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62 INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICS TEACHERS NATIONAL STANDARD EXAMINATION IN PHYSICS (NSEP 2022) Time: 120 minute Max, Marks: 216 Attempt All Sixty Questions Fi ONLY ONE OUT OF FOUR OPTIONS IS CORRECT. BUBBLE THE CORRECT OPTION: +1, Asound source of fix frequency isin unison with an open end organ pipe of length 30.0 em and a close end organ pipe of length 23.0 cm (both of same diameter). Both pipes are sounding th ‘overtone. If velocity of sound is 340 ms’, frequency of sound source is nearly (a) 1000 Hz (©1062 Hz (c)00Hz = (d) 1018Hz +2, Solarconstant for Earth is 2.0 cal per cm’ perminute. [1cal=4.2 J]. Angular diameter of the Sun (as seen fromthe Earth)is 3 (=halfa degree), Treating Sun as a black body, its surface temperature 's estimated to be nearly K (b) 580K, (©)6200K (4) 5500K +3. _ Aconcave mirror when placed in air hasa focal length f=20 cm. The mimroris now placed horizontally and filled with a thin layer of water havingrefractiveindex 4 . The objectis placed horizontally near the principal axis at a distance d from the mirror such that a real, {image is formed at the same plane as the object, as shown figure. Whatis the value ofd? (b)20cm —| (c) Sem (d)40cm ‘atoms is irradiated by neutrons, radioactive atoms are produced at a constant it cay constant A. The number of radioactive atoms: accumulated after an 62 6. Acyclic process 1-2-3-4-1 consisting oftwo isobars 2-3 and 4 1,an isochor I~ 2anda process 34 represented by straight line ona P—V diagram, as shown in figure, involves n moles of an ideal gas. The gas temperatures at states 1,2, 3 & 4 arc’ T,,T,, T, and T, respectively. Also points 3 and 4 ie on the same isotherm. The work done by gas during the cycle is PV-ner @ Far cn-1)(F dhe 2) 1 aL © peon(R+E- 2) T, ©) Sor (1-1) ie + Fa - 2) od) Zero '*7. _ Aninsect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring of force constant K. ‘The block performs simple harmonic motion vertically with amplitude A in front of a mirror which isinclined at 60° with the vertical as shown. The maximum speed of insect relative to its image will be 3K ©) 4 Vi ' ' \ wii \ a bets ee ki na ae above the bottom ofan empty tank. The image of a point object at ee x forme 36cm above te ‘Nowa liquid is poured into the tank upto a height of _ A0cmabove the bottom. Itis found that distance of image of same point object at the bottom of the tank is 60cm above the lens. Refractive index of liquid is (@)133 (b) 1.3 (e140 a Xo Peo Peo he Apotential of SV is applied across the faces ofa pure germanium plate of area 2 x 10 ‘m’ and of thickness 1.2x 10 'm. Concentration of carriers in germanium at room temperature is 1.6 10" m ’, Mobility of electrons and holes are 0.4 m’ V. and 0.2 m' V's. ' respectively. The current =4o. germanium plate at room temperature, is Ay 1.28% 10"A — (b)1.28x10A (c)1.536 x10 "A (d)6.4x10 "A Vegas. P s {.=ho “Fission of one nucleus of *“U releases 200 MeV energy in average. Minimum amount of "U oe ws + v _ required to run 1000 MW reactor per year of continuous operation (assuming 30% efficiency) is (@)1280t0n (()1.28ton (©)1.1ton (@1.1x10'ton ~~ — Inayoung's double slit experiment distance between sits is d= 1 mm, Wavelength of light used is “600 nm and distance of screen from the plane of slits is D = 1 m. The minimum distance between two points onthe screen where intensity falls to75 % of maximum intensity will be (Assume both (045mm (d)0.9mm_ is projected from horizontal ground. Itattains amaximum height H on its projectile path and afer strikes a stationary smooth vertical wall and falls on ground vertically below the point imum height. Assume the collision with wal to be perfectly elastic, the height of the point ‘wall where the ball