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CGSC Sales Method Sales Script

Part #1: Before The Call:

Get Prepared.
Get in the habit of doing the following:

● Make sure you are in a quite room where you can focus. (You don’t want noise.)
● About 10 minutes before the call, stop all other projects, close out social media, and
clear your head. Your mind should be focused 100% on the call.
● Get rid of any negative thoughts or negative feelings you have due to previous calls.
● Have the sales script in front of you, and a way to take notes (pen and paper)
● Make sure you record the call (either using zoom, or a call recording app)
● Let go of “making the sale” and just be focused on genuinely helping the customer.
● Only make an offer if you know you are a good fit.

Record All Answers On This Sheet.



The goal is to talk 30% or less.

Ask questions, don’t make statements.
Questions give the illusion of control.

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

Part #2: The Call

Step 1. Beginning The Call

“Hey __NAME__, how are you?

Where are you calling from today?”

*They answer.*

“Oh nice! Well I am glad to hear things are going well! We if it is alright with you we will
just dive right in and get started if you want?”

(You asked a question - giving them the illusion of control).

Step 2. (C) Command Control Of The Call - State The Agenda

“Awesome, so here is typically how these calls go.

I’ll turn it over to you first, and let you tell me a little bit more about you, your business,
and what caused you to get on this call with me today. I have your application in front of
me, but I find it helpful to hear your story from you. (3-5 minutes).

Then after that,

I will ask you some follow up questions about your business, offer, and your application
which you sent through.

After that we will make out a game plan that will bring you the best success for your

At the end, if it sounds like I/we can help you and sounds like we’re a good fit I’ll explain
what I/we have to offer, how it works, and answer any questions you may have.

I will only make you an offer if I truly think we are a good fit and I/we can actually help
you. I promise to not try to sell you something you don’t need.

Then at the end we can make a decision on whether or not you want to move forward,
and proceed from there. Sound good to you?

(End with a question - Wait for the “ok awesome”/“sounds good!” then move forward.

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)


Step 3. (G-1) Determine Why They Are Here and Get Them

“Perfect, alright so I’ll turn it over to you now! Tell me a little bit about you, your
background, your business, and where you are looking to gain out of today’s call?”

The goal is to get the answers to the following questions:

1. Where are they currently at (in as much detail as possible).

2. Where do they want to be (in as much detail as possible - REALLY focus on identifying
desires and reasons why they want this. Asking what this would do for their life. How it
would change their family. etc.).

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

3. What is holding them back from getting there [Time/Don’t Know How/Wanting To Do It
Faster/Wanting to do it right the first time] (get as much detail as possible - REALLY
focus on identifying pain points).

4. How fast do they want to get there (in as much detail as possible - Try to get a specific
time period).

5. What is it worth to them to get there (in as much detail as possible - You must get a
specific dollar amount).

Remember to think about the diagram of what you are doing on this sales call. Helping bring
them clarity on where they are, where they want to be, and presenting a clear solution.

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

If you get “the answers you need” (​to the questions below​) awesome. Move on.

(Your goal is to gather as much info on what is causing them pain/frustration as possible, and
figure out what they THINK their problem is.)

(You want to know if they’ve tried to fix this problem yet, and how motivated they are to fix it.)

If you need more information to get the answers, you can you use questions like:

“What do you mean by…….? / Tell me more about that…….?”

“Why do you think this problem exists?”

“What else have you tried to do to fix this?”

“How long have you been dealing with this?”

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

Step 4. (G-2) (IF NEEDED)​ If you are selling a service, you may
need to know a little more about their specific offer in order to be
sure you can help them. Ask questions that do that. Tweak these
questions to match your offer.

Got it! Okay, so what specifically are you selling?

(Wait for them to answer)

If selling multiple products and services what is making up most of the sales volume?

Perfect. And how are you pricing that?

Who is your ideal customer?

Why do people buy your product or service? What’s the big promise?

What problem are people facing in their business or personal lives to motivate them to

What is the sales process from stranger to paying client with you?
(Get very clear on this.)

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

Step 5. (S) Setup For The Close.

1. Recap.​ Draw The “You’re here, you want to be here” Diagram (Either
Verbally Or With A Whiteboard)

Okay _NAME_, let’s recap.

So you are currently ___HERE___, experiencing ___THESE PROBLEMS___, which makes

you feel ___LIKE THIS___.

