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Use of multimeter to
(i) identity base of transistor,
(i) distinguish between NPN and PNP type transistors,
(ii) see the unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and an LED,
(Iv) check whether a given electronic component (e.g., diode, transistor or IC) is in working order.
Multimeter, transistor NPN and PNP type, IC (with 14
legs), diode, LED, etc.

3. Unidirectional Flow in Diode and LED Olector rezio
) Connect the P segment of diode to positive terminal of a
6 V DC supply.
(ii) Turn the selector switch (of the multimeter) towards the DC
current at 10 mA range.
ii) Connect the black lead to the common terminal (of the
multimeter) and red lead to the positive
(iv) Next, connect red lead to free and of the diode and black lead to
the negative terminal of the minal.
condition the diode is forward biased and as such multimeter will show batteryy. IIn th
(v) IR the terminals in (iv) are reversed, the multimeter will indicate zero current.
(vi) LED in addition to above will emit light.
4. Checking if Diode, Transistor or IC is in Working Order:
) Diode: Connect probes of multimeter to diode and checkifit conducts or not. ofconmetin
Reverse the order
probes and check again for conduction. If it conducts in either of two conditions then the diode is in worki
order. If it does not conduct or conducts in both cases then the diode is not in working order.

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