portal

syndrome, collateral circulation, vascular
spiders and ascites.

Remedy for exhaustion in students, after

weeks of hard work and study.

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Acidum sulphuricum
In its decompensating form it is a remedy with
debility and dyspnea, chills and flushes of heat
alternating (therefor one of the main remedy of
menopause in Sulphuric patients).
It has a special relation with alcohol (sometimes
suitable in cirrhosis, with anasarca and portal
congestion signs): loquacity and making theories in old
alcoholics, restlessness but easy fatigable, always in
hurry but with no stamina. Amelioration drinking
spirits but not pure water, burning sensation in the
stomach, throat and mouth.
The face is characteristic: rinophyma, dirty skin,
boils and pustulae, acne in mature subjects, bluish
Itching of the skin, petechial rush and purpura,
fissures and cracks on palms, mouth, and anus, with
bleeding of dark blood.
A characteristic sore throat, with intense burning of
mouth , ulcers bleeding easily and pus that may appear
at all ages, especially in sulphuric root patients.

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Aconitum is a sudden and dramatic remedy indicated in
the first stages of some infectious or viral diseases, sometimes
after exposure to cold and wind with high fever (it goes in hours
to 400 C ) , with congestion of the head and chest alternating
with chills. There is throbbing of arteries and characteristic is a
great fear of death, they even can predict
“I will die in 2 days”, with restlessness and anxiety.

Aconitum makes spectacular panic attacks, with fear of dying,

fear of crowds, fear of immediate future, as crossing a street.
During the attacks they feel death proximate and frightful, while
the face is congested, arteries are throbbing and eyes are
shining. It is probably the most anguished complementary of
Sulphur root remedies and might come as a recurrent remedy
after intense frights, accidents, disasters.

In all fears, when there is anticipation of proximate death

with congested face, throbbing and restlessness one should DD
with Belladonna, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Stramonium.

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Affinity for hormonal, musculoskeletal and nervous system.
One of the most indicated remedy in menopause with often
flushes (more intense during night, obliging to wake up)
accompanied by perspiration, irritability and need for air
(Lachesis, Ignatia, Sanguinaria). May restore menstrual cycle in
certain amenorrhea installed after nervous or hormonal

Great affinity for cervical region disorders: occipital and

cervical pains, pains in supraspinous fossa ameliorated by
massages, paravertebral contractures in the neck region and
shoulders, dizziness when moving the head and numbness in
fingers. Two trigger points: one in the middle of supraspinous
muscle, the other on cervical vertebra CVII, both sensitive to

Migraine beginning in the corner of the eye and irradiating

towards occiput across a curved line, perimenstrual, with intense
sickness and need to press trigger points on front, occiput or

Pains in small joints of the hand, wrist and fingers (Actea

spicata, Caulophylum) aggravated by cold and postmenopausal.

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Aesculus has a strong and definite tropism for
venous system, be it bluish, large varices with
punctate ulcers, grape-like large hemorrhoids
with dark bleeding or varicosities on the palate
and tonsillar pillars.
The venous design is accentuated
everywhere, on feet and hands too. The legs
might be dark brownish discolored, because
the flow of blood is slowed down and pigment
is released into the skin (hemochromatosis).
I checked it as an excellent remedy in some
forms of lower back pain, when the patient
cannot rise from bent position and must take
support to do it. On inspection I observed
many bluish varicosities on the lumbar area
and prominent veins .

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Aethusa main characteristic is its relation
with milk. Intolerance of milk in infants (even
to mother’s milk), with vomiting or loose stool
after feeding, eventually with loss of weight
and energy.

Farrington gives us a precious sign” a line

extending from the alae of the nose to the corners of
mouth, giving to the child an expression of nausea”
(suffering and emaciation).

An example: a very thin girl of 3 y. o. who doesn’t speak. During her first
year, feeding was the biggest problem, as she was vomiting after every meal.
Not even now she cannot drink milk or any milk products because she gets
digestive troubles. In RADAR keynotes I found this interesting mental
feature” seems as if they decided not to communicate with others”. After Aethusa
30 CH she began speaking in one month.

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Three things are to remember about Agaricus:
delusions, trembling and itching.
Delusion that objects are too large or too small,
delusion of speaking animals or animated objects (like
in Alice in wonderland).

Trembling may be essential or connected with

nervous system disturbances. It is easy to check with
a paper put on hands with extended arms. Trembling
of tongue.
Another indication is acrocyanosis (blueness of
finger tips) with extreme cold sensitivity.

Itching of the whole body, sometimes unbearable,

in old people (pruritus senilis), with or without other
skin lesions.

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Agnus castus

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Agnus castus
Agnus castus is a remedy much connected
with sexuality in both genders.

In males, excessive sexual desire followed by

impotency with lot of fantasies or spermatorrhea
during sleep or stool, and sensation of coldness of
the genitals.

In women it is a specific remedy for

menopause flushes when others symptoms are
lacking. Scanty menses and leucorrhea.

Fears of aging, of rapid death, sadness and

A characteristic sensorial delusion: smell of
herring or musk.

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Aletris farinosa

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Aletris farinosa

Together with Helonias, Hydrastis, and

Kreosotum, it is one of the so called “small remedies”
indicated in chronic or recurrent leucorrhea.

Aletris is indicated in patients with no energy,

anemic or debilitated with some confusion of mind
and slowness in reactions and thinking.

Leucorrhea may be whitish or yellowish,

accompanied with a sensation of weakness and may
appear after abortion, loss of fluids or surgical
interventions on uterus.

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I prescribe often Helonias when there is leucorrhea and
no clear constitutional or pathological condition.

One important key-note is “the patient is conscious of her

uterus” and “sometimes holds up or supports her
abdomen and pelvis” (Sepia, Clematis).

In serious cases leucorrhea may be yellowish, abundant,

with strong odor and itching in the genital area, uterine atony
with hyper-menorrhea and dark clothed blood.

Patients are often neurasthenic, irritable, accuse lack of

energy and association with disturbances in urination (small
quantities of urine).

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The image of Euphrasia is the reverse of Allium cepa in
respiratory allergies: there are more eye symptoms than
nose symptoms.

