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Describe the differences between an operational database and a data warehouse.

give 13 points
1. An operational database is used to store and manage the current data of an organization, while a
data warehouse is used to store historical data that can be used for analysis and reporting.
2. An operational database is optimized for transactional processing, while a data warehouse is
optimized for analytical processing.
3. An operational database is typically updated in real-time or near real-time, while a data warehouse is
usually updated on a regular basis, such as daily or weekly.
4. An operational database is usually normalized to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity,
while a data warehouse is typically denormalized to improve query performance.
5. An operational database is designed to support the day-to-day operations of an organization, while
a data warehouse is designed to support decision making and strategic planning.
6. An operational database is typically smaller in size than a data warehouse, as it only stores current
7. An operational database is typically accessed by a small number of users, such as employees of an
organization, while a data warehouse is accessed by a larger number of users, such as managers,
executives, and analysts.
8. An operational database is usually housed on a single server, while a data warehouse is often
distributed across multiple servers.
9. An operational database is typically more expensive to maintain and manage than a data warehouse,
as it requires more frequent updates and has higher hardware and software requirements.
10. An operational database is usually subject to more stringent security and privacy requirements than
a data warehouse, as it stores sensitive and confidential information.
11. An operational database is typically more complex and harder to manage than a data warehouse, as
it must support a wide range of transactions and queries.
12. An operational database is typically less flexible than a data warehouse, as it is designed to support
specific business processes and cannot easily be modified to support new processes or queries.
13. An operational database is typically less scalable than a data warehouse, as it is limited by the
hardware and software resources of a single server, while a data warehouse can be scaled out across
multiple servers to support larger amounts of data and more users.
Discuss the challenges which a university management faces due to reliance on operational
database. give 13 points
1. Limited flexibility in data management: Operational databases are designed for specific purposes,
and it may be difficult to adapt them for other uses or to make significant changes to their structure.
2. Data silos: Operational databases are often isolated from each other, leading to data silos that make
it difficult to get a comprehensive view of the university's operations.
3. Difficulty integrating new systems: Adding new systems or technologies to the university may require
significant changes to the operational database, which can be costly and time-consuming.
4. Limited reporting capabilities: Operational databases may not have robust reporting or analytics
capabilities, making it difficult for university management to gain insights into key performance
indicators and make informed decisions.
5. Data security concerns: Operational databases often contain sensitive information, such as student
records and financial data, which can be vulnerable to cyber attacks. Ensuring the security of this
data is a major challenge for university management.
6. Complexity of database management: Operational databases can be complex and require specialized
skills to manage and maintain, which can be a challenge for university management.
7. Limited data access: Operational databases may not be accessible to all users, which can limit the
ability of university management to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data.
8. Data quality issues: Operational databases may contain errors or inconsistencies, which can impact
the accuracy and reliability of the data being used for decision-making.
9. Limited scalability: Operational databases may not be designed to handle large volumes of data or
high levels of usage, which can limit the university's ability to grow and expand.
10. Limited ability to analyze unstructured data: Operational databases are typically designed to store
structured data, and may not have the capabilities to effectively analyze unstructured data such as
text or images.
11. Difficulty adapting to changing needs: The needs of a university can change rapidly, and it may be
difficult to quickly modify an operational database to meet these new requirements.
12. High cost of ownership: Operational databases can be expensive to purchase, implement, and
maintain, which can be a challenge for university management.
13. Limited interoperability with other systems: Operational databases may not be compatible with other
systems or technologies used by the university, which can limit the ability of university management
to effectively integrate and analyze data from different sources.

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