GROUP 1 - 12MAD3 Manuscript (Chapters 1-3)

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A Research Paper Presented to

the University of Santo Tomas
Senior High School
Music, Arts, and Design (MAD) Track
Espana, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject
Research 2
(Research Writing and Defense)

Submitted by
DYTIANQUIN, Sophia Elyse
MORELOS, Jose Mari Miguel
PANIZALES, Ernest John
VILLANUEVA, Maria Colinne
YU, Juliane Kate

September 15, 2022



1.1. Background of the Study

The socially constructed roles, behavior, activities, and qualities a specific
society believes proper for men and women refer to as gender. Discrimination is
usually influenced by cultural norms and traditions, religion, geography, and other
factors. Both biologically and sociologically, different roles are allocated.
Physically, a woman’s function is to care for the home, children, family, and
relatives, whereas men are created to work for a living, endure suffering, and
battle for possession. On the other hand, all this thinking weakened our ladies and
deprived them of fundamental necessities (Shastri, 2014). Our centuries-old
customs ultimately shape the lives of women. Unevenness within and across
nations is a continuous source of worry. Disparity still exists despite good
progress signals in some areas, such as declining relative income inequality in
some countries and preferential trade treatment for lower-income nations.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals depends on reducing inequality
and ensuring no one is left behind. 

Not only do women receive gender inequality from other citizens, but also
people with their gender preferences. Transgender people are part of the LGBTQ+
Community as well. According to Lombardi, Wilchins, Priesing, & Malouf
(2018), over half of the individuals in the sample had encountered harassment or
violence at some point in their lives, with a quarter having experienced a violent
episode. Further analysis revealed that experiencing economic discrimination as a
transgender person was the largest predictor of suffering a transgender-related
violent event. As people of society continue to evolve and exist, more faces of
gender are continuing to come together, and discrimination against one’s gender
continues to persist in the modern world. There have been advancements in
equality over the years, but that does not mean that it does not exist in today’s era.
The idea of stereotypes, especially in gender, fosters the belief that each gender
and its associated behaviors are binary, resulting in commonly held biases
regarding specific characteristics or characteristics. The idea of stereotypes,
especially in gender, fosters the belief that each gender and its associated
behaviors are binary, resulting in commonly held biases regarding specific
characteristics or characteristics. As stated by Ellemers (2018), studies
demonstrate how gender stereotypes influence how people pay attention to,
perceive, and recall information about themselves and others. Consideration of
gender stereotypes' cognitive and motivational roles aids in understanding their
influence on implicit beliefs and communications about men and women.
Stereotypes are dangerous because they could lead to misunderstandings in
people’s minds. As a result, individuals who do not conform to our gender
standards may be discriminated against and treated unequally or unfairly.

The media is a strong instrument, and selecting the correct form of media
to support nor promote a campaign is critical to getting people’s message through
and, eventually, influencing the community's thoughts and actions. According to
Mutz (1989), the effect of media reporting on others was regularly shown to be
larger than the influence on oneself. The film industry is undoubtedly the most
well-known of all the creative sectors, with a significant cultural, social, and
economic impact. In relation to the Sustainable Development Goal #10: Reduced
Inequalities, the researchers would like this study to have a positive impact and
would aid achieving the mentioned goal.

Greater equality will be critical in the required global transition to

sustainable economies. People are more inclined to act for the common good
when there is a more robust communal life in more equitable societies.
Prioritizing the need to promote gender equality this way would guarantee that
economic and development initiatives are inclusive, allowing humanity to grow
towards sustainability and well-being. Gender equality fosters higher
sustainability in consumption and production, enhances our ability to deal with
the climate danger and CO2 emissions, and promotes gender balance in judgment.
Latham (2007).

