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Written Work #6.1.

2: Peer Evaluation

Instructions: Give this file to a classmate and ask them to evaluate your speech and speech delivery
performance. [To the evaluator: answer the following guide questions. Tick the corresponding answer. Then,
write your comments below.]

Link to your final speech draft:

Link to your speech delivery video presentation:

Introduction Yes No

Attention getter: does the speaker pull the audience in right away?
Introduce topic: does the speaker make the topic clear and give necessary /
background information?
Thesis Statement: does the speaker outline the main parts of the speech in /
one clear sentence?
Main point: does the speaker have a sentence at the beginning of each main /
point that clearly explains what that section of the presentation will cover?
Have they limited my main points to 3-4?
Is their presentation clearly organized and easy to follow?
Supporting details: does the speaker cite sources to support their ideas?
Are their sources considered credible?
Is the topic explained well?
Do they have transitions between all of the main sections of their speech?

Does the speaker have a clear summary of the speech?
Does the speaker have a strong closer prepared?

Write comments (strengths, weaknesses) on your classmate’s written speech (at least 5 sentences).

I can see that the research is very good. He gives detailed information with reliable source. He gives example
of old and modern ways. Transitions are not good. Paragraphs are not consistent.
Delivery Yes No

Did they maintain eye contact with all sections of my (pretend) audience?
Did they have vocal variety (didn’t sound monotone)?
Were their movements controlled, appropriate, and non-distracting (legs, /
hand gestures, facial expressions)?
Do they have vocal fillers (“um”, “uh”, “like”, etc.)?
Did the presentation/speech seem well-practiced?
Did they appear confident?
Did they pronounce words correctly? Use proper grammar?
Does their appearance affect my presentation/speech?
Did they seem enthusiastic?
Did they sound conversational (rather than reading or just “saying my lines”)?
Were they within the time limits allowed for this presentation?

Visual aids
Did the visual aid match the speech?
Was the visual aid well-used?

Write your comments (strengths, weaknesses) on your classmate’s speech delivery (at least 5 sentences).

He delivers exactly what is on the draft. Maybe needs enhancement on powerpoint. A little eye contanct with
the audience. He is just standing still.

Name and Signature of Peer Evaluator :Daryl Torio Date Evaluated: 11/18/2022

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