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Kawasaki Robot Controller

E Series

Laser Tracking Function

Adaptive Function


Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This manual describes operating instructions of laser sensor tracking function/adaptive control
function (option) for the Kawasaki Robot Controller E series.

Read and understand the contents of this manual thoroughly before proceeding with any

Aside from this manual, read the Safety Manual and other related manuals for arc welding robots
controlled by E series Controller, such as “Installation and Connection Manual (for Arm)”,
“Installation and Connection Manual (for Controller)”, “Installation and Connection Manual (for
Arc Weld Application)”. Once the contents of all these manuals are thoroughly read and
understood the robot can be used.

Also, this manual should be read with careful review of the related manuals listed below.
1. Operation Manual
2. Arc Welding Operation Manual Supplementary Edition
3. AS Language Reference Manual
4. Exclusive for Arc Welding AS Language Reference Manual

Kawasaki will not take any responsibility for any accidents and/or damages caused by operations
that are based on only a limited reading of this manual.

1. This manual does not constitute a guarantee of the systems in which the robot is utilized.
Accordingly, Kawasaki is not responsible for any accidents, damages, and/or problems
relating to industrial property rights as a result of using the system.
2. It is recommended that all personnel assigned for activation of operation, teaching,
maintenance or inspection of the robot attend the necessary education/training course(s)
prepared by Kawasaki, before assuming their responsibilities.
3. Kawasaki reserves the right to change, revise, or update this manual without prior notice.
4. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reprinted or copied without the prior written
consent of Kawasaki.
5. Store this manual with care and keep it available for use at any time. If the robot is
reinstalled or moved to a different site or sold off to a different user, attach this manual to the
robot without fail. In the event the manual is lost or damaged severely, contact Kawasaki.
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 by Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


The items that require special attention in this manual are designated with the following symbols.

Ensure proper and safe operation of the robot and prevent physical injury or property damage by
complying with the safety matters given in the boxes with these symbols.


Failure to comply with indicated matters can result in

imminent injury or death.


Failure to comply with indicated matters may possibly lead

to injury or death.


Failure to comply with indicated matters may lead to

physical injury and/or mechanical damage.

[ NOTE ]

Denotes precautions regarding robot specification,

handling, teaching, operation and maintenance.


1. The accuracy and effectiveness of the diagrams, procedures, and detail

explanations given in this manual cannot be confirmed with absolute
certainty. Should any unexplained questions or problems arise, please
contact Kawasaki Machine Systems.
2. Safety related contents described in this manual apply to each individual
work and not to all robot work. In order to perform every work in safety,
read and fully understand the safety manual, all pertinent laws, regulations
and related materials as well as all the safety explanation described in each
chapter, and prepare safety measures suitable for actual work.

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



E series controller provides hardware keys and switches on the operation panel and the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations. In this manual the names of the hardware keys and
switches are enclosed with a square as follows. The terms “key” or “switch” which should
follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression. When pressing two or
more keys at the same time, the keys are indicated by “+” as shown in the example below.


ENTER: expresses the hardware key “ENTER”.

TEACH/REPEAT: indicates the mode switch “TEACH/REPEAT” on the operation panel.
A+MENU: indicates pressing and holding down A then pressing MENU.


E series controller provides software keys and switches which appear on the screen of the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations depending on specifications and situations. In this manual,
the names of software keys and switches are enclosed by “< >” parentheses. The terms “key” or
“switch” which should follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression.


<ENTER>: expresses an “ENTER” key that appears on the teach pendant screen.
<NEXT PAGE>: expresses a “NEXT PAGE” key on the teach pendant screen.


Very often an item must be selected from a menu or pull-down menu on the teach pendant screen.
In this manual the names of these menu items are enclosed in brackets [XXX].


[Auxiliary Function]: Expresses the item “Auxiliary Function” in a menu. To select it, move the
cursor to the relevant item by the arrow keys, and press the ↵ key. For
detailed description, this procedure should be described every time, but
“select [XXX] item” will be used instead for simpler expression.
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

1.0 Laser Tracking Function ······························································································· 1-1
1.1 Outline ·························································································································· 1-1
1.2 Precautions When Using a Laser Sensor ······································································ 1-2
1.3 Hardware Composing Laser Sensor Function······························································ 1-3
1.4 Basic Operations ··········································································································· 1-4
1.4.1 Setting Laser Sensor ····································································································· 1-4
1.4.2 How to Turn ON/OFF Laser via Robot Controller ······················································ 1-5
1.5 Program Examples········································································································ 1-7
1.5.1 Example of Seam Tracking Functions·········································································· 1-7
1.5.2 Example of Function to Detect Start/End Points of Weld Line ···································· 1-8
1.5.3 Example of Adaptive Function ··················································································· 1-10
1.5.4 Example of Seam Finding Function – 1: LXAC Instruction ····································· 1-12
1.5.5 Example of Seam Finding Function – 2: LSEN Function ········································· 1-13
1.6 AS Language Reference of Laser Tracking Function ················································ 1-14
1.7 Parameter Registration for Laser Tracking Function ················································· 1-45
1.7.1 Operation Method of Setting Screens········································································· 1-45
1.7.2 Examples of Setting Screen and Parameter Explanation ··········································· 1-47 Start End Detection ····································································································· 1-47 Finish End Detection ·································································································· 1-49 Finding Function········································································································· 1-50 Tracking Function ······································································································· 1-51 Error Detection ··········································································································· 1-52 Camera Detection Limiter ·························································································· 1-53 Basic Parameter ·········································································································· 1-54
1.8 Error Messages from Laser Tracking Function ·························································· 1-55
1.8.1 Error Message List······································································································ 1-55
1.8.2 Error Handling ············································································································ 1-56

2.0 Adaptive Function ········································································································ 2-1

2.1 Outline of Adaptive Function ······················································································· 2-1
2.2 How to Use the Adaptive Function ·············································································· 2-2
2.3 Program Examples········································································································ 2-3
2.3.1 Example 1: When Using Only One Table ···································································· 2-3
2.3.2 Example 2: When Using Several Tables ······································································ 2-5
2.3.3 Example 3: When Using Laser Sensor Function·························································· 2-8

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

2.4 AS Language Reference of Adaptive Function ···························································· 2-9

2.5 Registration of Adaptive Function Parameters ··························································· 2-18
2.5.1 Operation Method of Setting Screens – Adaptive Control ········································· 2-18
2.5.2 Examples of Setting Screens and Parameter Explanation ·········································· 2-19 Input Parameters ········································································································· 2-19 Output Parameters ······································································································ 2-20 Basic Parameters········································································································· 2-21
2.5.3 Operating Auxiliary Function Setting Screens – Adaptive Tables ····························· 2-22
2.5.4 Examples: Setting Parameters in the Adaptive Table Screens ··································· 2-23 Inputting Parameters ··································································································· 2-23

Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function – Method 1 ···················· A-1
Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function – Method 2·····················A-6

E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



In a conventional welding application using robots, precise positioning of the work is required
in order for the robot to make accurate, high quality welds. However, precise work
placement is not always possible and line equipment may change or breakdown over time
thus making accurate work placement difficult to maintain.

With the Arc Sensor Function, deviations found in the work or its placement are compensated
by tracking of the weld groove in real time, thus enabling high accuracy welding. However,
this method cannot compensate correctly when welding thin plate works, where the arc sensor
may fail to detect the weld groove required for tracking, or if the work surface has large
changes in gap width.

This Laser Tracking Function overcomes these problems by using a laser sensor which can
detect points on thin works more accurately than an arc sensor. The following excellent
features are also realized.

1. High speed/High-response
Three dimensional laser sensor exclusive for arc welding realizes high-speed/
high-response welding of the groove in real time, even where welding is difficult, such as a
thin plate. (Seam Tracking Function)

2. Superb, automatic detection of weld start/end points

This function decreases onerous teaching operations by automatically detecting weld start
and end points with the laser sensor.

3. Adaptive Function for realizing high-quality welding

Weld conditions such as speed, current, voltage, weaving width, weaving frequency and
amount of bias can adjust automatically in response to gap amount of the groove, etc. As
a result, high-quality welds are achieved on works where the groove changes greatly.
(Adaptive Function)

4. High-speed position detection via laser sensor

Laser sensor can detect the three dimensional position of a groove instant. Thus,
compared with traditional touch sensors using only one dimensional detection, more
accurate position data can be acquired at higher speed and without touching the groove.
(Seam Finding Function)
E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



1. Do not directly look at or touch the laser beam.

2. Incorrect usage of laser devices may result in severe injuries.
Especially, take proper eye safety precautions, since there is a risk for
blindness. Laser beams may also burn skin, clothing or ignite
surrounding volatile substances such as alcohol.
3. Use the laser sensor in accordance with the instructions by the

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


When using a laser sensor manufactured by Servo Robot Inc., the laser tracking function is
composed of the following components mounted as additional hardware on the standard robot
arm and controller.

1. Laser sensor controller : Canada SERVO ROBOT Inc.

2. Laser sensor : Canada SERVO ROBOT Inc.
Harness between laser sensor : 9pin-25pin (PN: 50977-2602(3m), 50977-3135(5m))
and communication board
*Harness may differ according to the specification of the laser sensor controller.
3. Bracket between torch and laser sensor

This hardware is adjusted at factory shipment, further adjustment at installation site is not
necessary. Also, cable between the computer and the laser sensor may be necessary for sensor
adjustment and setting. See the instruction manuals for the sensor for more details.

Robot controller
(E Controller)



Laser sensor controller

Main CPU Board

Comm. harness between

board and laser sensor Laser sensor

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



In order for the controller to be able to turn ON/OFF the laser sensor or to detect a groove via
this function, first make the necessary settings on the laser sensor hardware. For these
settings, reference the operation manual of the laser sensor.

When using a laser sensor manufactured by Servo Robot Inc., the data of the groove to be
detected must be input in the laser sensor controller before use. Refer to the operation
manual for the laser sensor to generate a library for the groove.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


Touching or looking at a laser beam directly may lead to physical injury. As a safety
measure, power to the laser sensor is turned OFF when EMERGENCY STOP on robot is
pressed (and when motor power is turned OFF). Turn ON the motor power before turning
ON the laser sensor. The laser sensor turns ON by one of following methods (1–5).

