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Inform about the Metric system of units

The metric system is the general name for the international decimal system of weights and
measures based upon the meter and the kilogram. There are many variations in details of its
application, but the elements of the system are the same around the world. Origin: the metric
system grew out of decisions made by the national assembly of France of 1791 and 1795 to
establish a meter which was defined to be one ten millionth of the distance along a meridian
from the North Pole to the equator. The use of the metric system was made compulsory in all
commercial transactions in France by a decree issued July 4. 1837. The system gradually
displaced local and national systems in others countries of Western Europe and was legally
recognized as permissible in Great Britain and the United States.

2) Encuentra el significado en español del siguiente vocabulario del sistema métrico.

Para cada una de las palabras del vocabulario agregarle su respectivo dibujo.

Foot = pie mile = milla inches= pulgadas meter= metro

Yard= yarda Centimeter= Centimetro Deep= profundo wide= ancho

High= alto Thick= grosor. Long= Largo.

3) Observa el dibujo, resuelve el problema y Responde la pregunta en inglés.

1) How long is the trunk? (Inch/m).

It is 24 inches long.
It is 0.6 meters long.
2) How wide is the trunk? (Foot/cm).
It is 1 foot wide.
It is 30 centimeters wide.
3) How high is the trunk? (Inch/m).
It is 10 inches high.
It is 0, 25 meters high.

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