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Essay 1
Nose-jobs, eye-tucks and botox injections are now common everyday terms. It
is apparent that the image-conscious society we live in today has created a
larger market for cosmetic surgery. In my opinion, cosmetic surgery can offer
relief for people who are not comfortable with their appearance and improve their
One reason for this is that some people may feel uneasy and conscious of
certain features of their body. For some people, a scar on the face or even a
birthmark can be troublesome. Furthermore, a person with a large nose or
crooked teeth could suffer from feelings of insecurity when meeting new people.
In other words, people who are aware of some minor imperfections may
subconsciously have feelings of inadequacy.
Another reason is that all these feelings of vulnerability can make a person
suffer from anxiety and isolation. For instance, a person who is obsessed with
the unattractive qualities of his/her body may become stressed about how others
view them. This means that this preoccupation will overpower the ability to
belong or make friends. Needless to say, although others may not be conscious
of the imperfections, the self-conscious behavior of the person will lead to
Nevertheless, there are those who would argue that beauty is not only skin
deep, but that it radiates from deep within. Clearly, not many will argue that point
because it is the feelings that we project that make us attractive to others. But
the problem with this is that some people really do believe that in order to feel
beautiful you have to be beautiful. Luckily for them, cosmetic surgery can offer
them the opportunity to change their appearance and build up their self-
In conclusion, it is my firm belief that cosmetic surgery can truly help people
overcome some of their insecurities. Superficial though this may seem to some,
going ahead with such a procedure is an individual choice and not one dictated
by the general consequences.
Essay 2
Who said George Orwe
future? It is apparent to us all that surveillance cameras are monitoring our daily
external activities. Although many may feel uneasy about the eye of Big Brother,
it can be argued that these observation methods are increasing public safety and
improving local business.
One mayor reason for installing surveillance cameras in cities is to improve the

citizens at one point or other. For example, bank robberies, hooliganism, and car
theft make people wary of going outdoors. In other words, people tend to avoid
areas where they feel unprotected. Therefore, if more cameras are installed that
monitor criminal activity, people will feel free to enjoy more activities outdoors
and in public areas.
Furthermore, surveillance technology can improve the business sector by
allowing it to flourish under safer circumstances. Numerous shops and
businesses suffer on a daily basis from vandalism and robberies. As more
cameras are installed these acts can be recorded, aiding in criminal
investigations. Needless to say, this method can prove to be a strong deterrent to
crime and business could reduce their losses. Consequently, investors would be
willing to open business, costumers would enjoy worry-free shopping and tourists
would consider visiting these areas. In other words, more money would be spent,
allowing business to expand.
To sum up, as measures should be taken to provide a safer environment for
all to enjoy, street cameras are one option that cannot be ignored. However,
precautions must be taken to ensure that individual rights are never violated.
Essay 3
There are few who would disagree that people are becoming more and more
obese. It is a huge health problem and many experts lay the blame for it on the
mass media. In my opinion, it is not the mass media, but other factors that have
caused this epidemic of obesity.
Firstly, people nowadays lead sedentary lifestyles. Unlike in the past, where
people would walk or cycle to places whenever the opportunity arose, they now
get in their cars to go distances which would not take them even five minutes on
foot. Also, because of the great leaps in technology, people now tend to spend
their free time in front of their computer screens or game consoles playing virtual
games hour after hour instead of getting out and doing real sports and burning
off surplus calories.
In addition to our inactive lifestyles, our modern work habits also play a role in
typical home, it is common for both parents
to go out to work every day. The long hours they put in at their workplaces mean
that there is far less time for buying and preparing healthy nutritional food for
family meals. Now, instead of sharing a traditional homemade meal in the
evenings, many families go out for fattening fast food, or stay at home and eat
ready-made meals that are high in calories and low in nutritional value.
Some people claim that many of the ads in the mass media persuade people
to buy and consume junk food and other products that contain far too many
calories. That being said, the truth of the matter is that individuals are, or should
be, responsible for their choices and blaming the mass media is simply a way of
making them feel less guilty about what they are eating.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that mass media does not promote and is not
responsible for obesity. I feel that becoming obese is an individual problem. In
the end, each and every one of us is personally responsible for the state of our
health, and, of course, this includes our weight.
Essay 4
Every country in the world has many things that are unique to that country,
whether it be a certain type of cuisine or a colorful flag. As a citizen of the United
States, I believe what best represents my country is the Statue of Liberty.
First of all, the Statue of Liberty is a very recognizable icon of America. Most
people in the world, when seeing this figure, would automatically know that this
symbol represents the Unites States. Furthermore, it has been a part of America
for over one hundred years. It is a long-standing, striking symbol that is likely to
endure for years to come.
Secondly, I believe the Statue of Liberty best symbolizes America because of
what the statue specifically represents freedom. When people from abroad fled
their countries because of war, poverty, and political oppression, the Statue of
Liberty stood tall above the New York harbor with a promise to offer a better life.
Additionally, as the statue was a gift from France, it also represents the lasting
friendship that one nation can have with another.
On the other hand, some people may say other symbols better represent
America these days, such as pop music and film celebrities, or big name sports
stars, since people around the world are more exposed to these on a daily basis.
However, the popularity of these symbols may change over the years, whereas
the Statue of Liberty will always remain a symbol of the United of States of
In conclusion, I believe no other symbol better represents America than the
Statue of Liberty. It is a constant reminder of what America stands for and
Essay 5