For laser sensors manufactured by the Servo Robot Inc., a red lamp on the
sensor turns ON at motor power ON and turns OFF at motor power OFF.
However, the laser sensor does not turn ON at the motor power ON. (Ready

1. LT switch
Laser is automatically kept ON from the weld start point to the weld end point by turning
ON the LT switch before executing weld start instructions (LWS, JWS).
LWS laser [1]
LWC laser [2], 1
LWE laser [3], 1, 1

2. LXAC instruction
Executing this instruction turns ON the laser and causes robot to start moving and sensing
toward the groove. Laser automatically turns OFF when the groove is detected or when
torch reaches weld end point without detecting the groove.
LXAC a, b, 10, 10

3. LSEN function/LCAM function

Executing this function turns ON laser and tries to detect the groove without actually
moving the robot. Laser automatically turns OFF when either groove is detected or no
groove was detected by the end of operation.
POINT b = LCAM (3,1)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

4. Teach pendant
(1) When laser sensor satisfies the conditions to be turned ON*, pressing F key <Laser
sensor> turns ON the laser, and displays [Laser ON] on the status display area.
Also, the icon shows the active state. Pressing <Laser sensor> key when laser
sensor is ON turns OFF the laser and displays [Laser OFF] on the status display area
in grey. The laser sensor icon also turns grey.

Laser sensor is ON Laser sensor is OFF

(2) Select [Laser] from pull-down menu on the Status area (D) when laser sensor option
is enabled. When laser is OFF and in a condition to be turned ON*, selecting
[Laser] turns ON laser. When laser is ON, selecting [Laser] turns OFF laser. The
laser sensor displays on the status display area and the F key are the same as (1)

NOTE* To turn ON the laser sensor, all conditions below must be satisfied.

1) Motor power is ON
2) Robot is not sensing for a start point of weld line.
3) Robot is not executing LXAC.
4) Robot is not tracking a weld line.
5) Robot is not executing LSEN.
6) Robot is not executing LCAM.
5. LTM command
Executing “>LTM 10” turns ON the laser and displays the position of the groove on the
sensor coordinates system. Pressing ↵ again turns OFF both laser and the display.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



This section describes the seam tracking function using a vertical lap weld as an example.

Outline of torch motion

1. Torch tip moves to a[1] directly from an escape point, a[1]
which is 100 mm away from a[1].
2. Laser sensor turns ON at a[1], and robot starts welding,
tracking the weld line.
3. The laser sensor turns OFF when torch tip arrives at
weld end point, a[2].
4. Torch tip moves to an escape point 100 mm away from a[2].

a[1] a[2]

Program example

W1SET 1=200, 350, 29, 1, 4, 0 ; Weld conditions

LT ON ; Laser sensor tracking ON
LTS OFF ; Sensing for start point of weld line OFF
LTE OFF ; Sensing for end point of weld line OFF
ADP OFF ; Adaptive function OFF
LAPPRO a[1], 100
LWS a[1] ; Weld start
LWE a[2], 1 ; Weld end

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



This section describes how to detect the start/end points of weld line using a vertical lap weld
as an example.

Outline of torch motion

1. From an escape point 100 mm away, torch tip moves to point a[1]’ where laser starts
sensing for the start point of weld line. The a[1]’ is a point on the line through points
a[1] and a[2] (LTSDIR instruction), and 50 mm before a[1]. (See system data on next
2. Laser sensor turns ON at a[1]’ and, searches for the start point of weld line as the torch
tip moves to a[1].
3. Robot recognizes aa[1] as the start point of weld line and then moves to aaa[1], the fourth
detected point that is recognized as the real weld start point.
4. Robot starts welding at aaa[1] while tracking the weld line.
5. Robot starts sensing for the end point of weld line at a point 50 mm before a[2]. (See
system data on next page.)
6. After recognizing aa[2] as the end point of weld line, robot recognizes aaa[2] – 5th to last
point detected on weld line – as the weld end point and turns OFF the laser sensor.
7. Torch tip moves to a point 100 mm away from aaa[2] after welding.

a[1]: Taught weld start

aa[1]: Start point of weld
aaa[1]: Weld start point
based on detection

a[2]: Taught weld end

aaa[1] aaa[2] point
a[1]’ aa[2]: End point of weld
Closeup Closeup line
aaa[2]: Weld end point
based on detection

a[1] aaa[1] aaa[2] a[2]

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

System data (Aux. 1404: 15 Laser sensor)

Program example
W1SET 1=200, 350, 29, 1, 4, 0 ; Weld conditions
LT ON ; Laser sensor tracking ON
LTS ON ; Sensing for start point of weld line ON
LTE ON ; Sensing for end point of weld line ON
LTSCNT 3 ; Offset No. to determine the weld start point
LTECNT 5 ; Offset No. to determine the weld end point
LTSDIR 0,0,0 ; Sets default sensing direction for detecting the start point
of weld line.
LTSPOINT NULL ; Sets default sensing direction for detecting the start point
of weld line.
ADP OFF ; Adaptive function OFF
LAPPRO a[1], 100
LWS a[1] ; Weld start
LWE a[2], 1 ; Weld end

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


To use the Adaptive function, adaptive control option must be
enabled. Refer to 2. Adaptive Function for more on the adaptive
table, ADP switch, ADPTABLE instruction explained in this section.

This section describes the Adaptive function using a vertical lap weld as an example.

Outline of torch motion

1. Torch tip moves to a[1] directly from an escape point 100 mm away.
2. Laser sensor turns ON at a[1], and robot starts welding, tracking the weld line.
3. During tracking, robot welds per the weld condition number preset for each according
to gap amount.
(Adaptive table: 1)
4. The laser sensor turns OFF when torch tip arrives at weld end point, a[2].
5. Torch tip moves to a point 100 mm away from a[2].

a[1] a[2]

Adaptive table (Aux. 1404: 18 Adaptive table – Table1)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program example
W1SET 1=200, 350, 29, 1, 4, 0 ; Weld conditions
LT ON ; Laser sensor tracking ON
LTS OFF ; Sensing for start point of weld line OFF
LTE OFF ; Sensing for end point of weld line OFF
ADP ON ; Adaptive function ON
ADPTABLE 1, 0, 0 ; Control by gap Table No.: 1
LAPPRO a[1], 100
LWS a[1] ; Weld start
LWE a[2], 1 ; Weld end

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This section describes the Seam finding function using the LXAC instruction on a vertical lap
weld as an example.

Outline of torch motion

1. Torch tip moves to previously set pre_sen[i].
2. Laser sensor turns ON at pre_sen[i] and torch tip moves to sen[i] as laser senses for the
3. Torch tip moves towards a point 30 mm past sen[i], at 15 mm/sec, while sensing for the
4. If groove is detected, robot immediately stops detection, and moves to #gen after storing
the detected point as “det”. If groove cannot be detected, the operation is repeated from
2, adding one to “i”.
5. If groove cannot be detected even after “i” becomes 10, torch tip moves to #gen.

pre_sen [1] sen [1]

pre_sen [2] sen [2]

sen [3]
pre_sen [3]
... detected point (det) ...
... ...
Program example
LJT 1 ; Specifies laser sensor detection groove No.
FOR i=0 TO 10
LMOVE pre_sen[i]
ILXAC ; Ignores the undetected groove error.
LXAC sen[i], det, 30, 15
IF RLXAC ; Judges if groove is detected or not.
PRINT “Joint found!!”
PRINT “Joint not found!”
JMOVE #gen

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This section describes the Seam finding function using the LSEN function on a vertical lap
weld as an example.

Outline of torch motion

1. Torch tip moves to “sen”.
2. Laser sensor turns ON after torch tip arrives at “sen”, and robot starts sensing for the
groove, staying at the “sen” position.
3. If groove is detected, the detected point is stored as “det” and torch tip moves to #gen.
If groove cannot be detected, operation is repeated from 2 after preparing a new “sen”
position by shifting 10 mm on X direction of base coordinates.
4. If groove cannot be detected even after operation is repeated 10 times, torch tip moves to

detected point (det)

Base Z Base Y

Base X

Program example
LJT1 ; Specifies laser sensor detection groove No.
FOR i=0 TO 10
ILSEN ; Ignores the undetected groove error.
IF RLSEN ; Judges if groove is detected or not.
PRINT “Joint found!!”
PRINT “Joint not found!”
POINT sen = TRANS (10) + sen
JMOVE #gen

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



Keyword Parameter

LXAC destination pose, detected pose name, sensing distance,

sensing speed

1. Shaded parameters can be omitted.

2. Always enter a space between the keyword and first parameter.
3. ↵ represents Enter key in the examples.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
Program instruction/
LTCALIB transformation value variable

Registers the transformation values that determine the pose relation between torch and laser
sensor, a setting essential for laser tracking function.

Transformation value variable
Registers pose of laser sensor (sensor coordinates) as transformation values (calibration data)
based on the torch (tool coordinates system).

Laser sensor



Calibration data

After initialization, default values become NULL (all zero). When used as monitor
command and transformation value name is omitted, currently registered values are displayed
and a prompt to change the values appears. If laser sensor tracking, LXAC instruction or
LSEN function is used with no calibration data registered, “E6523 Calibration data between
torch and camera is not ready.” occurs and robot error stops.

The calibration data shows a pose relation between a torch and a laser sensor. Therefore, it
is necessary to recalculate calibration data in cases where laser sensor is removed from the
torch, etc. In addition, the accuracy of this pose setting greatly affects tracking accuracy.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LJT laser sensor detection groove No.

Specifies the detection groove number to be used, which was registered previously in the
groove library of laser controller.

Laser sensor detection groove No.
Inputs the desired groove number to be detected from among the groove data records
registered in the groove library of laser sensor controller. Each groove No. specifies a
particular groove shape.
Input range: 0-255

To use the laser sensor, the groove shape to be detected must first be registered in the groove
library of the laser sensor. Many shapes can be registered. This instruction specifies which
groove data is used when executing a program with the laser sensor.

After installation, zero is automatically set if no groove number is specified. When used as
monitor command, omitting the parameter displays the currently set groove number, as
program instruction, groove number cannot be omitted. If executed during welding the
groove number changes but the new groove does not take effect until after arriving at the next
weld continue (WC) point or the weld end point (WE).

LJT 1 Specifies laser sensor detection groove No. 1.
LT ON During tracking, laser sensor controller tries to detect the
LTS ON groove registered to detection groove No. 1 until torch
LTE ON reaches to laser[3].
LWS laser [1]
LWC laser [2], 1
LWC laser [3], 1
LJT 2 Specifies laser sensor detection groove No. 2.
LWE laser [4], 1, 1 During tracking, laser sensor controller tries to detect the
groove registered to detection groove No. 2 when torch
reaches to laser[3].

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
LTMON Display mode

Displays the current and logged conditions for the Laser tracking function.

Display mode:
Specifies what kind of positional data from the laser controller is displayed. Setting
range: 1-6,10

LTMON 1 Displays detected values of laser sensor based on sensor coordinates system
(camera coordinates) in real time.
Displayed items
Camera coord. X Y Z Gap Area Mismatch

LTMON 2 Displays detected values of laser sensor based on robot base coordinates system
in real time.
Displayed items
Camera pos. X Y Z Gap Area Mismatch

LTMON 3 Displays the tracking correction values for the torch tip based on base
coordinates system in real time.
Displayed items
Tool pos. Base X correction Base Y correction Base Z correction

LTMON 4 Displays the contents logged in LTMON 1.