1.2. Statement of the Problem

This study is highly influenced by gender equality and mainly focuses on
how featuring gender equality in modern films affects the Grade 12 students. The
researchers will investigate the structures of the two films, especially the storyline
and dialogue, to see whether they can successfully address gender equality.
Therefore, the research attempts to answer the following critical questions in
order to collect all of the necessary knowledge, data, and information:

1. What are the significant roles of films in portraying gender equality, the
LGBTQ+ community, and others?
2. What kind of impact do these modern films have on the participants?
3. How does the script or interactions of the characters in the two films
successfully feature gender equality and destroy such gender stereotypes?
4. Will the plot of the two mentioned films circulate around gender and
gender equality only?

1.3. Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective
This study aims to investigate the impact of media, specifically modern movies
featuring gender equality towards the Grade 12 students across Metro Manila.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Specifically, this study aims to:
1. To distinguish the issues the said films address regarding gender equality.
2. Identify the significant roles of portraying gender equality and the
LGBTQ+ Community in these films.
3. To determine the impact of these films on their targeted audiences.
4. To gather sufficient information to serve as a foundation for the planned
artwork in relation to our study.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The study’s findings will be highly beneficial to the following:

The Art Industry. Those who love challenging and changing gender
stereotypes and practices may find this research exciting and appealing. It can
also go into subjects outside the film industry and substantially contribute to the
LGBTQIA+ community and feminism. Film production involves writing,
storyboarding, photography, drawing, painting, concept art, animation, visual
effects, music, acting, and other talents, skills, and abilities of talented
individuals. This seeks to encourage art students and local artists. In addition,
films are utilized more than any other medium of mass communication to promote
concepts of good social reform and to consolidate and build new relationships
between culture and national development due to their ability to keep a captive
The MAD Senior High School Administration. The MAD SHS
Administration can also profit from this research since aspiring filmmakers who
wish to convey themselves, and their opinions visually are the ones who create
these films. This can accomplish their experience as an artist and capacity to
make, as well as through other people’s experiences, cultures, and events. In this
way, society influences movies. Movies impact cultural attitudes and traditions by
encouraging audiences to emulate the attitudes and mannerisms of the characters
they see on screen. Aspiring filmmakers may utilize their work to shape cultural
views about specific social issues. This research paper may be of great use to
them since it may serve as an informative tool and inspiration for their future
The LGBTQIA+ Community. Inclusion in media, such as movies and
television, can also significantly impact members of marginalized communities,
such as the LGBTQIA+ population. The link between seeing homosexual
characters on film and accepting gay people in real life has been validated by
research, demonstrating the capacity of queer representation to deconstruct
heteronormativity and, as a result, diminish homophobia. The LGBTQIA+
community can benefit significantly from films that feature gender
representations since they can draw public attention to the issue. This can assist
the public in learning more about the neighborhood, its history, and the people
who live there. It can also serve as an “eye-opener” for those stuck in the past and
harbor homophobic attitudes. Gender portrayals in films, particularly in highly
anticipated films from big franchises like Marvel or Disney, are incredibly
beneficial to the community, as they can assist the target audience in becoming
more educated and aware of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender
individuals. Disney, for example, may be a massive aid to the community because
children primarily make up their target audience. Including LGBTQIA+
characters in their films can encourage children to be more open-minded about the
subject. As a result, we will be advancing toward a more respectful, egalitarian,
and secure world for all.
The Filipino Youth. By teaching the Filipino youth about gender,
pronouns, gender expression, and sexual orientation, coverage of issues and
persons that have historically been considered taboo can relieve LGBTQ people
of their emotional burden. Education has a variety of functions in our culture,
including information acquisition, goal accomplishment, and norm learning.
Educating the youth regarding this aspect would break gender stereotypes and
help them realize that the comments, “bakla,” “tomboy,” and many more, that
they use to make fun of their peers, are very harmful and may damage a person’s
self-esteem. Therefore, it is better to initiate early childhood education regarding
gender since they acquire essential life skills they will carry with them for the rest
of their lives.

Other Researchers. Future researchers will benefit greatly from this study as
they seek information and conduct similar studies on the art industry, film, and
other social and economic concerns affecting minority groups. This research
could be used as a guide for their thesis, and they could use this paper to conduct
additional research on the topic, which would be extremely beneficial in gathering
concepts about the effectiveness of addressing these issues and learning some
techniques for conducting this type of research.

