Fall 2012 - EE423 First Midterm Exam

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University of Tripoli Faculty of Engineering Electrical and Electronic Department

Fall 2012 – 1st Midterm Exam Active Networks (EE423)

Date: 02/01/2013 Time: 1h30 Instructor: Dr. Ali Ganoun
Answer all questions:

[5] Q1 – By using summers, integrators and differentiators, design circuits in shown figure to

a) Vo = V1+ 0.1V2 - 6V3 V2 Circuit Vo

1 1
b) Vo = V1 + 𝑠2 V2 − 𝑠V3
𝑠 V3

[5] Q2 – Show that the 1-port circuit I

in the figure is grounded
+ C1 R1 C2 R2

V R3

[10] Q3 –
a) Find the minimum order of Butterworth filter to meet the following specifications:
i. The 3 dB cutoff frequency is at 1 rad./sec.
ii. The passband requirement is
|H(j)|2  0.96 for 0    0.45
iii. The stopband requirement is
|H(j)|2  0.002 for   3 rad./sec.

b) Find the transfer function of the desired filter.

c) Realize the filter with Rs =1 and Rl =0.2.
d) Apply frequency & impedance scaling of the filter so that H(s) has 3dB at 2kHz and
Rs =3k.

Good Luck

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