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Research Unit, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK, 01509 263171,, TONY THORPE Professor of Construction IT, Head of the Construction Management Research Unit, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK, 01509 263171, ABSTRACT This paper describes an ongoing research project addressing the issue of Supply Chain Management within a construction context. SCM is described as having various generic characteristics that have been rationalised from an initial literature review and open dialogue with practitioners in the field. The scope of the research and its direction are concluded from the review and a methodology for conducting the research outlined. Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Culture, Attitudes REFERENCES Austin, S. Baldwin, A. Li, B. and Waskett, P. (1999). "Analytical Design Planning Technique: A Model of the Detailed Building Design Process", Design Studies, Vol. 20, No. 3. pp. 279-296 Ballard, G. Howell, G. (1998). "What kind of production is construction?" in Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC - 6), Guaruja, Brazil Bouverie-Brine, C. and Macbeth, Douglas K. (1995). "Managing Supply Chains: A collaborative project between London Underground and the Supply Chain Management Group" in Lamming, Richard. Cox, Andrew. Strategic Procurement - Management in the 1990's - Concepts and Cases. Earlgate Press, UK. ISBN 1 873439 41 5 Bresnen, Mike. (1988). "Insights on Site: Research into construction project organisations" in Bryman, Alan. (1988) (Ed.). Doing Research in Organisations. Routledge, London. ISBN 0 415 00258 3. Buono, Anthony F. (1997). "Enhancing Strategic Partnerships - Intervening in network organisations" Journal of Organisational Change Management, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 251 - 266. Chadwick, T. Rajagopal, Shan. (1995). Strategic Supply Management - An implementation toolkit. ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, UK. ISBN 0 7506 3680 7 Chase, Richard B., Aquilano, Nicholas J., Jacobs, F. Robert. (1998) (8th Ed.). Production and Operations Management: manufacturing and services. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0 07 115222 9. Christopher, M. (1998). "Relationships and Alliances" in Strategic Supply Chain Alignment. Edited by Gattorna, John. Gower Publishing Ltd, England. ISBN 0 556 07825 2 Cousins, Paul. (1995). "Partnership Sourcing: a misused concept" in Lamming, Richard. Cox, Andrew. Strategic Procurement - Management in the 1990's - Concepts and Cases. Earlgate Press, UK. ISBN 1 873439 41 5 Cox, Andrew. (1995). "Strategic procurement management in the public and private sectors: The relative benefits of competitive and collaborative approaches" in Lamming, Richard. Cox, Andrew. Strategic Procurement - Management in the 1990's - Concepts and Cases. Earlgate Press, UK. ISBN 1 873439 41 5 Cox, Andrew. Lamming, Richard. (1997). "Managing Supply in the Firm of the Future" in Cox, Andrew. Hines, Peter. (Ed) (1997) Advanced Supply Management. Earlsgate Press. ISBN 1 873439 51 2 Davis, Tom. (1993). "Effective Supply Chain Management" Sloan Management Review, Summer 1993, pp. 35 46. DETR (1998). Rethinking Construction. Department of Environment Transport and the Regions. European Construction Institute (1993). Total Quality in Construction - Measurement Matrix and Guidelines for Improvement. European Construction Institute, Loughborough. ISBN 1 873844 17 4

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