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NAME: Mucitun joy Rabin RollNo: AE! /9.0/EL/#2 SemesTeR BRANCH: 5/4 Som’ (LlectHi cal) supiect: Blecttical Machine-II CEL- 564) TEST/ASSIGNMENT: Home Assignment -t Course onense.| cor | coz | cos | cos | cos Total Marks ‘Marks allotted ‘Marks obtained | Ae1/20/eL [a2 Page No: or A. Osonibe Hw wanking plin ciple of synchuonoud Mops. . Ans working o% eynchhanaus mooted depends on thy dntexacho0 of the megnstit fidd of the Atatok with te m netic eld of te soto. qre votatok Contains 3- phase windings and 4 Aupplied with d- phase powels. This, Atatat winding produces 2 9-prased. uotating magnehic fuld. 00 Auupp ab given Lh He fofolt. Tre Moto unter’ into the hotaling magnetic fidd | produced by te Atatoh coineling andl Hotated | in 4 nohronization, Now, tHe speed of he motel. | depends an the frequen) i He Aupplied eurhord. | Speeal of Pre syachronoud mofole ds controfleel by | te pequency of tre applied cibshorb . fae | speed pa Aynehronous motoh an be calewlateof lab qe ed - phe fe pregeenG] He AC euhent (Hz) : p= fotal no: pokes [phase . 2: Explain the process % Stakting @ synchronous Motole, : Anz: when a aynchyo exeijation “ie voltage winding fue motok & nous motok i bfanded, the As not applied Lo the field Atahted in: ineluchon Sean {Aeiell e : Page No! 02. | machine mode with cutth . ar dampeh and fed eind ene BI A besistole & eonmecfost across poe field cotnding in-orcclere Lo produce, mm acceptable prelel” cuctehond and Lo Limit volt age induced across tho eld winding. hen woken Apeed peaches a preset value neah syncheon ous speed, the Gidld winding 4 eonnected b6 fhe 006 voltage Bouhce ava pre motel Aynehranized on He system geeqeney Co |g. Explain tne methods, used to stant a aynehrorious motok. | Aust: There. he two methods of synchronous motoh. Tred2 ahr : : : 1. Starting with an axtehnal prime movek « a. Spanking with camper winding 6. 4. gtelding with an edernal PULLS | ne exteknal motolt bhings the syache oPbids motok fo synchronous sped Enel then the chro nos moh & gn chronisedcl with dre AC supped aa synchronous gers naloh then fhe pieime movele AS da connected: Once gymehtconised , He synchronous machine AB! /oofer/oe _ fage No: 63. witl operate aa motok 7 2, staring wlth domper wlodingr : Qam pee corn ctl 5 ahe most corelely wed method Of tating a synch rena motol.. A dampek colnding is made Up Mev y copper bah» insetted in bloke euf ints phe poke ateh of the hobk. Tse copper bahS ahe fon pholt urecwped by ond Kings at- both ends of Pe. Hoth. Tis rorners of copper. bahi and end Heng? ym a bguibhel cage colnding cohen fhe ature “ of the cynchronsus motok &s connected fa a thee —- pre Auppey» He synchro nous motok with dom peh wind 'ng loll!’ brat as a &-phase Aguitenel cage in diction motoe. 