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90 KAL CLASS ENG························································································································································································································································································· 1

91 KAL BICHR ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 13
92 KAL CARB ENG·························································································································································································································································································21
93 KAL ARS ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 28
94 KAL BROMAT ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 32
95 KAL IODAT ENG························································································································································································································································································38
96 KAL MUR ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 43
97 KAL NITRIC ENG·······················································································································································································································································································48
98 KAL PHOS ENG························································································································································································································································································ 53
99 KAL SULPH ENG·······················································································································································································································································································57
100 SNAKES GEN ENG················································································································································································································································································· 61
101 LACH ENG······························································································································································································································································································· 67
102 NAJA ENG······························································································································································································································································································· 78
103 BOTHROPS ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 85
104 CROTALUS ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 90
105 VIPERA ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 98
106 LAC CANINUM ENG··············································································································································································································································································106
107 LATHYRUS ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 117
108 LEDUM ENG·························································································································································································································································································· 123
109 LILIUM ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 133
110 LOBELIA ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 139
111 LUFFA ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 145
112 LYCOPODIUM ENG·············································································································································································································································································· 150
113 MAGNESIA ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 165
114 COLOCYNTHIS ENG············································································································································································································································································ 177
115 MANCINELA ENG················································································································································································································································································· 186
116 MERCURIUS ENG·················································································································································································································································································191
117 CINNABARIS ENG················································································································································································································································································ 198
118 MEZEREUM ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 206
119 MYRISTICA ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 213
120 NATRUM MUR ENG·············································································································································································································································································· 217
121 NATRUM SULPH ENG·········································································································································································································································································· 232
122 NICOLUM ENG······················································································································································································································································································ 240
123 NUX VOMICA ENG················································································································································································································································································247

This Copy is Licences Only to: | DOINA MUNTEANU

124 NOSODES GEN ENG············································································································································································································································································264
125 PSORINUM ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 267
126 TUBERCULINUM ENG·········································································································································································································································································· 277
127 BACILINUM ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 288
128 MEDORHINUM ENG············································································································································································································································································· 293
129 SYPHILINUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 304
130 OPIUM ENG···························································································································································································································································································314
131 PAREIRA ENG·······················································································································································································································································································320
132 PETROLEUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 324
133 PHOSPHORUS ENG············································································································································································································································································· 332
134 PHYTOLACCA ENG·············································································································································································································································································· 344
135 PLATINA ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 353
136 PALADIUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 362
137 PLUMBUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 367
138 PODOPHYLLUM ENG··········································································································································································································································································· 377
139 PULSATILLA ENG················································································································································································································································································· 381
140 RADIUM ENG························································································································································································································································································ 393
141 RANUNCULUS ENG············································································································································································································································································· 404
142 RHODODENDRON ENG······································································································································································································································································· 410
143 RHUS TOX ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 415
144 RUTA ENG·····························································································································································································································································································427
145 SABADILA ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 433
146 SABAL ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 440
147 SAMBUCUS ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 443
148 STICTA ENG··························································································································································································································································································449
149 SANGUINARIA ENG··············································································································································································································································································454
150 SARSAPARILLA ENG··········································································································································································································································································· 460
151 BERBERIS ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 465
152 SECALE ENG························································································································································································································································································ 471
153 SELENIUM ENG···················································································································································································································································································· 478
154 SEPIA ENG···························································································································································································································································································· 483
155 SILICEA ENG·························································································································································································································································································491
156 SPIGELIA ENG······················································································································································································································································································ 502
157 SPONGIA ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 509
158 STANUM ENG······················································································································································································································································································· 514
159 STAPHISAGRIA ENG············································································································································································································································································ 521

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160 STRAMONIUM ENG·············································································································································································································································································· 529
161 SULPHUR ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 537
162 TABACUM ENG····················································································································································································································································································· 549
163 TARAXACUM ENG················································································································································································································································································ 555
164 TARENTULA HISP ENG········································································································································································································································································560
165 TARENT CUB ENG··············································································································································································································································································· 570
166 TEREBENT ENG··················································································································································································································································································· 575
167 THALIUM ENG·······················································································································································································································································································583
168 THUJA ENG··························································································································································································································································································· 592
169 SABINA ENG························································································································································································································································································· 604
170 URTICA ENG························································································································································································································································································· 609
171 VERATRUM ENG·················································································································································································································································································· 613
172 VERBASCUM ENG················································································································································································································································································627
173 ZINCUM ENG························································································································································································································································································ 631
174 CAPRICIOUS CHILDREN ENG····························································································································································································································································· 638
175 DD TONSILITIS····················································································································································································································································································· 649

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Kalium remedies represent a large and important class in homeopathy.
They have some general characteristics of the entire class and specific
features for every one of them.
Among the common characteristics:
• There is a tendency to weakness, either general (lassitude, fatigue,
lack of energy) or local (paresis or paralysis, weakness of heart or
respiration). A general symptom is that patient in need for a Kalium salt
wake up in the morning more tired as they are when going to sleep.
• Paresis of Kaliums may be located and manifest (as in facial paresis a
frigore, or in vocal chords paresis of Kal-i) or discrete, showing themselves
only on careful inspection (as happens in the deviation of tongue, similar to
• When walking, in some typical Kalium cases, the hands do not make
the alternative normal movements, but hang along the body in an awkward
expression of no energy.
• All Kaliums have a tendency to produce secretions on upper and/or
lower respiratory tract, aggravated when secretions are retained (as in
sinusitis) and all feel better when secretions flow out, either externally or
internally on the posterior wall of pharynx. A characteristic symptom is the
sensation of pressure at the root of nose, on eyebrows and in facial sinuses.
• Secretions and discharges of Kaliums are extremely variable, from
aqueous to thick and adherent, from transparent to opaque and foul and
sometimes might be indicator of the second root (e.g. the glues secretions
of Kal-bi, or the orange secretions of Kal-m). (we tried to depict the most
frequent colors of Kaliums in the picture)
• All Kaliums have a tendency towards ulcerations, aphthae and
mucosal lesions but the way they do them is different: from deep round
ulcerations of Kal-bi and Kal-i, to superficial and bleeding in Kal-c and Kal-

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• In adulthood mainly (but sometimes in children too) have a tendency
towards infiltration (even edema) of tissues, infiltration of hands and feet. A
characteristic sign is the infiltration of upper eyelid that covers the exterior margin of
the eye. This infiltration may be present in both round constitutions (like Kal-c, Kal-s,
Kal-bi) or thin constitutions (Kal-I, Kal-ph, Kal-sil or Kal-m);
• In many adult cases the skin is infiltrated in depth but the superficial layer is
very thin, dehydrated, parchment-like, making folds and wrinkles. The cutaneous
fold provoked by the examiner, last long time, as a sign of lack of tonicity;
• All Kaliums might have difficult digestion with a sense of abdominal fullness,
especially in the upper part (for Kal-c, Kal-s, Kal-bi). All may have morning diarrhea
on awakening but this symptom is more prominent in Kal-s, Kal-c, Kal-bi.;
• All Kalium remedies may manifest cardiac symptoms and troubles of rhythm
and conduction. Just remember that hyperkaliemia provokes bradycardia, and
hypokaliemia provokes tachycardia. A sense of cardiac weakness described in
different ways (~as if the heart is suspended~ or ~ as if the heart is too heavy~) is
often present;
• There is a general aggravation of all symptoms during night. The specific
~Kalium hours~ are 3-5 A.M but according to the second root these hours may move
sooner (e.g. Kal-ars) or later (Kal-sul). One strong indicator may be the asthmatic
night crises, around 3 AM that oblige the patient to wake up and breathe in a sitting
position with hands fixed on the thighs, supporting the respiratory motions of
There are more categories of typical Kalium pains:
• Nocturnal pains and crises aggravated on Kalium hours
• Migratory, erratic pains changing their place in minutes, hours or days,
without a precise pattern or order
• Pains as a burning nail or as large as a fingertip in different parts (e.g. in
epicondylitis, both external or internal, where Kalium remedies have great
• Pains along nerves, as large as a band or narrow as a line on the whole nerve
trajectory or just on a part of it (e.g. femuro-crural pains of some centimeters)
• Paradoxical sensation of pains (mostly burning) accompanied by local
numbness, paresthesia, or even anesthesia when the area is touched
• Pains along long bones, mostly at night. Particularly to Kal-I are pains in the
knee joints often irradiating in tibia.
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Kalium complexity may be defined taken into account their own:
• affinities (respiratory, discharges, digestive, neurological)
• pathologies (e.g. tendency to make ulcers or paresis)
• symptoms (e.g. discharges, weakness, types of pains etc.),
• signs (e.g. swelling eyelids)
• modalities (e.g. aggravation night, , after changes)
• causalities (e.g. after long exertions, convalescence, consumptive diseases)