debate, with governments maintaining that citizens should be fined and taxed for
irresponsible behavior, whilst citizens claim that governments are not working
hard enough to support a more environmentally friendly infrastructure.
In the first place, if people were consistently fined and taxed for ecologically
bad behavior, they would eventually change their habits. For instance, a high tax
placed on regularly fueled cars, would persuade buyers to look into hybrid
models. Furthermore, heavy fines could be applied to those who do not carpool
to work. Naturally, this would curb their ways by reducing the number of cars on
the road. It may even force them to use public transportation more often, when
carpooling was not practical for their journey.
On the other hand, many people oppose these regulations by saying that the
government has not provided the proper infrastructure for these laws or fines to
apply. A typical example is that governments have not increased the amount of
public transportation to facilitate commuting throughout cities. Many also believe
that although the intention might be a good one, it is still a misguided effort to
reduce pollution levels. In other words, too much emphasis is placed on
individuals instead of big industry which pollutes the most. In fact, big industries
have been left unchecked while they damage the atmosphere in the pursuit of
All things considered, it can be concluded that some regulations should apply
to individuals. The best course of action, however, would be to achieve a certain
balance between what individuals do and what the governments and industry do.
Essay 6
Who would have thought that the ancient hanging gardens of Babylon would

rooftops on downtown buildings, that is exactly what we might be seeing.

Although there are many benefits to green rooftops, there are a few drawbacks
to consider.
To begin with, creating more green space in our cities would help to improve
local climate conditions. For example, during the hot summer months, it would
work as a natural coolant offering shade to the buildings that usually bake under
the summer rays. Another benefit of green rooftops is that the city would become
a more humane and natural environment. In other words, these rooftops would
not only be aesthetically appealing but a place to escape to from the concrete
surroundings of city life. People would be able to use the space for relaxation
and recreation or even enjoy the effort involved in tending a garden.
However, there are those who are concerned about the costs of implementing
such a program. As there is detailed planning and materials involved in building a
rooftop garden, the construction costs could become rather expensive. For
instance, rooftops should be covered with special insulation or waterproof
materials that will protect the building. Moreover, there are concerns that the
costs of maintenance would force households to increase their budgets which
may already be stretched. While it is true that many families living in the heart of
the city might welcome the idea of having a rooftop garden, they may not be
prepared for the cost involved in keeping their garden in good condition.
All things considered, although initiating the program of green rooftops can be
costly, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks in the long run. We sometimes
need to follow the example of ideas from the distant past that might save us in
the near future.
Essay 7
There is pulsating energy that surrounds every downtown area throughout the
world. Although there are many conveniences to living in the city, the problems of
overpopulation and pollution can sometimes aggravate its residents.
One argument in favor of living in the city is that everything is within walking
distance. For instance, many businesses and stores are centrally located so city-
dwellers can work and shop in nearby locations. Needless to say, residents
rarely need to use their cars as the frequent bus routes and abundant taxis can
cater to their needs. Apart form that, the city offers a vibrant twenty-four hour

morning hours. Moreover, most theater productions and cultural events take
place in the heart of the city.
However, it may be said that people suffer from the noise and pollution levels
found in every big city. In particular, there is a lot of traffic congestion during peak
hours making the atmosphere unbearable. Of course, there is also constant
honking and sirens to bear with as well. Furthermore, there is a lack of space
due to overpopulation in cities. A typical example of this is the endless parking
problems that most residents complain about. Indeed, most rush-hour traffic
congestion is a direct result of doubled-parked cars along busy streets.
To conclude, I believe that if one looks beyond the few discomforts of city life,
it is impossible to ignore the benefits that come with it. Being the social creatures
that we are, it is no wonder that millions choose to share in this energetic and
exciting way of life.
Essay 8

when you consider its importance in preparing young people for their future
careers. Many claim that lessons based on traditional classroom methods are
adequate, while others believe that we should have more emphasis on teaching
practical skills. In my view, students benefit greatly from a more practical
education approach.
In the first place, gaining work experience while still at school is very important
and will prove invaluable to students later on. For instance, a young person may
choose to work for a local newspaper for a period to develop their journalistic
skills. Needless to say, on-the.job experience obtained in an internship of this
kind will impress a future employer. Furthermore, it would also help young people
to see if they are cut out for a particular career path, not to mention the fact that it
would give them the opportunity to cultivate useful contacts in the professional

abilities. By participating in debating clubs students will learn from critical thinking
activities how to look at problems from various angles and be more resourceful in
finding solutions. Not only that, but debating also teaches a speaker to put ideas
across clearly and persuasively. Consequently, when issues arise at work, young
people will be more confident, since they will have already had experience in
dealing with them.
There are those who argue that the standard classroom-based approach to
teaching is quite adequate. However, in spite of the fact that conventional
teaching methods are effective, they still need to be combined with practical skills
for the best results.
To conclude, it is obvious that young people today face a great challenge in
preparing themselves for the workplace. For this reason, they need a variety of
learning experiences to maximize their potential.
Essay 9
There is no greater feeling than sharing moments with grandparents.
Unfortunately, millions of families lose these precious times when their loved

process that affects families both emotionally and financially.