strikes is 2H H 4H eh oO 0) a Oe 2 5 in figure, a block of mass m is projected from 2», es Pe | A with velocity 2v, on the rough surface with ding friction tohit the wall B with velocity Vo. yay), be hat velocity same mass m should be projected Rough Surface ‘wall B with same velocity v, if the surface FL ing upward with an acceleration of a= 48? al er (®)3v, vy (@)5¥, ES =P a Soe WoL s hs SA a6 % 60 v 9 ey A sphere of radius R, is charged with volume charge density p such that poc r (ris distance from centre). Variation of electric field Ewithr(Forall values ofr: r R ) is best represented by Bs Fa dee agi 62 ' E = @ gm | \ \ . 1 1 ' ' R—tr Rr (es © &E : A : 0 | ' ’ Ren tue - y 1 ' 1 am = a Rr ° sare at ada, {4p Gq ¢, «17. AsystemofcapacitorsC,=4 uF, C,=1 wF,C,=2 uF andC,=3 0 F connected across a battery of emf E = 15V is shown in figure. The charge that will flow, through the switch K, when it is closed, is, @suc ctoa (b)12uC ctod (©) 6nC dtoc (d) 9nC dtoc A simplification of a kind of interlock is shown in figure. All surfaces are smooth and frictionless. The body m has a mass m= | kgand the block M = 15 kg. The time'm' takes to reach the base ifit is released at height h=4 meter above the base of M, is [use g=10ms"] 1 (b) JF s eG (a) 2y7s 219. Anumber n of identical balls, each of mass m and radius r, are stringed like beads at random and at rest along a smooth, rigid horizontal rod of length L mounted between. immovable supports; { is small but not negligible. Collision between balls, or between balls and supports, are perfectly elastic. One of the balls is struck horizontally so as to acquire a speed v. Resulting outward force felt by supports, averaged over along time, is © hn © ws ( me ee L=2V, iQ, = 24) 4 be) a= 1829, _, = 2 Ig-Pel-29, 7 = 8a, 9-8q, 20, Iw\s 2a, 62- 13000 9 = 109, a=4m\s 62 neterd has smooth sides and smooth edge. 20, Acylindrical tumbler of di Athin ae Lis balanced on the edge of the tumbler as shown pneu ‘angle a that the rod makes with horizontal for this trick to Mer (Bes (24) 4. eget ay w(t) COT “dae He a(4)! i - “a (©) £08 fae) @ sin-' 2a) Niad= . L Md = ycma Cady 3d A Gea ae End of a uniform thin rod of length 2L is in boiling water (100°C) and end B is in melting ice (0). Pand Qare two points atdistance +} fromAand B respectively. A similar bent rod of ength Totsame material and equal cross section is joined to rod AB between points Pand Q as shown in figure. Then oe Pwill increase and that at Qwill decrease Rate of flow of heat will increase by 25% (¢)Rate of flow of heat will decrease by 20% t (d) Rate of heat flow will increase by 37.5% ‘Two stars of masses M and m (M=2m) separated by a distance d=3 astronomical unit, revolve in circular orbit about their centre of mass witha period of 2 years. IfM, ismass of Sun then m=2.25M, (bd) m=1.25M, (c)m=2.50M, (d)m=4.50M, Misbent in to fouradjacent semicircles of radius of curvature R lying through one end A and thin uniform rod of mass in same plane. Moment of inertia of the bent rod about an icularto plane of the rod is Sr’ (b) 44MR° A 43 ap? (@ 7MR %. andx=+ drespective aL 2 ereq=24¢° Tre, (HereQ = 2qd°) ue a MR* nint charges +q,~2q and + q are placed on x—axisat felectric field at a point Pon x a isatx=r (r>>d)isgivenby E 62 frequency of the transverse oscillations of a proton (mass M) apped in a cylindrical nd current / is given by [assume 0 (the spec: \cuum) and ignore magnetic effect] ‘ =F Fe sce ) oeR 1. [ane an es ‘Current! flows through a long thin walled metallic cylinder of radius R with a thin longitudinal slit ‘of width & (E<> r). The loops are coplanar and concentric. The mutual inductance (M) ofthe systems proportional to z= E R (a) R Ox (c) = (dd) R 1 41, The amplitude of the electric and magnetic fields associated with a beam of light of