When it is about to decide «what kind of Kalium is to be prescribed»? We must

take two basic notions:
• The constitution behind Kalium complexity. In this way we may speak of a
Kalium decompensation or of Kalium complementarity of that constitution (that
means one must know a bit the elementary signs of basic constitutions: why to
prescribe Kal-sul to a patient with clear Phosphoric constitution?
• The modalities. If some of them are very strong (e.g. fear night, 1-3 AM for
Kal-ars.) and go on in a coherent configuration (need to clean up everything, for the
same) we may have the remedy even if the general constitution we judge to be

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A deep acting and destructive remedy.
As general constitution, prone rather to round and overweight
persons, warm and sensitive to environment (cold, warm,
stress, changes).
One of its most used indication is sinusitis or any other
respiratory disease with a lot of glue like mucus and retention
of it in cavities with intensive pains and sensation of fullness
in all head. The mucus is often thick, yellowish or greenish
and difficult to expel. When expelled it might be irritative on
nostril. The secretions may be viscous and elastic hanging
down like ropes when trying to discharge them.
A great characteristic are deep round ulcerations with like cut
round edges, painful at slightest touch (of food if there are
aphthae) and burning sensation.
Ulcers in different parts of mucosae: mouth, stomach,
intestines but on skin as well with the same characteristic: a
drop of Kal-bi a very caustic raw substance penetrate the skin
to the bones.
Gastroesophageal reflux and ulcerations, with burning
sensation and great inflation of stomach. Anecdotally a remedy
for great beer drinkers and ~BeerBauch~.
Migraines with burning migratory pains and severe

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sensitive respiratory system

ameliorated sitting

as if everything is transformed in gas

punctual, linear,
burning, nocturnal

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Besides the general characteristic of all Kalium family in
this remedy some features of Arenicum may be recognized:

- anxiety (mostly nocturnal, between 1-3 AM)

- need for order and fastidiousness

- burning pains both internally and externally with or

without chilliness

- sunken eyes and edema both of the upper and lower


- a grayish discoloration of skin and face

- very dry skin desquamating in scales

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Is a complementary of all muriatic family
in Kalium like disorders, e.g. in sinusitis or
otitis (with characteristic yellowish-orange
discharges) in convalescence or chronic

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a Kalium situation and
symptoms on a Nitric constitution

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Prone to all Sulphur constitutions in
Kalium situations

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From all serpents Naja has the greatest
tropism for nervous system, producing spasms
on all levels.
Spasm of heart, brain or peripheral arteries,
with an intense sensation of constriction and
pain in the whole chest irradiating in arms,
anxiety and fear of death . Angina pectoris a
frigore. All symptoms are in a way or another
associated or related with heart. Sensation as
if the chest is stabbed from anterior part to
back .
Respiratory spasms with suffocation,
extremely dry cough and nose, a sensation of a
lump in the throat and a characteristic
aggravation when lie on left side often
accompanying cardiac troubles.
Diverse neuralgia like pains: head, ovaries,
face, arms.

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Crotalus is one the most bleeding
remedies with dark blood but no formation
of clots because of hypocoagulation.
Bleeding at slightest touch; dark,
bluish patches on skin.
Sudden hemorrhage in retina with
intense photophobia, and troubles of
vision. Epistaxis, bleeding stools with
dark red and stringy blood, hematemesis
in coffee grounds, profuse dark
menorrhagia, dark blood in urine.

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Vipera has a special tropism for both deep and
superficial inflammation of veins


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There are several remedies prepared from various milks but the most
known and certified one is Lac caninum.
Although the legends say it has many fears (fear of snakes, insects, animals
in general, of incurable diseases), lack of self-esteem (“thinks himself of little
consequence”), and vision of snakes, couldn’t check them.
What I did check is the strong importance given to direct family relations; the
sensitiveness for mother, father, children -problems that may become causes
for their own ailments.
One of my women patients came with recurrent sore throats (always unilateral, alternating sides,
radiating to ear), and menstrual disorders (cycles too long alternating with cycles too short), sore
congested breasts, with high prolactinemia. She told me all this began when she was concerned with her
son’s recurrent respiratory infections in the same period a cancer in her father was discovered. When
spontaneously speaking she alternates sentences about her son and her father, jumped from one item to
another and told me “I am much more concerned about them than myself”. On inspection, the throat was
slightly bluish congested at the pillars. Lac caninum 200 CH solved her ailments (including prolactinemia
that low spectacularly) and relieved the sensation of being trapped, eventually she found ways for both
her beloved.

What is for sure are modalities (pain migrating or alternating from one
side to the other) and its tropism for throat, breast and some musculoskeletal
The throat is characteristic in aspect and modalities: difficult swallowing,
bluish-red, with white pearly aspect of deposit (or like porcelain), pain
radiating to the ears and alternating side. It is present in acute throat
inflammation but the bluish margins of tonsils may be a constitutional sign.
Breasts are an important location: swollen, painful, before menses or during
lactation (mastitis). Sometimes long lasting galactorrhea accompanied with
amenorrhea (prolactinemia) or by profuse, too early menstruations in gushes.
All pains in joints or neuralgias (sciatica, facial, intercostal) move from one
side to another in short intervals.

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The first mention of intoxication with chickpea (or grasspea)
improperly cooked goes back to Hippocrates and ancient
India. The Spanish painter Francisco de Goya has a famous
aquatint Gracias a la Almorta (Thanks to Grasspea) that
depicts the consequences of the intoxication, grasspea being
used in time of civil war famine. Lathyrism affects pyramidal
tracts and produce signs of upper neuron damage.

It is a great remedy for neurologic disorders as Paresis

Spastica, MS and others affecting pyramidal system.

Characteristics as a homeopathic remedy are paresis

and paralysis of lower limbs with no pain, accompanied
by emaciation of gluteal muscles and by hypertrophy of
calves, gastrocnemius muscle that looks tense and hard.

A great keynote is ~the knees knock each other when

walking~, knees are bent and heels do not touch the

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The main modality of Ledum is “
” for all local complaints, and aggravation by

It is the first remedy to think of in (bees, ants, but

spiders too), with local inflammation, burning and itch, ameliorated
by very cold water or ice.

with amelioration by icy

applications (reverse of Colchicum) In time, formation of gouty tophi,
with cystic masses under skin.
The are characteristic: on a red inflamed basis
(sometimes bluish), a central vesicle that may transform easily into a
pustule. At the margin of the erythema, sometimes small itching
vesicles may be observed.
In some acute or recurrent forms of urticaria with separate
elements and the characteristic aspect “ ”.

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Lilium tigrinum is mostly a feminine remedy with a predominant period pre- or
post-menopause, characterized by strong polarities and alternating mental states
and pathologies.

Such a polarity is between strong sexual desires and strong religious convictions,
with moral and emotional conflicts. Frequent flushes of heat, peevish and irritable
mood alternating with depression; erotic dreams and desires badly handled because
of internalized moral convictions, with a strong feeling of guilt
Alternation between genital and
heart or head complaints. Bearing
down ameliorated by crossing legs
(Sep. Murex) or keeping the hands on
pelvis with tendency to Pelvic
inflammatory syndrome or myomas.

Constriction and palpitations of

heart (radiating often to the left arm)
, concomitant or alternating with
urinary incontinence or genital

Always aggravated by warmth

(“faintness in warm room”) by
menopause, nervous excitement, or

Pains in small spots (Oxalicum

acidum, Kaliums) or small joints, with
restlessness feet and burning in soles
and palms.

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Luffa was relatively a late introduction in our
MM, but it was mentioned by Allen TF in his
In my experience it has one main indication:
allergic or vasomotor rhinitis along the
whole year, with little indicative etiology.
Sneezing, the nose is running white, watery
discharges alternating with obstructions.
Difficult respiration and pressure feeling in
sinuses. Nothing is dramatic and the
antihistamine drugs have no effect.
On inspection, the nasal mucosa is congested,
red, like a sponge. Goes well with muriaticum,
Phosphorus and Silicea constitutions.

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Lycopodium is a remedy prescribed mostly on mind, constitution and modalities,
although it has some well confirmed symptoms.