burden on a family. As the patient slowly loses vital mental functions, family
members face bouts of depression in dealing with this memory loss. In particular,
people find it difficult to accept the fact that they are no longer recognized by
someone who once loved them. The family must then begin to help their loved
ones perform simple tasks, as their mind begins to fail. The time spent caring
and watching over them can lead to burnout, a common symptom in family
A further effect on the family is the substantial loss of work and income. For
instance, many adults have to take a leave of absence from work to offer the
necessary care. As a result, the family income is greatly reduced. Moreover,
many of the drugs required to regulate mood and slow the process of the illness,
are costly. In addition, hiring professional caregivers or placing someone in a
special home, is a very expensive solution. What makes matters worse is that
although the family may be unable or reluctant to commit the patient to home,

Therefore, the cost becomes unavoidable.

patient, but also an emotionally painful and costly process for the family involved.
It is regrettable that no cure has yet been found. However, scientists are working
intensely to make it an illness of the past.
Essay 10

relaxation and fun. Tourism helps many countries to prosper. Yet locals in some
tourist spots may now be removing their welcome mats as the negative effects of
tourism on the economy and environment can no longer be tolerated.
Tourism causes a financial strain on its local residents. As the number of
vacationers increase, so do market prices. Citizens see their expenses rise in
terms of electricity, water, fuel, and food, while at the same time their incomes
remain unchanged. The types of jobs available often only relate to the hotel,
restaurant, and entertainment industries; so while destinations are popular during

year. Their earning potential becomes too dependent on foreign visitors. For

approximately 80% was related to tourism.

The next issue is the direct impact on the environment. Forests are cleared
and transformed into urban jungles to accommodate vacationers. The clearing of
forests combined with the additional emissions from transportation puts a heavy
a strain on the ecosystem and its ability to deal with natural disasters.
Destinations dependent on foreign commerce would be crippled by a flood or
In conclusion, countries must change their outlook. Instead of attempting to
attract foreign currencies, they should focus on creating a stable and sustainable
economy for their residents and a healthy future for the environment.
Essay 11
It is a tragedy that with all the wealth in the world, many people have nothing
to eat and nowhere to call home. The age of the average homeless person has
increased, along with the medical costs to support them. As they grow older,
their need for medical attention becomes even more essential, and yet, less
likely. However, if the correct steps are taken and plans put into place, lives can
be saved.
The first major concern is the need for routine visits
Without follow-up and continuous care, common hypertension and diabetes can
result in strokes, blindness, or other ailments that require round-the-clock
attention. Illnesses turn costly, and in many cases, fatal. It is vital that there are
free clinics for those in need. In this way, illnesses can be diagnosed in the early
stages, thus making them treatable. Discharging a patient with complications due
to the lack of money is like putting a band-aid on a broken bone, they will never
get well.
The second major issue is accepting that is our moral obligation to help those
who cannot help themselves. Whereas most people are aware of the aging
This attitude
perpetuates the problem. Ignoring the issue does not resolve it; just as ignoring a
cut does not treat its infection. A good solution to get people involved would be
an active Adopt-A-Homeless program. Private individuals would help by
providing personal contact and thus creating genuine concern for those in need.
Giving moral and financial support relieves pressure from society as a whole
while contributing to the well-being of its individuals.
Lastly, it is hope that through free clinics offering continuous care and from the
concern to take care of our neighbors, this problem can be a thing of the past.
These are people. They have dreams, emotions and fears, most of them did not
choose to be homeless.
Essay 12
These days, the push to involve young children in many activities can be seen
in almost every community. It is important, however, to consider the positive and
negative effects of children having many active pursuits.
On the other hand, participating in many extra-curricular activities provides
children with the opportunity to develop their personalities and social skills. For

with others will learn how to do so by observing other children in the team.
Additionally, partaking in an extra-curricular activity may reveal a hidden talent
the child possesses. For instance, the child who has an inherent talent at
baseball will never get the chance to discover it unless they start playing the
On the other hand, having too many active pursuits can adversely affect a

who does two sports and takes music lessons will probably not have enough
time to do their homework and prepare for school nor will they have enough time
to relax. Furthermore, the pressure to excel in many areas can have a negative
nding of
their child and expect them to excel in areas where they lack the physical or
mental abilities, such as football or math, the child will become discouraged and
lose their self-confidence and motivation to succeed.
To sum up, participating in extra-curricular activities can undoubtedly be
development. It must be stressed, though, that parents
should be careful not to push their children too hard because there is a good
Essay 13

can vary from one individual to another, just as the causes may differ. Without a
doubt though, stress can arise from our economic situation and from the
One of the main causes of stress stems from worries over financial difficulties.
rising and salaries are remaining the same. Expenses begin to mount and
individuals often find that they must borrow money for their essential needs.
People take out loans to buy a car or a house, and they find themselves
purchasing other essentials such as clothing and food with credit cards. Soon the
debts spiral out of control and the stress begin to mount. This may give rise to a
variety of consequences from sleepless nights of worry, to anxiety attacks, mild
strokes or even heart attacks.