Displayed items
Camera coord. X Y Z Gap Area Mismatch

LTMON 5 Displays the contents logged in LTMON 2.

Displayed items
Camera pos. X Y Z Gap Area Mismatch

LTMON 6 Displays the contents logged in LTMON 3.

Displayed items
Tool pos. Base X correction Base Y correction Base Z correction

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

LTMON 10 Turns ON laser sensor and displays current values detected by laser sensor, on
sensor coordinates system (camera coordinates), in real time. Laser sensor turns OFF by
pressing ↵.

Displayed items
Camera coord. X Y Z Gap Area Mismatch

Before logging via LTMON 4-6 can be used, first use LTCYCLOG command to set the
sampling cycle for logging the detected data and turn the LTLOG system switch ON.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

System switch

Determines whether the Laser tracking function is enabled or disabled.

Turning ON this switch enables the laser tracking function to be used from the start of the
next welding path. At initialization, this switch turns OFF (default).

System switch

When the Laser tracking function is enabled, determines whether the function for sensing the
start point of weld line is enabled or disabled.

Turning ON this switch enables automatic sensing for the start point of weld line on the next
welding path, and starts welding at the detected groove position. At initialization, this
switch turns OFF (default).

This function is enabled only when LT switch is ON. Sensing for the start point of weld line
is not possible if LT switch is OFF.

LTS ON Enables automatic sensing for the start point of weld line.

LTS ON Disables automatic sensing for the start point of weld line.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

System switch

When the Laser tracking function is enabled, determines whether the function for sensing the
end point of weld line is enabled or disabled.

Turning ON this switch enables automatic sensing for the end point of weld line on the next
welding path, finishes welding at the detected groove position and executes crater treatment.
At initialization, this switch turns OFF (default).

This function is enabled only when LT switch is ON. Sensing for the end point of weld line
is not possible if LT switch is OFF.

LTE ON Enables automatic sensing for the end point of weld line.

LTE ON Disables automatic sensing for the end point of weld line.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LTSCNT count

Inputs an offset value representing the N-th detected point in weld line after robot passes the
start point of weld line, the detection point numbered Count[N] +1 becomes the actual weld
start point. Effective only if sensing of the start point of weld line has been enabled by LT
ON and LTS ON.

Count: Inputs the number of points recognized by laser sensor that are ignored after detecting
the start point of weld line.

At initialization, the count becomes 0. When used as monitor command, omitting count
displays the currently registered count value. When used as program instruction, the count
must be input.

LTSCNT 5 ; Starting the count from after the weld line start point, 5th point
detected by laser sensor becomes weld start point.
LWS laser [1]
LWE laser [2], 1, 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

× indicates a point recognized by laser sensor.

1: Start point of weld line
6: Weld start point (laser[1])

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LTECNT count

Inputs an offset value representing the N-th detected point in weld line before the end point of
weld line, the detection point numbered Count[N] +1 becomes the weld end point. Effective
only if sensing of the end point of weld line has been enabled by LT ON and LTS ON.

Count: Inputs the number of points recognized by laser sensor that are ignored after detecting
the end point of weld line.

At initialization, the count becomes 0. When used as monitor command, omitting count
displays the currently registered count value. When used as program instruction, the count
must be input.

LTECNT 5 ; Counting backwards along weld line from the last point detected
before the end point of weld line, 5th point detection becomes
weld end point.
LWS laser [1]
LWE laser [2], 1, 1

6 5 4 3 2 1

×indicates a point recognized by laser sensor.

1: End point of weld line
6: Weld end point (laser[2])

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LTSDIR X direction, Y direction, Z direction

Specifies the direction of travel along which the laser sensor searches for start point of weld

X direction, Y direction, Z direction
Inputs the direction laser sensor searches for start point of weld line based on robot base
Unit: mm

At initialization, default values for X, Y and Z directions become 0. When all parameter
values are NULL, sensing is executed along the line through weld start point and the next
weld continue (end) point. When used as monitor command, omitting all parameters
displays the currently registered values. At least one parameter must be specified if used as
program instruction.

This instruction/command cannot be used in conjunction with LTSPOINT. Use this
instruction/command with LTSPOINT NULL.

If parameters are set as follows in Aux. 1404-15 Laser sensor - 1: Start end detection:
[Detecting range LTS ON (TO START POINT)] : 50 mm
[Detecting range LTS ON (FROM START POINT)] : 30 mm

LTSDIR dir_x, dir_y, dir_z
LWS laser [1]
LWE laser [2], 1, 1

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

1. With dir_x = dir_y = dir_z = 0,

x laser [1] laser [2]
y Base coordinate
50 mm 30 mm

Sensing for start point of weld line is executed along the line through laser[1] and laser[2].

2. With dir_x=1, dir_y=0 and dir_z=1,

30 mm
y Base coordinates

laser [1] laser [2]

50 mm

Sensing for the start point of weld line is executed toward the vector direction
(1, 0, 1) on base coordinates, passing through laser[1].

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LTSPOINT detection start pose

Sets transformation values specifying the pose of the laser sensor when starting sensing for
the start point of weld line.

Detection start pose
Transformation values representing start pose of laser sensor when sensing for start point for
weld line.

At initialization, the parameter value becomes NULL. When the parameter value is NULL,
LTSPOINT becomes invalid and sensing is executed along the line through weld start point
and the next weld continue (end) point. When used as monitor command, omitting all
parameters displays the currently registered values. When used as program instruction, the
parameter must be input.

This instruction/command cannot be used in conjunction with LTSDIR. Use this
instruction/command with the LTSDIR set to 0, 0, 0.

If [Detecting range LTS ON (FROM START POINT)] is set to 50 mm in Aux. 1404-15 Laser
sensor – 1 Start end detection:

50 mm
LTSDIR 0, 0, 0
LTSPOINT laser [0] laser [1] laser [2]
LWS laser [1]
LWE laser [2], 1,1
laser [0]

Sensing of start point of weld line is executed from laser[0] toward laser[1] to a point 50 mm
away from laser[1] on the line connecting laser[0] and laser[1].

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction/Monitor command

LTBIAS X bias, Y bias, Z bias

During laser sensor tracking, shifts the tracking position returned from the laser sensor by the
distances set in X, Y and Z biases.

X bias, Y bias, Z bias
Registered in mm
Bias Z direction : Direction parallel to base Z coordinate axis
Bias Y direction : Direction of projection of the torch to a plane whose normal vector has
the same direction as bias Z
Bias X direction : Direction of vector product of biases Y and Z

Example) When looking from bias Z (base Z) direction

z dir.
y dir. x direction
x direction
y direction

When looking from bias Z (base Z) direction with a forward (backward) angle

y dir.
x direction

This instruction is cleared at initialization, and all biases return to 0. When used as monitor
command, omitting all biases displays the currently registered biases. When used as
program instruction, omitting all X, Y and Z biases does not change the registered biases.
Set biases take effect at next weld continue (WC) or weld end (WE) point if biases are
changed by this instruction during welding.
E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

LTBIAS 0, 2, 0.5 ; Changes bias
LT ON During tracking, torch tracks and shifts the position
LTS ON loaded from laser sensor by biases (X,Y,Z)=(0, 2, 0.5)
LTE ON until it reaches laser [3].
LWS laser [1]
LWC laser [2], 1
LWC laser [3], 1
LTBIAS 0, 0, 2 ; Changes bias
LWE laser [4], 1,1 When torch arrives at laser [3], torch tracks and shifts the
position loaded from laser sensor by biases
(X,Y,Z)=(0, 0, 2).

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction
LXAC destination pose, detected pose name, sensing distance,
sensing speed

Robot searches for the groove using a laser sensor, moving in linear interpolated motion in
specified direction. The point where laser sensor detects groove is recorded as values based
on the robot base coordinates system.

Destination pose
Specifies the target pose.

Detected pose name

Specifies the transformation value name that stores the detected pose when laser sensor
detects groove correctly.

Sensing distance
Specifies the overrun distance after the specified target pose. This is set on an extension of
the line connecting the sensing start point and the specified target pose. Unit: mm. If
omitted, value registered in Aux. 1404-15 Laser sensor will be used.

Sensing speed
Specifies sensing speed during motion to the target point. Unit: mm/sec. If omitted,
sensing speed registered in Aux. 1404-15 Laser sensor will be used.

Robot searches for the groove by the laser sensor, moving in linear interpolation to the
target pose, and records the point where the groove is detected as pose data based on
robot base coordinates system. OAT elements saved for this pose take the current
values of the robot when laser sensor detects the groove. If the laser sensor does not
recognize the groove before the target pose is reached, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot
detect welding joint.” occurs and the program stops. However, the program can be
made to ignore this error by executing ILXAC before LXAC.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

ILXAC #temp [3]
LMOVE #temp [1]
LXAC #temp [2], det, 50, 20
LMOVE #temp [3] 50 mm

20 mm/sec
Robot tries detecting groove det
along line through #temp[1] and
#temp[2] and up to 50 mm past
#temp [1]
#temp[2] to Point c in figure. #temp [2] Point c

1. When groove is detected correctly;

Robot stores data of the detected point as the transformation values, “det”, and moves to
#temp[3] without heading to Point c.

2. When groove could not be detected;

After moving to Point c, robot moves to #temp[3] without generating an error (ILXAC

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction

Executing ILXAC before LXAC makes robot continue the program execution if groove is not
found by LXAC instruction. Error resulting from LXAC is ignored (IGNORE).

If ILXAC instruction is not executed before LXAC instruction and no groove is found, error
message “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.” is displayed. However, this
error is not output and the program goes onto the next step if this instruction is executed
beforehand. This instruction is reset when executing LXAC. Therefore, re-execution of
ILXAC before LXAC is required to ignore the error.

LJT 1 ; Specifies laser sensor detection groove No.
FOR i=0 TO 10
LMOVE pre_sen[i]
ILXAC ; Ignores the undetected groove error.
LXAC sen[i], det, 30,15
IF RLSEN ; Judges if groove is detected or not.
PRINT “Joint found!!”
PRINT “Joint not found!” Sensor

JMOVE #gen detected point (det)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Real value function


Returns a real value to indicate whether or not groove was detected at execution of LXAC

Returns -1 (True) when groove is detected. If not detected, returns 0 (False).

The returned value is stored in memory until LXAC instruction is executed again or ILXAC
instruction is executed. Flexible programs can be prepared by combining this function and
the ILXAC instruction.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Transformation value function


Returns the pose data of the groove point detected by the laser sensor as values based on the
robot base coordinates.