intensity 477.9 W/m are, respectively, 6x10'V/m and 2x10°T — (b) 3x 10'V/m and 1x 10°T (e) 12*10'V/m and 4x10°T — (d) 9x 10°'V/m and 3x 10°T 442. Given that the critical angle of incidence for total internal reflection within a transparent mater! when placed in air is 45°. The Brewster's angle of incidence for light ing fr , : neone a the ests ; | ight propagating from air © $4.74" (b) 35.26° (c) 25.26° (d) 44.742 62- 13000 10 62 ticle moves along a straight line. Its displacement S with time t according to the law feat’ +2b1+¢ (a. bande are constants). The acceleration of bieparticle varies as @s (b)S ws ball A (mass m,) moving with velocity v experiences \stic collision with another stationary |B(massm.). Each all flies apart symmetrically relative to the initial direction of motion of ball A, anangle@. Ratio ofthe masses ofballs is cS 1+2cos6 (b) 2 cos 20 G)+20s20 (d) 1+ cos 20 oO eylinder of mass m is rolling without slipping on a rough horizontal surface, under the ‘ofa horizontal force F such that the line of action of F passes through centre C of the - Choose the correct alternative. jeration of centre of cylinderis F m jonal force on cylinderacts forward F jtude of friction forceis None of the above. pump isused to deliver water ata certain rater froma given Pipe. To obtain thrice as much ‘fromthe same pipe in the same time, the power of the motor has to be increased to )3 times (b) 9times 27 times (d)81 times ‘small solid balls of masses m and 8 m made up of same material are tied at the two ends of a bin we thread, They are dropped from a balloon in air. The tension T of thread during fall, motion of balls has reached steady state is (oe fer0 (b)3.5mg (c)4.5mg i p= mgs = rah Joc gai (b)0.0073m (c)0.073s" (4) 0.0346 m* ige Jaton OG Os, +A = LOus ) “pe 49. 50. A small positively charged ball of mass insulating 62 A-2 ANY NUMBER OF OPTIONS 4, 3, 2 or 1 MAY BE CORRECT MARKS WILL BE AWARDED ONLY IFALL THE CORRECT ‘OPTIONS ARE BU ‘BBLED. Tnan isolated asteroid of radius R and uniform density p,a spherical cavity of diameter AC = Ris excavated, where Cis centre ofasteroid. Choose correctalternative(S) be (22S (a)) A ball just dropped from A will strike C with speed v= - 3 (b))A ball dropped from A will reach Caftertime!= 5G (©) Acceleration of ball dropped from A varies as its distance fromO (centre of cavity) @) Weight ofa body placed at B (diametrically opposite to A) on surface B ofasteroid decreases by afactor 7 due to excavation of cavity. m is suspended by a long thread of negligible mass, Other positively charged small ball is moved very slowly from a large distance (along horizontal direction) until itis at original position A of first ball. As a result the all rises by h to position B such that h << /, Choose the correct Hf ray of system of charges is 2mgh. “on system to bring two balls in their final to bring two balls in their final position is3 mgh. ‘two balls in their final position does not depend on the tically, A mas M is suspended from bottom of the which travels the length of rope in time # choose nat to travel the upper half ‘a soft ironcore of j1,= 100” ii 62 Abydrogen atom isin ground state (n= 1). The magnetic field produced by revolving electron, at centre of atom is B,, Atom is excited to state n = 4, According to Bohr model, the correct. alternative(s) is/are (@) Magnetic field at centre ofatom for(n=4)becomes , - Be “64 © Energy absorbed by atom in going from (n= 1) to(n=4)is 12.75 eV (©) Changeinmagnitudeofangular momentum ofelectronis 2 ((@) Assume that tis excited atom (n=4) is at rest and it makes transition to ground state (n= !)in a single quantum jump of an electron, (Take mass of atom M, = 1.67 x 10-”” Kg) the recoil speed of atom will benearly v=4.1 ms’. 