technology has sped up our ability to compete with one another which can cause
people to feel overwhelmed by an unending chain of deadlines that have to be
met in ever shorter periods of time. Such expectations have more serious and
long lasting consequences on the physical, psychological, and behavioral health
of an individual. For example, feelings of impatience, anger, and irritation can
develop for minor reasons, not to mention the unnecessary arguments that can
ensue. In addition, the body reacts with a rapid heart rate and frequent colds that
severely wear down the heart and immune system. Undoubtedly, those reactions
combined can severely reduce the quality and quantity of
When all is said and done, no one wants a shortened lifespan. Thus, it is in
each and every one of our interests to identify the various causes of stress and
control the effects, before they control us.
Essay 14
re kids who were killed by a drunk driver, people would be up in

distraught and somewhat angry voice of a mother, points to the fact that
governments have not done enough to combat not only heroin, but drugs in
general and the ill effects they have upon society. However, the statement also
directs us toward a solution: communication.
In our drug infested society, gangs sell drugs on the streets and openly
compete against each other for customers. As a result, violence often erupts.
Also, addicts often turn to crime in order to support their habit. Although there is
a police presence in such neighborhoods, what seems to be lacking and could
prove to be a positive step toward the solution, is a more personal policing
method. Foot patrols could be introduced, thereby allowing officers the
opportunity to speak with residents and form personal relationships that foster
trust. This means that they could provide advice and be positive role models
presenting an alternative to drugs and the gang violence that ensues.

What is more, the problem has resulted in the dissolution of families. For
example, the stress of having a child hooked on drugs and being physically and
mentally impaired can destroy a family. Once again, the negative impact of drugs
could be slowly defeated through open communication and education. Seminars
and family counseling sessions could be funded by governments and organized
by support groups in order to teach the young about the devastating effects that

combat the problem.

In conclusion, the method used in the campaign against drunk driving should
be applied to the fight against drugs. Clearly, that means greater cooperation
between the government and citizens to educate the youth and provide role
models. In doing so, the demand for drugs could be eliminated. It is time for the
community to talk.
Essay 15

and those who question it. As far as I am concerned, although our lives may appear to
have improved, technology has raised serious issues that must be dealt with.

In the first place, while communication technology has unified the global community,
it has managed to impose on the privacy of individuals. The internet and most wireless
devices, such as cell phones, are exposed to the threat of hackers seeking to steal
their user identity. Even if a user installs virus protection and security programs,
hackers find ways to intercept and disrupt their systems. That is why companies are
now trying to combat identity fraud by merging their networks together in order to set
programs that will not only protect their corporate secrets but also the private
information of their customers.

Additionally, wireless technology poses a serious threat to the well-being of

unsuspecting civilians. This is illustrated by the fact that cell phones and the new
wireless laptops are based on the transmission and reception of high frequency
signals. It is generally known that these signals create an electromagnetic field that
can have harmful effects on health. In other words, users are exposed to dangerous
levels of radiation. It is alarming to realize that these systems are infiltrating the market
without any necessary precautions taken to protect the users.

On the other hand, supporters of technology argue that without technology we would
still be living under primitive conditions. In particular, advances in science have
managed to alleviate people of many illnesses and diseases with the aid of technology.
I would argue that although we may be rid of older diseases, new illnesses are
surfacing and spreading due to technology. It is without a doubt that we are
surrounded by carcinogens in the air we breathe, in the devices we use, and in the
food we eat.

All things considered, I feel that although there are astounding developments in the
world of technology, they seem to be adding more problems than solving old ones.
moving on to newer innovations.
Essay 16
The internet is undoubtedly a groundbreaking innovation, making it so much easier
for us to access and share information from the comfort and privacy of our own home.
In recent years, the downloading and distribution of unauthorized copies of movies,
television shows, music, games, and software programs via the Internet has increased.
This has led to action being taken by some governments around the world. Indeed,
computer piracy has forced lawmakers to redefine the criminal act of piracy.

One major cause of computer piracy is that software packages are expensive. For
example, in order to purchase an anti-virus program from a reputable company, a
customer should expect to pay approximately $80 a year. By downloading it from an
unauthorized source, computer users feel as if they are saving themselves money
despite the fact that downloaded software is often of inferior quality and might even
damage their computer. As a result, the loss of revenue from software sales to owners
of copyright is staggering. Not only this, but the effects on related businesses, product
development, and the lives of their employees are also considerable.

Another reason why Internet piracy occurs so frequently is mainly due to the new
file-sharing networks that have come into existence. When a user is connected to such
a network they can download and share files with other users free of charge. Users
may feel as if they are saving themselves money, or doing someone in cyberspace a
favor by uploading a popular file, but what they are actually doing is trading in stolen
goods. What a lot of people do not realize however, or choose to ignore, is the fact
such file-sharing constitutes an illegal activity since it is a case of copyright
infringement. Again, the loss of revenue, this time for the entertainment industry, is
phenomenal, with sales of hard copies of music and film steadily declining since 1999-
about the time that the first file-sharing network was developed.