The main tropism is for the eye, with burning, sensation

of dust in the eyes, a lot of lachrymation and a fast arising
allergic conjunctivitis, while the nose symptoms are less
violent and not irritating.
Eyes are red, congested, sometimes with thick
secretions in the morning, and the patients feel the need
to rub them. Suits well the Phosphoricum and Muriaticum

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A remedy with digestive affinity: flatulence , slimy
greenish diarrhea with a lot of mucus and pains extending in the
whole abdomen before stool and difficulty to control
the sphincter ( ). Involuntary or unnoticed
stool on passing flatus with shame and preoccupation
because of this.

Increased appetite after stool (Podophyllum).

Irritable before stool, weakness after.

Grape like hemorrhoids with itching and

or fullness ameliorated by cold applications.

Portal congestion with hematemesis or bleeding


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Alumina is a remedy mostly for extreme ages (children, even
infants or old aged people) and extreme conditions when there is
weak ess, paleness and constipation.

Stools are dry, remain for long time in the rectum (sometimes
they have to be removed mechanically), with ineffectual urging
and straining, or without any urging. Every other symptom is
aggravated with constipation including paralysis and headaches,
and ameliorated with the emission of stool. In some cases,
constipation may alternate with diarrhea. (In SYNTHESIS repertory we
have in fact 33 symptoms of diarrhea. I treated one case of very serious episode of
diarrhea, with no urging, in an old woman, who presented all the other signs of the

It is a pale, dry, slow and cold remedy.

In old age skin is pale and so dry it hangs down in folds, the
face is nkled and arcus senilis is present from early ages. A
peculiar symptom: sensation of cobweb on the face. Lacquered

Alumina has a special relation with potatoes: desire, repulsion

or aggravation from potatoes of cough, eructation, digestion,
diarrhea, etc.

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We will treat Ammonium remedies together, as their main characteristics as a class
are the same, but the constitution, modalities and generalities differ according to the
second root.

The main tropisms of ammonium remedies are respiratory and metabolic system. The
voice is characteristic when speaking because a overlap it, as
if the nose would be blocked. . The nose might be blocked by adenoids,
secretions or just congestion of mucosa. Dryness of nose alternates with period of
running nose with transparent but acrid and , while the lips are dry,
cracked in corners.

Respiration is difficult from simple rhinitis to real asthmatic paroxysms, always

aggravated in warm room and ameliorated in open air. A characteristic sign is
during sleep, cough, or in infants; this may lead to a sensation of
asphyxia, and then respiration is restarted with a gasp. Therefore, we will find
indication of these wonderful remedies in pulmonary edema, in emphysema or
chronic obstructive lung disease.

The metabolism and kidney are affected: stones, nephritis, even uremia or kidney
failure (remember ammonium is the last product of protein metabolism eliminated by
kidney, hence in uremia the ammoniacal foetor). Often heaviness in the lumbar region
with stiffness when rising.

For the second root determinative is the typology, constitution and some well-known
generalities. For example, Ammonia:

- Cold: aceticum, carbonicum, arsenicatum, causticum, muriaticum, benzoicum,


- Warm: sulphuricum, bromatum, bichromicum, iodatum, fluoratum,


- Thin: arsenicatum, nitricum, phosphoricum, muriaticum

- Plump: sulphuricum, carbonicum (bloated face but cold) bichromicum

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Antimonium crudum

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Antimonium crudum
Antimonium Crudum is not just a remedy for various
pathologies but a constitutional remedy too. The main
characteristics of this constitution are (even it has many
digestive disorders), tendency to gain wait, to produce keratosis,
and lumpy excretions (stool, nasal discharges, leucorrhea). It is a
warm remedy (as it has its Sulphur root) but cold baths in summer
or over heating may cause problems or aggravate the patient. An
important sign for the constitution is on the
external side of arms, hips and back that makes the follicles
visible as small points and the .
Hyperkeratosis is present both physiologically on soles, palms,
back of hands but may accompany skin diseases: large sole warts,
dermatitis atopica or psoriasis.
It is one of the important remedies for dermatitis atopica in
well fed children in which besides the multitude of pimples rough
to touch (Belladonna, Bromium,) on cheeks, neck, and flat
surfaces of the body, may appear vesicular separate eruptions, as
large as a pea, mostly on hands and feet, known as

Another keynote is the , as cover

with yogurt. It is not present in all cases as such, in some there are
just two milky longitudinal lines and thick saliva.
Easily disorders digestion (stomach burns, eructations, lumpy
stools, by bread, sour things or meat, but he continues to eat

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As its former name (Tartarus emeticus) says it is a
remedy with a high tendency toward nausea and
vomiting with both digestive and respiratory
complains. It is more suited to cold and thin
constitutions, pale complexion and
hyperproduction of secretions.

Antimonium tartaricum bronchitis is probably the

most frequent prescription. It is easy to recognize: a
rattling sound of respiration audible even at a
distance, with coarse rales from the lungs, many
secretions very difficult to expel, or the patient is
too weak to expel; therefore, they may be expelled
by vomiting (Ipeca, Drosera) preceded by nausea.

It is one of the most indicated remedy in eruptions

with vesicles that rapidly become umbillicated

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It is a small nosode connected with extremely severe
infections of the skin with tendency to progress to
septic states.
Furuncles, boils, carbuncles, malignant ulcers,
abscesses with different aggressive bacteria (gram
negative, resistant staphylococcus, anaerobes).
Characteristics: the infection appears as a nest, with
more roots of pus close together, separated or covered
with dark, blackish crusts (or like a “malignant black
flower” as Emil draw it).
The pus is dirty, greyish or greenish, adherent, with
aggressive foul odor. Around the infection of deep
bluish congested base, there is always a local
inflammatory cellulitis and a regional spread to the
lymphatic nodes.

Fever of a septic type, with profuse cold perspiration

that does not alleviate the general feeling of
exhaustion and sickness.

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Apis is one of the main remedies for all allergic reactions,
mostly on skin, but is useful in all conditions when there are
histaminic reactions (in my courses I often name it “our
antihistamine”), e.g. in contact dermatitis, asthma or edema

The most characteristic sign is its erythema: elevated

( ) of pinkish color, spreading like a
map, very hot, ameliorated by cold applications. In some
patients of eyelids, mostly the upper one.
In acute inflammations of throat a key note is the swollen
tonsils and swollen uvula, as if filled with water.

Apis is the most “dermographic” remedy I know: when

slightly scratched, in seconds appear large pink elevated
lines. In few minutes, the lines may become paler than the
basis, and they are warm to touch.

In dermatological complains, there is a characteristic Apis

eruption “ ” either in dermatitis or psoriasis.