54. Inan experimental set up to study the photoelectric effect a point source of light of power 3.2 mW is used. The source emits mono energetic photons of energy 5 eV and is located ata distance d=0.8 m from centre of astationary metallic sphere of work function W=3.0 eV. The radius of the sphere is R=8 mm. Assume that the sphere is isolated and photo electrons are instantly swept away after ‘emission. Also assume that the efficiency of photoelectric emission is one for every 10° photons. In thepresent set up i -de Broglie wave length of fastest moving photoelectron is nearly 8.7A° that after some time emission of photoelectrons from the surface of metal od, the n sphere just when the electron emission stops is 64n€ x 10°C ctric emission stopsisnearly 111s ‘photons per sec : i olume limits, V,, V,, V. V,as shown in figure. Given that ri ‘natural logarithm). Engine I operates on mono atomic gas while the engine 2 on ose correct alternatives So 59, 62 Ina certain machine two stee! plates are separated by operation, the plates move back and forth horizon —_ cae roller rolls freely between plates without slipping on either one, Ata particul oie mn He moving witha speed of 18 em sce ‘to the rightand an acceleration of 30 cm see to the left and the plate B is moving with a speed of 6 em sec | to the right and a Atthatinstant, for the roller ts angular speed is 3 rad sce ‘clockwise (Dy Its angular acceleration is 6 rad see ’ clockwise € liner speed of its axisis 12m sec | towards right Td) The lincar acceleration of its axis is 20 em see "towards left ahardened steel cylindrical roller (see fig). ty 1. perpendicular to the axis of roller, and the eleration of 8 em sec totheleft Each of 9 sides of frame AC D E FB has resistance R (Nine in all) A current /enters at A and leaves € a _ 2 at B. Choose the correct alternatives. (a) Currents in branches CD and EF are zero. 4 Currents in branches CE and DF are each equal to i e Effective resistance between AandB, ister (d) Effective resistance between A and B is 3r A long uniform rod of length L and mass M is pivoted vertically on a horizontal, friction less pivot at its lower end. The rod is released from rest in its vertical position OA (see figure). It falls off without slipping atO. Atthe instant the rod is horizontal, 3g Qreere speedis > © 3 Magnitude of its angular acceleration is = (c) Acceleration ofits centreofmass a, =—38 4G : = J Gunit vectorin Y direction) (4) Reaction forceat pivot= MB j (Take X,Y axis as shown) There are four layers of glass plates, such that bottom one has thick n, = 2.7. Next one has thickn, n= 2.43. The third one and the and ret placed on top of each other ness a, and refractive index ess a, and refractive index top one have thickness a, anda fractive indices n,and N.respectively Three rays starting “the same moment from A,,A, and A, reach Points B,, B,, B, at the same time, with their angles of ing iB crite idence being critical angle. You are given A, B,=A,B,=A,B AB. ate liom Choose Correct statement (s), : “ ] 1, = 1.968 COy.= 7.243 mm Geum [In four significant figures) —1.SImm 6213000 14 62 A thin and infinitely long metal sheet of appreciable finite width b carrying current I (distributed uniformly through out of its cross section) parallel to its length is placed in an external magnetic field B, parallel to its plane and perpendicular to the direction of current ‘The thin metal sheet experiences a mechanical pressure P = 1B* perpendicularto its face. ) The direction of the pressure doesnot change ifthe direction currents reversed. field B = M- isobserved eral magnetic field B, is switched off, a magnetic Incase the ext parallel to the plane ofthe sheet but perpendicular tothe direction current 2b) t (a) The magnetic field produced in part(c)is B =~

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