To sum up, the unlawful exchange of files on the internet has to stop because it
forces companies to become uncompetitive and less productive, and creates potential
dangers for individual users such as the theft of their own personal data. Now that
greater exposure has been given to the issue, it will only be a matter of time before
new legislation will put into place to stop computer piracy and internet fraud altogether.
Essay 17

and stereotype them as violent, anti-social, and lacking responsibility toward the world
around them? I for one am not convinced that this is an accurate opinion. I am actually

around them.

simply stop and take a closer look. For instance, in my neighborhood many teenagers
volunteer their time at a public swimming pool. Without their efforts, it would not be a
safe environment for children and families to play and cool down during hot summer
days. Such responsible actions are illustrated not only by the volunteers, but by the
teens that use the facility as well. If play seems to be getting out of control or too
rough, there are always teen peers who intervene and regulate the situation. Needless
to say, the fact that the teens listen to each other provides further proof of their ability
to be respectful and responsible.

not only concerned and aware about important issues,

but they also get involved. A clear example of this comes from the N.Y. City area,
where teenagers showed concern for the condition of government shelters devoted to
teenagers. In particular, they exposed to an unaware public that the buildings were
unsanitary and the teenagers seeking protection there were actually being neglected
by the adult supervisors.

In spite of such examples, there are still adults who argue that most teens are
disrespectful. They maintain that they are defiant and constantly creating trouble. They
also claim that teens are prone to violence simply because they enjoy playing violent
video games. However, the truth is that the vast majority of teens are respectful and
while they do play video games with violent content, it is adults who produce and
promote these games.

violent, and ignorant toward society. Further, and perhaps more importantly, it can be
claimed that comparing them to previous teen generations only highlights similarities in
character especially since those who were teens, are now adults.
Essay 18
have more ways than ever to communicate: email, instant
messaging, cell phones, text messaging, Bluetooth headsets for video game
consoles, yet when it comes to expressing their problems to their parents,
nobody talks. This breakdown in communication is detrimental to families and is
pulling them apart. However, there are solutions to bring them back together.
The first issue is that families do not spend enough time together. Most
parents work away from home and children spend most of the day at school, so
there is little or no face-to-face contact. This results in interactions too brief to be
productive. C
they feel comfortable discussing their problems. If there is no cohesion, there will
be no trust. To bridge the gap, communities can sponsor family days with fun
events to encourage people to socialize. Once children feel comfortable talking
with their parents, they will trust them and listen to their problems.
The second issue is that the youth do not feel connected to their family. They
are experiencing a difficult phase because they are no longer children nor are
they yet adults. Rules are thrust upon them without discussion; the effect is that
they begin to feel trapped and lash out in rebellion. A solution for families would
be to have an open discussion in Peer Group Clubs about responsibility and
privilege. For example, they can discuss and draft a contract stating that if certain
criteria are met (e.g. home on time, homework finished, room is clean, etc), then
restrictions can be relaxed. In doing so, parents have the opportunity to gain trust
as their child proves to be responsible; at the same time, the child feels their
voice is being heard in respect to privilege as they negotiate for their privileges.
All things considered, a breakdown in communication is detrimental to
families. However, through community events, trust, and group discussion, they

phone, unplug the computer, and trade the interface for face-to-face family time.
Essay 19
Can you imagine your life without modern day conveniences? It is understood
that technology brought humanity forth into the Modern Age. It would appear that
technology has not only improved the way we communicate, but also the way we
transfer information, leaving more time for other activities.
In the past, trying to reach someone over the phone was a difficult task. The
fact that we can reach someone anywhere, and at anytime is attributed to the
advancements made in communication technology. For instance, traditional
phones now offer special features like call waiting and incoming caller lists that
keep a person up to date on his her calls. Furthermore, the invention of the cell
phone revolutionized communication completely. Its portability and variety of
applications have made it the most popular gadget of all the time. People can
now be reached at any time of the day, inform parents of their whereabouts,
send up-to-the-minute pictures, or even record videos.
Secondly, a great deal has changed in the way we transfer information. The
popularity of the Internet has meant that information can be transferred almost
anywhere with the click of a mouse. Moreover, huge amounts of information can
be compressed and sent almost instantaneously. Not to mention the fact that
wireless technology has opened up even further possibilities. In particular, there
are virtually no limits to where information can be received. Additionally, the
Internet can be combined with other technology such as the cell phone to send
and receive information, which means that we no longer need to sit in front of our
PC or laptop. For example, thanks to wireless technology, emails can now be
sent and received directly from our cell phone.
To sum up, technology has certainly had a positive effect in making our lives
less complicated. This also means that many of the separate gadgets we now
use to our daily tasks will disappear as innovations become more integrated.
Essay 20
Ancient civilizations and their way of life have always intrigued modern man. I have
always been curious to learn about the ancient Egyptians whose unique and rich
culture is still admired today.