Executing this function with the motor power ON activates laser sensor and returns the point
data where groove was detected as values based on the robot base coordinates. OAT
elements for this pose take the current values of the robot when laser sensor detects the

When the laser sensor cannot recognize a groove, error message “E6522 Laser sensor cannot
detect welding joint.” occurs and program stops unless ILSEN instruction is executed prior to
this function. The program continues if ILSEN is executed beforehand, and robot controller
will not generate the error.

LJT 3 Commands laser sensor controller to use library No.3.
POINT a=LSEN Stores the pose data of the groove detected by laser sensor to a.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction

Executing ILSEN instruction before LSEN function makes robot continue the program
execution even if groove is not found by LSEN function. Error resulting from LSEN is
ignored (IGNORE).

When executing LSEN function, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.”
occurs if the groove cannot be detected. However, the program executes the next step
without generating this error if ILSEN is executed beforehand. This instruction is reset
when executing LSEN. Therefore, re-execution of ILSEN before LSEN is required to ignore
the error.

LJT 1 ; Specifies laser sensor detection groove No.
FOR i=0 TO 10
ILSEN ; Ignores the undetected groove error.
IF RLSEN ; Judges if groove is detected or not.
PRINT “Joint found!!”
PRINT “Joint not found!”
POINT sen = TRANS (10) + sen Sensor
JMOVE #gen
detected point (det)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Real value function


Returns a real value to indicate whether or groove was detected at execution of LSEN

Returns -1 (True) if LSEN function found the groove. If not, returns 0 (False).

The returned value is stored in memory until LSEN function is executed again or ILSEN
instruction is executed. Flexible programs can be prepared by combining this function and
the ILSEN instruction.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Real value function


Returns as real values the gap amount (LGAP), cross-section area of groove (LAREA) and
mismatch amount (LMISM) detected by the laser sensor.

Returns detected amounts as real values after executing the following:
1. LSEN function
2. LXAC instruction
3. Start point detection by using LTS switch
The returned value is stored in memory until the function is executed again. Value –999.9 is
returned if no amount was detected and after system initialization. These real value
functions are useful for changing weld conditions according to amounts detected at the point,
after groove was detected by LSEN function or LXAC instruction.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Transformation value function

LCAM (No. of times for sensing, sensing time)

Returns the data of the point where laser sensor detected groove as a value based on the
sensor coordinates system (camera coordinates).

No. of times for sensing
Sets number of times pose data is read by laser sensor. Returns average: sum of read pose
data / No. of times for sensing.

Sensing time
Sets time limit for reading data by laser sensor (timeout). If groove cannot be detected the set
No. of times for sensing within the set sensing time, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect
welding joint.” occurs.

Executing this function with the motor power ON activates laser sensor and returns the point
data where groove was detected as values based on the sensor coordinates system (camera
coordinates). OAT elements indicating the posture all become 0 (zero). When executing
this function with motor power OFF, error “E6531 Cannot turn Laser ON because motor
power is OFF.” occurs and program stops.

Executing this function in a PC program during laser tracking generates error “E6525 Cannot
detect weld joint, Laser sensor tracking set already.” and program stops. When laser sensor
cannot recognize a groove, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.” occurs
and program stops unless ILCAM instruction is executed prior to this function. The
program continues if ILCAM is executed beforehand, and robot controller will not generate
the error.

LJT 3 Commands laser sensor controller to use library No.3.
POINT a=LCAM(10,2) Records the value at a as the average of 10 groove position
readings detected by laser sensor. (Timeout: 2 seconds)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction

Executing ILCAM instruction before LCAM function makes robot continue program
execution even if groove is not found by LCAM function. Error resulting from LCAM is
ignored (IGNORE).

When executing LCAM function, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint”
occurs if the groove cannot be detected. However, the program executes the next step
without generating this error if ILCAM is executed beforehand. This instruction is reset
when executing LCAM. Therefore, re-execution of ILCAM before LCAM is required to
ignore the error.

LJT1 ; Specifies laser sensor detection groove No.
FOR I=0 TO 10
ILCAM ; Ignores the undetected groove error.
POINT det = LCAM (10, 2)
IF RLCAM ; Judges if groove is detected or not.
PRINT “Joint found!!”
PRINT “Joint not found!”
POINT sen = TRAINS(10) + sen detected point (det)
JMOVE #gen

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Real value function


Returns the result of whether or not sensor detected a groove by LCAM function as a real

Returns -1 (True) if LCAM function found the groove. If not, returns 0 (False).

The returned value is stored in memory until LCAM function is executed again or ILCAM
instruction is executed. Flexible programs can be prepared by combining this function and
the ILCAM instruction.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program instruction

Keeps laser beam ON while a sequence of instructions are executed.

After L.START instruction, outputs laser beam at the first laser output instruction such as
LSEN and LCAM, and stops the laser beam by L.END instruction.

Laser sensor turns OFF while holding. These instructions cannot be used in PC program as
they are motion instructions.

1. When L.START/L.END instructions are not executed:
LMOVE c [1]
POINT a [1] = LSEN ←Laser ON/OFF
LMOVE c [2]
POINT a[2] = LSEN ←Laser ON/OFF

In this program, laser beam turns ON/OFF each time LSEN function is executed.

2. When L.START/L.END instructions are executed:

LMOVE c [1]
POINT a [1] = LSEN ←Laser ON
LMOVE c [2]
POINT a[2] = LSEN ←Laser OFF

In this program, laser beam turns ON by LSEN function and turns OFF by L.END

3. When combining these instructions with PC program;

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Robot program:
.PROGRAM lstart()
1 lst_flg = OFF
2 JMOVE #lstart ←Escape point
3 JAPPRO ltest [1], 50
4 LMOVE ltest [1] ←Motion start point
6 lst_flg = ON
7 PCEXECUTE lstart. pc ←Execute PC program
8 LMOVE ltest [2] ←Motion end point
10 lst_flg = OFF
11 LDEPART 100
12 JMOVE #lstart

PC program:
.PROGRAM lstart.pc()
1 i=0
2 DO
3 WHILE TASK(1)<>1 AND TASK(1)<>3 DO ←Wait in holding
5 PCSCAN 1 ←Execute PC program every second
6 POINT lst[i] = LSEN
7 i=i+1
8 UNTIL lst_flg<>ON

This program executes LSEN function every second starting from motion start point
(ltest[1]) through motion end point (ltest[2]) to obtain groove data by laser sensor.
TASK function returns the program execution status and PCSCAN instruction
executes the PC program at regular time intervals. For details on PCSCAN
instruction and TASK function, refer to AS Language Reference Manual.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

System switch

When the Laser tracking function is enabled, determines whether data logging function is
enabled or disabled. The log data can be displayed using LTMON 4-6.

When LTLOG switch is turned ON, logging starts after Laser tracking function is enabled and
thereafter data is logged into LTMON 1-3 at the data-sampling rate set by LTCYCLOG
instruction. Maximum number of data that can be logged is 256, and the logging area is set
via RTLOGAREA instruction. At initialization, this system switch turns OFF. For details
on RTLOGAREA instruction, refer to Arc Welding AS Language Reference Manual.

LTCYCLOG 3 Sets the cycle for logging data at every third communication cycle with the
laser sensor.
LTLOG ON Starts data logging.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command/ Program instruction

LTCYCLOG logging cycle

When laser logging function is enabled by LTLOG ON, registers how often data is sampled
from the data readings detected by laser sensor for storage into logs LTMON1-3. The log
data can be displayed using LTMON4-6.

Logging cycle : Registers the frequency for logging to the sampled data.

When this logging function is enabled (LTLOG ON), data logging starts from the next
tracking function executed in the program. After laser sensor has completed “Logging
cycle-1” number of detections, the data of the next detection is sampled and stored in logs
LTMON 1-3. At initialization, the parameter becomes 1.

LTCYCLOG 3 Sets the cycle for logging at every third detection made by laser sensor.
LTLOG ON Starts data logging.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Transformation value function

LTHERE (point No.)

Returns the tracking amount at each taught point after tracking by the laser sensor as
transformation values based on the robot base coordinates system.

Point No.: Specifies the point number, counting by starting from the weld start (WS) point as
the first point and the first weld continue (WC) point as the second point. The
parameter cannot be omitted.

In teach
LT ON In repeat
laser [1]
LTE ON delta [1]
laser [2]
LWS laser [1]
delta [2]
LWC laser [2], 1 laser [3]
LWC laser [3], 1 delta [3]
LWE laser [4], 1,1
laser [4]
FOR i=0 TO 4
delta [4]
POINT delta [i]=LTHERE(i)

In delta[1] - delta[4], the following values are stored:

delta[1] : Deviation amount at laser[1]

delta[2] : Deviation amount at laser[2]
delta[3] : Deviation amount at laser[3]
delta[4] : Deviation at laser[4]

If LTS is not ON, content of the laser[1] becomes NULL (no deviation).

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command/Program instruction

LGAIN gap gain, area gain, mismatch gain

Sets gain multipliers to the gap, area and mismatch data detected by the laser sensor.

Sets gain values to be multiplied against the gap, area and mismatch data measured by laser
sensor. When used as monitor command, omitting all parameters displays the currently
registered values. When used as program instruction, at least one parameter must be
specified. Setting range: -10 - 10

Changing the gain values affects the gap, etc. values displayed by LTMON command, etc.

LGAIN 1, 0.5, 1 Only the area value becomes half the value input from the sensor.
LGAIN 1, 1, 1 Parameter values for gap, area and mismatch read from the sensor are used
without any change.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This section describes how to register parameters for the Laser tracking function.


1. Display the pull-down menu shown below by activating B area and pressing MENU, or
by pressing the B area window directly, and select [Aux Function].

2. Input auxiliary function number (14) by NUMBER (0-9) and press ↵, or move cursor to
[14. Arc Weld] and press ENTER.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

3. Arc weld setting screen is displayed. Input item number (4) directly by NUMBER
(0-9) and press ↵, or move cursor to [4. Arc Weld Setting] and press SELECT.

4. Input item number (15) directly by NUMBER and press ↵, or move cursor to [15. Laser
Sensor] and press SELECT.

5. Laser sensor setting screen is displayed.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


The parameters registered here are standard settings of Kawasaki.

