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Good Morning friends and respected teachers

Plagiarism can be defined as presenting someone else’s ideas as your own without their
consent. So basically it is stealing and passing off another person’s work without giving due
credit to the original source. Academic Integrity on the other hand is a commitment to the
five fundamental values which are honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.
Now between the two - plagiarism might give you some benefits for short term, I would say
extremely short term till you are exposed whereas Academic Integrity goes a long way in
shaping your education, career and eventually your whole life.
Strive to achieve Academic Integrity…how? Always attend your lectures – Physically and
mentally. Learn !! understand the concepts. Plan your assignments and keep a consistent
study schedule. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your teachers. Follow instructions
carefully. Cultivate a habit of doing your own work be it an assignment, project work or
homework. Never ask for help or provide help to friends during the exam which would
tantamount to cheating. While preparing assignments and taking notes from books /
websites mention the source. Learn to give due credit to your team members when you
work in a team.
Passing off another person’s work means that you have failed in your learning process.
Plagiarism is unethical and can have serious consequences on your future career. Besides it
would give a bad name to the school or institution from where you have passed out. As we
step into the world after our school let me remind you that most institutions take
academic integrity violation very seriously!!
I guess the choice is easy – what say friends?
Thank you.

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