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A remedy with high sensitivity to dampness in all
forms: damp habitats like those close to lakes and
rivers, damp chilly places like cellars, damp weather.
Dampness always aggravates all symptoms, be them
neurological, rheumatological or digestive.

Hidrogenoid constitution and modalities, aggravated

by humid environment, weather or exposure to rain,
cold baths (Natrium sulphuricum, Dulcamara).
Patient feels «cold to the bones», not relieved by

Swelling (or just sensation) of parts with coldness,

feeling e.g. hands or feet twice their natural size.
Lymphedema associated with bone pains (Bufo, Apis).

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The main signs for this physical constitution are the face wrinkled on
forehead and with two vertical lines on cheeks.

Inborn warts on face (Dulcamara, Medorrhinum, Natrium

sulphuricum, Nitricum acidum). Many warts and naevi on the whole
body and the characteristic yellowness and dryness on palms and
sole ( Nitric root).

Mentally, Argentum nitricum is one of the most anticipatory remedy:

anticipation anxiety from trifles, before events, before flights or
exams. On the other hand, an important repertory rubric is ailments
after anticipation, from panic attacks (for which he/she is prone to)
to all kinds of digestive disorders. Makes ulcers in esophagus, bowel,

Has lots of fears: of crowds, of being alone, of narrow places, of

flights, of future, of death, etc.

Many elusions: the high buildings will fall on him, the wall will
crush, etc. (in Radar repertory, we can find 76 rubrics on fears , and 68 rubrics
showing delusions related to the remedy).

It has a special relation with time: feels time pressure always, time
goes too fast and never is enough, feels he must run to catch time,
always in hurry, doing things fast but never fast enough.

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In homeopathy we have a remedy unique in all medicine
because it represents the idea of physical trauma. Arnica is the
main remedy for all accidents, bruises, contusions both in
acute and after effects. It has a strong connection with
vascular disruptions, be they after purpura, petechiae or
ecchymosis. Therefore one of the main remedies indicated in
hemophilia or thrombocytopenia.

The skin pathology of Arnica is widely represented (from

allergo-dermias to psoriasis) and has three main
characteristics: the lesions tend to appear symmetrically, the
sensitiveness of skin to pressure (”everything on which he lies
seems too hard”) and the presence of a bluish ecchymotic

One year, I was confronted with a flu micro-epidemy with high fever,
soreness and lameness. The genius epidemicus I found after a mother
told me that her kid complained” mom, the pillow is too hard”; she
changed the pillow with a softer one, but the kid still complained.

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Arsenicum album

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Arsenicum album
Arsenicum album has definite physical traits, powerful mental
characteristics and strong modalities.

It is a cold remedy, with aversion to cold in every form, and

ailments after cold (exposure, drinks and food). Even in fever, the
body is hot but the tip of nose and ears are cold.
The most important physical signs are pale face, swallow
complexion, rings around eyes (Emil draw the Panda bear eyes to
remember), swelling of upper or lower eyelid, like a sac with water
and a pale, very dry skin, letting a fine furfuraceous desquamation.
In some cases the skin looks like it is covered with scales,
physiologically or real ichthyosis.
Mentally Arsenicum is a very anxious remedy and needs precision,
order and is fastidious because disorder makes them anxious. Critical
and suspicious. Fears: of night, of dark in persons who cannot sleep
only with a night light; of death, strong nosophobia, fear of microbes
or contagion, fear of robbers, fear of any imaginable think or event.
This fears are accompanied by delusions and compulsive disorders:
must check several times the light , the gas, if the doors are closed;
compulsive cleaning (Syphilinum) to the absurd; suspicions they will
be tricked or robbed in trivial situations, etc.

Some modalities are peculiar for all ailments: aggravation at

night, between 1 and 3 AM; desire for water in small quantities
(accompanied with dryness of mouth); burning sensation on various
parts and coldness that make them dress warm, drink warm, sleep

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A small remedy easy to recognize by its
powerful keynote: , with
because he/she must rub them, pick them till
bleeding. Nose is obstructed, soreness of
nostrils as the secretions are irritating
(allergic rhinitis). This may be associated with
all other kind of symptoms, from asthmatic
crisis to laryngitis or eruptions.

The same as Cina, ,

with lost appetite
and headaches.

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Cina is mostly a remedy for children as if having
symptoms closely related with :
rubbing and boring the nose, rubbing the anus,
abdominal colics, with pale or dark
rings around the eyes, headaches, twitching of
muscles, and spasms, even convulsions. All their
symptoms are aggravated at full moon.

A characteristic keynote is :
in behavior, appetite, mood, symptoms.
Extreme stubbornness, they are cross, jump up
and down the floor and shout, scream, cry making
cycling movements with their legs without taking into
account their parents and anybody around. Nothing
makes them happy, they refuse things they have
asked for, do not want to be touched, carried (Cham)
or caressed.
Appetite may vary from meal to meal with either
ravenous fits or complete refusal.

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Is a wonderful small remedy indicated in itching inside or

around anus, with local eruptions that may easily get infected.

Its main indication is digestive parasitosis (mostly ascarides and

oxyurs), with worms migrating toward perineum (vulvitis,

respectively balanitis) producing intense itching, sexual excitation

with discomfort.

Alternation between skin eruptions, colics and recurrent

respiratory complaints (rhinitis, asthma) in patients with parasites

or candidiasis.

My first case was a 5 y.o. girl with perivulvar pimples and vesicular eruption, itching and

a need to rub the area (making parents think she masturbated) very nervous, sensitive to

noises (covered her ears when the sounds, voices, music was too loud) and fear of falling

asleep. On local inspection I saw oxyurs around the anal orifice. I took the rubric Female

Genitalia – Itching – worms and the only remedy was Caladium that I prescribed in D6. The
effect was very rapid: in the first three days she expelled a lot of oxyurs in the stool, and

after that the eruption, itching and anxieties were gone forever.

It has a peculiar strong relation with smoking: both desire and

aggravation to tobacco.

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Asa foetida

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Asa foetida
Asa foetida shares with Ignatia, Moschus and Nux moschata the
capriciousness of character, the abdominal distension and
the sensation constriction or of a lump in the throat,
formerly named as hysterical symptoms.

Unsteadiness, oversensitiveness, excitation on trifles or sexuality,

alternating moods, paradoxical laughter and even fainting in
psychological stress, are among mental described characteristics.