Mentally it has a characteristic polarity: in certain environments (e.g. at home, or

where he is in charge) tendency to become a leader, dictatorial, intolerant to
contradictions, but in unsecure situations he/she shows lack of self-confidence
with defensive or shy behavior, and tics.

Lycopodium attitude is very corporatist-like: tough and unpleasant with subordinates,

but humble and submissive with chiefs, always aiming for high recognition and

Lack of self-confidence is projected somatically. A Lycopodium male would not say

he has sexual problems but will consult the greatest specialist for ~prostatitis~ (assumes
this causes his intimate issues). Women will not discuss their unfulfilled sexuality but will
complain of “chronic ovaritis” or “they are not understood”.

Constitutionally there are some characteristic traits:

1. Attitude. In most circumstances it is a superior attitude, with chin a bit

higher and apparently sure of himself, but when challenged with an unpleasant
question he deflates and becomes suddenly a sensitive person.

2. Hand gestures: precise, often indicating with index finger the place of
disturbances (Ars.) or with rhetoric gestures

3. The belt. Lycopodium does not stand constriction of any kind in the
abdominal area or neck (Lach, Nux-v.) so he/she will put on belt higher than
normal, over the umbilical area.
4. In many cases, the shoulder line is smaller than the line between ischial

All symptoms are possible: respiratory, digestive, sexual or psychosomatic.

One characteristic sign is a kind of diffuse and badly defined abdominal

discomfort, mostly in lower part of abdomen, with flatulence or eructation after
meals. Almost all Lycopodium keep some kind or another of a diet for the sake of
avoiding digestive complaints or just because they project diet as cause of their
disturbances. The bad hour is 3-4 PM, after digestion is in its intestinal phase.

Right laterality is often, but not an exclusive general symptom.

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Magnesia remedies have some common characteristic but the kind of
magnesia prescribed is often based on the second root constitutional signs.
Magnesias are remedies with a certain tropism to the digestive, nervous and
neuromuscular systems. To understand them faster just think to the role of
Magnesium in organism (the calcium-magnesium pump in all muscular
activity, digestive, in the bones and energetic metabolism, etc.)
The main two features of all the class are: spastic, neuralgic. Therefore, it is
of use in children’s colics, with diarrhea (irritating to the anus) and explosive
stools or by the contrary in colics associated with constipation and sheep dung
like stools. Sometimes diarrhea alternating with constipation, both painful.
Sourness of perspiration, vomiting (Rheum, Iris, acids), and stomach burns.
Neuralgias everywhere (face, sciatica, migraines) aggravated by cold, drafts
(Hepar sulphur, Silicea, Nux vomica), very sensitive to touch, with two strong
modalities: need to wrap the place or warm applications, and bending the
body (Colocynthis, Chamomilla, Cuprum) and ameliorated by motion.

Mentally the class is characterized by sensitivity to touch, words,

contradiction, fast and unexpected reactions, irritability and forsaken feeling.
Kent recommended Mag-c to orphans, abandoned or adopted children.
Useful in spasms, tics, fasciculation and muscular cramp (esp. during night).
For the second root, the same thinking as for Calcarea or Baryta.

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In most cases Colocynthis is an acute remedy (with notable
exceptions for ailments after anger).
It is a remedy for spasms, colics, neuralgic pains, all intense, with
two main characteristics: the body is bent double and the mental
cause might be frustration, indignation, vexation, feeling of being
betrayed (Staphysagria).
A case: a woman patient came with severe kidney colic, bent double, accusing
symptoms similar to migrating kidney stone colic. I asked her what happened and the
first thing she said was not about her pains but about her husband who cheated on
her and treated her badly (“he is a bastard, an idiot, an irresponsible…”). Colocynthis
30CH worked in minutes.

In children the psychosomatic causality is difficult to discover,

but I use Colocynthis regularly when colics with bent thighs and
rubbing the feet one against the other are present, and the child is
very irritable, crying and with fits of jerking.
In severe pains of whatever origin (abdominal or kidney colics,
stomach pains, pelvic pains, sciatic neuralgia) it works wonderfully
if the patients bend spontaneously and presses hard on the
painful area.
It is useful in facial or trigeminal neuralgias, sensitive to touch
but better on hard pressure (Bryonia). Ameliorated by coffee or
other stimulants, never happy with anything.

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After the first provings Mancinella was considered as a
remedy with marked skin troubles “dermatitis with intense
vesiculation, oozing sticky serum and formation of crusts”
Nowadays is an important remedy for mental neurotic and
psychotic affections, mostly of schizoid type and hallucinations
or delusions connected with the idea of evil, devil, demons but
strong refusal to name “devil” as such.

A patient of 40 y. o. was brought to me by his brother, because he refused to

continue the psychiatric medication.

I hear voices (what kind of voices?) …telling me to do bad things (what?) … bad
things… (like?) … improper things (like?) … like killing my son (and what more?)…
like putting my house on fire… (and how do you hear them?) in my head…(how
are they?) ...strange to me, like bad spiritual entities... (how do you feel them)
…bad …like evil… (one or more?) … one, like coming from the Evil One (and what
do you do?)…

I pray… I am very religious. At the follow up at six months he came alone and said
that instead of daily voices he hears them once at 3-4 weeks but for short time
and can get out of that by his own refusal.

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The Mercurius class was considered by Hahnemann as the most
representative for what he called Syphilis Miasm in infections
with transpersonal transmission (sexual, respiratory, by touch
contact) with an initial local inflammatory and purulent
pathology, followed by secondary spreading in the whole

It was considered as the most destructive miasm, and Mercurius remedies are to be
considered whenever destruction (in tissues, organic, mental) is present (Fluor-ac).

In our days, the most frequent pathology for the prescription of Mercurial remedies is
purulent tonsillitis, mostly in children, but in adults as well, with the general symptoms of the
class: high fever, difficult swallowing, hyper salivation, formation of white, yellowish or greyish
pus, accompanied by profuse thick sweating that does not ameliorate. Purulent otitis with
offensive pus flowing on the pillow.

Recurrent painful aphthae (with “metallic taste in the mouth” or disease with all sorts of
ulcers on mucosae (genital in both sexes, like colpitis or balanitis; digestive ulcers, like Crohn’s
disease; axillary or perianal fistulae, etc.).

Chronic or recurrent suppurations on the skin: Pustules, boils, abscesses, ulcers.

Neuralgias (dental, trigeminal, facial) with extreme sensitiveness to touch. Great indications
in toothaches, especially associated with root granuloma and abscesses.

Another keynote is “pain in (long) bones aggravated at night”. In general, all symptoms are
aggravated in the second part of the night.

Mentally, the Mercurius type was characterized by tendency to fits of anger, violence (a need
for fighting, sports or not), paranoid mentality with delusions of being watched, pursued, and
discriminated as if there is a conspiracy against him.

- Mercurius Solubilis is the princeps remedy and most used of the class.

- Mercurius Dulcis has a special tropism for ears both in acute and recurrent cases.

- Mercurius Corrosivus has its main indications in ulcerative disorders of all kind.

- Mercurius Biiodatus is a remedy I used in difficult cases of purulent tonsillitis and laryngitis with a
characteristic formation of greyish adherent pseudomembrane like those of diphteria.

- Mercurius Cyanatus is the reserve remedy in the most dramatic and toxic cases, when besides purulent
processes, sweating and foul odour of all secretions appear an acute sensation of suffocation.

- Cinnabaris (Mercurius Sulphuratum Rubrum) I use often as a remedy for higher

respiratory tract infections or when modalities and type suggest a Sulphur root.

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Cinnabaris is Mercurius Sulphuratum. In it we
will have traits of both roots, but we have to remember
it as the mercurial Sulphur.

It is prescribed mostly in acute inflammations of

throat, sinuses or other membranes, where there is
intense congestion and a threatening purulent process,
that it can stop.

A characteristic sign is blockage feeling at the root

of the nose, with a sensation the air does not pass
through nostrils, with neuralgic pains in the bones of
face. Secretions are irritating for the skin below nose or
post nasal drip.

Genital inflammations on both sexes accompanied

with warts on genitalia or perineum (condylomata
genitalis, HPV infections)

I remember one case of mine, man of 40 y.o. with chronic hepatitis B, a lot of
perspiration (day and night), acne on face and shoulders, dirty skin, intolerant to heat.
I prescribed Sulphur but nothing changed. When I took into account his skin and the
night perspirations I prescribed Cinnabaris 200 CH that brought relatively fast an
amelioration of all the analysis. He had mixed symptoms of Mercurius and Sulphur.