Number of detecting
Sets the consecutive number of times laser sensor must recognize the start point of weld line
when sensing for weld groove. For example, if [Number of detecting] is set to 2, the start
point of weld line is regarded as found when laser sensor has detected the point 2 consecutive
Setting range: 1-30 Default: 1

Detecting range: LTS OFF

Sets the range for sensing for the weld groove when LTS switch is OFF (start point of weld
line is not detected). If no groove is detected while robot moves within the set range, error
“E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.” is displayed and robot error stops.
Setting range: 1-300 Default: 50

Detecting range: LTS ON (TO START POINT)

Sets the “groove detection range 1” (a sensing distance, starting from a point outside the weld
groove and finishing at the taught weld start point) when LTS switch is ON (senses for start
point of weld line).
Setting range: 0-300 Default: 50

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Detecting range: LTS ON (FROM START POINT)

Sets the “groove detection range 2” (a sensing distance, starting from the taught weld start
point to some point in the direction of the weld groove) when LTS switch is ON (senses for
start point of weld line). If no groove is detected while robot moves within the set range,
error message “E6528 Start point not found by Laser sensor.” is displayed and robot error
stops. If both [Detecting range LTS ON (TO START POINT)] and [Detecting range LTS
ON (FROM START POINT)] are set to 0 (zero), LTS switch is considered OFF and sensing
for the start point of weld line is not executed.
Setting range: 0-300 Default: 50

Detecting velocity
Sets the robot velocity when sensing for the start point of weld line.
Setting range: 1-100 Default: 10

Velocity after detecting

Sets the velocity when robot begins motion to the weld start point after successfully detecting
the start point of weld line.
Setting range: 1-100 Default: 10

Reflect result to all point

Setting <Yes> reflects the correction value at the weld start point, obtained when detecting
the start point of weld line, to all subsequent weld continue/end points in the same seam.
The correction value is stored and reflected to each point as a value based on the robot base
coordinates system.
Default: No

Detecting position
As the correction value to the weld start point, sets whether to use the correction value read at
the last detected point or the first detected point in the sequence of detected points preceding
the weld start point.
Default: LAST

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function FINISH END DETECTION

The value registered here is the standard parameter of Kawasaki.

Detecting range
Sets the detecting range when sensing for the end point of weld line. For example, if
[Detecting range] is set to 50 mm, robot executes sensing for the end point of weld line
starting from 50 mm before and finishing 50 mm after the taught weld end point.
Setting range: 1-300 Default: 50

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function FINDING FUNCTION

The values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

LSEN Detecting time

Sets the time-out duration when using LSEN function. For example, if [Detecting time] is
set to 0.5 second, error “E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.” occurs if groove
could not be detected within 0.5 seconds.
Setting range: 0.1-9.9 Default: 0.5

LXAC Sensing Stroke

Sets the default value if no sensing distance was set in a program using the LXAC instruction.
Setting range: 1-999 Default: 50

LXAC Sensing Speed

Sets the default value if no sensing speed was set in a program using the LXAC instruction.
Setting range: 1-99 Default: 10

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function TRACKING FUNCTION

The values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Sets the filter constant to attenuate tracking data signals when tracking data from the laser
sensor is unstable. Inputting 0 (zero) turns the filter OFF.
Setting range: 0-50 Default: 0

Threshold to skip over

Monitors the change in correction values calculated from the data detected by laser sensor,
and discards sensor data whose correction value differs from the correction value calculated
by more than the threshold distance set here (data skip).
Setting range: 0.1-99.9 Default: 10.0

Number of detected skip over

Registers how many consecutive data skips are allowed, when the value set in [Threshold to
skip over] is exceeded in consecutive detections, before error is output. When a large
number is set here, data from laser sensor can be checked quickly. However, robot motion
may become slow if data is skipped many times in a row. Do not change the default unless
Setting range: 1-999 Default: 30

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function ERROR DETECTION

The values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Out of Tracking Value: Threshold

Sets the threshold distance to detect error “E6520 Laser sensor tracking value exceeded”.
Setting range: 0-999.9 Default: 50

Out of Tracking Value: Detecting time

Sets the threshold time to detect error “E6520 Laser sensor tracking value exceeded”. If this
abnormality is detected continuously for more than the time set here, the error occurs.
Setting range: 0-999.9 Default: 1

Out of Tracking Capacity: Threshold

Sets the threshold distance to detect error “E6521 Beyond Laser sensor tracking ability”.
Setting range: 0-999.9 Default: 10

Out of Tracking Capacity: Detecting time

Sets the duration to detect for error “E6521 Beyond Laser sensor tracking ability”. If the
tracking capacity is exceeded by more than the value set for [Out of Tracking Capacity:
Threshold] during the time set here, the error occurs.
Setting range: 0-999.9 Default: 1

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function CAMERA DETECTION LIMITER

The parameters registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.


Sets the minimum limiters in X (Y, Z) directions of the camera coordinates system (sensor
coordinates) away from the point detected by laser sensor. Discards data sent from the laser
sensor that is below these limiters.
Setting range: -1000-1000 Default: -200


Sets the maximum limiters in X (Y, Z) directions of the camera coordinates system (sensor
coordinates) away from the point detected by laser sensor. Discards data sent from the laser
sensor that exceeds these limiters.
Setting range: -1000-1000 Default: 200


Sets gain multipliers to the gap (area, mismatch) acquired from laser sensor. Gain settings
can also be changed by LGAIN command/instruction.
Setting range: -10.00-10.00 Default: 1.00

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function BASIC PARAMETER

The settings registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Sampling time of communication

Sets communication sampling time with laser sensor. If the distance between laser sensor
and torch is long or welding speed is slow, many data must be stored during tracking. In
these cases, set a larger sampling time. When sampling time is set to 0, robot communicates
with laser sensor at the default sampling rate. Do not change the default unless necessary.
Setting range: 0-9999 Default: 64

Number of no response time

Sets the consecutive number of times communication with laser sensor controller must fail
before outputting error “E6526 No response from Laser sensor controller”.
Setting range: 0-9999 Default: 1

Auto running during no data range

Sets if robot error stops or moves according to taught data, keeping the last tracking amount,
(auto mode) when groove is not found during tracking and stored data disappears. Error
“E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.” occurs if [Disable] is set. If [Enable] is
set and groove is detected again during tracking, robot tracks the groove in normal tracking
mode. However, if groove cannot be detected and robot attempts to laser sense for the end
point of weld line in auto mode, error occurs “E6529 Finish point not found by Laser sensor”.
Default: Disable

Buzzer on during no data from sensor

Sets whether or not to ring the Teach Pendant buzzer when the groove cannot be detected.
Default: Disable

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This section describes errors occurring during laser tracking function operation and the
troubleshooting methods for resolving these errors.


Error code Error message

E6520 Laser sensor tracking value exceeded.
E6521 Beyond Laser sensor tracking ability.
E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.
E6523 Calibration data between torch and camera is not ready.
E6524 Error in data calculated using Laser sensor.
E6525 Cannot detect weld joint, Laser sensor tracking set already.
E6526 No response from Laser sensor controller.
E6527 Laser sensor communication error. Code is XX.
E6528 Start point not found by Laser sensor.
E6529 Finish point not found by Laser sensor.
E6530 Cannot use circular interp. with Laser sensor function.
E6531 Cannot turn Laser ON because motor power is OFF.
P6504 Step:XX Preceding L.START missing.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


If the taught program suffers one of the errors listed in the table in 1.8.1, execute the recovery
procedures detailed here and on the following pages.

1. E6520 Laser sensor tracking value exceeded.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

The tracking distance used as threshold for determining error output, shown in figure
below, was exceeded continuously for more than the time allowed.
Tracking dist., threshold for determining error output


Planned weld line (teaching)

(1) Tracking amount exceeds the threshold allowed for welding set in Aux. 1404-15-5.
Check if the work to be welded is being set correctly to its designated position.
(2) Error check value which permits welding may be set too small. Make it larger.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

2. E6521 Beyond Laser sensor tracking ability.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

Difference between the current and last detected tracking amounts exceeds the laser
tracking ability/criterion amount used as threshold for this error.

Tracking distance change,

threshold for determining
error output

Planned weld line (teaching)

(1) Tracking amount exceeds the threshold allowed for welding set in Aux. 1404-15-5.
Check if the work to be welded is being set correctly to its designated position.
(2) Error check value which permits welding may be set too small. Make it larger.
Caution: A large value prevents robot from stopping immediately if unexpected
tracking occurs.

3. E6522 Laser sensor cannot detect welding joint.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

No groove found within view of the laser sensor.

(1) Check if the groove is within view of the laser sensor. If not, teach data again.
(2) If the groove is within view, the groove num. set to be detected by laser sensor may
disagree with the actual groove. Check the groove num., using the LJT command,
(3) If the laser sensor controller has an EMERGENCY STOP button, check if the button
has been pressed.
(4) If cause is not one of the above, incorrect setting or defective laser sensor may be the
cause. Refer to the instruction manual for laser sensor, and check for abnormalities.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

4. E6523 Calibration data between torch and camera is not ready.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

Attempted to use laser sensor, but calibration data has not been set yet by LTCALIB command.
(Criterion: Absolute values for xyz in calibration data are all less than 1 mm.)

Set the correctly calculated calibration data by LTCALIB command.

5. E6524 Error in data calculated using Laser sensor.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

Processing that uses data acquired by laser sensor could not be calculated in the robot

(1) Check if the rate of successful detection by laser sensor is at least 80%. If not,
readjust laser sensor and retry detection until this standard is met.
(2) If error cannot be reset by readjusting the laser sensor, contact Kawasaki and provide
all details at time of error, etc. (Example: groove shape, laser sensor model, etc.)

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

6. E6525 Cannot detect weld joint, Laser sensor tracking set already.

Error occurs in PC program side. At error output, robot halts detection of the work
and stops at the step in which error occurred.

While a tracking program using the laser sensor was in execution, attempted to execute a
function, etc. (LCAM, etc.) in the PC program that requires simultaneous use of the laser
sensor. Or, while function LCAM, etc. was being executed in PC program, tried to
execute a tracking program that is taught with the laser sensor.

Four kinds of instructions use the laser sensor – LT, LXAC, LSEN and LCAM. However,
the laser cannot be used by two instructions at the same time as there is only one laser.
Modify the program so that the laser sensor is not used by two instructions simultaneously.

7. E6526 No response from Laser sensor controller.

After resetting this error, the robot can move but functions using the laser sensor cannot be
used. If used, robot stops with the same error.

No response was returned when communicating with laser sensor.

(1) Shut down control power to robot and laser sensor, and check for disconnection or
faulty connection in harness between main CPU board and laser sensor controller.
(2) Laser sensor may be defective or set incorrectly. Refer to the instruction manual for
laser sensor, and check for abnormalities.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

8. E6527 Laser sensor communication error. Code is XX.

After resetting this error, the robot can move but functions using the laser sensor cannot be
used though. If used, robot stops with the same error.

Error was returned from laser sensor when communicating with the laser sensor.