1.5. Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study will include gathering and evaluating the opinions
of Grade 12 students on how they felt and how it affected their identity regarding
the two modern films that feature gender equality. With this research paper being
only composed of the topic mentioned above of gender equality, and, with
mention of the said impact, find effective ways to destroy the issue of gender
stereotypes. Concerning this, the use of prior research and articles related to the
topic will support and guide the development of this study. Although tackling
other issues regarding gender and sexuality and other forms of media will be
included in this study, we will only focus on the statements, opinions, and
sentiments of the participants. Such controversial topics may not be suggested for
use in this study; thus, there may be little data to include.

Furthermore, the researchers will gather data through focused group

discussions based on the two modern films, “Hidden Figures (2016)” and “The
Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)” that will feature specific themes of
women empowerment, gender discrimination, and in breaking down gender
stereotypes. The researchers will then gather data through implementing focus
group discussions in the application: Zoom Meetings. In addition, this study aims
to understand the impact of modern film in empowering a person’s gender and
breaking these gender stereotypes that may help the participants in their identity
The main focus of this study centers on the point of view and conviction
of the participants. Therefore, research interview requirements, standards,
parameters, and interviewee consent will be followed; the configuration of
gathering data will also include collecting responses from questionnaires
distributed to the interviewees. Moreover, this study will delve into understanding
and gaining knowledge on the given topic to effectively learn more remarkable
aspects of this issue upon these toxic gender concepts in our modern society.

1.6. Definition of Terms

To ensure that all readers perceive these words in the same way that the
researchers intended, the following definitions are provided:

Discrimination is the unfair or discriminatory treatment of individuals

and groups based on race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. 

Gender refers to the socially created qualities of women, men, girls, and
boys. This encompasses conventions, behaviors, roles connected with being a
woman, man, girl, or boy, and interpersonal interactions. Gender, as a social
construct, differs from society to civilization and can change over time. Gender
interacts with but differs from sex, which refers to the biological and
physiological differences between females, men, and intersex people, such as
chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs.

Gender Inequality is defined as discrimination based on sex or gender in

which one sex or gender is consistently favored or prioritized over another,
Gender equality is a fundamental human right, and gender-based discrimination
violates that right.

Heteronormativity is what gives heterosexuality the appearance of being

cohesive, natural, and privileged. It is based on the concept that everyone is
'naturally' heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is a better option than
homosexuality or bisexuality.

Sex refers to a group of biological characteristics seen in people and

animals. It is closely related to physical and physiological characteristics like
chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and
reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is often classified as either female or male.
However, there is variety in the biological characteristics that compose sex and
how those characteristics are exhibited.

Sexuality denotes a person's sexual inclinations and orientation – whether

we are homosexual or straight. Sexuality can relate to romantic sensations, but it
can also refer to how creatures reproduce, whether human or animal. Some
scientists specialize in sexuality, from animal mating patterns to the intricacies of
human pairing.
Queer is frequently used as an umbrella phrase to describe sexual identity
within a specific group— people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and so on form a queer community. However, the term queer can
also refer to a specific gendered community. This group does not fit into society's
binary dichotomies of male/female and masculine/feminine. Their gender
identities and how individuals embody and act gender do not correspond to the
fixed biological definition of sex or cultural notions of gender. 


This chapter presents the review of related literature that supports the present
study about The Impact of Featuring Gender Equality in Modern Films
Towards Grade 12 Students in Metro Manila. These were taken from various
published studies that will be supporting our paper.