4, Lisk Hee application’ of Synchronous Mofolrs, shai ‘Apptication if, Synchronaws Mofoks ake: 0 meg abe wsed in powete house and veubbpatiors in. parallel ki the bub- bars 46 Jip itove He powek $2 Fol. eo Synchronous natok’ ake also ubecl £6 pogulate the voltage at the nd 6k tuanom(ssdon Lines. | Aglpo/er/oe Page No! 04 ohn factoKies having a Large num bet. of unduction motots , oft othok poweh, App akatus operating at Lagging poiseh. , thoy ahs employed to improve fhe. power factor. © Typical application & ob high peed! Ayn chro- _nous motokh Ghe Auch brivis a pane, blowess, de ponebaler, Line. bhafis , centrifugal ump. and comphersoted 5 Accipha cating. pumps and eonbtant Apecol fheg uencd changehs + pubber and papeh amillA ee, r Biplain woth vale dingami, te ak op extidation en alumafure eunnord anol powete fackok in Synchronous morphs, , asi Elect f exci ation on drmadude eunkent eed peak feden mre excitation fot wohich £ =v 4s known ag 100% exuration. 7 , — we assumed , mechanical Load 4s wondtank he oukpub 4 conspant, foge No /05 bb Edy (Logging PA) b : (0 E,rv (Leading PH i) Ly >v Covet) (unity Pd) Scanned with CamScanne (age No: 06 Case Ai df £y=¥ exutation = 007s 9, Amature curhint,D Lags behind V 4y Amall angle p. , 3, Angle between Land fy ® 8, o= tari C& ) case B: ee 4d, Bév, excitation below 100 7%. 2, 2 incheakes an mag nitedte but pif decreases. 2 Ea advancers dockwide. Case C? = 4d B27”, machine ovak excited. 2, Fg we puted antt-clock wide, 4° also cumhdent, Te Moth Chaws feading cunhend, ‘ted. on Cake DE a L, > V) Mote ovate €XCe 2. Power factok i unity. 3, Cuuront clhawn 4 the motok aninimum. A. magnitucle of abmatune cudnt varies with extifation. 5, fp nok Lakege valuot of walut oF excitation, Low and nigh { ee Page Not oF 6. has minimum value pola certain value of exe'tation, 6. Dnile shont noted on the following: W v Carve’ Abs Tre graphs peated befwlin amas ube ausnanl (Ia) ancl fell cansert Cle) for hilgehorl conbhant Loa abt known as He | y ewes of the Synch rons motok, A ln vw Als yo e a ve of ¥ D vy i. / yo Ky 4 J Leseing PY Leodleg oO ee ° fig NL, $4. Synchronous Motole Ui) Inverted Cited asi- Inverted Veurwos bh a yn chronaus ino ane avpined a the g kapha plottecl behoeen paoeh pashok ond field eushint Ch) pm | mo . : s Fage No + 0& | —— p ‘vgealeg WPF gg toad x (teeta \ veatng Ph x S Full Load < Fie /nvetbec! V- Cluteve ill anon eee iz. Ghat ahe he achttages of hawing field | system potating and atumatune dtationany | un Aynch Hono machines? | Ate Adeaotoges th Seltostg DOE Manabi PENI (@ When re Afattonabed atematuke & udtd/, he atmature vind! ngA Can be bhaced better | mechani cally againdt the Ags ele-tea magnitt foieces Aut to batge hole cikeutt eundonds, oe potting Weld 4s supplied col’ fae . | Athuct eubhont. Mus, onty two sup Meng ake hoguihed Co pravicle Ahect euthont gor He Me tating preted. |e The phase Ag | Aelfeofet/om : fage Nos 09 g, chat ake Ihe advantages of kunnirg “fo autele natonS in pauatiel 2 State the neconaliny condifionds fort poate! operation , Assi Advanta ges % prralll operating Lernsbes: eo When Mehl u& mamtenance ok ax int pecton, one machine can be dake out Eom a and the ofhete atfenatohS ean keep up fok dre conkinuily of supply © Load Supply ean be Anicheased, ee dulin tight hoads, mohe than ene atth— - nator i, be bhut clown hile tae ofachr ooill opehate in neanly full Load. o High etiidenty. : /e Bhoaking clown of agqureratol does not cause any dndekhup ton in the Aupply. | Necossanng canclittond cor pawetel PQetige | uimee of thy bub bar vodtages and the dn coming altennatonr voltage ust be the ame. fe re busbar voltages and the feuminal voltage oL the An eoming alternator mudst be wn phade. eo tai (He) = & aoi( 38 3) 2 8 24" We Know for Lagging pt Eye Eee = 2VEg 0a (0-6) Now, cos (O- 6) = eat (45. 