(1) Check the code described in the laser sensor instruction manual and troubleshoot.
(2) Laser sensor may be defective or set incorrectly. Refer to the instruction manual for
laser sensor, and check for abnormalities.

9. E6528 Start point not found by Laser sensor.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error occurred.

No start point of weld line was detected by a laser sensor.

(1) Check if groove is within view of laser sensor. If not, teach data again, or readjust
the range used to sense for the start point of weld line in [1404-15-1 Start end
(2) If the groove is within view, the groove num. set to be detected by laser sensor may
disagree with the actual groove. Check the groove num., using the LJT command,
(3) If the laser sensor controller has an EMERGENCY STOP button, check if the button
has been pressed.
(4) If cause is not one of the above, incorrect setting or defective laser sensor may be the
cause. Refer to the instruction manual for laser sensor, and check for

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

10. E6529 Finish point not found by Laser sensor.

At error output, robot halts detection of the work and stops at the step in which error

No end point of weld line was detected by laser sensor.

(1) Check if groove is within view of laser sensor. If it is within view, teach data
again, or readjust the range used to sense for the end point of weld line in
[1404-15-2 Finish end detection].
(2) On setting screen [1404-15-7 Basic parameter], the auto-tracking mode can be
enabled for times when no data is found. This error occurs if sensing for the end
point of weld line is executed in auto-tracking mode. Readjust the laser sensor, or
disable the auto-tracking function at times when no data is found so auto-tracking
mode will not be in effect when sensing for the end point of weld line.

11. E6530 Cannot use circular interp. with Laser sensor function.

Robot stops at the step in which this error occurred.

Attempted to use laser sensor tracking function in circular interpolation.

The laser sensor tracking function can be used only for linear interpolation. Modify the
program to remove the circular interpolation.

E Series Controller 1. Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

12. E6531 Cannot turn Laser ON because motor power is OFF.

PC program stops at the place the error occurred.

Attempted to use laser sensor while motor power was OFF. (Example: Program
containing LSEN function was executed in the PC program with the motor power OFF.)

Laser sensor can be used only when the motor power is ON as the OFF signal from the laser
sensor is interlocked with the EMERGENCY STOP switch on robot controller. Turn the
motor power ON, and retry.

13. P6504 Step: XX Preceding L.START missing.

Robot stops at the step in which this error occurred.

No L.START instruction found before the step that contains L.END instruction in

Add corresponding L.START instruction before the step containing L.END instruction in the

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



This function enables automatic changing of the current weld conditions in real time.
Variable values input from a sensor are used to reference and set weld conditions from
pre-registered weld condition tables (adaptive table).

The following weld conditions can be changed.

1. Speed
2. Current
3. Voltage
4. Weaving width
5. Weaving frequency
6. Weaving pattern
7. Bias (X, Y, Z)

Variables can be input by the following 2 methods.

1. AS language (ADPSET)
For instance, weld conditions can be changed when values are input from an external
sensor into a PC program at a specified time interval.
2. Automatic input from the laser sensor tracking option
Adaptive control is executed automatically based on values output from laser sensor.

It is possible to select input values from different sensors and to reference different adaptive
tables to change the weld conditions.
Example) 1. Changing speed, current and voltage according to values output from sensor 1
2. Changing weaving width, weaving frequency and weaving pattern according to
values output from sensor 2
3. Changing biases (X, Y, Z) according to values output from sensor 3.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


This section describes an overview of the main steps required for operating with the Adaptive

1. Prepare an adaptive table.

The adaptive table is a table that sets a relation between the input variables and weld
conditions. For detailed setting method, see 2.4 AS Language Reference of Adaptive
Function and 2.5.2 Examples of Setting Screens and Parameter Explanation – Adaptive

2. Set the relation between input variables and adaptive tables.

ADPTABLE instruction/command is used. For detailed setting method, see 2.4 AS
Language Reference of Adaptive Function.
Example) ADPTABLE 1,2,3
Sets the table referenced by input variable 1 to be adaptive table No.1.
Sets the table referenced by input variable 2 to be adaptive table No.2.
Sets the table referenced by input variable 3 to be adaptive table No.3.

3. Input variables from a sensor, etc.

ADPSET instruction/command is used. For detailed setting method, see 2.4 AS
Language Reference of Adaptive Function.
Example) ADPSET 1 = sensor1
ADPSET 2 = sensor2
ADPSET 3 = sensor3
Sets the value from sensor 1 to input variable 1.
Sets the value from sensor 2 to input variable 2.
Sets the value from sensor 3 to input variable 3.
When using the laser tracking function, the following variables are input automatically,
with no need to execute ADPSET.
Input variable No.1 = Gap amount
Input variable No.2 = Area (cross-section of groove)
Input variable No.3 = Mismatch amount (unevenness)

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



Adaptive table No.1)

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm)(Y-mm)(Z-mm)
[1] 0.0 200 350 29.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[2] 1.0 200 375 30.0 2.0 2.0 0 0.0 -0.5 0.0
[3] 2.0 150 380 31.0 3.0 2.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[4] 2.5 130 400 32.0 4.0 3.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[5] 3.0 130 420 32.0 4.0 4.0 0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
[6] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[7] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[8] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[9] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[10] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Example program using the above adaptive table is shown below.

Program example 1

a[1] a[2]

Outline of operation:
1. Torch tip moves to a[1] from an escape point 50 mm away.
2. Robot starts welding from a[1] toward a[2] per the weld conditions set to variable 1.0 in
the adaptive table.
3. After signal 2001 is input, robot starts welding per the weld conditions set to variable 3.0.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Robot program:
.PROGRAM sample()
1 ADPTABLE 1, 0, 0 ; Allocates a table.
2 ADPSET 1=1 ; Inputs initial value of variable No.1.
3 ADP ON ; Turns ON adaptive function.
4 W1SET 1= 200, 350, 29, 0, 0, 0 ; Sets default weld conditions.
5 W2SET 1= 0, 0, 0
6 LAPPRO a[1], 50
7 LWS a[1]; Starts welding.
8 LWE a[2], 1,1 ; Ends welding.

PC program:
.PROGRAM pcsample()
1 WAIT SIG (2001) ; Waits for signal input.
2 ADPSET 1=3 ; Changes to the weld conditions set to variable value 3.0.

1. Activate PC program.
>pcex pcsample
2. Activate a program to operate robot.
>ex sample
3. Start welding per default conditions: 200 cm/min, 350 A, 29 V, No weaving
4. Input a signal during the operation.
>sig 2001
5. Robot welds per weld conditions set in variable 3.0: 130 cm/min, 420 A, 32 V, Weaving:
4 mm, 4 Hz

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


Adaptive table No.2)

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm)(Y-mm)(Z-mm)
[1] 0.0 200 350 29.0 **** **** **** 0.0 0.0 0.0
[2] 1.0 200 375 30.0 **** **** **** 0.0 -0.5 0.0
[3] 2.0 150 380 31.0 **** **** **** 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[4] 2.5 130 400 32.0 **** **** **** 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[5] 3.0 130 420 32.0 **** **** **** 0.0 -1.0 0.0
[6] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[7] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[8] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[9] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[10] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Adaptive table No.3)

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm)(Y-mm)(Z-mm)
[1] 0.0 **** **** **** 0.0 0.0 0 **** **** ****
[2] 10.0 **** **** **** 1.0 4.0 0 **** **** ****
[3] 20.0 **** **** **** 3.0 3.0 0 **** **** ****
[4] 25.0 **** **** **** 5.0 2.0 0 **** **** ****
[5] 30.0 **** **** **** 10.0 1.0 0 **** **** ****
[6] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[7] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[8] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[9] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[10] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Example program using the above adaptive tables is shown on next page.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Program example 2

a[1] a[2]

Outline of operation:
1. Torch tip moves to a[1] from an escape point 50 mm away.
2. Robot starts welding from a[1] toward a[2] per the weld conditions set to variable 1.0 on
adaptive table No.2.
3. An A/D value is input to variable adp1, and weld conditions and bias values are changed
to the parameters that were assigned to that variable value in adaptive table 2.
4. An A/D value is input to variable adp2, and weaving conditions are changed to the
parameters that were assigned to that variable value in adaptive table 3.

[ NOTE ]
For A/D input, the analog input option is required.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Robot program:
.PROGRAM sample2()
1 ADPTABLE 2, 3, 0 ; Allocates two adaptive tables.
2 ADPSET 1=1 ; Sets initial value of variable No.1.
3 ADPSET 2=10 ; Sets initial value of variable No.2.
4 ADP ON ; Turns ON adaptive function.
5 W1SET 1= 200, 350, 29, 0, 0, 0
6 W2SET 1= 0, 0, 0
7 LAPPRO a[1], 50
8 LWS a[1] ; Starts welding.
9 LWE a[2], 1,1 ; Ends welding.

PC program:
.PROGRAM pcsample2()
1 100
2 adp1=ADC(1, 1) ; Inputs adp1 by ch1.
3 adp2=ADC(1, 2)*10 ; Inputs adp2 by ch2.
4 ADPSET 1=adp1 ; Sets value of adp1 to variable No.1.
5 ADPSET 2=adp2 ; Sets value of adp2 to variable No.2.
7 GOTO 100

1. Activate PC program.
>pcex pcsample
2. Activate a program to operate robot.
>ex sample
3. Robot starts welding per conditions: 200 cm/min, 375 A, 30V, with no bias, referenced
from adaptive table 2, and per weaving conditions: 1.0 mm, 4.0 Hz, referenced from
adaptive table 3.
4. Weld conditions are changed according to the values of variables adp1 and adp2 which are
input by A/D conversion every second.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


When the adaptive function is used with the laser sensor tracking function, values detected by
laser sensor are automatically input to variables set in the adaptive function. Also, values for
gap, area (cross section area of groove) and mismatch (unevenness) are input automatically to
variable Nos. 1, 2, 3, with no need to execute ADPSET instruction.

For a program example, see 1. Laser Sensor Tracking Function – 1.5.3 Example of Adaptive

[ NOTE ]
Automatic input of detected values is available only when the laser
sensor tracking function has been set ON by LT ON. For finding
functions LSEN/LXAC, detected values are not input automatically.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



Keyword Parameter

ADPCLRTBL table no., variable value

1. Shaded parameters can be omitted.

2. Always enter a space between the keyword and the parameter.
3. ↵ represents Enter key in the examples.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

System switch

Sets whether or not to use the adaptive function.

When this switch is enabled (ON), robot welds using the adaptive function. When this
switch is disabled (OFF), the adaptive function is not used. At initialization, this switch turns

The adaptive function cannot execute unless an adaptive table No. has been specified and
parameters have been set in that table.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
Program instruction
SETADPTBL table no., row no. =variable value, welding speed, welding
current, welding voltage, weaving width, frequency, pattern,
bias X, bias Y, bias Z

Sets weld conditions at the specified place in adaptive table. Any table parameter except
variable value can be omitted. If a parameter is omitted, its value becomes –9999.