To set the mood of that time period, I envision myself standing together with the
other Egyptians watching the Nile flooding its banks, maybe feeling a little disoriented
at first, but then soothed at the graceful spectacle of which I am a part. Moving
together in our colorful draped garments and elaborate black hair, we celebrate the
renewal of life after many rainless months. In the ancient Egyptian tradition, I would
feel deeply respectful towards nature and eager to see the way the celebrated the
coming of the rain and cared for the crops the rain allowed them to grow.

One of the things that make me curious about the Egyptians is the mysteries of
mummification that have been studied by scholars around the globe and have
astounded and captivated the general public. I imagine I would feel both awestruck
and fascinated to witness their lost art of body preservation. As they believed in the
renewal of life, they buried the dead accompanied by personal objects and food for
their voyage, as well as huge sculptures that would serve as their guides in the next
life. One would feel deeply touched to see with what loving care the Egyptians buried
their dead.

Another important feature of that time period is the monuments in which their great
kings or pharaohs were buried. The pyramids still stand today, attracting millions of
visitors every year. In spite of their great size, the Egyptians erected those geometric
shapes with skillful mastery. How they hauled such huge blocks into position has
always puzzled me and no doubt I would be an apprehensive onlooker! To be able to
watch and maybe even take part in the construction of these colossal projects would
be something truly amazing.

In short, there is much to learn from a people who, although lacking the technology
we have today, managed to achieve greatness. Their belief in the rejuvenation of life
was so strong that it motivated the construction of some of the largest monuments on
Earth and in doing so, they have become truly immortal as their memory lives on.
Essay 21

promises to wipe diseases and famine. However, there is a great controversy

regarding the human health risks and the potential environment impact.
There are certain advantages to GM foods. One argument in their favor is that
GM crops are altered to withstand disease and pests, while offering improved
flavored, better quality, and longer shelf life. Thus, more crops can be grown and
more nutrients are added allowing healthier products to reach the public.
Secondly, their stronger resistance means that fewer chemicals and pesticides
are needed. Needles to say, fewer chemicals means less toxic will enter local
However, there are also many drawbacks to GM foods. Opponents argue that
not enough research has been conducted on the safety of these products. For
example, they claim that there are no guarantees that GM foods are safe for the
human body. It is feared that eating GM foods will alter the genetic makeup of
man. It is also argued that GM crops may threaten biodiversity by decreasing the
richness and variety of foods. For instance, some argue that by tampering with
nature all organisms might lose their original values which might result in the loss
of certain flora and fauna.
In conclusion, I believe that although advances in modern science are
surpassing our wildest dreams, new products should be strictly screened for
safety. We need to be aware of any of the potentially harmful consequences
before allowing a genetically modified crop into the food chain.
Essay 22
More and more people these days are classified as obese. Consequently, millions
are spent each year on weight loss surgery. A popular form of therapy for raising self-
esteem is now a visit to the local surgeon for a quick fix. As far as I am concerned,
though, the best method to achieve the perfect body weight is through a healthy

To begin with, resorting to surgical methods for weight loss is not only dangerous
and extreme, but usually temporary. In other words, in order to retain the new body
obtained through surgery, patients must often follow a strict diet followed by an
exercise program, otherwise, the body simply returns to its previous from, leading to
further anxiety and depression. Moreover, some of these surgical procedures can be
life-threatening and even fatal in some cases. For this reason, it is imperative that
people are aware of the dangers involved in quick and easy solutions.

Secondly, the only way to control and maintain a satisfactory body weight is by
exchanging bad habits for healthy ones. In particular, by eliminating fatty foods and
sodas full of sugar, and getting regular exercise, one not only reduces body fat but also
the chances of suffering from high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart problems. In
addition, by following a diet rich in fruit, and vegetables, the body will get the minerals
and vitamins needed to build stronger and more resistant tissue. As the body begins to
look and feel better, the individual will eventually regain self-confidence, the natural

However, there are passionate supporters of the surgical way. These people are
willing to undergo plastic surgery repeatedly throughout their life. To this I must answer
that the body can only take so much intervention, and repeated surgeries are
dangerous, expensive and can increase the risk of other health issues such as

In conclusion, I am convinced that all the body needs is love and attention. This
aseball pitcher, Tommy
Essay 23
Most young people dream of finding a job that offers a high salary when they
graduate. Indeed, many students today select a degree which will lead them into
a financially-rewarding career. To me, students who choose to study a subject for
this reason are making the correct decision.
To start with, a high-paying job leads to financial freedom which in turns leads
to personal freedom. For instance, when one has enough money, they can do
almost whatever they want to. Traveling to various parts of the world, setting
down to start a fa
accomplished without having to save up for years in advance. Such freedom

