Chemistry Practical 7

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Expt.No. Page No. 2

Lim Jaidenhly Hh Junchonal graup in he given araanic

Comp.aund (-OHy

thparatus Reguired. Test ube,kst lhube skand.,kst

kibe holder, drapper itnus blue) soln dl Hcl,Na0H,
Na metal dil HasO, CH,CooH
Physical PraperHes
State Liquid
Colour ColourLess
Odour Spirit liKe
nater Solubiliky Soluble in hlaker
Flammabiliky BUrn h non-saoty lame (Aliphoakc

Preiminary est Experimentf ObservaHon Inerence
Organic compound. + blue Nochange -CoOH OY -OH
Hmus soluhon. Phenol) absend-
2 Organic compoond, +dul HCL No ppt. or cilu layer-NH grp.Abset
+Na OH
3 10rqanic comp + Na meta H gas erolved -OH(alcohel) Groopp
m be

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No. 3

Conlirmaory test:
ObseyvaRon, Inerence
1 Ceric ammanium nubrake Red colour -OH YOUp
Test ConLmeck
Organic ompoond t Cerric
1ammonuum uhYale
2 Eskr TesE Fruiky smell -OH gToup
Oraanic Compound* esk Conirmed
CH&O0H + (onc. HSOy
0-2 drops + Heat.

Chemical reac Hon.2

1 Na Meral, test
2ROH +2Na- OH - 2RONa + Ha1

2Ceric Ammonium Nitrae Test

2ROH(NH),Ce(No, (ROH), Ce.(NO,),t2NH,NO,

LRed Coaleur

3 Easkr Test

R'coOR +H,O

Result The uncHonau group presenf in orgonie compound is

alcahal qroup (-OH)
Teacher's Signature

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