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Vijay Anand R*et al.

/International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology

ISSN: 0975-766X
Available Online through Research Article
Vijay Anand R*1, Dinakaran M2
Assistant Professor (Senior), School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, TamilNadu, India.
Associate Professor, School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, TamilNadu, India.
Received on 02-08-2016 Accepted on 26-08-2016


Objective is to develop an automation framework for NBI (North Bound Interface) measures which will be a way to

perform all the possible measures on a particular NE (Network Element). In addition to this, to validate an actual result

file. It will compare the actual response file with a sample response file and will check whether two files contain same

tags or not. If not, display the difference.

The same will be done for actual request file and sample request file. Also, comparison between request files, response

files and schema files will be done across the releases. To automate measure cases using RIDE (Robot framework) tool.

In RIDE, measure data will be the keywords which will allow running SOAPUi in background through

measurerunner.bat file. This will trigger the action or measure which we want to perform with corresponding

credentials. At last, measure case will be executed and if run successfully, then the result or response file will be saved

in result folder in a text file format. To perform the measures in a way as described above, we must need a NBI suite

setup in robot framework as required for NBI Automation. This entire suite setup will be covered in this module.


1.1 Background

AMS framework gives administration answer for both DSL based and optics based broadband access. Dealing with the

entrance system has turned into an unpredictable assignment. Access system many-sided quality has extended because

of expanding number of DSL flavors, and additionally new fiber based access arrange that can be sent in assortment of

new topologies. These incorporate FTTN i.e. fiber to the hub, point to multi point [1]. Nokia 5520 AMS depends on

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another java and broadly secluded customer server design. The server programming keeps running on a Solaris

machine, while administrators GUI comprises of fast download customer programming which keeps running on any

standard PC.

Figure 1.1: 5520 Access Management System.

1.2 Problem Statement

The principle center is to pinpoint the mechanized systems for relapse or manual measuring with favorable

circumstances [2]. Manual and mechanized measuring apparatuses help the analyzers to wipe out the bugs and decrease

the web administrations' advancement costs. The downside of manual measuring is, it underpins few measures for

measuring, will be overcome by the robotization system which will perform every one of the measures utilizing a

reenacted Network Element. Acceptance part is important to check if any tag or trait is absent. Examination of records

crosswise over discharges will upgrade the labels and qualities of documents with each discharge.

1.3 Essence of Approach

The 5520 AMS can quickly adjust to bolster new items and administrations while protecting an administration supplier's

operations emotionally supportive network (OSS) from the entrance system many-sided quality. The 5520 AMS gives

all the administration needs to setup, support and investigating through an instinctive GUI. It likewise offers consistent

mix into an OSS situation with XML/SOAP or TL1 northbound interfaces upheld by OSS interoperability.

Figure 1.4 Design Approach.

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Literature Survey

2.1 Telecommunication Management Network

Telecommunications Management Network is a convention model characterized by ITU-T for overseeing open

frameworks in an interchanges system. It is a piece of the ITU-T Recommendation arrangement M.3000 and depends on

the OSI administration determinations in ITU-T Recommendation arrangement X.700.TMN gives a structure to

accomplishing interconnectivity and correspondence crosswise over heterogeneous operations framework and telecom

systems[4]. To accomplish this, TMN characterizes an arrangement of interface focuses for components which perform

the real correspondences preparing, for example, a call handling switch to be gotten to by components, for example,

administration workstations, to screen and control them. The standard interface permits components from various

makers to be joined into a system under a solitary administration control. For correspondence between Operations

Systems and NEs (Network Elements), it utilizes the Common administration data convention (CMIP) or Mediation

gadgets when it utilizes Q3 interface. TMN can be utilized as a part of the administration of ISDN, B-ISDN, ATM, and

GSM systems. It is not as usually utilized for simply bundle exchanged information systems.

2.1.1 Logical Layers

The structure distinguishes four legitimate layers of system administration:

i. Business administration
a. Incorporates the capacities identified with business viewpoints, examines patterns and quality issues, for
instance, or to give a premise to charging and other monetary reports.
ii. Administration
a. Handles administrations in the system i.e. definition, organization and charging of administrations.
b. System administration
c. Component administration

Figure 2.1: TMN Framework.

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Proposed System

3.1 Proposed System Overview

Proposed structure uses DDT i.e. Data Driven measuring approach. Data driven measuring means preparation of

measuring code that too run all according to respective data blocks within structure [4]. Framework gives again

appliance measuring justification that decrease upkeep also improves measuring scope. Information and result measure

criteria data qualities may secured from more than one central data resources and DBs, the genuine course of action and

affiliation can be use specific.

The information contains variables utilized for both data values and yield check values. In cutting edge full grown

mechanization situations information can be collected from a running framework utilizing a reason assembled custom

apparatus or sniffer, the DDT system therefore performs playback of reaped information creating a capable robotized

relapse measuring device. Route through the system, perusing of the information sources [5].