Another benefit of choosing a career that will offer substantial financial

rewards is that such careers generally offer more opportunities and scope for
growth. That is to say, a student in Business Studies has a wider range of
companies and businesses to apply to worldwide than a student who has
majored in Philosophy. Moreover, as corporations these days are continually
expanding or merging, there is also more opportunity for flexibility in following a
career path.
Nevertheless, there are those who argue that it is more important to spend
your life doing something you like rather than doing something you are not
interested in. Although I agree with this I believe that it is always possible to find
a job one is enthusiastic about which also provides a good income.
time-consuming but
life-consuming, it should offer both emotional and financial satisfaction. After all,
Essay 24
Many parents are juggling the care of children and elderly parents in the
home, adding to the daily challenges of their modern day lives. Living with
grandparents in the home may have some benefits, but if the situation is not
under control, it could lead to unhealthy home environment.
On the other hand, having grandparents around can be a great blessing. An
elderly member of the family may enjoy taking on certain responsibilities, for
example, such as helping with some household chores like cooking and
cleaning. This of course would help to reduce some of the daily pressure on busy
working parents. Moreover, a senior citizen who is reasonably fit may also be
able to play an active part in caring for their grandchildren. Not only would most
grandparents enjoy the chance to spend more time with their grandchildren, but
such an arrangement would also be advantageous for the children, as they
would generally receive more meaningful love and attention from a relative than
from a hired nanny or babysitter.
On the other hand, having grandparents living their families is not without its
possible drawbacks. Firstly, it is possible that in caring for an aging member of a
family, parents may neglect some of the needs of their children, who of course
look to them for everything. For instance, the elderly may suffer from illnesses
and need constant care. Furthermore, some of the burden of looking after
grandparents may end up falling to the children. While younger members of a
family can help out with certain chores, many people believe that the
responsibility of looking after the elderly should fall exclusively to the parents.
All things considered, living with grandparents in the home can be beneficial to
the family as long as the proper adjustments are made for all to feel comfortable.
Essay 25
Population migration is nothing new. People have always sought out better
living conditions for themselves and their families. However, over the last
century, the world has experienced a population boom, making migration more
noticeable. There are several reasons why people choose to leave their

driving forces.
One reason migration is on the rise is due to the globalization of the economy.
The growth in production and consumption along with the removal of trade
barriers has enabled companies to expand their business around the globe. As a
result, many employees have to move in order to follow a career path in these
new locations. On the other hand, many companies simply close down in order
to relocate to countries where there is cheaper labor, leaving behind many
unemployed workers. These people, left without jobs, may have either move to
another city or country in search of work.
Secondly, in some countries people are displaced due to environmental
disasters. Hundreds of thousands of people are forced to move after losing their
homes. Consequently, thousands of helpless families have to move to new
places to settle down and start over. As a result, countries are faced with a rise in
the numbers of people immigrating.
All in all, the world economy and sever climate changes are causing migration

enormously over the next few decades, it is with great uncertainty that we look to
the future and wonder, where will we all fit?
Essay 26
Attending university can be a difficult task for those with regular jobs or others
who simply refuse or cannot leave town to do it. Fortunately, students can now
fulfill their dreams of earning a university degree through distance learning. As
promising as it may seem, students should seriously consider some of the
positive and negative aspects of enrolling in these programs.
One great advantage of distance-learning is that students can follow courses
from wherever they choose. In particular, they do not have to live in the same city
or even country as the university of their choice. Furthermore, they can do this
from their own home, work environment or wherever there is a computer and
Internet service. Another argument in favor of such learning is that students have
the freedom to work at their convenience. In other words, they do not have to
attend classes and they can work at their own pace. This means that they would
not have the stress that is involved with meeting school deadlines or sitting for
To some extent, a great many students benefit from these programs, but there
are some drawbacks that cannot be ignored. In the first place, in order to work
efficiently one must have his own computer and access to the Internet. The
problem with this is that some geographical regions do not have proper Internet
service. In addition, some people cannot afford to buy the expensive equipment
that is required. Another problem is that students cannot have the immediate
feedback that they would have in the classroom. That is to say, there is no direct
contact with the professor, and students must wait for the instructor to review
their work before receiving any response.
To conclude, I believe that if some of the problems are overcome, distance-
learning offers flexibility for students to succeed in higher education and at the
same time enjoy the process. After all, why spend all that money going abroad
Essay 27

nts can be very challenging, so a

high school principal must possess excellent managerial skills, outstanding
leadership qualities, and sound judgment.
In the first place, a person in this position should be an efficient and competent
administrator. A principal should be able to perform everyday tasks successfully
and tackle problems without delay. In particular, matters regarding discipline and
safety should be addressed as soon as they arise. Likewise, a principal should
be an effective decision-maker. In other words, by assessing and evaluating
situations properly, many conflicts can be easily resolved which would allow for
the smooth operation of the school.
Another quality a high school principal should possess is that of fine
leadership. A qualified principal should have enough knowledge to guide the