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A small remedy indicated in punctual
suppurative processes, as panaritium or
recurrent abscesses and furuncles (or fistulae,
carbuncles, long lasting ear suppurations)
that mature slowly, even with antibiotics
(Silicea, Hepar sulfur).

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It is the princeps remedy of the class, as we don’t have a real Natruim metallicum in use or
provings. It is both a constitutional (not just for Natrium but for Muriatic root too) and a
situational remedy

Main physical Nat-m traits are:

1. Slim constitution, with some slight asymmetries (pectum excavatum, or asymmetric

implantation of teeth);

2. Dry skin, dehydrated, making folds, mostly on abdomen;

3. Dry hands, dehydrated, rough to touch, with visible lines («muriatic hands»),
sometimes yellowish (like Nit-ac.);

4. Tendency to make cutaneous eruptions on all borders (margins) between

different kind of epithelia (at the limit of hairy scalp, at the limit of lips, at the limit
between palmar and dorsal hand and feet skin)

5. Often (not always) geographic tongue.

Main physiological features are:

1. Need for water in large quantities. Aggravation when thirsty;

2. Desire for salt (kids of Nat-m lick salt) or salty and dry food. They prefer salty
snacks to cooked food. One of main remedies for anorexia nervosa or bulimia;

3. Eats well but does not gain wait. In general, not very fond of food;

4. Do not well tolerate extremes of temperature (both sun and heat or cold,
both aggravate);

5. Relation with seaside or Salt Mines; in most cases aggravation, but sometimes
amelioration too;

6. When decompensating a peculiar tendency to infiltration of the skin even if

the skin is outwardly dry;

7. In females, tendency for cellulitis, mostly on thighs and apparent gynoid

conformation of body (even if they are slim).

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Main mental characteristic:

1. Ailments from grief, death of beloved ones, familiar drama or

separation. Long ruminates about past events in their lives
(sometimes years and years, with the “never well since” symptoms)

2. Keep their feelings to themselves, don’t express them, don’t like

consolation (but cry when alone), and don’t complain.
3. Retention (sometimes well hidden) in social contacts. People with good
relation with others, they hate conflicts but “with only one real friend”.
Good listeners but difficult to talk about themselves

4. Conscientious about their social obligations (in family, job), people

considered as socially trustful, even if they don’t like.

5. Escapism in parallel activities (social, activism, artistic, sports) where

he/she can feel free expression.

6. Compassionate but without making a big deal about their deeds. Don’t
like to be in the center of attention but if obliged always keep a kind of
discretion on him/herself.

7. There is no peculiar pathology in which Nat-m is indicated. The

prescription is based on causes, constitution, characteristics, and
modalities, but mainly on the understanding of the case.
In my records, I treated all kind of ailments with this remedy: from pneumonia to acute tonsillitis or
diarrhea, from depressions to digestive ailments or autoimmune diseases, from recurrent migraines
to thyroiditis. It is a deep acting remedy that does not stand stereotypes but needs a comprehension
of the person.

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In this remedy the Sulphur root comes together with the
Natrium root.

It is considered a Sycotic
and Hydrogenoid remedy, with
a strong relation with water: wet weather, cold baths,
infiltration of tissues, edemas. It is one of the most sensitive
remedies to barometric changes: a typical Nat-s patient feels
the changes toward rainy weather, one or two days before.
Rainy changes of season, autumn and spring are periods when
they do their recurrent respiratory, digestive or rheumatic
Even if sensitive to cold, in general they are warm persons,
keeping the Sulphur modality of uncovering feet during
Constitutionally, a very strong sign is cellulitis on thighs
and hips going downward to feet. Infiltrations of hands and
eyelids (Apis, Kaliums).
Many characteristic eruptions on feet, hands and body:
beginning with small vesicles, itchy, aggravated by warmth and
with tendency to larger inflammations (erysipelas, impetigo,

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One of the main adult remedies of our age. In an article I published years ago, I
equated Nux-v with “the boss syndrome” in which the key-words are “too much”:
too much work, too much responsibility, too many phone calls, too much work stress,
too much air-conditioning, too much smoking, too much alcohol, too much medication.

The typical Nux-v patients are asleep after meals, sleep in the evening on the sofa,
with the remote control in hand, awakening at 3-4 in the night with the job issues
on their mind, feel sleepy again after 1-2 hours but, bad luck, the alarm clock sounds!

Mentally, they like to be (or are obliged to be) in the centre of events, taking
many and quick decisions, but with a characteristic “empty look after they lose
interest”. It is as if they are looking into an empty space.

Bossy women with a peculiar tendency to cut short their hair.

Nux-v depression appears from time to time and it is characterized by refusal: to

work, to communicate, to share, like an empty machine that needs to refuel.

Children (and adults) of Nux-v have three strong characteristic symptoms:

- sensitivity of the mouth and throat to touch, they vomit easily on tooth
brushing or spatula examination.

- very sensitive to drafts of air or air-conditioning that can be a cause for all
their polymorphic ailments: rhinitis, sinusitis, migraines, neuralgias always
ameliorated by warm applications

- a characteristic position, both in sleep or sitting: with hands raised under

It is one of the best indicated remedy in ailments after food excesses, when
changing the diet (e.g. when travelling) or in ailments after too much medication

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Nosodes are complex remedies that can
be used on a typological basis, every one
of them having well defined symptoms, or
may be used miasmatically, after other
remedies have failed.
They are extreme remedies for both
physical or mental behavioral extreme
conditions, when the symptomatology
covers more remedies and none of them
gave satisfactory results.
This is available for both “classical”
nosodes (Psorinum, Tuberculinum,
Medorrhinum, Luesinum) as well as for
the “new nosodes” as are Bach nosodes (
Morgan, Gaertner, etc.) or those from
bacterial or virus cultures
(Streptococcinum, Herpes –nosode, and so

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Its name come from ~psora~ a term Hahnemann used to designate all
itching eruptions, that may appear recurrently or may alternate with
internal complaints. In its primary sense, psora was assimilated with the so
called ~itch disease~, due (or not) to parasitic infection with Sarcoptes

Reccurent, persistent, intense itching with scratching till

bleeding, aggravation to warmth of bed, water, and
possibility to develop all kind of lesions (from simple papullae to
bullae and pustulae) is the strongest characteristic. On skin there are
always scratching marks, as small crusts, disposed along some lines in
whatever part of the body. Itching may lead to despair, both by extension
and intensity.

Dirty looking skin, strong offensive smell of the body and


The typical Psorinum is cold, with intolerance to cold

and obsession about getting cold (they wear cold clothes, in
many layers, even if warm outside), but they are aggravated by
warmth of bed, transpiration, bathing (sometimes even aversion to bath
– as Sulph. but this one is warm)

Mentally, anguish states with fears of cold, future and poverty,

self-depreciation, forsaken feeling and refuge in fantasists thinking are

Always hungry, wakes up in the night to eat.

Another great characteristic is the alternation or succession

between skin, respiratory and digestive disorders (as happens in the atopic
terrain), always aggravated by cold in any form (air, food).
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Tuberculinic miasm was considered by some authors as a
psoro-sycotic miasm, because it combines elements of both
(itch from the first, neoformation of the second).

The concept was introduced by the Swiss

homeopath Antoine Nebel observing those patients
who are predisposed to make tuberculosis, mainly
pulmonary, but also on bones and kidneys, that
represents its main tropisms.

Tuberculinic children are of two types:

- Longilineal, tall, slim and pale, with red lips and

dark rings around the eyes, in most of cases (coming from
Phosphoric or Muriatic roots) or
- Round, fat and slow with paleness and prone to
respiratory infections (coming from Baryta or Kalium

One of the greatest characteristic for both is the

tendency to make adenoids, with all their
consequences on respiratory tract: nose obstruction, otitis,
asthma and recurrent pneumonias. In fact, Tuberculinum
may come at the end of all other remedies when there are
complications of adenoids.

Mouth breathing, enlarged glands, pale face with rings around

the eyes, the last remedy before operation.

Grinding teeth in sleep.

A very important characteristic, both in convalescence and
typological is the night perspiration, obliging to change
pyjamas more time (Mercurius) mostly around 4-5 AM.

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Mentally, children are hyperactive, in hurry, with fear of dogs
and cats, discontent, with difficult going to sleep and nightmares.
A great characteristic is the ~desire to go away~, to travel, even
dromomania, when they live their place without any apparent

Desire to changes and radical switches in live,

need for trying exotic experiences and places,
getting bored with the establishment after they
fought for their ideas, and beginning new things from
zero will be a great characteristic for all their lives.