But the most important keynote comes from the physical part,
where everything is related with gas, huge abdominal
distension, flatulence or incarcerated flatus, explosive eructations
concomitant or alternating with sensation of a lump or a ball rising
in the throat, like constricted, with difficult respiration, associated
with palpitations.

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It is a remedy in the category of
capriciousness (in classical text recommended for
so-called hysteria) with trembling, suffocation and
bloating of abdomen.

Fainting accompanied by chilliness and great

sensitivity to cold, related with sexual problems
(strong desires with titillation, nausea and
vomiting after coition).

Respiratory disturbances with

(Asa foetida,
Ignatia), even asthma, related with sexuality (
abused, repressed or unsatisfactory).

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It is largely used for seasoning the food, but sensitive

people might develop symptoms. In homeopathy its main
tropisms are digestive and nervous system.
Feels as if all food transforms in gas, digestion weak,
need for spicy food to digest. Sensations of a lump in the
stomach or throat and easy fainting (Ignatia, Asa foetida,
Fainting fits during stool, at excitement, from sight of
blood or from slightest pain.
A main keynote is sudden sleepiness during day, even
when doing normal activities (I had a male case who must stop the
car because of this; Nux-m 30 CH solved the problem).

Drowsiness with chilliness and lack of thirst accompany

all other symptoms. Indicated in all sort of neurological
diseases (convulsion, absences, paresis, vascular ischemia)
when fits of sleepiness are present together with digestive
Mental capriciousness, laughing loud and then soon
crying, considered historically as indicated for delicate
hysterical woman.

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A strong remedy with two contradictory phases.
The first one is what I called “the shining u ”:
people full of energy, able to gather people around and
lead them (even during childhood), workaholic, creative
and efficient. In mythology, the two symbols associated
with gold are the sun and the lion. Typical face of
Aurum is round, with red cheeks, strong voice and an
imposing presence in general.

The other phase is “the Aurum” when

they feel as if they lost their purpose in living,
remembering how shiny they were in contrast with the
miserable state they feel now.

There are many pathologies related with the remedy,

mostly cardiovascular (hypertension, ischemia,
atherosclerosis) and osteoarticular, with a great tendency
to make arthroses (hip, knee, shoulder). It is one of the
main remedy for early need to hip joint prosthesis. The
walk is rigid, and they bend forward and from side to
side during walk. The arthroses of Aurum are dry, with
bone and cartilages destructions, deformation (
), and predominant night pain.

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A remedy indicated in long, toxic, and
exhausting fever whatever the origin could be,
associated with a indescribable sick feeling

Perspiration and all secretions are

offensive (breath, stool, urine) therefore
Baptisia is one of the remedies one may
recognize just entering the patients room.

Stupor, falling asleep while talking, dark

red face, tonsils and palate, lividness of skin.

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The best known and model for Baryta remedies is Baryta carbonica, but in practice I
use the common features of Baryta as indicative for the class and the constitution for
the second root.
In children, Baryta class remedies are characterized by a tendency to remain back
(Timidity/Slowness): slow dentition, late walking, late speech, they “step back” in
socializing (except Phosphorica and Sulphurica), with shyness and bashfulness and
apparent awkwardness.
Adenoids are a strong keynote, as well as their consequences: otitis, bronchitis,
dyspnea and recurrent respiratory infections.

A keyword for Baryta remedies in adults is a kind of infantilism manifesting in

small signs (like biting nails, or rubbing the skin around them, in certain
movements of lips while speaking) or and attitudes: defensive, with difficulty to assume
trivial challenges of life or with refuge in gaming, or staying for long time with their
parents. This doesn’t mean that all Baryta are slow minded, they might be highly
intelligent but childish in some aspects of behavior or mentality.

Always in a presumed Baryta case I look to the nails: skin is destroyed

around nails and sometimes keratosis-like a pseudo-wart due to their constant
For the second root, besides mental features and modalities a simple way to find a
- Cold : Carbonica, Silicica, Nitrica
- Warm: Sulphurica, Iodata, Bromata, Fluorica

- Fat: Carbonica, Sulphurica, Bromata

- Thin: Silicica, Iodata, Phosphorica, Fluorica

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Belladonna is one of the most congestive remedy of Materia
Medica: no congestion, no Belladonna.
Everything (headaches, pains, colics, spasms)
is sudden, intense and pulsating as if one
could feel the heart beating in different places.
In acute it is one of the main remedy for feverish conditions with
sudden upset, if the face is red and shiny, irradiating heat but
hands and feet are generally cold, with the exception of fever on
a Sulphur root. Photophobia of high degree is common, so they
cover their eyes. The eyes of Belladonna are one of great signs in
both constitution or diseases: shiny, congested, lachrymose
(remember its name comes from the use in Middle Ages for
causing “shiny eyes”).
It may be a constitutional remedy in children: cross, irritable,
violent, biting themselves or others, knocking others or the floor
with the head moving like a woodpecker, wanting to escape from
the consultation room. When upset, bending their head
backward, as in opisthotonus. Disposed to recurrent infections
with sudden upset or dramatic episodes of spasms (abdominal,
respiratory or convulsions).
The most characteristic skin sign is a scarlet fever like eruption,
with red pimples on a dry skin rough to touch, often with palms
and soles red.

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Has main affinity for digestive system,
especially stomach. Every other symptom is
associated or alternates with stomach disorders:
migraines of neuralgic character, diarrhea, joints

Burning in the stomachand whole

epigastrium, going upwards to the mouth
(Robinia, Sulph-ac., Iris) desire cold water but
vomit it as soon as it warms in the stomach

The acidity affects the mouth: metallic,

sweetish or acrid taste, white coat on tongue,
gums swollen, profuse salivation, toothaches
ameliorated if holding icy water in the mouth.

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Mentally, Borax main fears are connected with verticality:
fears of children when lowering them to the bed ( don’t confuse
with Cham, who cries when not carried) ,fear of lift, dread of
descending (e.g. panic attacks when the plain is landing)

Extreme sensitiveness to high pitched noises, to touch, to


Another important tropism is the mouth and mucosae:

stomatitis of various types with mapped tongue, coated with
white curdy coat, or white lumps, with painful inflammation of
gums, tongue and inner, cheeks, extremely painful and
sensitive, so that the patient cannot eat or drink. The same
may appear on genitals (the most frequent agent is Candida

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Bromium is much more than a simple respiratory remedy, as it is
usually prescribed; it is a constitutional root, present alone or in
other salts.

