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Billabong High International School, Malad

Bhoomi Park, Bafhira Nagar, Malad West, Mumbai –400095

Email – Contact: 02229673217 /18/19/23
Subject: Science Worksheet: 11 Grade: 8
Topic: Force and Friction

SECTION A (Very short answer type questions)

1. Define the following terms:
a) Force.
b) Friction.
c) Static friction.
d) Drag.
2. Name the type of force acting in each case:
a) An apple falling down from a tree.
b) A nail clinging to a magnet.
c) A bullock pulling a cart.
d) Bits of paper clinging on a comb run through dry hair.
e) A bowler bowling to the batsman.
f) A football rolling on the ground.

SECTION B (Short answer type questions)

3. Why do athletes use shoes with spikes?
4. How fishes move easily in water?
5. Why do kabaddi players rub their hands with soil?
6. The friction between a box and ground is 150 N. Will the box move if a man pushes the
box with a force a 180 N?

SECTION C (Long answer type questions)

7. What is streamlined shape? How is it useful?
8. State any 4 advantages of the friction.
9. What are the effects of the friction?
10. Write short note on:
a) Muscular force
Billabong High International School, Malad
Bhoomi Park, Bafhira Nagar, Malad West, Mumbai –400095
Email – Contact: 02229673217 /18/19/23
Subject: Science Worksheet: 11 Grade: 8
Topic: Force and Friction

b) Gravitational force
11. State the effects of the forces.

12. How much would you weigh on an imaginary planet that has no gravitational force?
13. Suppose the surface has zero friction. If you push a ball on this surface, how far would
it go?
14. Find the net force acting on the box and the direction in which the box will move.

125N 155N

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