2.1. Theoretical Framework

This research is founded on the Queer Theory, developed in 1980 by Eve
Kosofsky Sedgwick, Judith Butler, Michael Warner, and Wayne Koestenbaum,
which emphasizes the fluid and humanly performed nature of sexuality – or, more
accurately, sexualities. It challenges socially established norms and dualistic
categories, with a particular emphasis on sexual (heterosexual/homosexual),
gender (male/female), class (rich/poor), and racial (white/non-white)

Queer Theory challenges established social structures based on the

heteronormative concept of human sexuality and recognizes the full range of
sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This research is driven by long-
held concerns about gender stereotypes, sexuality, and female portrayal in film
and media. From queer theory to feminist film theory, it is argued that a variety of
deviant practices of spectatorship flourish outside of the boundaries of binary
ideas of gender and sexuality. This research seeks to explore the topic of gender
disparity in current society, as well as the effectiveness of media, notably modern
movies, in addressing such concerns. The researchers chose this framework as a
result of their involvement in various forms of media because they provide
something remarkable, such as adjusting our life's outlook, or rediscovering our
origins as people, society, and humanity as a whole. Film is an effective medium
for depicting and transforming society and culture in a variety of ways. Diversity
and gender uniformity are crucial to the filmmaking process if cinema is to reflect
the experiences and viewpoints of diverse groups in society.

Additionally, this research is also founded on the fifth stage of Erikson’s

theory of Psychological Development. Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial
development is one of the most well-known personality theories in psychology.
Erikson, like Sigmund Freud, thought that personality develops in phases. Unlike
Freud's psychosexual stages theory, Erikson's theory describes the influence of
social experience across the lifespan. Erikson felt that at each stage, humans
encounter a conflict that acts as a turning point in their development. These
conflicts, according to Erikson, are concentrated on either developing or failing to
develop a psychological trait. The potential for personal growth is tremendous
during these periods, but so is the possibility for failure. The fifth stage which is
Identity vs. Confusion states that during this time, adolescents investigate many
options and begin to build their own identities depending on the results of their

These theories are related to our study in the sense that as the researchers
learn more about gender and gender equality, especially along with the Queer
theory which states that it recognizes the full range of sexuality, sexual
orientation, and gender identity, they may be able to eliminate misconceptions
that can benefit and aid teenagers who belongs to the fifth stage of Erik Erikson’s
Psychological Development in their gender identity discovery.

2.2. Conceptual Framework

The figure below describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein
the output consists of the following variables related to the study: To investigate
gender equality in contemporary films and to ascertain the potential effects of
these films on their intended audiences. These variables are drawn from the
existing and previous studies and will aid in the results of this research paper.

2.3. Women's Underrepresentation and Prejudice in The Public

In the study of Oggins (2014), it aimed to determine the role of writing
genre and editor gender. Data on the characteristics of writing pieces were
gathered from Best American anthologies. Findings revealed that the anthologies
had a stronger representation of women's short stories and poetry. Men were also
more likely than women to have their essays and scientific articles chosen from
the best media. Remedios and Snyder (2015) examine how women of color detect
and respond to multiple forms of prejudice.

Just 22.24% of cases involve underrepresentation of women across all

modalities. Delorme (2014) examines if there are any biases in the media
coverage of the Summer Games. In a similar study by Habib (2017), being a
typical patriarchal culture, there is a strict social structure that defines the function
of a woman. Bollywood portrayals of women are founded on Manichean dualism,
in which women are portrayed as one-dimensional, good or terrible characters.
Another typical role assigned to women is that of a great mother who is self-
sacrificing, devoted and larger than life. The majority of the women shown in
Hindi films are not strong, independent individuals who live by their decisions.

A study by Ward and Grower (2020) is focused on how the media

develops gender role stereotypes that may lead to prejudice and
underrepresentation in women. Findings from three meta-analyses evaluating the
intensity of media's influence show a weak but persistent link between watching a
lot of TV and expressing more stereotypical gender ideas. The authors suggest a
number of strategies for advancing this discipline, including adding more theories
(such as stereotype threat) and concentrating on boys and ethnic minority
adolescents. It is important to expand our understanding of how media use affects
children's and teenagers' gender ideas and assumptions. Puchner et al. (2015):
Future studies should examine the most successful media interventions as well as
the ways in which counter-stereotypical media may teach young people to be
more critical media consumers.

The findings discussed here provide some evidence that conventional

gender role ideas, appearance perceptions and sexualization are all influenced by
media consumption performance. According to Setzler (2019), he gave around a
survey to ask women with their capabilities about having a politician view. The
authors have also provided a wide range of directions for future study, especially
study that takes into account more recent theories, additional socialization
influences, equitable depictions, and research that pays attention to males, kids of
color, and important developmental milestones.