be a source of inspiration and motivation for action. By this I mean that his/her
hard work and dedication should be a paradigm for anyone to follow.
Most importantly, a high school principal is expected to be open-minded and
fair. Adolescence can be a time of serious identity crisis and confusion. For
instance, tempers can flare and mood swings can persist. For this reason, a
principal should take the time to listen before enforcing any disciplinary action.
In conclusion, in order to succeed, a high school principal needs to be an
organized leader who possesses sound judgment. After all, the responsibility lies
in his/her hands to produce a diligent and resolute staff as well as student body.
Essay 28
to report it.
Journalists make a living out of reporting the events that take place in our world.
This profession appeals to many good writers who seek truth and adventure, but
it can be hazardous at times.
The main attraction to journalism is the desire to make a difference.
Journalism appeals to individuals who care about the world around them and
believe in the power of words to change things. In particular, they are people who
have a desire to uncover the truth and reveal it to the public. Their work is
rewarding to them when they manage to stimulate thought and provoke reaction.
Indeed, they achieve true satisfaction when their reports lead to change or give
solutions to social issues.
Travel is another major attraction of journalism. The benefits of traveling to
different parts of the world can be really exciting. Daring journalists seize every
opportunity for assignments abroad. They not only have the chance to meet new
people and cultures, but also see the problems firsthand and report them to the
people back home.
However, there is danger involved in this job. For instance, war
correspondents have lost their lives reporting in the line of fire. Others have been
imprisoned for revealing information to the public.
All things considered, I believe that journalists should be applauded for their
dedicated and courageous desire to expose hard facts. Clearly, it is thanks to
many of these professionals that corruption and human rights violations have
been exposed.
Essay 29
It is evident that the world today faces many problems which need immediate
solutions. World leaders meet at international summits to discuss possible
solutions yet the problems continue to exist. Two of the most crucial problems
our world faces are hunger and war and if certain steps are not taken
immediately we will not be able to avoid their terrible consequences.
Without a doubt, hunger is a global issue that needs a global solution. For
millions of people in less-developed countries, the main priority of the day is
finding food. Since the land is often of poor quality and crops are susceptible to
being destroyed by severe droughts, not enough food is grown to feed everyone.
One solution would be for well-developed countries to tech rural farmers in poor
countries about irrigation systems and donate farm machinery and GM seeds
that can grow in tough conditions. This way, they can farm on a larger scale and
their crops will be more likely to survive.
The second major issue that faces the world today is war. There are a number
of causes that often relate to political struggles or arguments over land
ownership but war always leads to death and destruction. One measure that
could be taken would be to try and stop wars from starting in the first place by
setting up a court for international disputes. The two sides could discuss their
problem in front of neutral judges who would decide what action the countries
should take. The result would be that the two sides could resolve their conflict in
the courtroom instead of on the battlefield and, therefore, countless lives would
be saved.
All in all, famine and war are two crucial problems that require our immediate
attention. Although world governments try their best to resolve global issues,
world problems are our problems too. If we all help to be a part of the solution to
these problems, the world will be a better place.
Essay 30
Drug abuse is an extremely serious problem in many modern societies. In the
year 2000 in America, for example, there were an estimated fourteen million drug
users. This of course has devastating consequences for both families and for
society as a whole, but what exactly are these? And more importantly, what
measures can be taken in order to try to reduce the effects of them?
First of all, drug use has terrible effects on individuals and on their families. As
and behavior, their chances of finding or
keeping a job, for example, are seriously reduced. In addition, drug users often
begin behaving aggressively toward their families, which of course causes
relationships to become very strained. Secondly, drug abuse seriously affects the
wider community. In particular, drug users will often behave aggressively towards
members of the public or even commit crimes such as burglaries, robberies, or
muggings in order to obtain the money they need to feed their habit.
Consequently, communities become much more unpleasant places to live in.
Fortunately, there are some possible ways in which societies can attempt to
reduce the impact of this problem. Firstly, specialist counselors could be
allocated to the families of drug users. Counselors could then work with other
professionals and organizations, such as drug rehabilitation centers, to help
families according to their particular needs. Secondly, teachers could be trained
to educate young people through schools and community centers about the
harmful effects of drugs, which would hopefully discourage them from starting to
take them.
In conclusion, there is no denying that the effects of drug use can be
extremely damaging both to families and entire societies and these problems are
unlikely to disappear overnight. The problem may be relieved somewhat,

time on problem
Essay 31
Undoubtedly, humanity has made rapid progress during the 20th century. The
advancements made in technology have been unprecedented. Among all the
great inventions, to me, two stand out. The Internet and the cell phone have both

business is done.
Perhaps the greatest invention of the 20th century is that of the World Wide
Web, also known as the Internet. The Internet unites people and businesses on a
global scale in a variety of ways. Two of these are email and social networks.
Email enables users to communicate freely with each other from all corners of
the world. Anyone with an Internet connection can access information, send
messages to and receive messages from friends, relatives and business
associates regardless of their location or time zone. Social networks not only
connect business people and entrepreneurs to help them make deals and create
partnerships, but also help small businesses find new customers and grow.
Another important invention has been the cell phone which provides us with a
means of communication and entertainment and allows us to contact people
anywhere and can even act as a camera and personal organizer. For instance,
when traveling on public transportation, what I always notice is that everyone is
equipped with a cell phone. Some use it to listen to music, others play a digital
game or send text messages while others simply hold it in their hand ready to
make or receive a call. Furthermore, a cell phone can function as a camera
ready to take a picture whenever and wherever the moment calls for it and then
the photo along with a message can be sent to any other person with a cell
Overall, I believe that the Internet and the cell phone have certainly made our
lives easier and enhanced our daily activities. In the name of progress, humans
can achieve great things and I greatly admire those special people that make
them happen.

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