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1. Define electric dipole moment. Derive the expression for electric field intensity
due to axial line/ tan A position.
2. What is electric dipole? Derive the expression for electric field intensity due to
equitorial line/ Broad on position/ tan B position.
3. State and explain Gauss law. Derive the expression for electric field intensity due
to thin infinite wire.
4. Electric field intensity due to spherical shell.
5. Electric field intensity due to infinite plane sheet.
6. Explain capacitance of parallel plate capacitor and discuss the effect of dielectric
introdue between two parallel plate capacitor.
7. State and explain drift velocity.
8. Derive the expression for series and parallel grouping of capacitor.
9. What is series and parallel grouping of cells and derive the exprission for it.
10. State Biot-savarts law. By using it derive the expression for magnetic field at the
axis of circular coil current carrying conductor.
11. State and explain K.C.L and K.V.L and derive the expression for wheatstone bridge.
12. Derive an expression for toraue acting on a current loop placed in an uniform
magnetic field.
13. Write the construction and working of moving coil galvanometer. What is dead
beat type?
14. Define magnetic moment. Derive the expression for magnetic field due to axial
15. Derive expression for magnetic field due to equitorial line.
16. Define R.M.S value of emf. Derive the expression for it.
17. What is transformer? Write its construction working and discuss its use.
18. What is transitor? Derive the expression for C.E
19. State and explain compound microscope.
20. Discuss prism formula.
21. Derive the exprission for lens maker formula.
22. Y. D.S
23. State Bohrs postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. Use them to derive expressions
for radius, velocity and energy of the electron. While revolving in stable orbit.
24. What is photo electric effect. Write its laws. Then derive an expression for Einstein’s
photoelectric equation.

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