2.4. The LGBTQIA+ Community Facing Stigma and Discrimination

Using an HIV test with the antibody, Gyermerah (2020) proved that in
difficult situations and aspects, gay men are violated. The survey collected data
from respondent-driven sampling surveillance surveys in Accra/Tema, Kumasi,
Cape Coast/Takoradi, and Koforidua. In a similar study from Halkitis et al.
(2020), it has been documented that gay, bisexual, and other men who had sex
with men (MSM) have been disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS. In the
study of Nadal (2018), the US has a vast majority of heterosexism and
transphobia, from lack of federal protection in employment non-discrimination
laws to policies that prohibit transgender people from using bathroom and public
facilities that match their gender identities.  It is proven by Mallory, et al. (2017),
that employees in Georgia that are queer are being discriminated since they are a
part of the LGBTQ+ Community.  Seelman's research shows that there are a lot of
health disparities between non-LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ communities because of
their gender identities or sexuality being disregarded, insulted and disrespectful.

 According to Taylor, et al. (2020), LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,

transgender, queer, plus) people are more likely to face discrimination based on
their gender or sexual identities than heterosexual and/or cisgender (non-
transgender) counterparts. This paper examines discrimination and social support
among high school and post-secondary students as well as how they relate to self-
esteem. In a similar study, Hatchel, et al. (2018) found that research on the
experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ)
youth at school has largely focused on stigma, adversity, disparities, and peer
victimization. The goal of the researchers was to add to the existing body of
knowledge by investigating the protective role of parental support and
psychological mechanisms such as school belonging and self-compassion.
Following Gooding, et al. (2022), research on LGBTQ+ youth frequently
portrays them as victims whose lives are defined by violence and discrimination,
or as inspiring success stories whose ability to thrive is due to external
interventions and policies.  Participants report mixed emotions and varying levels
of support from the people and places they encountered. Implications for research
and practice suggest that rejecting deficit-based narratives and recognizing the full
range of young people's queer expressions will result in a more accurate picture of

According to Mallory et al. (2017), LGBT individuals in Florida

experience less legal protections and a less supportive social environment than
LGBT people in many other states. The researchers present data and research
demonstrating the prevalence of various forms of stigma and discrimination
against LGBT adults and youth in Florida, including employment, housing, and
public accommodations discrimination and harassment; bullying and abuse in
school systems; as well as family exclusion of LGBT youth. The study has proven
that in the previous year, 28.2% of LGBTQ students reported one or more
instances of discriminatory treatment based on sexual orientation. Insensitive or
insulting verbal or written comments (27.6%), unfair treatment (9.4%), exclusion
(5.5%), harassment/bullying (10.5%), and threats of violence (2.2%) were all
examples of disparaging treatment. According to a comparable poll, over half
(49%) of LGBQ students have encountered at least one incidence of bigotry or
harassment due of their sexual orientation or gender identity. A comparable
proportion of LGBQ students (54%) reported seeing instances of bigotry and
harassment directed at LGBTQ individuals. In conclusion, such events have a
detrimental influence on LGBTQ persons' health and economic stability, which
has an economic impact on the state.

2.5. Film Affecting the Public

According to a study made by Rahman et al. (2022), it has been proven
that media, specifically film does indeed have a big impact and effect on society.
The said study states that Bangladesh is indeed becoming a good role model to the
world because of the contribution of the women in their country- which happens
to be half of the country's population. But despite the significant contribution of
Bangladeshi women, their media still fails to represent them most of the time. The
constant misrepresentation of women and the LGBTQIA+ Community in the
media is sad and infuriating. "Impact of Films: Changes in Young People's
Attitudes after Watching a Movie '' getting authored by Kubrak (2020).