Che Guevara with his asthma and refusal to settle down when
the revolution in Cuba succeeded).

Desire to travel, to move around.

If they come from a Phosphorus root (which is common),
great sensitivity to storm, exposure to drafts and
amelioration to mountain fresh air (pine forests). They need
and like to cover their throat with scarfs. Recurrent
asthma attacks when exertion or during night, recurrent
pneumonias, recurrent fever without an apparent cause.

Definite desire for fat and spicy food, like ham, salami, ice-
cream (but with possibility to make intolerance to milk products).

Desire for new experiences, legal or illegal, like alcohol, drugs or

sex (Med). Going from one extreme to another in all aspects
(life, religion, habits). As with Medorrhinum, the best part is the
night when they feel alive, followed by terrors in the morning.

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Is the sycotic remedy by excellence.

Great tendency to make all kind of neoformations: warts, nevi, condiloma, cysts
or other benign tumors.

The binomial SUPPRESION – EXPRESION is characteristic (Staf.,Sulph., Psor., Zinc.)

Restlessness children with many nevi, sensitive to wetness but amelioration at

seaside; or the reverse, timid, reserved, they bite
their nails to the root, both
on fingers and toes (Hyosc.). They sleep on belly with raised pelvic region. This
position may ameliorate them in acute conditions too.

Extremes in behavior in both expression and depression. Extroverted, impulsive,

passionate, overexcited with hypersexuality, likes to be in the center of attention and
may attire it with strange or shameless behavior in their “hyper” state. But
introverted, timid, forgetful and absent minded when in their inversion state.

They like night life with social events, bars, clubs, disposed to alcohol, tobacco,
sexual or drug stimulations (Tub.) and awake late in the morning. Becoming ~alive at

Amelioration on seaside, or on the contrary, aggravation.

Fearless, doing crazy things or extreme sports, or on the contrary, full of obsessions
(Luesinum) and fears: anticipatory, fear of ghosts, of dark, of insanity or

Paradoxical behavior towards animals: they seem to love animals, collect

dogs from street but afterwards are cruel to them.

Inverted eruptions, predominating in inguinal area, around genitals and axillae:

red diapers rush in babies, dermatitis atopica predominant in pelvis region, inverted

In both sexes, strong sexuality and recurrent genital discharges, prone to

sexually transmitted diseases (HPV, candida, chlamydia, even HIV).

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Is the final remedy of syphilis miasm, with both mental and

pathological manifestations

Children who ~never sleep~, with night terrors and cannot be

quieted during night (Ars, Stram). In some cases, strong and fearful events
of mothers during pregnancy (violent events like war, deportation,
refugees, abuses). In some cases, family history of alcoholism,
syphilis, or domestic violence.
Restlessness children with ritualistic behavior (autism) and various
deformations on bone structure or skeleton (Fl-ac.) like cleft palate,
Hippocratic nose or asymmetries of all kind (scoliosis, kyphosis).

Many compulsive and obsessive disorders, with compulsive

behavior, related with cleanness(they buy UV lamp for their houses)
One of my cases, a 10 y.o. boy, was so obsessed about microbes that he cleaned the heating pipes
with the tooth brush, and his main pleasure was to wash dishes and cleaning the house).

Fears of diseases, of contagion, of microbes ( Ars), of being


Nightmares of destruction, burnings, earthquake, blood (Stram.). All

symptoms aggravated at night, till the sun rise.

Bone pains along long bones during night (Merc) ameliorated by


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It is a bipolar remedy, the two poles being similar with the phases of intoxication.

1) A state of overexcitation, hyperesthesia and sleeplessness (Coffee), with vivid

imaginations, desire to escape reality, irritability, and incontrollable flow of
2) A state of lethargy, lack of reactions and obtuse sleepiness, like stupor, almost
always associated with paresis of bowels and obstinate constipation without
pains (Plumbum, Alumina)

These states may be seen separately or alternating; in general stupor predominates

when diseases are advanced.

The face is red, bloated, and congestive, but with lack of energy, associate with all
kind of physiological slowness and paresis: bowels (ileus like symptoms with obstinate
constipation), slowing of respiration rate, anuria and urine retention, paresis of limbs,
tongue or face ~ the lower jaw is hanging~. In general, aggravated by heat. A
characteristic audible sign is stertor at every respiration.

Specific causation: vascular accidents, post operation symptoms after general

anesthesia, intense fright (Aconitum, Stramonium) or withdrawal of drugs.

A spectacular case of mine: periodical migraines that appeared after C section (on general
anesthesia) with drawing backward sensation in occiput, with congestive face and sleepiness during
attacks. Opium 1M, solved the problem for ever.

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Urinary symptoms are the most important: cystitis,
Severe pains when urinating, going down the thighs
to feet.
Must bend forward to urinate, or kneel and press
the floor with the head.
Pains and burning along urethra, difficult urination
due to enlarged prostate (Sabal, Clematis, Digitalis).

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A remedy for eczemas and vertigo.

Oozing eczema capitis in children (Graph.) making

afterwards tick crusts.
Dry eczema on hands or palmo-plantar psoriasis in
people who work with petrol products (“gas station
workers”), detergents, earth. Aggravated during cold
months. Makes deep fissures and cracks, till bleeding
(Nit-ac.); itching at night, scratch till bleeds.
Motion vertigo, car or seasickness (Cocculus,
Tabacum) aggravated opening the eyes, with
nausea, very irritable during attacks. Paradoxical
“sudden vomiting without nausea”.
Ravenous hunger at night must rise to eat, associated
often with hyperacidity (Sulphuricum acidum, Nux
vomica, Argentum nitricum.) Hunger after vomiting or
stool. Hunger during diarrhea.

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Is one of the great polycrests. Affects all ages and pathologies, characterized by
constitution, specific sensitiveness and strong modalities.

Phosphoric constitution is slender(long), symmetric, with long hands and fingers.

Redness of cheeks, redness of lips, and hot sensation in the middle of palms.

Socialize easily, sensitive to external impressions, empathic to people and

ideological causes (Causticum). Enthusiastic, intuitive, creative but get bored easily.

My late professor Bungetzianu said “Phosphorus is like a match, it quickly ignites, burns
with a bright shining flame and rapidly exhausts afterwards”.

Tendency to catch respiratory cold with long periods of cough and easily goes to
pneumonias, TBC or bronchitis. During these a characteristic symptom is “profuse
perspiration at 3-5 AM” with need to change more pajamas on night. Cough on
laughing, speaking, after effort, or changing the temperature of air from inside to

Great thirst for very cold water, but in the acute, vomiting without effort after
water warms in the stomach. Appetite may be low, but not for ice-cream (Pulsatilla).

Phosphorus may produce internal ulcers (stomach, duodenum, intestines) and

sometimes the endoscopy describes “small ulcerations on bleeding mucosa”.

General sensitiveness to touch, sounds, odors, electric changes (e.g.

thunderstorm), and to both allopathic and homeopathic medication (perfect provers!).

One of the greatest hemorrhagic remedies in all parts (digestive, mucosae, genital,
etc.) with red bright blood coagulating slowly, purpura of all kinds, petechial
eruptions, meno-metrorrhagia, rectorrhagia, hematuria, frequent epistaxis.

It has a direct tropism to liver cells being indicated in viral or autoimmune hepatitis,
cirrhosis, after liver intoxications or fatty degeneration.

Burning pains, sensation of burning vertex or spine.

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A great remedy for ORL inflammations (tonsillitis, otitis),
when the tissue color is dark red to bluish, with aggravation to
warmth and amelioration drinking cold liquids.

Shooting pain extending from tonsils to ear (Lac caninum)

when swallowing, especially warm drinks. Acute parotiditis,
otitis and mastoiditis with coated and large tongue, hyper-
salivation (Mercurius) enlarged painful lymph nodes. It is a
stage between the acute Belladonna and purulent Mercurius.
Remedy for difficult teething, with fever and characteristic
color of gums (Chamomilla)

Acute mastitis, breast very sensitive with dark color,

sometimes cracked and painful nipples. Galactorrhea with
tense sensation (Lac caninum).

Epididymitis with swollen painful testes and irradiating pains

along spermatic cord.

All cutaneous eruptions have a deep red basis and tendency to

form pustules and abscesses.

