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year, Bteth

CHR Clnivenify

Ouember, 204
The Dean,
So ET,
CHR tlniversi

Banq ne
Respect Str
Sab: Permisston fer attending an ntemaion lonferentu

hith du respect to above subject 1am . Chandana

year, Bteck csEbearing the reglstraion numloer

2186OS7 8. 2 1orite this letter to Seek your

Per missiom to otted an Intorna Hon Congeren t in

tH Bavglore on Dec a a021 and Dec 3 and

Bec 4

tUM Banglore nat organise.d a LOovkshop On an

nternatiom Conjeron ce about To darys technoloqiey

an hopi ng that you u0ould pemit m to

attend 1his Cor erenca and qve mea

ahan c to better my position with th

khouoledge eannd
woud bere by Tequeet you to kindly authort 20
to attend his Conterenu and olokqe there by

hope. to recîeve our perroii0n 3.con

Your sincerely,

y. Chan dana

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