Robotized measures are persistently based on ceaseless combination Bamboo Server which runs the measure on most

recent form of the product. A structure is a coordinated framework which applies principles particular automated item.

Framework incorporates capacity information centers, measure information roots, instance subtle elements as well as

different sustainable domains. There are segments go about like little making squares that should have amassed for

speak to management service. Structure gives premise of measure robotization as well as disentangles mechanization

exertion [6].

3.1.1 SUT: System under Measure

Framework under measure in programming area alludes to the product framework being tried. Computerization requires

keeping up arrangement and environment of framework under measure with the goal that measures can be executed by

means of GUI of the product framework.

Figure 3.1 Black Box Measuring Model.

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Figure 3.2: SUT Model.

3.3 Assumptions

i. Sufficient learning of System under measure.

ii. Knowledge of picked scripting dialect.

iii. Basic specialized Know-How.

iv. Domain learning of particular modules of System under measure.

3.4 Architecture Specification

i. Measure Data: Implementation of experiments in table configuration utilizing catchphrase driven methodology.

ii. Measure Information centers: Implementation of watchwords in picked scripting dialect (jython) also inherent

information centers of the robot structure.

Figure 3.3: High Level Architecture.

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Vijay Anand R*et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology
System Design

4.1 High Level Design

Figure 4.1 High level design.

4.2 System Architecture

Figure 4.2: System Architecture.

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4.2.1 Explanation

i. FUNCTIONAL ENGINE: Core application which is to be measured.

ii. DATA SET: Database for storing FCAPS information.
iii. GUI: Graphical user interface of the application
iv. API: Exposed function to be used in Jython scripts.
v. USER: Client machine executing measures.
4.4 System Workflow

RIDE: measure Robot

Measure Information
suites, measure centers(Implemented
setup Framework in Jython)


SUT 5520
Server Client Drivers

Figure 4.4: System workflow.

i. Measure Suite: RIDE contains the measure cases which are assembled in suites.

ii. Measure Information centers: Implementation of keywords in chosen scripting language (jython) as well built-in

information centers of the robot framework.

iii. Measure Teardown: It’s the keyword which will be invoked at last, normally used to delete and release all

resources used [7].

iv. Drivers: Drivers are used to interact with AMS, which are written in java.

The automated measures are continuously built on continuous integration Bamboo Server which runs the measure on

lameasure build of the software. Robot Framework is used in which Data Driven approach is used. Measures are

implemented via keywords which are supported on backend by Jython scripts [8].

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System Implementation

5.1 Software Used

5.1.1 Soap Tool

Soap UI, like a non-pay freely available Regression Measuring course of action. That too an easy to-use GI, try domains

mentioned, Soap UI licenses you to viably and rapidly build with execution electronic handy, backslide, consistence,

and weight measures. Likewise singular measure conditions [9], Soap UI provides total measure extension and support

altogether traditions as well as advances.

Figure 5.1 SOAP Environment. SOAP XML header

Following describes the elements used in the SOAP envelope header. The elements used in the SOAP envelope body

vary by operation[10].

Table 5.1: Elements in SOAP Envelop Header.

Element Description Values

ActivityName Operation name Operation name, eg. addUser
MsgName Message name in WSDL file Operation name
Operation nameResponse
MsgType Message type REQUEST
SenderURI Application sending the String

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DestinationURI Destination for the message String
ActivityStatus Status of the response SUCCESS
operation FAILURE
This element appears in WARNING
response messages only
CommunicationPattern Message communication SimpleResponse
CommunicationStyle Message communication style RPC
Timestamp Time when the message was Time in MTOSI Format
This element appears in
response messages only Features of Ride

i. Tree Structure to represent hierarchical structure of Robot Measure Suites.

ii. Keypad short cut to view, edit, manage measure case file, keywords.

iii. Easy to use tabular structure to edit measure data.

Figure 5.4 RIDE Snapshot.

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Table 5.3 RIDE representations.

Situation Color
Too many or too few arguments red
No arguments allowed Dark gray
Optional argument Light gray
Argument used correctly white
Argument not known white

5.3 Automation Module Description

5.3.1 Measure Cases: Measure cases are divided into different domains. Measure cases are implemented in RIDE using

user as well as information center keywords[12]. A sample measure case:

Table 5.5: Keyword syntax.

Settings Value 1 Value 2 Value 3

Information center SSHInformation

Variable Name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3

${RESULT} Measure

Measure Case Take Action Argument 1 Argument 2


Multiple Edit [Description] Node Instance


Written Keyword /opt
Verify Measure Must Be Equal ${RESULT} Measure

5.3.2 Measure Information centers

Robot Framework's genuine trying abilities given within measuring information center. These like numerous current

information centers, enough of them are even packaged within center system, however as of now too frequently way has

to be made recent one[13].