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It is used more in

, mostly on right side (but not

exclusively) with pain ameliorated by pressure (rubbing
or bending), aggravated before menstruation, and after
mental excitement. Cutting pains in the uterus area and
back, menometrorrhagia associated with polyps,
myoma, or hormonal disturbances.
Mentally: a need for impressing other people,
and making a good impression whatever means.
Haughty, pride,
. If her efforts do not
succeed -there is the delusion she is ,
- and sometimes will use

It is a complementary of Platina in many genital


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A remedy used mostly in for digestive and

Face is sunken, pale, and earthy. Tremor of lips and face

muscle. Early and cataract, glaucoma or optic
neuritis. of the root of teeth.

Early loss of sexual desire and power.

Atherosclerosis and : slow

walk, slow heart rate, slow digestion (Baryta’s, Alumina).
Ailments after stroke, with paresis and alternating anesthesia
with hyperesthesia, memory loss and difficulty to articulate,
followed by atrophy of muscles, dry skin (Alumina), and

, painless with hard, lumpy,

black stools; or on the contrary with colics as if a string would
pull back umbilicus with the need to stretch back (Dioscorea),
and spasm of anus.

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It is mostly a diarrhea remedy, with colics
and bilious vomiting.
Abdomen is distended, offensive flatus,
must lie on stomach to ameliorate. Explosive
stools, green, watery and offensive with mucus,
after raw fruits.
Diarrhea alternating with constipation with
dry, discolored clayish stools.
Dentition accompanied with diarrhea,
grinding of teeth, with hot glowing cheeks and
characteristic position.

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There is a constitutional Pulsatilla, described for the first time by
Hahnemann and then became a stereotype: blond hair, blue eyes, gentle
persons, weeping easily, wishing fresh air, thirstless and sensitive to greasy
The remedy is much more complex, for sure. For example, in Radar 10, we can
find more than 40 symptoms of intense thirst (even of 4th degree!).

Or the mental symptoms, besides a lachrymose state with “flowing tears

on cheeks, without a sound”, one can find “jealous, irritable, violent,
breaking things”. Shy, timid but likes to be in the center of attention, then
all of a sudden, without apparent cause weeps while speaking.
Delusion of being forsaken, alone, need for affection but delusion of
being persecuted and discriminated against as well. Contradictory,
changing mood rapidly, no contradiction in doing or wanting opposite
things one after another, capricious.
Very sensitive and sometimes paradoxical in food relations: wants heavy
food, likes cream, fat, sweats ice cream (!!!) but one mouthful more may
produce diarrhea, biliary complains, headaches.
Does not stand warm weather or air, but the hands and feet are cold
(often they have Raynaud syndrome).
Marbled skin, with pinkish lines, red lips and cheeks, round belly.
Sleeps with hands above the head, keeps feet in a close position.
In children one great remedy for catarrhal conditions, with whitish,
bland secretions from nose, obstruction of nose on going to sleep and
flowing when rising, easily going to a serous otitis, aggravated by warmth.

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Radium bromatum
Is a toxic remedy, with neurologic and skin
trustfull signs
In neurology, the first sign is numbness of
localized areas, sometimes along nerves, like
in sensory neuropathy (Gnaphalium,
Conium). Then may appear pyramidal
dysfunctions with paresis like symptoms on
extremities, insecure walk and diplopia
(always to think in MS).
On skin, one of the most toxic and
destructive acne, with painful deep bluish
pustules and abscesses that bleed easily and
evacuating a dirty pus. Many cysts and
pseudocysts on skin (Bromium, Iodum,
Fluoricum). Characteristically, acne all over
the back leaving deep bluish retractile

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Ranunculus bulbosus has affinity for muscle, nerves
and skin tissues especially on chest (pleurodinia,
intercostal neuralgia, Zona Zoster), but on
extremities too (sciatica, brachial neuralgia or
It was included among hydrogenoid remedies
because of its sensitiveness to changes of weather
and damp. Local sensitiveness to drafts of air and

Ranunculus sceleratus is an aggravated Ranunculus

mostly on skin, with
(Cantharis, Carbo vegetabilis,
Rhus) with intense pain and oozing troubled liquid.
(I used it successfully in pemphigus or pemphigoid eruptions).

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Another Hydrogenoid remedy, sensitive to wet and
hot weather (but ameliorated on warm
applications), with genital, neuralgic and rheumatic
Very sensitive to dramatic changes in barometric
pressure, always aggravated before or with storm,
dread of, and fear storms (Phosphorus, Causticum).
A remedy of male glandular swelling (orchitis,
epididymitis, hydrocele) extremely sensitive to touch
with irradiation of pain upwards in the abdomen
(Pulsatilla, Clematis, Baryta). Similar symptoms in
ovarian congestion aggravated after cold feet or cold
weather, better on warm application.
Gouty pains (first toe, ankle, knee), wandering
(Colchicum, Ledum), often with painful heels, always
related with humidity and stormy weather.

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A complex remedy with strong skin, throat and osteo-muscular affinity and
definite modalities.
As a constitution, the Rhus type is rather thin, fibrous, with stringy muscles and
tendency to have paravertebral contractions. When raising the arms, the back makes a
hyperlordosis and paravertebral muscles are contracted “as if two fish besides spine”.

The main modality is “pains and stiffness at

first motions, better on warming and
movement but returns when tired”. This
applies to all arthritic pains in joints (fingers,
shoulders, hips, knee), backaches, neuralgic
pains (sciatica, intercostal).
Restlessness during night (changing
frequently position in bed, rising to move

Always aggravated by cold and ameliorated by warm in all of their forms (air,
weather, applications, warming of muscles), even if locally there is congestion and

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Another sign (both constitutional and in acute pathologies) is the redness of tip of
tongue, not only the legendary triangle, but also tip and margins.

The Rhus tox. modalities are superposing the most

typical symptoms of Rheumatoid Polyarthritis: stiffness,
stiff hands in the morning, pains ameliorated warming
up muscles and joints, aggravation to cold and wet
In all cases of RP I begin by looking for symptoms
that are contrary of Rhus; if we don’t find, it is a
case of Rhus. Let’s say Rhus is the principal remedy
of what was called before ~arthritic diathesis~. A
good way to see if the remedy is correct is to
observe the evolution of inflammatory tests (BSR,
Fibrinogen, CRP, rheumatoid factor).

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A small but well acting remedy with specific
tropism for periosteum, cartilages, tendons, and
eye when there is strain, accident, or local
inflammation due to overexertion (Arnica, Rhus-t)

It is the ~Arnica of tendons~, like Symphytum is of


Eyes red, congested and painful as bruised after

a local traumatism or after straining eyes with
long exertion on small objects (reading small
letters, reading in poor light, sewing, fixing

Tendons sore, as shortened (Caust.), contraction

of tendons (flexors), always stiff, extension is
painful (on fingers, wrist, forearm, thigh or legs).

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A small and wonderful remedy for
respiratory allergies, especially in late
summer and autumn.

It has violent sneezing (up to 10

times or more in a round), nose running
alternate with obstruction and eye itching
(Allium, Euphrasia) but the main
characteristic is «itching
of palate
and deep of throat obliging to
scratch with the tongue».

Often the itch extends to the

inside part of the ear.
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One of the most important remedies for prostatic

disorders with frequent night urination and remaining
urine in bladder after micturitions.

It was named the “homeopathic catheter” for

retention of urine caused by enlarged prostate.

Stricture of urethra, dribbling urination associated

with want of erection but the desire is kept.

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A remedy with a definite tropism mostly for the upper
respiratory tract.
It has two phases:
- a dry phase, with dry nose and obstruction, with
snuffles («dry coryza of infants»). Child awakes
suddenly, frightened by suffocative cough, need to sit
up (Kalium carbonicum), and face turns bluish. Small
potencies work better in this condition.
- a secretory phase, with much mucus in nose and
throat, difficult to expel, sometimes with hoarseness
and wheezing; it is indicative for higher potencies.
In most conditions there is a strong concomitant symptom:
profuse perspiration when awake but dryness during night.

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It is very close to Sambuccus, affecting primarily the respiratory system.

A strong keynote is «obstruction felt at the root of the nose».

It has indication in many forms of rhinitis (allergic, vasomotory, hyper- or

atrophic, or obstruction due to adenoids), with dry mucosa, dry cough, sneezing,
need to blow the nose without secretion accompanied with frontal dull headache,
fullness relieved when nose begin to run, burning and strain in the eyes «as if a
cold would come».
Dry hacking cough at night and loose cough in the morning, accompanied
often by pain in chest, from sternum to spine.