The efficiency of films' effects, however, is still a matter of debate in

psychological study. Kubrak incorporated an objective that was to gather fresh
information on the beneficial effects of films. Baldwin (2021) argues that there
will be an influx of humanistic gay characters in addition to the inflow of
humanized homosexual characters from Hollywood. Film and media have the
potential to change an individual's opinion on specific issues and situations, and
that includes situations revolving around the LGBTQIA+ Community. Different
methodological techniques have led to varying conclusions on the effectiveness of
films when considering their impact.

Utah researchers studied the effect of exposure to films with LGBT

characters on views toward pro-LGBT legislation. A selection of films, with
release dates spanning from 2015 to 2019, was presented, and respondents
indicated which films they had seen. Because social media users are on average
younger than the overall population, the sample may be biased to include a higher
number of younger responders than the target demographic.

Individual LGBT identity is the biggest positive predictor of policy

support in all models when this variable is present. Increasing exposure to films
with a humanized LGBT character is associated with higher levels of average
support for five pro-LGBT policies. While more exposure to these films has a
considerable influence on policy support, an individual's level of conservatism
and sexual orientation are far more predictive indicators. To summarize, movies
have a bigger influence on their audiences' policy views than many people
believe. Szepesi (2021) sought to determine how much the racial stereotypes in
Disney's enduring films had an impact on and reflected American culture at the
time of their debut. Since the majority of Americans saw Disney movies as
children, there is a good chance they had some impact on them. Disney must take
considerably more care when disseminating information, whether intentionally or
accidentally, because it may easily change the perspectives of impressionable and
innocent youngsters. Peter Pan personifies the anti-Indigenous attitudes held by
the American public at the time of his publication. Song of the South, which was
written and directed by white Americans, faithfully captures the prevalent ideals
and viewpoints held in the 1940s. Disney banned the film because it was so
racially offensive that it was not financially feasible to get rid of it and stop
selling related goods.

The study of Udofia & Anyim (2017) examined the influence of movies of
today that depict teenage behavior in the Uyo Local Government Area of Nigeria.
The data came from an equipment that measured how contemporary movies
affected adolescents' behavior. Recommendations were made that the government
should adequately fund the National Films and Video censor's Board to control
the types of movies available to teenagers.

Synthesis of the Review of Related Literature

According to Delorme’s study, women are underrepresented in only 22.24% of
cases across all modalities (2014). According to Oggins (2014), men were more
likely than women to have their essays and scientific articles chosen for
publication in the best media outlets. Puchner et al. 2015: Future research should
investigate the most effective media interventions, as well as how anti-
stereotypical media can teach young people to be critical media consumers. The
authors have provided numerous directions for future research, particularly
research that takes into account more recent theories, additional socialization
influences, equitable depictions, and research that focuses on males, children of
color, and critical developmental milestones. The findings discussed here provide
some evidence that media consumption performance influences conventional
gender role ideas, appearance perceptions, and sexualization.

Rahman, Ullah, Jerin, & Hossain (2022) conducted a study on this topic.
Bangladesh is becoming a good role model for the rest of the world as a result of
the contributions of women. Bangladeshi women are frequently misrepresented in
the media, despite their significant contribution. According to Baldwin (2021), in
addition to the influx of humanized homosexual characters from Hollywood, there
will be an influx of humanistic gay characters. Utah researchers investigated the
impact of watching films with LGBT characters on attitudes toward pro-LGBT
legislation. Individual LGBT identities are the most powerful predictors of policy


3.1. Research Design

The researchers will conduct this study as a qualitative research in order to

acquire wide and personal opinions from our chosen participants.The qualitative
approach stimulates creativity, many interpretations, and adaptation, all of which
contribute in better understanding the results. According to Tenny, Brannan, &
Sharts-Hopko (2022), one of qualitative research's strengths is its ability to
describe processes and patterns of human behavior that are difficult to measure.
The qualitative method will allow the chosen participants to explain how, why, or
what they were thinking, feeling, and experiencing at a certain moment or during
an event of interest in the study. Furthermore, the impact of modern movies in
featuring gender equality towards the Grade 12 students across Metro Manila will
be examined in depth in this research. Additionally, the qualitative study will be
conducted using the focus group discussion (FDG) method as we address
contemporary topics, notably gender inequality.