Characteristic is , laryngeal rough

cough with suffocation (Hepar, Causticum, Spongia, Iodum,
Ammonia) more in corpulent children (Borland). All respiratory
disorders due to damp cold weather and fog, asthmatic crisis with
sudden onset and intense wheezing. Lips are dry, the child licks
them frequently and
(this may be constitutional sign as well).

As a constitution, Bromium has a kind of specific restlessness,

doing with fingers, or ticks like snapping fingers,
or rubbing the tips of thumb and index (same as in Kalium

Tendency to gain wait, early , tendency to keloids

or depressed cicatrices after acne. Acne is often in youngster
typically with painful deep pustulae and many cyst, pseudo-cysts,
comedones on face, shoulder and back (Fluoric remedies). Nails
curved in watch glass with transverse depressions.

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Bufo rana

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Bufo rana
This remedy was suitable to people of a low or weak
intellectual condition, with nervous system disturbances (e.g.
Parkinson disease, epilepsy, Down Syndrome), presenting
characteristic movements of the tongue: protrusion,
swirling and trembling.

Predisposition to masturbation (or other forms of self-

touch) in feeble minded persons.

It is a great remedy for lymphangitis, with large

infiltration of skin, associated with thrombophlebitis or
infections (panaritium, bullous diseases, pustulae), extremely
painful to touch.

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The main tropism of Cactus is the heart, arteries
and smooth muscle, causing the most characteristic
symptom: sensation of constriction as if an iron
band would press tight. All symptoms occur
suddenly and with high intensity.
This comes in all locations and pathologies:
- angina pectoris (with cold sweats and
suffocation, radiating to left shoulder and arm),
endocarditis or valvular diseases;
- constriction in bladder and urethra (sometimes
causing arrested urination);
- female organs (dysmenorrhea, vaginismus);
- chest (oppressed respiration with suffocation,
blocked diaphragm, initial stages of pleurisy or
pulmonary embolism);
- stomach (painful constrictions with or without
- head (congestive and constrictive migraine that
occurs periodically, sometimes at the same hour
– Cedron).

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Cadmium remedies (Metallicum and Sulphuricum
mostly) were used in homeopathy for serious disorders like
cholera, yellow fever or other terminal states with great
exhaustion; but their most frequent indication in
homeopathy is , in all possible
locations (introduced by Grimmer) especially on internal
organs (lungs, liver, digestive, female genitalia).

Patients are weak and cold, freezing, sensitive to all

kind of coldness (weather, drinks, air) but do not ameliorate
with warm applications.

Strange symptoms with sleep: sleeps with wide open

eyes, nocturnal arrest of respiration, sleeplessness with
great fatigue.

The second root for Cadmium remedies is decided using

constitution or modalities (sulphuricum, phosphoricum,
arsenicosum, muriaticum, etc.). Cadmium metallicum is
always on hand when cancer is a clear but modalities are

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Calcarea salts
The best known is Calcarea Carbonica who represents a model
for the whole class, but in practice the second root is to be
decided on the basis of constitutional traits and modalities.
There are some features indicative for this class.
1. In childhood, all Calcarea might be needed in a particular
period or as developmental remedies in periods of
intense growth of body structures (mostly skeletal). They
are useful when children don’t manage well the challenges
of development (dentition, kindergarten, school, puberty).
Characteristic signs are deficient growth of teeth (slow and
bad implantation), pains in the bones (so called growing
pains) and fears;

2. Calcarea salts are related with calcium metabolism

(urinary sand or stones, exostoses, calcifications in different
structures) and calcium functions at tissular level
(spasmophilia, contractures, tics);
3. In adults, early osteoporosis with abnormal calcifications
(vertebral “parrot beaks” or Osteophytosis), joints disorders
with early arthrosis tendency;

4. Mentally: fears and need for order are the main general
characteristics. Fears of all kind (future, disease, insects,
animals in general). Need for order in general or from time
to time (fits of cleaning and arranging thinks).

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Is well known for two main affinities: for urinary
and genital system, and for the skin, with burning
sensation everywhere, ameliorated by cold
With the urinary system the main keynote
symptom is “burning micturition” like fire would come
out with every drop of urine, with violent tenesmus
and the characteristic amelioration by local cold baths.
Often it is associated with increased sexual desire.
Available in very painful urethritis or other kidney
disorders, like nephritis.

The powder of cantharis is revulsive, making the skin

(it was and still is used for this purpose) and it is
indicated in all blistering eruptions.
On skin the main sign is rapid formation of vesicles,
large bullae and blood filled blisters: therefore, it is
indicated in all burns and in all eruptions (e.g. Zona
Zoster, pemphigus, erysipelas) with these kind of

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It is another burning remedy in all local symptoms (head,
stomach, ear, mouth, throat, rectum, bladder).
(Just eat a strong chili to experience these sensations)

Mentally it is the remedy for homesickness, for nostalgia

related with old homey memories provoking depression and
all sorts of ailments (even physical ones).
The lady whose tongue is depicted here came for a terrible burning
stomatitis with huge inflammation, depapillation of tongue and
congestion around mouth “as if the area would be rubbed with hot
chili”. Asking about her life she said ~everything begun after my
children left home… I felt my house not being anymore a real home~.

Capsicum has a special tropism for ear and mastoids,

causing mastoiditis with burning pains, inflammation, need but
aggravation to cold applications. Face is shiny red, tongue is
shiny red.
In some patients strong desire for alcohol, pepper, stimulants
(coffee, taurine drinks) that worsen (contrary to Sul-ac. and

Dysuria and diarrhea with burnings and tenesmus. Cystitis

pains ameliorated by cold baths (Cantharis).

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Carbo vegetabilis is a remedy connected with air; just
remember a charcoal needs air to burn, otherwise it becomes a
black mineral. It has a wonderful action in all conditions when the
saturation of oxygen decreases, with an increase of carbon dioxide
in blood.
One of the main characteristics is lack of air with all its
consequences: dyspnea at slightest effort, respiratory failure and
cyanosis. Therefore, it is a valuable remedy in all pulmonary
affections, from pneumonia to pulmonary fibrosis or emphysema.
The keynote is “need for ventilation” with fan, opening
window, or in serious case, oxygen supply. One of the main
remedies in heart valvular diseases with face and cheeks reddish
and cyanotic (the so called mitral face)
Large distension of abdomen, as it would be filled with air
with a sensation of lack of air.
Cyanosis may be seen perioral, on tip of nose, peripherally on
finger and toes, in the distended sublingual veins or around
cutaneous lesions. The color is deep blue and the crusts tend to
be blackish.
Papular itching eruptions on the body, mostly in the upper
part of the thoracic region and extremities. Phagedenic ulcers,
with cyanotic base and black crusts.