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It is a bipolar and vascular remedy. In the first phase its main
characteristics are heat flushes, red face and congestion of head with
throbbing arteries (Belladonna, Glonoinum), burning of palms and sole and
acute pains (menopausal flushes, migraines) followed by a second phase of
exhaustion with earthly paleness.

It has an affinity for right side of head, mostly in periodical pulsating

migraines with photophobia and red cheeks. Pains «like a flash of
lightening» or face neuralgias spreading from the upper jaw.

Respiratory available for coryza and spasmodic cough with «heat and
burning sensation behind sternum», eventually expelling sputum with
streaks of blood.

Crossed pains «right shoulder and left hip joint» with burning sensation
locally and heat of palms and soles.

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Two essential fields are determinative for
Berberis: skin and eliminatory organs, liver and
kidney (Sarsaparilla).

The characteristic eruption on skin is :

progressing from one point to a map-like
configuration, with the margins always more
active than the center, with itching better with
cold applications.

Kidney or biliary colics (associated often with

stones) beginning in hypochondria or lumbar
region at one point,
, (spermatic cords to male) and

Rheumatic conditions associated with skin and

metabolic disorders, mostly on small joints.
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A remedy with strong vascular arterial tropism, on peripheral
nerve system and hemorrhagic disorders.
One of the main remedy for arterial peripheral spasm or
thrombosis, with reddish soles ~sensation of heat but feet are
cold to touch~, claudicatio intermitens (the number of steps
reduce progressively and are accompanied by strong cramps)
and tendency to gangrene. Peripheral polyneuropathy, both
motor and sensory.
Trembling of tongue and hands (Agaricus) Dry, coated,
swollen tongue with ink like spots.
Acrocyanosis on tips of finger, very sensitive to cold but with
burning sensation. In all dermatological complaints associated
with vascular thrombosis and a tendency to ~black spots and
crusts on affected area~ (Carbo, Arsenicum).
Hemorrhages on different parts (uterine, epistaxis, rectum or
hematemesis) with dark red or bluish blood, making large clots.
Menstrual colics with coldness or burning sensations but
intolerance to heat or warm application followed by clotty dark

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Sep a
A great polycrest, mostly prescribed on women (however with
noticeable man exceptions) affecting mind and genital, digestive
and vascular systems.
Sadness alternating with irritability, difficult communication with
her own family and kids, lack of affectivity even if rationally wants to
love them. Retreated in her (him) self, wants to be let alone, never
satisfied, never happy. Neglect the others and him/herself.

Face pale, with dark rings around sunken eyes, dry lips cracked in the
middle, hairy face in women, hairiness on the cervical and lumbar
regions. Adopts ~closed postures~ when siting, with crossed legs
and hands closed covering lower abdomen.

Digestive slowness, unable to digest fat food, needs acids, many

biliary complaints, bad bitter taste in the mouth and sensitivity to
odors (even perfumes).

Congestive pelvic syndrome with heaviness and bearing down of

uterus, premenstrual syndrome with flushes and dark red menorrhagia
or, on the contrary, amenorrhea. A great remedy in and after
menopause, with many flushes followed by perspiration that become
cold immediately and chills.

Recurrent herpetic eruptions (Natrium muriaticum, Rhus

toxicodendron) and all sorts of skin eruptions, the most characteristic
being the ~circinate eruptions~ (Berberis, Natrium muriaticum) with
empty center and a peripheral vesicular progression. Eczema with
itching and dry thick hard crusts on hands and foot (Antimonium
crudum, Petroleum, Nitricum acidum), Eruptions of dark color, lichen,
and many pigmented nevi.

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Is not just another remedy but a strong constitutional root, able to
combine with others (Calcarea, Baryta, Natrum, Kalium). Constitution is
more important than pathologies for prescribing it.

Kids of Silicea type are thin, pale, the veins are seen by transparency
of eyelids; fragile limbs, with a tendency to get scoliosis, as if the body
would be too heavy for their spine. Wet and cold hands (long and thin),
and feet. When standing, they point the toes inwardly (revers of
Sulphur). Hair without shine, dry.

Get colds easy and recover slowly. Bad appetite and very selective for
light food, do not like excesses of any form (in food, sleep, program of

Slowness in development, begin later to walk and speak (Baryta);

slowness in reactions, in work, in learning. Refuse to do things in hurry,
need to do things properly, without haste, but they are ~solid~ and
faithful partners, friends, workers. They look asthenic and easy
fatigable but, in fact, if they are not hasted they work very efficiently
and like to finish their tasks.

Its relative Quartz (same chemical formula but a crystal) is an efficient

remedy for long and slow convalescence after infectious diseases.

Sensible from a mental point of view: bashful, do not stand loud

voice, harsh speaking or aggressive behavior. Sensitive to noises, drafts
of air (migraines after exposure to drafts), and coldness in any way.

Like to sleep well covered, embracing a pillow and sleep is easily

disturbed by noises.

Making easily allergies, both with respiratory and skin expressions

(rhinitis, asthma, allergy to sun, detergents, metals)

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A great remedy for migraines, eyes neuralgia, cardiac
diseases and disorders due to parasites and tropism for left

Supraorbital pain, beginning in the inner corner of the

eye and extending frontal, throbbing or as if a band (Bryonia,
Cactus) occurring periodically. Facial neuralgias and eye
unilateral, very sensitive to touch (prosopalgia) and with a
cold sensation. Eyes feel too large, photophobia, dilated

A great remedy for parasitic colics and disorders, with

~pains around nombril~ (Cina, Plumbum) offensive taste and
odor from mouth, itching of anus.

Cardiac sticking pains mimicking angina pectoris,

extending to one or both arms, with palpitations, weak and
fast pulse and dyspnea, aggravated by all moves (pericarditis).

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A wonderful remedy with ,
In respiratory complaints, everything turn
around larynx: all kind of when weather
changes or after too much speaking, with
and laryngeal cough, with fine sibilants but a
rough end. Probably one of the first remedy to think in
all laryngeal complaints (Bromium, Causticum, Hepar
sulphur) with or without pulmonary progression.
The other strong affinity is about glandular
disorders, mostly thyroid and genital. Thyroiditis
(autoimmune or not) with a specific
, with transparent areas alternating with normal

Swollen, , very
sensitive to touch (orchitis and epydidimitis).
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One of the most secretory remedy
on the respiratory tract, with many secretions,
salty or sweetish, that cannot be expelled
(Carbo, Ant-t.) together with an exhausting
weakness. Can hardly talk because of fatigue, least
exertion (moving, speaking, reading) aggravates and
makes them sigh.
Mentally ~ feels so weak that anticipate death~.
Cannot finish his talk about something, jumps from
one subject to another, forgetting the issues,
because of weakness felt mostly in chest.
Pale, gray face and exhausted, difficulty in
respiration that oblige him to raise shoulders to
inspire better.
Weakness and lameness in limbs, drops things,
insecure walk, associated with dyspnea.

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Probably the strongest homeopathic remedy for ~suppressions~ (emotional or by any
other means: strong drugs, personal history and suppressive social contexts) and
~humiliation~ (Carcinosinum)

The typical history of a Staphysagria patient begin in childhood: abusive parents (the
most frequent situation is ~alcoholic abusive father~ with the wife or family; but
sometimes mothers may be abusive too, telling humiliating sentences like ~ I didn’t
want you; you worth nothing; you are the cause of all my troubles~ ) or history of
mental, sexual, social discriminations and abuses.

It`s behaviour range between two extremes: the suppressed one with long standing
humiliations and no expression at all due to conjectural reasons (~I cannot leave him, I
must stand it, he is the father of my children, this is my life~ ) and the explosive
sudden, abrupt manifestation when she/he throws things away, yield, becomes violent.
These are the two faces of the same phenomenon, when repression and expression

It is one of the most used remedy for military personnel manifesting dermatological or
autoimmune disorders (psoriasis, lichen, depressions, colitis ulcero-hemorrhagic, etc.)
when ~ the obligations of the job come in contradiction with their own opinions, but
cannot express them~.

It has definite mark signs and affinities. Staph may be easily recognized if one looks to
the eyes, skin, and chest.

The eyes: itching, lachrymose with a tendency to make conjunctivitis, blepharitis,

chalazions and cysts. It works like a homeopathic scalpel when properly prescribed.

For suppressed patients: the erythematous eruption on chest like a map, when
he/she speaks on stressful topics or memories.