3.2. Participants

The participants in this study are 8-10 Grade 12 students from Metro
Manila. The criteria for selecting participants are as follows:
- Must be Grade 12 students residing in NCR
- Must have seen the two movies mentioned (Hidden Figures and
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson)
- Must be ages between 16-19
The researchers picked the subjects based on Erik Erikson's stages of
development. According to the fifth stage of the Psychological Development,
adolescents are looking for an identity that will take them to maturity at this point.
Adolescents make a concerted attempt to answer the question, "Who am I?"
Erikson observes that the healthy settlement of previous conflicts might now
serve as a basis for the search for identity. If the youngster has survived previous
problems, he or she is ready to explore for identity. People go through stages as
they grow and change throughout their lives. Everyone experiences a
developmental conflict at each stage that must be overcome in order to properly
develop the principal virtue of that stage. Erikson was fascinated by the effects of
social contact and connections on development and growth. With regards to this
research study, students between the ages of 16 and 19, specifically Grade 12
students, are becoming aware of their own gender identity or sexuality, so
conducting this research and inviting them to participate in this study means
helping them to explore and be comfortable with their own gender identity or
sexuality, which can also benefit this paper. Moreover, participating in this study
may help them in being educated of some aspects of gender leading to the
lessening of gender stereotypes and heteronormativity.

Choosing Grade 12 students as our participants would also increase our

chances of obtaining data from sources with a broader knowledge of researches
such as this; with their level of understanding and wider knowledge when it
comes to studying a specific topic, their titles as learners will be of assistance
because they would be among the most open-minded and mentally rational people
who could participate in this research.
3.3. Sampling Technique

According to Acharya, Prakash, Saxena, & Nigam (2013), the greatest

technique in any research study is to analyze the problem throughout the entire
population. However, it is seldom possible to investigate the entire population.
Alternatively, we examine a "sample" that is large enough and typical of the total
population. A sampling frame is essential in probability sampling because random
sampling from that frame cannot solve the research problem if the sampling frame
is not selected suitably from the population of interest. Because the chosen
individuals are the most available to the researchers, the sample strategy utilized
in this study is entirely convenience sampling. Additional benefits include low
cost, high efficiency, and ease of implementation. Prior to subject selection in
convenience sampling, there will still be some criteria for choosing the

3.4. Research Locale

Since the researchers will not be able to conduct the study in person, the
study will take place via the application "Zoom Meetings" across Metro Manila.
Metropolitan Manila, or "Metro Manila" for short, is the most renowned region in
The Philippines due to its busy streets and many jobs and education opportunities,
such as the University of Santo Tomas. It is also where the country's capital city,
Manila, one of the most crowded and busiest cities in Southeast Asia, is located.
The region consists of 4 cities and 13 municipalities such as Manila City,
Caloocan City, Quezon City, Pasay City, Makati, Mandaluyong, San Juan, Las
Piñas, Malabon, Navotas, Pasig, Pateros, Parañaque, Marikina, Muntinlupa,
Taguig, and Valenzuela. The researchers chose this research locale due to the fact
that it is more convenient for them and they are acquainted with peers across the

3.5. Research Instrument

For this study, the researchers will be conducting both a survey and a
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to gather the sufficient data needed for the paper.
According to Gundumogula (2021), focus groups aid in the discovery of new
elements and information about one's study since the participants collectively own
and offer much more and more different viewpoints on the chosen issue than the
researcher could envision alone. While collecting data, focus groups have a high
probability of capturing and considering people's feelings, expressions,
perspectives, beliefs, and answers. As a result, focus groups are an extremely
effective tool for qualitative research.