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It has two main affinities: on womb and on

small joints

Atonic uterus during labor, inefficient pains

(it helps natural birth), false pains in first
months, with tendency to abortion. Difficult
expulsion of lochia.

Pain in fingers and wrist, with much

inflammation (rheumatoid polyarthritis)
aggravated before menstruation or associated
with amenorrhea or menopause. Hands feel
like strange bodies and movements difficult to

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Causticum may be a constitutional or an acute remedy
with definite characteristics.
Mentally the homeopathic legends speak about
empathy, compassion, need for justice, aversion to
authority, activism for just causes and rebelliousness.
Constitutionally, there are some strong features:
deviation of tongue, fingers and toes in a claw
position (with real or as if retraction of tendons).
Rheumatic pains with arthritic deformities aggravated by
cold baths. Wrinkled face and many warts (on eyelids, tip
of nose or close to nails).
It is a dry remedy, sensitive to changes of weather
(especially musculoskeletal conditions), aggravation
before storm and when the weather changes to
sunny (reverse of Dulc. and Nat-sulph.), spring
Local, unilateral paresis and paralysis on face (facial
paresis a frigore, after dry cold wind) or limbs. Burning
unilateral neuralgic pains, caused and sensitive to cold
drafts. Urinary incontinence when coughing or sneezing.

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In Chamomilla everything is intense (onsets, pains, behavior).

Is a remedy more often used in children: extremely irritable, crying, jumping on

the floor no matter when and where if their loud requirements are not fulfilled
immediately (behaving like spoiled children). Obstinacy, aggressive
attitude, with the hands on waist. Many children have a period of Chamomilla
during dentition, with irritability, hyper-salivation, frequent awaking during

Kids have tendency to recurrent congestive otitis , with very intense

sudden pains, appearing at the beginning of the night, crying loud, rolling the
head on pillow. Often “one check red, the other pale”
I remember a girl of 6 y.o., who was brought to me by her grandparents for 5-6 episodes of
otitis always treated with antibiotics. In the first consultation it was impossible to consult with
her, as she opposed violently, shouting and speaking rash words («I don't want you, you are
ugly, doooooon’t touch me») while her grandparents were ultra-protective and speaking
nicely. I prescribed Chamomilla 1MK and that was the last otitis (with my recommendation for
the grandparents to stop spoiling her...impossible in fact)

In children, intense abdominal colicky pains of the intestinal tract,

with the need to flex the thighs, ameliorated by local warmth and if carried. Do
not sleep unless carried or riding in the car.

Same type of pains in women at menstruation or in pelvic inflammations.

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It is well-known in phytotherapy as having a hepatic
action, and this action is kept in homeopathic potencies.
Tendency to jaundice or just yellowish dry skin, flabby
tongue with yellowish base, yellow palate, with a
characteristic bitter taste in the morning.

The major symptom is a pain radiating from hypochondria

backward and upward between scapulae, like a L line (in
clinical cases this line might be interrupted or just small
fragments of it). Anytime this sign is present Chelidonium
must be considered (even in non-hepatic affections, like
pneumonia or intercostal neuralgia).

Recurrent biliary colics with bilious vomiting (with or

without images of stones or sludge), often accompanied by
neuralgic migraines, mostly on right side radiating to the
occiput and down between shoulder blades.

Amelioration after eating and hot drinks.

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When reading Materia Medica of Cullen, Hahnemann had the insight
about Homeopathy, so we may say it is the princeps remedy of this
discipline. Its extract chinine is still largely used in intermittent fevers
(malaria) and periodicity, alternations between short periods of fever and
chills, before and after, are general characteristics.

It is a very complex remedy, both constitutional and acute. One of the

well-known causalities for China is loss of bodily liquids (hemorrhage,
diarrhea, vomiting, perspiration) with great fatigue and other possible
symptoms. It is a hemorrhagic remedy (meno- and metrorragia, epistaxis,
bloody stools, accidents) with dark blood, always accompanied with chills.
Menstrual flow aggravates and many ailments come postmenstrual.
Epistaxis may be a constitutional sign in children
(Phos).Constitutionally patients of China have this hemorrhagic tendency.

Face is yellowish, sunken, with dark rings around the eyes. Abdomen is
inflated all over (women patients may say “I am inflated as I would be in the
5th month of pregnancy”), aggravated by raw vegetables. There is huge
thirst for large quantities of water, sensitiveness to odors ( Colch., Bry.,
Sep.). Perspiration always aggravates.

Periodicity of all complaints, especially migraine (with sharp pains,

photophobia, vomiting of bile, and chills) but recurrent fevers, diarrhea,
asthmatic crisis, abdominal pain too.

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Clematis is a remedy with an important
tropism to the genital system in both sexes. I
used it successfully in some cases of male
infertility (with documented asthenospermia)
without any other symptomatology, alone or in
alternation with the constitutional remedy.

In male, prostatitis with dribbling urine and

interrupted micturition, with a sensation of
heaviness on pelvis, is the main actual indication.

Balanitis or orchitis with swollen testes and

bruised sensation, sometimes with a painful
perception of spermatic cords.

In female, congestive pelvic syndrome

accompanying or not urinary infections, with the
same sensation of heaviness in the pelvis, like a
ball pressing on bladder. The pain radiates to
the suprapubic area and urethra is congested feels
like a whip cord.

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Cocculus is a remedy with a strong causality:
the lack of sleep for long periods (in nurses,
soldiers, night watchers, nursing mothers or
students in exams period).
And a strong pathological effect, i.e. vertigo. It
is rotatory, with the need to enlarge the base
of walking stance and search for support,
aggravated by motion, watching moving objects,
accompanied with nausea rising, and
ameliorated lying and fixed gaze on a point. It is
one of the main remedies for all travel sickness
ameliorated with warm air, warm room (reverse
for Tabacum).
Nervous affectation with dizziness, feels like
drunken, paresis, weakness accompanied by
numbness and slow sensory reaction (slow
response on pricking with a needle).

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Hemlock is famous in European culture, as being the
poison used for Socrates death sentence. It produces an
alteration in the neurotransmission, causing ascending paralysis
ending in respiratory arrest, while the consciousness is kept.