It is mainly a sycotic remedy: many warts, nevi, condiloma. Many eruptions on skin,
psoriasis beginning on scalp, with a lot of itch and clear connection with emotional

A huge affinity for recurrent urinary infections with spasms, pains all over micturition
but mostly after, aggravation ~after every sexual contact~.
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A strong root and a strong constitutional
remedy with very many symptoms.

Constitutionally, Sulphur children are rather corpulent

they like to eat almost everything, sweets for sure. Warm
persons in general, warm feet (like to walk without sockets,
and discover feet in sleep) and impressive warm hands. Face
turns red easily.

Always aggravated by warmth, by the heat of bed and by

washing (especially itching).

The posture during walk is open: tips of toes pointing

outwards, belly pushed forward, relaxed hands.

Mentally there are many symptoms but the legendary

Sulphur likes to speak pretending to be always right, difficult
to convince, taking others ideas as their own, even lying easily
with or without reason (Baron Munchhausen syndrome).

Itching is a great characteristic of the whole root. It may

appear periodically or continuous, related with all possible
dermatologic complaints (urticaria, eczema, dermatitits
atopica, etc.). Scratching is a rule, followed by scratching

Digestive disorders: imperious urging in the morning, with

soft and explosive stools. Gastrogenic diarrhea, immediately
after eating.

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Sulphur root may combine with almost all other root for acute or chronic

Calcarea Sulphurica might be a great remedy for children in development or

when appears calcium disorders and fears.

Baryta sulphurica is a great remedy for children of Sulphur constitution with

some traits of slow development or presenting adenoids.

Magnesia Sulphurica is indicated mostly in spastic conditions with digestive

disorders, strong colics and watery diarrhea.

Natrium sulphuricum is a sycotic Sulphur with great sensitiveness to changes

of weather and humidity. In children many respiratory episodes, in adult’s
rheumatism and metabolic disorders (diabetes, hyper colesterolemia, acid uric
high levels).

Kalium sulphuricum is indicated in many respiratory disorders with tenacious

mucus from nose to brochiae with or without the characteristic debility,
palpitation, and nocturnal aggravation of all Kaliums.

Arsenicum sulphuratum is rarely prescribed but always indicated when a

Sulphur constitution presents Arsenicum fears and modalities. It is a warm

Antimonium crudum is Stibium sulphuratum, with many common traits with

Sulphur, but a tendency to make thick skin and bullous dermatological disorders
and a kind of slowness in reactions.

Cinnabaris is a great Mercurius Sulphuratum remedy, available in many

purulent acute diseases or constitutionally, when appear a destructive (Mercurius)
process on a Sulphur constitution.

Chininum Sulphuricum may be a conjectural remedy in person of Sulphur

constitution, after organic fluid losses (diarrhea, bleeding, sweating) with great
debility, intermittent fever alternating with chills, or periodical migraines in
Sulphur patients.

Sulphur iodatum is easy to recognize by its throat and the characteristic

eczema, with lichenification, and different nodules and cysts. It is a thin Sulphur.

Sulphuricum Acidum is an exhausted Sulphur, with tendency to serious

conditions, dyspnea and restlessness.

Hepar sulphuris is the coldest Sulphur, thin, sensitive to noises, cold, odors,
with difficult and painful suppurative processes.
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A remedy valuable for vertigo, motion sickness and arterial
circulatory disorders.

Vertigo on opening eyes, must rest with eyes closed in fresh

air. All complaints are accompanied by strong nausea,
vomiting, death like pallor and icy coldness and sweating.
Every motion aggravates, as well as tobacco or other strong
odors (Bryonia, Sepia, China).

Face pale, bluish, covered with cold sweats (Arsenicum,

Veratrum). Very low arterial pressure.

“Desire to uncover the abdomen” and amelioration in fresh


Remedy for smokers with peripheral arteriopathy (Secale,

Cuprum) and coronaropathy.

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A “small remedy” for
“drainage” gall
reliable physical mapped tongue
with or without jaundice

Tongue is covered
white or yellow coat,
red and painful

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Tarentula hispanica
A remedy with high nervous affinity, indicated
in all kinds of neurological disorders
accompanied by hyperactive restlessness, need
to move constantly and amelioration to music,
dance and vigorous exertion.

Children walk incessantly, on tips of toe, do not

want to be touched, mostly on head. In autistic
children, many ritualistic movements,
balancing from one side to the other, in a
specific rhythm, like dancing. Convulsion,
chorea twitching and jerking.

Adults are in hurry (and they hurry people

around them), compulsive workers, nothing is
done well and fast enough; sometimes losing
control and becoming violent in words or acts.

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A remedy with strong tropism for

urinary disorders (cystitis, pyelitis,

tumours) accompanied with hematuria.

Dysuria with burning pain along

urinary tract, pain going up and down from
navel to bladder, urine coloured red or
black, with many erythrocytes and a
specific odour “violet-like odour”. Pains
when urinating can be so strong that might
cause fainting or convulsions.

Menorrhagia and rectorrhagia with black

blood and burning sensations accompanying
or alternating with urinary disorders.

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A relatively rarely prescribed remedy with strong neurologic
tropism, affecting bones and nails too. I have used it
successfully several times.

Pain in jerks, like electric shocks, aggravated during the

night or when awakening (Mercurius). Pains along bones and in
small joints. Bone tumors and bone cysts in long bones.

A characteristic sign are “many white spots and lines on


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A great sycotic remedy, prescribed on constitutional and miasmatic
arguments but with some strong modalities and characteristics.

The most important physical trait is the tendency to make all kind of
neoformations: warts, nevi, myoma, cysts, granuloma, etc.

Greasy face (Sulphur, Zincum, Mercurius) with congenital nevi and

warts (Argentum nitricum, Nitricum acidum, Dulcamara, Natrium

Eruptions ~on hidden places~ like axilla, inguinal or pelvic regions.

Characteristic disorders of sweating: “sweat smells like onions”,

“sweat on uncovered parts”, “sweat colours the underware and
sheets”, “sweat only on one part”.

The most used remedy for papillomas, moluscum and all primary viral
excrescences wherever they appear (hands, body, anal, genital).

Mentally, difficult self-expression, hiding their secrets, even lying

easily. Tendency towards obsessions and delusions about their body:
“feels as if the body were made of glass and it would break”, delusion
of being ugly or splendid.

Sensitive to cold and wet, considered as a hydrogenoid remedy.

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Its main tropisms are genitalia (especially female): meno- and metrorrhagia
with profuse bright red blood «aggravated by the least motion»
mixed with clothes often associated with uterine myomas or ovarian cysts.
Pains from sacrum to the pubis, or extending to thighs (Sepia).

Uterine complaints associated with frequent epistaxis.

Threatened miscarriage in the first trimester with bleeding, and hemorrhage

after abortion.

It was considered as a sycotic remedy (good complementary for Thuya,

Nitricum acidum, Natrium sulphuricum):

- in female (beside neoformations) leucorrhea after menses,

copious, offensive, sometimes bloody;
- in male, inflammation of prepuce, tension and burning pains in
glans (Cantharis, Cannabis sativa, Mercurius); gonorrhea with whitish or
pus like secretions.

In both sexes, perineal and genital condylomata

(Thuja, Nitricum acidum, Cinnabaris),

with itching, soreness, sensitive excrescences (due to HPV);

all associated with increase sexual excitement.

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Urtica urens

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Urtica urens
A specific remedy for

. It may appear
recurrently, mostly in children. (it
looks like nettle rash).

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In acute Veratrum album it is a remedy for dramatic
gastrointestinal disorders with projectile vomiting,
diarrhea with watery stools, extreme weakness,
hypotension, pale face, cold sweats (Arsenicum) with
image close to septic shock.
Desire for cold drinks, sour fruits, salt.
In chronic cases it is a remedy for extreme mental and
behavioral disorders too:

Grandomania, delusion he/she is an important

person, the saviour of the world, with a high mission.
Religious mania. Violent and intolerant, even cruelty
towards others who do not approve of their delusions and
convictions. The remedy of dictators, terrorists and radical
fundamentalists, able to impose their beliefs by violent

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It has a strong tropism for ear (in a way or another always
the ear is painful) and facial nerves.

Verbascum oil has a local anti-inflammatory and anesthetic

effect in all congestive otitis. As homeopathic remedy,
congestive otitis with a sense of obstruction and deafness.

Facial neuralgia with prosopalgia, affecting zygoma,

temperomandibular joint and ear, with sensation of crushing
and jerks, aggravated by talk, sneezing, touch, mastication,
clenching teeth and changes in temperature.

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