Before conducting the focus group discussion, the researchers will first
manage a survey consisting of questions as follows:
- Name (optional)
- Age
- Place of Residence
- Grade/Year
- Gender
- Sexuality (optional)
- A yes or no response to the question, “Have you watched the
following movies: Hidden Figures and The Death and Life of Marsha P.
- Are you willing to join a film viewing session and be a part of the
Furthermore, after the researchers have obtained 8-10 participants that are
willing to participate, they will now do the said focus group discussions in which
they will ask open-ended questions about the movie and how it affected the
participants. Additionally, the researchers will ask the participants their
stand/opinion towards Gender Equality and LGBTQ+ representatives in the film
industry. The qualitative data will be collected from the focus group discussions
and from asking interpretive questions to gather information and feedback on the
researcher's topic and concept without any biased outcome. Since the pandemic is
still rampant, the discussion will take place in Zoom; this is an online application
to connect, chat, and video call through people on the internet. It is
accommodated between the researchers and selected participants.

3.6. Data Gathering Procedure

For the researchers to obtain information, they will first assure permission
from their research teacher, Mr. Juland Sulayo, to conduct the discussion outside
the University of Santo Tomas - Senior High School principles. They will then
first organize a survey for the chosen respondents in order for them to see if they
have already watched the given films and also for their consent to joining the
Focus Group Discussion. Surveys before the interview are essential since the
researchers need to assure their respondents that any data and information given
will not be shared with anyone who is not a part of the research group or the
public. After the survey, they will continue the focus group discussion via the
Zoom Meetings application. The researchers then will use the guide implemented
by the University of North Carolina when conducting the online FGD. Finally, the
researchers will ask the respondents relevant questions for their study in order for
them to gather the data and information they need for their research paper. Once
the discussion is over, they will show their gratitude to the respondents by giving
them certain gifts. A while after, they will require everyone to turn on their
cameras for a picture for documentation purposes. Then afterward, the
respondents can leave the zoom call as they wish. If things do not proceed the
way they have organized, and they fail to gather the target respondents of 8-10
students who have watched the said films, the researchers will proceed to a
separate plan. They will host a film watching in Zoom with the participants during
a scheduled date, then following the discussion on the day after. Once the
discussion is finished, the group will study the gathered data and information and
use the corresponding results in their research paper.

3.7. Data Analysis

When analyzing qualitative data from a study, the data can be categorized.
Depending on how the data is sorted, members of a group may have something in
common. Because the researchers collected the necessary data through a Focus
Group Discussion, calculating all of the opinions and responses provided by each
respondent in the Focus Group Discussion will be much easier than calculating a
statistically representative sample of a larger population. (Nyumba, Wilson,
Derrick & Mukherjee, 2018). The qualitative sample must be large enough to
ensure that the researchers will hear most or all of the important perceptions.
Different customers within a target market may have different perceptions. As a
result, the smaller the sample size, the more limited the range of perceptions the
researchers may have (DePaulo, 2000).
3.8. Ethical Considerations

According to Kaiser (2012), in practice, confidentiality often involves

ensuring that no one other than the researcher knows who participated in a study.
Given the frequency with which interview studies provide extensive descriptions
of study participants, deductive disclosure violations involving confidentiality are
of significant concern to interview researchers. Ethics are valuable in everyone's
lives, especially when it comes to research. As such, the researchers made sure to
prioritize the participants' safety, privacy, and consent. According to Arifin
(2018), human participants must be protected in all research studies by following
proper ethical norms. Because of the in-depth nature of the research process,
ethical questions have a special resonance in qualitative studies. The researchers
ensure themselves to not force participants to take part in the survey, they shall be
asked for consent first and if the participants are minors, the researchers shall then
ask permission from their parents which can allow them to participate in the
study. The information that was given by the respondents shall remain
confidential and will be limited to the researchers and research adviser. The
volunteers' information and privacy is safe with the researchers. The researchers
shall make sure not to spread the participants' valuable information such as name,
age, and address. The information that has been used from volunteers shall be
deleted once the study is done. Furthermore, the rest of the information that was
gathered is credited to the individual authors and cited in proper APA format. The
researchers respect each and every participants' thoughts and opinions on the topic
of the research, they will make sure that there will be no offenses or
discrimination against the participants. To maintain a balance between the
possible hazards of research and the expected benefits of research, ethical
problems are to be considered at all phases of this qualitative study.

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