Vertigo when lying in bed (reverse of Cocculus), when

turning suddenly or shaking the head, much aggravated by
noises, conversations and ameliorated by closing eyes. Must sit
Paralysis and paresis with loss of tonicity and control.
Conium walk is characteristic: the knees bend backwards
(hyper-extension) while stepping on the affected limb. Lack of
control while stepping on tip of toes or heels with need for
support. Indicated in all structural modification of nervous
system (tumors, compressions, demyleinisation in MS).
Sometimes, a sensation as if he/she would have a foreign body
under the skull.

Conium is indicated in all indurations, cyst and

glandular swelling (thyroid, mammae, ovaries, prostate or
testes) with a sensation as if a hard lump or mass would roll
under fingers when touched.
Homeopathic legends say that it is connected with
repressed sexuality (“nuns remedy”) as cause for all kinds of

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Colchicum as a homeopathic remedy is connected with
the inflammatory syndrome affecting articulations and with
one of the strongest emetic syndromes known in MM.
The inflammation is very similar to gout, affecting first
small joints (mainly first metatarsophalangeal, and
metacarpophalangeal joints) then extending to other
articulations with a paradoxical modality: the joints are
swollen and hot but pains are ameliorated by warm
Aggravated by touch, motion, cold wet weather, at
night (the classical gouty hour, at 4-5 AM). It is a useful
remedy in all acid uric metabolism disturbances with high
uricemia, including kidney affections. Deformations of toes,
fingers, wrist and ankle joint with inflammatory pains
ameliorated by warmth.
All digestive troubles (a well-known indication is the
autumn diarrhea when there are cold nights and warm days)
are accompanied with unbearable nausea and easy,
repetitive vomiting: extreme sensitiveness to odors (Bry.,
Sep.), sometimes even the thought of food causes vomiting.
Therefore, indicated in severe cases of hyperemesis

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A remedy with affinity for mucous membranes of
urinary and respiratory organs, and a well-marked
nettle rash.

The cystitis of Copaiva is characterized by painful

micturitions by drops but frequent needs,
accompanied by pains in all perineal region (bladder,
anus, urethra), congestion of urethral orifice and a
characteristic smell violets-like of urine, with turbid
greenish color.

In female, profuse strong smelling menstrual (or not)

discharge, with local itching (Aletris, Helonias).

Respiratory infections with profuse, gray, greenish

purulent and offensive expectorations.

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Croton tiglium

It is a remedy with skin and gastrointestinal disorders.

The eruptions are characteristic: vesicular, itching, burning,
symmetrical located mostly on ,
and spreading on thighs, with offensive smell of the area,
itching and bad mood. One of the available remedies for all
with vesicular margins and offensive smell
(Medorrhinum, Graphites).
Skin eruptions alternating with digestive disorders:
diarrhea, with sudden gushing of yellow explosive watery
stools, immediately after eating.

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Cuprum is an intense spasmodic remedy, available to all ages and
genders with three definite tropisms: respiratory, digestive and neurologic.

In children:

- very dry spasmodic cough, in long fits, with the face becoming red
(Coccus cacti, Corallium) with suffocation ameliorated by cold drinks

- episodes of digestive disorders (accompanied by cholera-like stools or

not) with intense sharp pains, ameliorated bending double (Coloc.,
Magnezia remedies)

- It is one of the main remedies for colics in babies and painful

spasmodic conditions at all ages.

Independent or accompanying tonic and clonic convulsions, with huge

spasms and jerking that ends in rigidity, with a characteristic sign: the
thumb is flexed and kept in the palm.
Absences with tendency to fall backwards. Tics of face, spasmodic
torticollis, and all sorts of other contractures.

Mentally they were described as rigid, disciplined, speaking sharp like giving
orders (military behavior).

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A remedy with hormonal and vision disturbances,
indicated mostly for woman.

All other symptoms are accompanied by various

vision symptoms: dim vision with spots or stars before
eyes, flickering of various colors, diplopia. A
characteristic aggravation of these symptoms in the
morning on awaking

Many hormonal feminine disorders, menses

arrested or on the contrary too abundant, with black
clothes. Periods of amenorrhea followed by hemorrages.
Dysmenorrhea, with labor like pains.

Galactorrhea in nonpregnant women, with breast

congestion (Lac-c.) and possible raise in prolactin levels
in blood.
Aversion and aggravation to butter and any fat.
Grieves of conscience with remorse and sense of guilt.
Self-reproaches she is neglecting her duty or has done

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Digitalis has affinity for heart disorders of all kind
(electric disorders, like fibrillation or blocks, valvular
diseases or congestive heart failure) with a strong keynote:
bradycardia. The rest of symptoms may come from the
diseases (irregular pulse, cyanosis, fainting, peripheral
edema, etc.)
Often vision symptoms: sparks, objects seem yellow,
dim vision, diplopia.
In male, a valuable concomitance are prostatic
symptoms, like frequent night micturitions, dribbling urine
and urging.

A case of mine: a man of 68 y. o. came for recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation (every two
or three weeks), always with a slow rhythm, at the slightest effort. Depressed, with thoughts or
nostalgic memories about who he was and his actual state (Aurum) with an enlarged prostate
on ultrasound examination and typical symptoms for enlarged prostate (3-4 nocturnal need for
micturition, a heavy sensation in pelvis and dribbling). Digitalis 10 X and then 15 X cut up his
fibrillation episodes, improved depression and prostatic complaints.

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Its main characteristic sign is the bending backward
position, with hyperextension of the body as a whole or
just segments of it with amelioration of other
symptoms. It is like the person would be obliged to
straighten up his body and curve it back.
The most frequent indication are colics in babies,
when instead of flexing their legs they extend the body
When the most peculiar sign was bending
backward I used it with success in low back pain with
sciatica, rheumatoid polyarthritis and even tetraparesis
spastica when the limbs were flexed but the back
strangely extended.

Emil has depicted here Anubis, with his very straight position and
pulling the lower back forward, like the position of one of my patients
with recurrent sciatica that disappeared for ten years after Dioscorea.
After ten years he made it again after a huge physical effort but
improved again from the first doses of Dioscorea 30. In Materia
Medica we find this in the symptom «better standing erect».

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In Homeopathy Drosera was introduced by
Hahnemann who considered it as the main remedy
for whooping cough.

Its main affinity is for respiratory system and

indifferent of the basic diseases it has a strong and
definite modality «aggravation at night or whenever
laying down the head on pillow».