Table No.
Table No. to be input, range: 1-20

Row No.
Row No. of the specified table No. to be input, range: 1-10

Variable value
Threshold value used by the adaptive function

Welding speed
Speed in welding (cm/min)

Welding current
Current in welding (A)

Welding voltage
Voltage in welding (V)

Weaving width
Width in weaving (mm)

Weaving frequency
Frequency in weaving (Hz)

Weaving pattern
Pattern No. for special pattern weaving

The above parameters are the same parameters which can be set by W1SET command.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Bias X : Shift amount by bias X

Direction of vector product of biases Y and Z.
Bias Y : Shift amount by bias Y
Direction of projection of the torch to a plane whose normal vector has
the same direction as bias Z
Bias Z : Shift amount by bias Z
Direction parallel to base Z coordinate axis

This command overwrites parameters in the row No. of the specified table No., and then rows
are automatically resorted according to their variable values. If two rows have the same
variable value, the row with the older value is overwritten.

When parameters for all rows in table No.1 are decided:
1. Prepare PC program with following parameters.
.PROGRAM adap()
SETADPTBL 1, 1 = 9, 10, 30, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 2 = 8, 20, 60, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 3 = 7, 30, 90, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 4 = 6, 40, 120, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 5 = 5, 50, 150, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 6 = 3, 130, 400, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 7 = 2.5, 130, 400, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.8, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 8 = 2, 150, 380, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.8, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 9 = 1, 200, 350, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.5, 0
SETADPTBL 1, 10 = 0.1, 200, 350, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
2. Execute the program.
>pcex adap
>PC program completed. No=1001
3. Check the contents of the adaptive table.
>adplistbl 1

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm) (Y-mm) (Z-mm)
[1] 0.1 200 350 29.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[2] 1.0 200 350 30.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.5 0.0
[3] 2.0 150 380 31.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[4] 2.5 130 400 32.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[5] 3.0 130 400 32.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
[6] 5.0 50 150 15.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[7] 6.0 40 120 12.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[8] 7.0 30 90 9.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[9] 8.0 20 60 6.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[10] 9.0 10 30 3.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0

[ NOTE ]
Each row of parameters in the adaptive table is sorted automatically in ascending order
by the variable value set in that row. Variable values are not stored in order of input.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
Program instruction
ADPSET variable no. = variable value

Inputs a value to the specified variable number.

Variable No.
Number allocated to the variable. Setting range: 1-3

Variable value
Real number value to be input as the variable. Setting range: -999.9 – 999.9

Changes current weld conditions to those in the adaptive table row whose set variable value
range encompasses the variable value set here. (See also for details.) Adaptive
tables are allocated to each variable No. by ADPTABLE command. When used as monitor
command, the weld conditions are changed and then the list of currently allocated variable
values is displayed, as shown in example below.

When ADP switch is not enabled (ON) or when no adaptive table is allocated to the variable
No. (when ADPTABLE command has not been executed), the adaptive function does not

When setting 10 as the variable value of variable No.1:
>adpset 1 = 10
ADPSET 1 = 10.0
ADPSET 2 = 0.0
ADPSET 3 = 0.0

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
Program instruction
ADPTABLE table no. (1), table no. (2), table no. (3)

Specifies the adaptive table to be referenced when setting a variable No. by ADPSET. When
used as monitor command, the specified table No(s). are set and then the list of currently
referenced tables is displayed, shown in example 2 below.

Table No. (1), Table No. (2), Table No. (3)
Referenced table No. when inputting a variable value to variable No.1, 2, 3 respectively by

If 0 (zero) is input as Table No., variable No. is processed as having no table number. If
Table No. is omitted, the number set last time ADPTABLE was executed is adopted. If none
of the parameters is input, a listing of currently set tables is displayed (only when used as
monitor command).

1) Allocate tables to variable Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
>adptable 1, 2, 3

1 2 3

2) Display a listing of table numbers referenced by variable Nos. 1, 2 and 3.


1 2 3

3) Change only the table number referenced by variable No.2.

>adptable , 5,

1 5 3

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Monitor command
Program instruction
ADPCLRTBL table No., variable value

Clears parameters stored in adaptive tables. Specifying only the table number clears all
parameters in that table. Specifying both variable value and table number clears only the
parameters set in the same row as the variable value.

Table No.
Table number to be cleared (1-20)

Variable value
Specifies row of parameters to be cleared

For the table below (Table number: 1):
Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias
(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm) (Y-mm) (Z-mm)
[1] 0.1 200 350 29.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[2] 1.0 200 350 30.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.5 0.0
[3] 2.0 150 380 31.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[4] 2.5 130 400 32.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[5] 3.0 130 400 32.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
[6] 5.0 50 150 15.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[7] 6.0 40 120 12.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[8] 7.0 30 90 9.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[9] 8.0 20 60 6.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[10] 9.0 10 30 3.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1. Clears the row with a variable value of 2.5.
>adpclr 1, 2.5
Are you sure? (Yes: 1, No: 0) 1
>adplist 1

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm) (Y-mm) (Z-mm)
[1] 0.1 200 350 29.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[2] 1.0 200 350 30.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.5 0.0
[3] 2.0 150 380 31.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -0.8 0.0
[4] 3.0 130 400 32.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
[5] 5.0 50 150 15.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[6] 6.0 40 120 12.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[7] 7.0 30 90 9.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[8] 8.0 20 60 6.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[9] 9.0 10 30 3.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[10] **** **** **** **** ******** **** **** **** ****

2. Clear all parameters in table1.

>adpclr 1
Are you sure? (Yes: 1, No: 0) 1
>adplist 1

Variable Speed Current Voltage Width Frequency Pattern Bias

(cm/min) (A) (V) (mm) (Hz) (No.) (X-mm) (Y-mm) (Z-mm)
[1] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[2] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[3] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[4] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[5] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[6] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[7] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[8] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[9] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
[10] **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



1. Display arc weld setting screen, input item number (4) directly by NUMBER (0-9) and
press ↵, or move cursor to [4. Arc Weld Setting] and press ENTER. See 1.7.1
Operation Method of Setting Screens for displaying the arc weld setting screen.

2. Input item number (17) directly by NUMBER and press ↵, or move cursor to
[17. Adaptive control] and press ENTER.

3. Adaptive control setting screen is displayed.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function


Values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Variation limit
Registers limiter values allowed for the variable variation per second. Limiter becomes OFF
(disabled) when 0 (zero) is input.
Setting range: -999.9-999.9 Default: 0.0

Registers filter values to the above limiter values. Inputting 0 (zero) turns the filter OFF.
Setting range: 0-99 Default: 0

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function OUTPUT PARAMETERS

Values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Velocity filter
Sets cutoff frequency to filter the output welding speed that is referenced from the adaptive
table when the variable value is input. Inputting 0 (zero) turns the filter OFF.
Setting range: 0-99 Default: 0

Current filter
Sets cutoff frequency to filter the output welding current that is referenced from the adaptive
table when the variable value is input. Inputting 0 (zero) turns the filter OFF.
Setting range: 0-99 Default: 0

Voltage filter
Sets cutoff frequency to filter the output welding voltage that is referenced from the adaptive
table when the variable value is input. Inputting 0 (zero) turns the filter OFF.
Setting range: 0-99 Default: 0

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function BASIC PARAMETERS

Values registered here are standard parameters of Kawasaki.

Adaptive function
Sets how the adaptive function outputs weld condition parameters, in either a step or a linear
pattern. Exception: values set in weaving pattern column of adaptive table output only in
step pattern, as whole numbers.
Example: Welding speed becomes 100 cm/min when gap is 1 mm, and 150 cm/min when gap
is 2 mm. If [Step] is set, outputs weld speed of 100 cm/min when gap is 1 mm to 1.99 mm,
and 150 cm/min when gap is 2 mm+. If [Linear] is set, outputs weld speeds of 100, 150 and
125 cm/min, when gaps are 1 mm, 2 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively.
Default: Step


If welding speed changes rapidly when executing adaptive control, large vibrations may occur
near taught points. To prevent this, make the acceleration/deceleration time larger. Default
value (0) is used normally.
Setting range: 0-999 Default: 0

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



1. Display arc weld setting screen, input item number (4) directly by NUMBER (0-9) and
press ↵, or move cursor to [4. Arc Weld Setting] and press ENTER. See 1.7.1
Operation Method of Setting Screens for displaying the arc weld setting screen.


2. Input item number (18) directly by NUMBER and press ↵, or move cursor to
[18. Adaptive table] and press ENTER.

3. Adaptive table setting screen is displayed.

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function



Above screens store/output the weld conditions used in adaptive control (at ADP ON). Any
one or all parameters set here can be used, including: welding speed (cm/min) /current (A)
/voltage (V), weaving width (mm) /frequency (Hz) /pattern, and bias amounts X/Y/Z (mm).
Current weld conditions take the parameters in the screen row whose set [Value] range
encompasses the input variable value, as described below.

However, values set in the pattern column cannot be changed when controlled via laser sensor.
Inputting the minimum value for a parameter (-999.99, etc.) indicates the parameter is unused.
The table numbers are selected by ADPTABLE instruction.

Example) When setting ADPTABLE 1, 0, 0,

1. When [Adaptive function] is set to [Step] in Aux. 1404 - 17 Adaptive control, weld
condition parameter values become as follows. Example: Gap distance is the input
variable value.
Variable value: 0 mm to < 1 mm Weld conditions set by W1SET instruction
Variable value: 1 mm to < 2 mm Weld conditions in the table row set with [Value] 1.0*
Variable value: 2 mm to < 2.5 mm Weld conditions in the table row set with [Value] 2.0
Variable value: 2.5 mm to < 3 mm Weld conditions in the table row set with [Value] 2.5
Variable value: 3 mm + Weld conditions in the table row set with [Value] 3.0
Note*: Table row is the row of the adaptive table No.
displayed in Aux. 1404-18.

2. When [Adaptive function] is set to [Linear] in Aux. 1404 - 17 Adaptive control, weld
condition parameter values become as follows. Example: Gap distance is the input

E Series Controller 2. Adaptive Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

variable value.
Variable value: 0.0 mm to <1.0 mm Parameter values on line connecting the weld
conditions set by W1SET instruction and in the
table row having [Value] 1.0
Variable value: 1.0 mm to < 2.0 mm Parameter values on line connecting the weld
conditions set in table rows having [Value] 1.0 and
Variable value: 2.0 mm to < 2.5 mm Parameter values on line connecting the weld
conditions set in table rows having [Value] 2.0 and
Variable value: 2.5 mm to < 3.0 mm Parameter values on line connecting the weld
conditions set in table rows having [Value] 2.5 and
Variable value: 3.0 mm + Weld conditions set in the table row having [Value]
However, parameter values set in the weaving [PATTERN] column, of page 2/3 in Aux.
1404-18, can only change in step pattern and not linear, as in the case of 1. above.

