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DSECICSE/OCE7S IV C/VIL DHANALAKSHMI SRINIVASAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE PERAMBALUR-621212 COURSE PLAN Name of the Faculty Mr.C:Manemaran Designation/Department Assistant Professor - Course Code/Name OCE7S1/ Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Z| ‘Year/Section/Department TV/CiCompuiter science and Engineering Credits Details 3 TO) P:0 C3 | Total Contact Hours Required | 45 | Syllabus: UNIT I/ INTRODUCTION 0 Development Impacts of Development on Environment — Rio Principles of Sustainable Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) — Objectives — Historical development - EIA Types— EIA in project eycle -EIA Notification and Legal Framework. 09, UNIT Il ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ‘Screening and Scoping in EIA — Drafting of Terms of Reference, Baseline monitoring, Prediction and Assessment of Impact on land, water, air, noise, flora and fauna - Matrices — Networks Checklist Methods - Mathematical models for Impact prediction. | 09 energy, flora and fauna — ig-Environmental Clearance UNIT IIl/ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN, Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on water, air and land, wate Environmental Monitoring Plan ~EIA Report Preparation ~ Public Hea UNIT IV/ SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 09 Baseline monitoring of Socio-economic environment ~ Identification of Project Affected Personal ~ Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan- Economic valuation of Environmental impacts ~ Cost benefit analysis UNIT V/ CASE STUDIES 0 EIA case studies pertaining to Infrastructure Projects ~ Roads and Bridges - Mass Rapid ‘Transport Systems - Airports - Dams and Irrigation projects - Power plants, _———s Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner | DSECICSE/OCE7S IAW C/VIL Environmental Impact Assessment RE 1 | 4 few 14 | BB eee [Environmental Impact Assessment RD, Wi I 5 _ (BIA) Objectives 2 eee jee 2 © Historical development RWG 5 BB T 6 7_ [EIA Types RS 33-34 PPT. 1 7 8_BIA inpproject eycle RS 7 PPT T $ IEIA Notification and Legal | 9 Framework : ws | per ez Outcome of Unit I: | COL:Able to know about what is EIA ,types and its project life cycle | UNIT Il ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT | [10 Bereening and Scoping in EIA. RS | 67 | BB 1 10 | DDrafting of Terms of Reference, RS | 11. Baseline monitoring, Prediction and 95.98 | PPT me} ou || lAssessment of Impact on land s | [Drafting of Terms of Reference, cy | | 12. Baseline monitoring, Prediction and 99-102 | PPT 1 2 {Assessment of Impact on water | (Drafting of Terms of Reference, RE a | 13. [Baseline monitoring, Prediction and We per |e Assessment of Impact on air i Drafting of Terms of Reference, Com 14 [Baseline monitoring, Prediction and BB 1 \4 sessment of Impact on noise Drafting of Terms of Reference, coy 15. [Baseline monitoring, Prediction and 1251) ge, , a [Assessment of Impact on flora and fauna T6_ Matriges & Networks Re | 353 |_ BB 7 1 17 [Checklist Methods RS__| 3941 | BB. T 7 1g Mathematical models for pact RD aries i a prediction ‘Outcome of Unit It: (CO2: Carry out scoping and screening of developmental projects for environmental and social assessments. UNIT IIT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN. wy Panbeniiaronoraneseimeston] as | iri9 [Bo i 3 Jan formiligation of adverse impact | RS | 237-239) 20__[onAirand Land HD a ay Panformitaionaradveseimmates] [opie | op : 7 Sp Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on] — RB] T0108] yy ; a nergy 3 Ma ee Scanned with CamScanner ——s y _ psecrespocersyv ef : RS] (21-125 2 Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on we ’ 23 Ifora and fauna RS [237-2391 por 1 24 [Environmental Monitoring Plan R5__| 15-19 | _PPr 1 25 FIA Regn Pepe RS__| 15-19 | PPT 1 26 1A Report Pref Frbtie Hering Environmental Bei i BB 1 ee ‘learance —| ‘Outcome of Unit MT: : ; - « Explains different methodologies for environmental impact prediction and assessment b en En UNITIV SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSATEST =I 2g Baseline monitoring of Socio- RYWil 79 BB 1 28 onomic environment 39 Mdentification of Project Affected RS | TewS a 4 Personal en 30 _[entitication of Project Affected RS | 194-195 ; a ”ersonal 31__ Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan 2" ae 1 31 32_Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan Saal ine 1 nomic. valuation of RS 2 eee impacts KS ee ; 33 sonomic valuation of RS ta ae impacts Lem) Peau 1 34 35 (Cost benefit Analysis RY,W2[ 69 PPT i Bsa al 36 [Cost benefit Analysis RS 69 | PPT i 36 Outcome of Unit IV: CO# Plan environmental impact assessments and environmental management plan, UNIT V CASE STUDY TA case studies pertaining to PPT zi Faas i eb 1 37 TA case studies pertaining fo 3 pertaining PPT BE bitraeticture Projects a Web l 38 39 Roads and Bridges RS [246-247|__ BB [1 39 a Roads and Bridges Ro [246-247| BB I 40 | [appease Revi R57 | 246-247] _ BB I aI he Ra Wh 246-247] BB i Ey] ae Sagas = WS BB 1 B RS 246 BB 1 44 45 se plants - Wo BB. [1 45 4 Scanned with CamScanner DSECICSE/OCE7S1/1V.C/VIL ——— Outcome of Unit V: ‘COS: Evaluate environmental impact assessment reports ‘Course Outcome: ‘At the end of course: ‘Students should be able to do: COI: Able to know about what ELA is, types and its project life cycle (C02: Carry out scoping and screeni assessments. of developmental projects for environmental and social (C03: Explain different methodologies for environmental impact prediction and assessment (C04: Plan environmental impact assessments and environmental management plans. 