Cough may be dry and spasmodic, laryngeal, in very

frequent and long episodes (mostly at the beginning
of disease), or with a lot of whitish or yellowish
secretions that compel vomiting (Ipecacuanha,
Kalium) in few days. It works in laryngitis,
bronchitis or pneumonia, when the modalities are

Speaking, singing, drinking, warmth of the bed and

especially lying aggravates.

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Dulcamara was considered by Grauvogl as one of the
representatives for what he called , i.e.
remedies that are connected, sensitive and aggravated always by wet
(wet weather, baths, cold and wet passage from summer to autumn
or winter).

Dulcamara is a , sensitive and aggravated by cold

but also with cold extremities (need socks when going to sleep) and
this is the main point of difference with Nat-s (who always has
something warm: feet, or dislike for warmth of bed).

It is a valuable remedy in all disorders (rhinitis, sinusitis, articular

pains, eczema, depression) connected with

It has a peculiar form of eczema, : initially,

under the skin appears small, punctual vesicles, very itchy, then the
lesions expand on forearms and legs, and the eczema becomes humid
in the first stage and dry with deep cracks afterwards ( Nitricum
acidum, Graphites, Petroleum).

Many warts on different places (face, eyelids, extremities), but the

most characteristic ones are the , , warts on
posterior feet and around ankles.

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A remedy associated with many
(flu, malaria, digestive intoxication or
hepatitis of different origins) with a strong
characteristic symptom:
Chills preceded by thirst and aching bones followed
by fever.

and large quantities of cold

water but vomiting immediately after drinking
(Phosphorus, Cuprum).

Nausea aggravated by motion, from smells or

thinking of food (Colchicum).

Cough ameliorated in genu-pectoral position


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Strong affinity for blood in general and erythrocytes in
specific. Anemias of all kinds. Paleness of face and
coldness alternating with flushes of heat (he covers then
uncovers and so on).

Anemic children with malnutrition due to parasites or

recurrent infections, with pale face, rings around eyes
and depapillated tongue.

In women, menstruation begin then stops one day and

then flowing again abundantly, with pale red blood.

Affinity for shoulder articulation with immobility and

pains aggravated by motions.

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A congestive remedy of Loganiaceae family (Nux vomica,
Ignatia, Strychninum) useful in both acute and chronic conditions.
The acute Gelsemium is close to common flu syndrome:
febrile, congestive throbbing headache, muscular pains, sensation
as if the body would be broken, photophobia and shining eyes
(Belladonna, Eupatorium). Some of these appear in chronic
condition too, like migraine or panic attacks.
Acute or chronic neurological cases with trembling, paresis
and difficult or loss of neuromuscular control. The trembling is
fine and sometimes felt only internally.

Mentally, it is one of the greatest remedy for anticipation

anxiety and ailments from anticipation (main remedy for anxiety
before exams).
Fear of future, fear of what might happen, panic attacks after
trivial news. During panic attacks cannot move «feels like
paralyzed by fear» (contrary to Argentum nitricum).

There is a characteristic moment of the Gelsemium walk: first

steps are hesitating, with trembling, insecure, therefore needs
support (an excellent remedy for small children who are afraid to
walk alone and afraid to let the support).

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One of the most congestive arterial remedies
in the head region.

Extreme pains like the head would burst at every

beat of heart, feels the pulsation of carotids and
temporal arteries and observable throbbing of
arteries (Belladonna, Lachesis, Sanguinaria).

Strong occipital headache with rigidity of neck

accompanied by nausea, explosive vomiting,
sensation of pulsation in the upper part of the body
and rise of arterial pressure.

All symptoms aggravated by exposure to sun,

heat, wine or nervous excitement.

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Graphites constitution is the pure carbonic one
and the homeopathic legends describe it
stereotypically as “fat, slow, cold,
constipated” (as all generalizations neither this
one is always right nor true).

Laxity of tendons especially on elbows.

Tendency to greyish discoloration on extensor

side of joints and of making keloid cicatrices
after all sort of eruptions. Whitish or grayish

Oozing eruptions on scalp or body,

in color and consistency, and powerful odor of
secretions (Mezereum, Viola tricolor).

Very dry eruption on hands, feet and body, with

painful cracks and (Petroleum, Antimonium
crudum, Nitricum acidum).

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Another remedy with a strong affinity for venous system

and bleeding: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, esophageal varicose
veins with soreness and stinging.

Hemorrhoids protruding like grapes and bleeding bright

red blood.

Hemorrhagic gums, dark red metrorrhagia, vicarious

menstruations, hematuria, hematemesis in persons with
enlarged and sinuous varicose veins.

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Remedy with strong tendency to make skin
and mucosal infections and abscesses:
hydradenitis, furuncles, perianal abscesses,
mastitis, acne with deep pustules.
They collect slowly, are extremely painful and
spread from one to the next or in depth. Pus is
thick, yellowish greyish or greenish, foul

As a typological remedy the key word is

hypersensitivity: to cold (e.g. running nose or
migraine after washing hair), drafts of air,
changes of temperature, noises, odours, pain,

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In acute, dry , with suffocation or in
abdominal colics with capricious mood (Cina,

Children behaving like comedians, making

, grimaces, with a great pleasure to
be the (the jolly-joker role),
undressing themselves in inappropriate moments
but easily becoming violent, with or without

Violent dreams, night terrors (Stram, Ars),

gestures and behavior, with physical or verbal

in all the meaning of this notion.

Biting nails of both fingers and toes

(Medorrhinum, Cina, Baryta).

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A remedy with high affinity for
of every origin.
Just imagine you crush a finger with a
hammer: going directly to
brain followed by immediate swelling and
congestion. Better with ice application.
Indicated in all nerves injuries after
accidents (car, falling, etc.), even those of

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Ignatia is a capricious and paradoxical remedy
with extreme sensitivity to external impressions and
spectacular symptoms. Most important keynotes are
almost always: , ,
, and muscle twitches.

The «Capricious Ignatia» crosses contrary

mental states in minutes: laughing followed by
weeping, tenderness followed by fits of anger and
reproaches, likes spectacular appearance, even
The «Dark Ignatia» is the first remedy for grief
and inconsolable loss, for those who suffered family
tragedy (or everything interpreted as such) with an
irremediable sadness (Nat-m).
The pains are intense, spasmodic (e.g. cardia
sphincter spasm with a sensation like a
) or like a nail in the

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