24% 36:94) = eos (48° 379) = 066 | ts Ly =f (221) (903) 2% 291x405 x 0-66 I. ee = [963770 — 275 343.46 y ooetas a 993427 24 #0194 V a Pndluced emf pee phase = 77034 V, 4, A 2800N, a-¢, SFak conn ected Ayn ehronaud motole ha ar hetigfance Of O22 per phase and a aynehionous heacfance of 22 pee phate. the mofokt ib» operating -at 05 pet (leacling ) witha Line cubhent oy, 200A. gelehmine the value of He gerinated emf pee phase, a Page Ma/2 Aed- Given , Supply voltage, Vie 2ae0v Me 2360 Vie a =I32¢V IE NE Armature hestofance, Ra = 22 Syn. teactance, X= 2.2.2 Line Cuthin' I = a Pf= wg = 05 (lead) oe woA0.5) = 60° 4, Syn. Impedance, Zoe PR ERS =f (0.2) (2.2)” a iD wie Kno), gle teadlivrg pt = Vv Lego tat = Coan 22) = yuo -t Xe If g% \ i 8 =tan (5) - 460 I = aH «00s (O+B) = 0684-84 60’) = cos (144-8) = -03 | ABI/20/ Efe agen 4 8 Ey (1321)” + (40) 2% 1328X 440 K-09) J 1957/9 4 + 934912 4700 V " Gentated em pele phase = /700V, 2. A 3-¢ bak cannected “Noov Aynehronaiss moth pos ts Atadont- hesigbance and peactance oly 05-2. and 4.2. paspectively. Cleufate the powek input ond back umf Anduced in te motte ike a takes 50A at @ pho? legging Asai Given, Supply viltage, VE* noov “py” 5 zine eutthent, I= 0A Avm, tusiybance Ra = 0.52 = éyn Aeathancee ,Xy= 4 & Aa pf = Cosp = 0.9 (Lagging ) power an pub = NAG av xh cosg = N38 AH00X SOK 08 =. arv7i2iel W. 1 = a Now, cnsp = 0.8 nx p= Cdb.2) = 26:87 Page Noi 14 = tt (2.) = dani) = BeBe Synchronous impedance 2= VR ER” = {Cae = Noa He < pes = 4:03)-2— Pe eT a ahosl o Epa eds volts | 4 LMF gerese ated , KOS (92:97 > 96 87’) 63361 + 40622-4 — 9316-1 K 0.69 W " J 93923.4— C4250 :109 = 9433.24] = 172438 V/Ph, ABI/2.0/£EL/oIzr Page No: 15 Line inducecl emf = 1TL-43% xVG = 24b.to1v 3. A S0HP, Asov, Stak eomnected Aynchro nous motote hava Lull Load effi veney Of 99%, tre ahmnatuhe hesistance and peactancte per phase Ahe £52 and 25.2 hespettively, what will be phe in duced Line vottage _ when pe motte. 4% putey Loaded at umily power factor: ® Ansi- Given, y, = hoov : apnea comme Vv Mae a" Te 72 Arm. henibamce. 5 Ra = +5-> dyn pearance » Xe 25 pp = cosp =4 Curd ) p= S0hp = 50% TAL = 37300W 0,00 vic onkpnt pune = DIES ket 37-5 kW > Motor op power Motor ffi d-enca, 4] = _37:3 0:8 Mater i/p powele = fb 625 KW Full Loaol offtiene 4] = Page not 16 Input pone = 13 xv, x2, Xcos 4 Poy Pq = Hh 1025 V3 X460 XI | Ab 625° 672:92. + Pa = 06K A. Now, esp =4 ge CT) = °° = Hf Ks vf o= fan C43) = ton 25 Ja tan (6-60) - O = hiss” dyn Impedance , Ze =f PPO)” =A syeesy = 2.25 +625 = {E2705 Pes = 251044 2 kee tar Pe = OG72 X25:044 = 1689. page No 17 | SLA gerevated ,b, BV WY Eg’ 2 eg cos(O- 0) | = “+H | 304 eaay”— D231 A163 X00 (26.56) =f S396] + 28924 — ees = e3b4y.24 —~AbE SL = Ssattte phy = 20682 ¥/ Ph, | def, 0. Line Induced omk, = (250 602%18) = 299 AIA V ———

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