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From these results I have gathered from a questionnaire I had created, I can notice a lot f

links between multiple things per question. To start off, over half of the people that took my
questionnaire were male besides one person that was female, and they all ranged between
the age of 16-19. This could lead to evidence of different behaviour depending on age or sex
or it could lead to similarities between them. The first proper question on this questionnaire
asks them “What socials do you use?” provided with a list of popular apps or sites on which
they have to mark which ones they use and leave blank the ones that they don’t use. All 10
people marked YouTube which is understandable for their age and generation. However
only 4 people marked Facebook which also makes sense as Facebook is more for older
people/adults as that is its main age range. Most others marked the rest, but Instagram was
the 2nd most used with 9 people marking it. The next question asks, “How long have you
been on these medias?” which they had to state an estimate of their screen time. 30% said
“hours a week” which is kind of a healthy limit of how much people should be on social
media but one person had said they had spent 88 hours on their socials a week which equals
up to about 11 hours a day which isn’t good and could be improved by doing more active
activities like chores or sports. The next question on the questionnaire says, “What other
devices do you use?” to see how many electronics they use to determine how many hours
or how much money people use on their entertainment/electronics. With 30%. 3 people
have said Xbox, 2 people said pc and 3 people said TV (television). All of these electronics
cost hundreds of pounds as they are multi-providing where it’s providing news and updates
on the latest things such as the royal family or if u have a question, you can use google. On
the other hand, you can use this equipment to play games, watch things such as YouTube
and is created to keep you entertained. To my last question, I asked, “Do you use multiple
devices at the same time?”. It was half and half between “yes” and “occasionally” which
isn’t good as the electrical costs and it could effect your eyes yet it could improve

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