E Series Controller Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 1



This section describes how to create the calibration data that sets the pose relationship between
tool (torch) coordinates and sensor coordinates, a setting required for installing a laser sensor.
The calibration data is created automatically using a special application program (LTCAL.PG).

Things to prepare

1. Calibration plate
(1) Plate size should be approximately 200 mm×200 mm with thickness of
approximately10 mm.
(2) The plate should be a cube whose corners are perpendicular and edges are straight.
(3) The plate should not have a mirror surface as edges of the calibration plate are detected
by a laser sensor.
(4) Plate can also be used as metal triangle ruler and speed square, etc.

Should be straight


Calibration plate

2. Highly accurate tool data

To create the calibration data, teach three points on calibration plate. If tool data is not
registered accurately, deviations will appear in taught data and accurate calibration data
cannot be obtained. Calculate and register the tool data as accurately as possible before
teaching the points.

E Series Controller Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 1

Creating the calibration data

Procedure for creating the calibration data is shown below.

1. Prepare a sensor library.

2. Load the program that creates the calibration data (>LOAD LTCAL.PG).
3. Prepare a calibration frame (>PCEX LTCAL).
4. Execute the program to create the calibration data automatically (>EX LTCAL2).
5. Check the prepared calibration data (>EX LTCHK).

Detailed procedures for each step are shown below.

1. Prepare a sensor library.

Adjust laser sensor so sensor can detect the edges of calibration plate. Teach so sensor
detects point 1 via groove LJT19, and then point 2 via LJT20. Points 1 and 2 are on the
right and left sides respectively, as viewed from corner of calibration plate shown below. If
the points are detected in opposite order, calibration data is not calculated accurately. To
adjust/set the sensor itself, refer to its operation manual. For details on LJT instruction/
command, see 1.0 Laser Tracking Function.

Laser sensor beam Detected part as viewed from laser sensor

Detected point 2
Detected point 1

Detected points 1,2

Calibration plate

2. Load the program that creates the calibration data (>LOAD LTCAL. PG)
Load the calibration program (LTCAL.PG).

E Series Controller Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 1

3. Prepare a calibration frame (>PCEX LTCAL).

Execute program LTCAL as a PC program.
After starting the program, execute/teach the following procedure. Also, observe the
requirements described below during the operation.



(1) There are three taught points, lt_p[0], 1t_p[1] and 1t_p[2]. Teach each point in this
(2) Laser sensor is turned ON via Teach Pendant.
(3) During program execution, teach and adjust the torch direction so that the beam from
the laser sensor passes across the calibration plate, as shown below.




Seen from above, the laser sensor beam passes across the calibration plate as shown in
the figures below.
Laser sensor beam
Laser sensor beam l2
l1 l4 l4
l3 l3

(4) Specify a plate crossing position where lengths l1 and l2 become as equal as possible.
l3 and l4 do not need to be equal.
(5) Keep torch posture as perpendicular as possible to the calibration plate while teaching
lt_p[0], lt_p[1] and lt_p[2]. Do not change the torch posture at each taught point.

E Series Controller Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 1

(6) Positional relation between lt_p[1] and lt_p[2] is shown on previous page (lt_p[1] on
right hand and lt_p[2] on left hand as viewed from lt_p[0]). If this positional relation is
set in opposite order, error “Calibration frame is not correct” occurs and reteaching of
the points is prompted.
(7) When the calibration frame is prepared, the program terminates after displaying
“Making calibration frame is completed!!!” and then “Please execute ltcal2 after this

4. Execute the program to create the calibration data automatically (>EX LTCAL2).
This program drives robot to calibration plate automatically and turns ON laser sensor.
For safety, pay attention to the robot motion and the laser beam emission at this time.
Execute the program (LTCAL2).
Observe the following during the program execution.
(1) To move robot, set the monitor speed to approximately 10%.
(2) Robot automatically starts moving and prepares calibration data. Operating time is
approximately 2-3 minutes.
(3) When the calibration data is prepared, the program terminates after displaying “Making
calibration data is completed!!!”, “Please enter next command to set calibration data
available” and then “>LTCALIB lt_cal”.
(4) “>LTCALIB lt_cal” must be input at the prompt to enable the prepared calibration data
after program terminates.
(5) In the event the following error occurs during program execution, save all programs and
notify Kawasaki.
“Cannot calculate calibration data! (code=xx)”

5. Check the prepared calibration data (>EX LTCHK).

This program drives robot to calibration plate automatically and turns ON laser sensor.
For safety, pay attention to the robot motion and laser beam emission at this time. Robot
automatically detects the two edges of calibration plate via the sensor. Robot moves to the
poses on the calibration frame taught in 3.
Execute the check program (LTCHK).



E Series Controller Appendix 1 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 1

Confirm that 1t_chk[1] and 1t_chk[2] in the figure have been detected.
(1) After program terminates, input
>DO LMOVE lt_chk[1]
>DO LMOVE lt_chk[2], etc.
then observe and check if wire tip moves to the edge points properly. Allowable
deviation range is within ±1 mm approximately.
(2) If the result is not satisfactory, repeat the operation from 3.
(3) If wire tip still deviates from edges after creating new calibration data, inaccurately set
tool data may causing the deviation. If necessary, re-register the tool data (dimensions)
and retry.

E Series Controller Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 2



This section describes how to create the calibration data that sets the pose relationship between
tool (torch) coordinates and sensor coordinates, a setting required for installing a laser sensor.
This procedure is used when Method 1 in Appendix 1 cannot be used due to narrow view of
laser sensor for YAG, etc. The calibration data is created automatically using a special
application program (LTCAL3. PG).

Things to prepare

1. Calibration plate
(1) Calibration plate with points that can be detected by laser sensor
(2) Intersection of ruled lines or a marked groove on the plate is detected as a detected point.
Example in this section use figures with intersecting ruled lines.
(3) The plate should not have a mirror surface as detected points are detected by laser

Calibration plate Intersection of ruled lines

2. Highly accurate tool data

To create the calibration data, teach four points on calibration plate. If tool data is not
registered accurately, deviations will appear in taught data and accurate calibration data
cannot be obtained. Calculate and register tool data as accurately as possible before
teaching the points.

E Series Controller Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 2

Creating the calibration data

Procedure for creating calibration data is shown below.

1. Prepare a sensor library.

2. Load the program that creates the calibration data (>LOAD LTCAL3.PG).
3. Execute the program to create the calibration data automatically (>PCEX LTCAL3).
4. Check the prepared calibration data (>EX LTCHK3).

Detailed procedures for each step are shown below.

1. Prepare a sensor library.

Adjust laser sensor so that the points to be taught on the plate can be detected by the laser
sensor. As shown in figure below, set sensor so the points can be detected via groove
LJT20. To adjust/set the sensor itself, refer to its operation manual. For details on LJT
instruction/command, see 1.0 Laser Tracking Function and 1.6 AS Language.

Laser sensor beam

Ruled lines

2. Load the program that creates the calibration data (>LOAD LTCAL3.PG).
Load the calibration program (LTCAL3.PG).

3. Execute the program to create the calibration data automatically (>PCEX LTCAL3).
Execute program LTCAL3 as a PC program.
After starting the program, execute/teach the following procedure. Also, observe the
requirements described below.

Laser sensor

Calibration plate

E Series Controller Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 2

(1) Teach four points in total, three points taught by laser beam and one point by tool tip.
(2) To turn ON laser sensor via Teach Pendant, see 1.4.2 How to Turn ON/OFF Laser via
Robot Controller.
(3) When teaching the points, the point on the “uppermost part of sensor view field” is
taught first. Thereafter, teach the other points manually in base or tool mode, using
only X, Y, Z keys, and without changing the tool posture.
(4) During program execution, follow the on-screen prompt and adjust sensor so laser
beam detects the “nearest point in sensor view field”, the nearest detectable point
within the 3-D projection cone from the laser, detectable area of cone represented
below as trapezoid. Then, teach the point.
Laser projection on calibration plate:

Laser sensor Teach shortest

distance to plate that is
Taught point within view field.

View field of sensor Calibration plate

(5) Next, when prompted by on-screen instructions, adjust sensor so laser beam detects the
“farthest, leftmost point in sensor view filed”, as shown below. (Either leftmost or
rightmost point in view field can be taught.) Then, teach the point.
Laser projection on calibration plate:

Laser sensor Teach farthest distance

Taught point to plate that is within
view field.

View field of sensor

Calibration plate

E Series Controller Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 2

(6) Next, when prompted by on-screen instructions, adjust sensor so laser beam detects the
“farthest, rightmost point in sensor view field”, as shown below. (Here “rightmost
point” indicates the point opposite that set in (5).) Then teach the point.
Laser projection on calibration plate:

Laser sensor
Teach farthest distance
Taught point to plate that is within
view field.

View field of sensor

Calibration plate

(7) When instructed, teach the calibration point. Drive tool tip to the detected point
shown below. Make sure tool tip and not sensor beam is aligned when teaching the
Tool tip

Ruled lines

(8) When the calibration data has been created, the following message is displayed and the
program terminates.
Name of new Calibration data
is zzcal.

(9) To set the created calibration data, input

>LTCALIB zzcal

E Series Controller Appendix 2 Creating Calibration Data for Laser Tracking Function
Kawasaki Robot Laser Tracking Function & Adaptive Function - Method 2

4. Check the prepared calibration data (>EX LTCHK3).

This program drives robot to calibration plate automatically and turns ON laser sensor.
For safety, pay attention to the robot motion and laser beam emission at this time. Robot
automatically detects the four positions on the plate taught in 3.
Execute the check program:

(1) Point data created after detection are:

zzchk[0] Position at the point taught by tool tip
zzchk[1] Position detected at the first point taught by laser beam
zzchk[2] Position detected at the second point taught by laser beam
zzchk[3] Position detected at the third point taught by laser beam
(2) After program termination, input:
>LIST/L zzchk
Point data for zzchk[0] - zzchk[3] are displayed. Check if values for X, Y, Z do not
deviate too far. Allowable deviation range is within ±1 mm approximately.
(3) If the result is not satisfactory, repeat the operation from 3.
(4) If deviation is still found in the X, Y, Z values after creating new calibration data,
inaccurately set tool data may causing the deviation. If necessary, re-register the tool
data (dimensions) and retry.

Kawasaki Robot Controller E Series
Laser Sensor Tracking Function & Adaptive Function

January 2012 : 1st Edition



All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 by KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD.

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