You want to be ___HERE___, and have ___THIS RESULT___, so that you can have
___THESE FEELINGS___, so you can do ____THIS FOR YOUR FAMILY____, etc..

(Talk about their desire and what this would do for them/their life)

What you believe is holding you back from getting there is ____THIS ISSUE(S)___.

You want to have this fixed in ___LENGTH OF TIME____ if possible.

And that is worth _____$$$$$____ to you… is that correct?

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

2. Present Solution.

OK _NAME_, well good news, I can definitely help with that.

Would you like me to tell you about what I do?

*Wait for response*

Well my area of expertise is helping ___*​ideal customers*​ ___ like yourself ___*​what you
help them do​*___ by ____*​state the process of how you do it*​ ____.


Well this product is specifcally designed to help _*​describe WHO it is desigend to help_
to do __*state what it will help them do*__.

(When you state what you are an expert at you want to say it in a way that speaks directly to
what your prospect has just told you throughout the call and it should sound PERFECT for

Script out how you present yourself and practice it until you can deliver it clearly and in a
powerful way.

You want your prospect to think “that’s me” and “That’s my situation right now” and “I definitely
want to achieve that result”.

Therefore… You must be the expert to help them here.

When you finish stating your sentence S

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

When you do this correctly, your prospect will ask you how they can work with you or what you
have to offer ​- when they ask you need to present what you have in a clear way that does NOT
SOLVE their issues.

Here you state what you do and how it works.

You MUST talk about it at a high level and keep it vague.

Don’t talk about the processes or the features or anything like that because you will trigger the
wrong “feature brain” in your prospect and you want to keep their brain fixated on the

This area of your script you will have to write out yourself because everybody's service and offer
is different. Write it out, practice saying it in the mirror and get the delivery to be perfect.

Your description of how your thing works should be no more than 2 minutes and should NOT


Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

3. Handle objections and answer any questions.

Now your prospect will start asking you questions about how it works and they will keep asking
questions until they have a clear understanding of exactly how it works and more importantly will
work for them.

Remember, you are not selling feature, however in this section, the prospect will probably as
about some features. ONLY ANSWER and talk about the features THEY ask about.

When you present your offer in vague detail the prospect then asks you for all the pieces they
need to understand and they keep asking until they have the full picture that THEY NEED.

As you answer the questions be careful not to divert the conversation, just answer the specific
question they asked you and ​THEN SHUT UP.

Eventually when your prospect has asked all the questions they have regarding the offer they
will ask you for the “Price Question”.


Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

4. Get a VERBAL commitment of trust and agreement​ that there
is NO OTHER REASON BESIDES PRICE they wouldn’t buy.

After handling objections and BEFORE REVEALING THE PRICE say the following statement:

“Alright, now before I reveal and discuss the price, I want to make sure there is
absolutely no other reason why you wouldn’t want to move forward with this. Can you
think of ​ANY other reason​ you wouldn’t invest and move forward today, provided we can
agree on the price?”

*Wait for their response.*

If they aren’t willing to commit to that and just want the price, say something like:

“I know you want to know the price, but before I tell you that, I want to make sure there
are no other objections or reasons you wouldn’t move forward with this, because if there
are, then revealing the price would be a waste of my time and your time, because you
wouldn’t move forward anyway. I want to make sure you are completely confident in this
before we discuss price.”

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

Step 6. (C) Close The Sale

“Well based on your offer and needs, we will need to __________________________.

Everyday price for this is $25,000 / $15,000 / $10,500 but I have found that those who
make decisions quickly always turn out to be the best clients and we do amazing work
together so for that reason I have something called incentive based pricing where if you
make a decision on the call with me today I knock $5,000 off the investment and it’s just
$20,000 / $10,000 / $5,500”.

Then shut up.

This SILENCE here is the most crucial part of your entire call. You MUST not cave in and you
MUST remain silent until the prospect speaks. Sometimes this silence is longer than 1-2 mins.

We’re waiting for any words that mean let’s move forward with this:

“What’s the next step?”

“Ok well what’s next?”
“Ok how do we get started?”]
“Ok let’s do it!”
When they are ready to move forward say:

Awesome! Let’s get started! Here are the next steps.

And BOOM. There you have it. You have made your sale.

Sales Fundamentals - The Think Different Theory (With Josh Forti)

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