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Cheese may be legitimately made from full-milk, milk that

in Beja connecting the French captain and the Portuguese

45,000. They are Altaians in the west and Telenghites or

the 14th of November the two governments signed an agreement

Salzburg, more to the north), besides the Valtellina region,

centre; it was there that both standard and tradition were found.

1880 . . 10,672,086 | 1895 . . 8,865,338

AEGADIAN ISUANDS (Ital. Isole Egati; anc. Aegales Insulae),

whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn

confusion. The interval O'O", termed the astigmatic difference,

to take refuge in France, and there in 1814, published an

to time, of which a typical instance was The Wide, Wide

and elastic kind of matter; then we should have to assign

any great advantages resulted, except in a moral point of

manuscripts; and an extensive museum, considerably augmented

of one who has managed it well, and not rashly to despise

inspectors, which were, of course, supplemented by the work of

some fragments of Sappho (Classical Review, May 1902).

or edged tools; tools for abrading and smoothing the surfaces

Bailly. Three others sat as members of the Convention;

the Weldon chlorine process (see below, 3). Therefore the

general black surface of the body. Occasionally the piebald

the Ucayali, a distance of nearly 1500 m., the forested

worthless as a means of subdividing the American subspecies,

scaffold. This event produced a profound impression on his

his palace, and it is stated that in his illness he sent to

Amiens, Troyes, St Sernin, Toulouse, Cologne, Milan, Seville,

which very much resemble the leaves, bear an apparently

Asclepius, John Philoponus, Damascius and Simplicius.

connexion with America than the accident of birth. A third


and Dyson then took a house for him in Bloomsbury Square,

desired.'' He was one of the first settlers of Duxbury,

the arms, and so revealed himself, and was easily persuaded

how advanced was the decay ofpolyphonic sensibility (as a

arrondissement in the department of Somme, on the Somme, 12

state, a fine agricultural region, and in 1908 had five banks

Tugela (1899), in which there were some thousands of wounded

climate should vary considerably between parallels of 40 deg.

was mingled with incredulity, and it was fully anticipated

being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary

regarded as peculiarly close. Combination in its

of two parallel aisles, while the refectory--a room of immense

bar in 1856; but soon abandoned the legal profession, and,

could be done to resist the aggression. In 1681 the French

but it is often associated with oxide of iron, which produces

Tiersalpljochl (Campitello to'I.iers), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . .8,055

vainly attempted to defend their immemorial independence,

navigable, and canals furnish 170 m. of waterway. Aisne is

anonymously, but doubtless by Amhurst. He had satirized Oxford

short time, his former office under the Irish lord-lieutenant;

the indices. The unknown he terms arithmos, the number,

Christian era. The municipal magistrates took the title of

which in the I,anhandle and along the southern coast of the

of things is known only to thought, it appears absurd that

despite its neighbouring collieries, an agreeable place of

Alavenses Vitoria, 1798). See also M. Risco in vol. 33 of

that it is a clear expression of the typical form of the species.

under its present name. The principal industry of the village

made during the presidency of James Buchanan. In 1867, by a

and Gregory the Great, as one of the Latin ``doctors,'' he

and there are few tribes who do not take advantage of the

then at Charenton, near Paris. The revocation of the edict of

Ptolemy enumerates 39 indigenous tribes in the province of

received a certain satisfaction by the expansion of Russian

Titus Pomponius Atticus was called Amaltheum. Cretan coins

(7) Written documents, e.g. clay tablets and discs (so far in

Cuvillier Fleury, Portraits revolutionnaires, vol. i.

``Riassunto di osservauoni geologiche fatte sul versante

10, 12 (1873-1881); Ditto, new series, 6 vols. (1890-1892);

Modern city.

losses and many partial defeats could McClellan check the rebel

Bali Ba-Kwiri Ja-Luo

REFERENCES.--Maxwell, Collected Papers H. A. Lorentz,

the victim of the confusions of his age--Christian in creed

little was heard of it after the first two years of the war.

Col de Freius (same to same), carriage road, beneath which

Rome under the interdict. The senate thereupon exiled

Lund in 1167. In 1178 he became archbishop of Lund, but very

Almohades. The Almoravides and the Merinides assumed the

of view of surfusion until 1880, when A. D. van Pieinsdijk

idea of the superiority of the Arab race over all others.

term anhydrous acids (acid oxides) only become, for the

Gallabat. At the French and British ports thore is freedom

quare Algebram vocant, 1558); Petrus Ramus (Arithmeticae

a wicked and idolatrous king, and was slain by Jehu, son of

The total number of acres of land granted to the states under

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