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Vijay Anand R*et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology Static API

The most straightforward methodology techniques the names of which guide pretty much specifically to catchphrase

names. Watchwords likewise take the same contentions as the code actualizing them. Watchwords report

disappointments with exemptions, log by keeping in touch with standard yield and can return values utilizing the arrival

explanation [14, 15]. Dynamic API

Dynamic information centers have domains which realize procedure to approach naming for watchwords that complete,

second way to draw a naming catchphrase as like conflicts. Naming watchwords to complete, furthermore in what way

that got done, can be determined intensely logging and returning qualities is got correspondingly inside static API [14,

15]. Hybrid API

This is a crossbreed among static and dynamic API. Information centers with a strategy telling what catchphrases it

realize, yet those watchwords must be open particularly. Everything else be side finding what watchwords are realized is

relative within static API [14,15].

5.3.4 System under Measure and Driver Functions

SUT speaks to the product framework on which measures are to be performed. Here the SUT is 5520 AMS if Nokia

Driver capacity goes about as a middleware between measure scripts and SUT and is utilized to drive SUT to perform

robotized measures [16].

Figure 5.5 SUT Model.

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Results and Discussion

6.1 Performance Metrics

The fundamental objective of mechanization is to accept the construct prepare and to guarantee that the new form is

sufficiently steady to be discharged. As right now every one of these setups goes on physically so it is tedious. All the

gear administration, utilitarian check of all administrations and movement measuring every one of these errands are

tedious and requires day by day consideration. The reason for Performance Measure Framework is to mechanize

complex errands and thus break down the execution of a recently included or existing component [18, 19]. It is likewise

helpful to set benchmarks for execution parameters broke down for recently constructed fabricates. The procedure of

mechanization is one time exertion and it guarantees better quality with less exertion, since a minor change in the item

makes it important to measure the item which may have secured before, if such experiments are computerized it will

lessen manual interface even without trading off on the quality furthermore check the execution[20].

6.2 Comparison Studies

6.2.1 Automation on the Entire Suite Setup

As the fundamental goal of this module is to do all the measure prepare consequently so that the time expended ought to

be less and the acceptance of assemble ought to be fruitful [21 22].

6.2.2 Comparison of Automation to that of Manual Measuring

i. Previously the measuring was that notwithstanding for a moment manual measuring must be done around there

more than once with all the product's exchanged and downloaded physically, which are tedious[23, 24].

ii. Now with robotization the situation is much the same as fitting and play where the whole process is completed

consequently [25].

6.3 Output

i. Desired Framework has been effectively created.

ii. The execution parameter qualities are gotten as set as benchmarks wherever required.

iii. Automated measure cases are persistently fabricate and are keep running on 5520 AMS without Human


iv. More measure scope and better quality is guaranteed for the item through computerization.

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6.4 Result Analysis

Taking after destinations are subsequently accomplished through advancement of structure and robotization all in all.

i. Simplification of the measuring process for different spaces as different disadvantages were recognized and

redressed amid improvement.

ii. Improved measure scope.

iii. Reduction in measuring time.

iv. Faster conveyance cycle for the product framework.

v. Reduced human mistake and manual exertion.

vi. Reliable measure process.

vii. More recurrence of measuring.

viii. Reduced repetition.

ix. Better nature of programming framework.

6.5 Snapshots

Fig 6.1 shows the measure execution process; Fig. 6.2 shows the passed measure indication. Fig 6.3 shows the Nokia

AMS 5520 product and Fig 6.4 shows the GUI being invoked and login happening through automation.

The measures are done through Robot Framework IDE, RIDE.

Figure 6.1 Execution Process.

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Figure 6.2 Passed Measure.

Figure 6.4 AMS Client invoked and logged in through automation

Figure 6.5 Network view of GUI showing NEs

7.1 Conclusion

Broad low level interface relapse measuring is one of the product measuring assignment which can tedious and

relentless to do physically. Likewise a manual methodology may not generally be as compelling in finding certain sorts

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of imperfections. Computerized measuring offers an opportunity to perform these sorts of measures adequately once

measures have been suitably created. The measures can be then run more than once and rapidly. A structure for measure

mechanization is a framework that sets the standards of computerization of a particular item and is incorporated. It

particularly coordinates the measure information sources, capacity information centers, numerous reusable modules and

different item subtle elements. For representation of a business process these segments go about as little building hinders

after their gathering. The real advantage of a system is that it gives the foundation to measure robotization and exertion

for computerization is disentangled subsequently programming measuring should be possible with negligible expense

for support. In the event that there is any alteration done to an experiment then just that experiment document must be

redesigned and the startup script and additionally driver script stays indistinguishable. Preferably, redesigning the scripts

is not in any way fundamental if there should arise an occurrence of utilization changes.


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Corresponding Author:
Vijay AnandR,

IJPT| Sep-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.3 | 16261-16276 Page 16276

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