00S: Evaluate environmental impact assessment reports Course Outcome Vs Program Outcome Mapping: CO | POI | PO2 | PO3| POS | POS | POS] POT | POS | POI [POIO pat POI corp |p tt =p Taper coz alee ae? | t cos ep Saale Saneale f con — Eh COs == LL [ne soa ‘Content beyond Syllabus: \ % Current sustainability criteria in EIA. “Assignment Batch | Register| Total | Mode of Pe Details | __ Number No. _| Assignment sees 7314 104,00) -| Basey 1 | 89244 It per 1. EIA Notification and Legal Framework. 814319 1004 2._EIA Types 1814319 104020-| [Assessment on Environment Batch2 17 | Seminar 2. Principles of sustainable development (814.219 104039 3._Screening and Scoping in EIA I, YPractical issues oF EIA 1443 19104040 ne 3143 9104040 | 4 Paper 2. {EIA in Project cycle Bieannicupbe 6 ‘work 3. Baseline monitoring, Prediction and Ue Assessment of Impact on land zl U.\Checklist Methods & Mathematical Pushing oo) Seminar models for Impact prediction. Batch | |8143)9)0y019 | 177 2, Matrices & Networks in EIA 3. Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on ‘water, airand land. Bach 2 [8742 /0W020— = T. Environmental Monitoring Plan 2, EIA Report Preparati leary It ‘eport Preparation ; 5 Scanned with CamScanner E751 q 3, Plan for mitigation of adverse Impact on water & energy | 1. Environmental & Social Impact | Batch 3 8 191HOR 1b care Assessment : 274315106 obD work 2, Flora & fauna ah 10h |. Monitoring of Socto-economle Biya tstoF valuation Batch 1 /gtys/410¥09 | ET Seminar 2. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan 3. EIA case studies pertaining to Bann [B19STO70 Yom] Paper Infrastructure Projects EIA clearance on Environment S1YS)5l04035 work. 2,_Aitports - Dams and Irrigation projects _| 1. Benefits of EFA S143 )oI0yo4O-) 2. Economic valuation of Environmental Batch 3 $142 15)04 odo 1s PPT ‘impacts 3. EIA case studies on Roads and Bridges SIM Questions: Of, Write briefly about the impact of development on env Fonment C3: Write briefly about Rio principles of sustainable development, 03; List out the essential steps to complete and EIA. 04. List out the various EIA types. What are the criteria used for selecting best BIA method in given situation? 05. Explain briefly about the historical development of EIA. 06. Explain briefly about EIA project cycle, 07. Explain briefly about EIA notifications and frame work. 08: Discuss the salient features of EIA Notification of Governiment of India to sIM1 obtain environmental clearance for developmental projects 09. Write a short note on |. Screening in ELA 2. Scoping in EIA 10. Explain briely about drafting of terms of reference, baseline monitoring, Prediction and assessment of impact on land. {1 Explain briefly about drafting of terms of reference, baseline mo ring, Prediction and assessment of impact on water. 12, Explain briefly about drafting of terms of reference, baseline monitoring, ition and assessment of impact on air. OT. Explain briefly a 62. Explain briefly about checklist Methods, | 03. Explain briefly about Any mathematical model for impact prediction, SIM2) 04, Mrite short notes on public participation along with merits and demerits, 05. Explain plan for ‘mitigation adverse impact on water, Ae Han for mitigation adverse impact on air & land : an for mitigation adverse impact on energy, . 6 y - Scanned with CamScanner DSECICSE/OCE75 IV C/I | Explain plan Tor mitigation adverse Impact on Tora and Tauna Explain briefly about environmental monitoring plan How to prepare EIA report and explain hem briefly. / Bring out clearly the guidelines of EIA on public hearing and environmental clearance | Explain briefly about environmental management plan, RGA GERM abou baseline morioring oT melossororleemTronmene—| Write short notes on identification of project affected personal Explain about rehabilitation and resettlement plans, Write about economie valuation of environmental impacts. Explain about cost benefit analysis. | Explain salient features of project activity environmental parameter activity relationship SIM3/. 07, _ Explain short notes on public participation along with merits and demerits 08. Explain various practical considerations in publi participation of EIA Process 09. Write a case study on infrastructure project. 10. Write a case study on roads 11, Write a case study on bridges 12._Case study on mass rapid transport system. Paleo Phase2 (Before AT2) | Phase 3 (Before AT 3) [Assignment [SIM 1 | Assignment 2] —SIM2 | Assignment 3 |__ SIM3 qe [Store | 292. fie ae [Eu P2e | ot2e i). ee Prepared by C.Manemaran HOD/Civil Approved By Principal Scanned with CamScanner

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