Ai To: Inistratir" "Ix Cii"r"

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Government of Odisha

General Adm inistratir" Cii"r" n." Department

"iX f*,,.
No Gen., Bhubaneswar, dated the
a4 Jan.,2023


All Departments of Government/

All Heads of Departments/
AII Collectors.

sub:- Appricabirity of the odisha croup "B", "c"

and Group '.D,, posts (Repear and speciar
Provisions) Rures, 2022 in the case
of appointment under the odisha civir
services(Rehabiritation Assistance) Rures,
2020 incruding erstwhire the odisha civir
Services(Rehabilitation tusistance) Rules,

I am directed to invite reference to the subject

mentioned above, and to say that prior
to commencement of the Odisha Group ,,8",
"C. and Group ..D,, posts (Repeal and Special
Provisions) Rures, 2022, aI appointments
made pursuant to the odisha civir
services(Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules,
2020 including erstwhile the odisha civil
services(Rehabiritation Assistance) Rures,lgg0
were on contractuar basis as per the provisions
of odisha Group-C and Group-D posts (contractuar
appointment) Rures, 2013. The same has
also been clarified vide this Department letter
No.34925 dated 31.12.2014

Doubts have now arisen at different quarters

as to whether the provisions of the odisha
Group "Bi "c" and Group "D" posts (Repear
and speciar provisions) Rures, 2022 shal appry
the case of appointment under the odisha Civir
services (Rehabiritation Assistance) Rures,
2020 including erstwhire the odisha civir Services(Rehabiritation
Assistance) Rures,1g90.

It is therefore crarified that the odisha

Group "B,,, ..C,,and Group "D,, posts (Repear and
special Provisions) Rures, 2022 shar be appricabre
in the case of appointments made
pursuant to the odisha civir services(Rehabiritation Assistance) Rures, 2020 including
erstwhile the Odisha Civil Services(Rehabilitation
tusistance) Rutes,1990.

This may be brought to the notice of all subordinate

offices under your control


Add itional Secreta to oveTnment

/ MemoNo. i4 tc"n.,
, Copy forwarded to a, sertions.of-G.A.&p.G.
(20 copies)/Guard flle (S.C. Branch)(20)
Deparrmenr/G.A -:::t "#r::: ;::;
for informatiori anJ necessary action.

Additional Secretary to Government

MemoNo. 43 te"n., Dated

Copy forwarded to A'R cerf G.A.&,.G. Department 44 Jan.,2oz3

Notification in the website of G.A.&p.G. Oepartment. -'- "- with a

t reguest to hoist this

Additional to Government

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