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St Paul’s University

Virtual Class
Sept – Dec 2022/23 SEMESTER
Group Work
Describe 4 advantages that MTS stands to gain from practicing teamwork and team


Organizations need to function well together, especially in the highly digitized world of

today. According to studies, businesses that value collaboration innovate more quickly,

recognize errors more quickly, come up with better solutions to issues, and are more productive.

Enhancing cooperation strives to boost output and performance for the advantage of the

company. Salespeople, for instance, benefit when they work as a team because they close more

deals and thrive in healthy competition.

Teams self-monitor; When one person completes a task alone, they have complete

autonomy, but who will correct them if they begin to work slowly or ineffectively? Nobody, to

be precise. In a team effort, multiple people are accountable for the same objective. Most

importantly, teammates evaluate and rely on the caliber of one another's work. When one team

member's performance declines, the others are knowledgeable and driven to assist them in

getting better. Effective teams frequently have the ability to control their own performance

without management interference. Teams invent more quickly. There are generally innumerable

answers for any activity or issue. When one individual takes on a project, they might be able to

generate a few new concepts over the course of the project. However, when a team works on an

issue, the project gains from a variety of viewpoints, expertise, and experiences at once.

Therefore, a team approach can result in quicker, more profound innovation.

Strong employee relationships are created through teamwork since the more closely

coworkers are together, the more they get to know one another and grow to like one another. As

they collaborate more, they grow more accustomed to each other's preferences, dislikes,

strengths, and shortcomings. A team that has been working together for a while will inevitably

grow more collaborative, which will improve everyone's experience at work. A positive work

atmosphere increases productivity, which enables firms to accomplish their objectives more


Individual workers are more likely to have low morale and be less responsible. With

collaboration, confidence is maintained since no member wants to let the group down.

Additionally, when working as a team, each individual is held accountable, especially if they are

surrounded by seasoned, well-respected colleagues who have a track record of diligence and

responsibility. Because of enhanced productivity and efficiency, teams will finish projects before

the deadline, which has a big positive impact on businesses.

The level of work experience, competence, and abilities that each employee in a company

have varies. These employees can engage with one another within a project thanks to

collaboration. Because they can gain skills from more experienced employees, this engagement

is a fantastic learning opportunity for new employees. New hires might also provide more

seasoned personnel with new and creative ideas. The ability for both new and seasoned

employees to challenge one another's ideas and methods of operation in order to develop an

agreed, practical solution that enables workers to achieve the tasks at hand underscores the value

of collaboration in the workplace.

How can MTS encourage teamwork and team learning

A successful team has the appropriate communication and cooperation among members.

This is because they have a strong sense of teamwork. It enables each team member to have

confidence in their abilities and level of expertise. Consequently, their output and general level

of work are improved. Without a sense of teamwork, modern businesses struggle to expand and

struggle to engage their workforce. To compete at the highest level in a cutthroat market, you

need a motivated team.

Exercise Problem-Solving Techniques. One of the most engaging methods to foster team

spirit is to practice problem-solving. It stimulates individual creativity and problem-solving skills

in addition to testing a team's capabilities. Successful teams coordinate their efforts to overcome

any challenges that may arise. Here are some ideas for how problem-solving exercises might

help your team work better together: the appropriate mindset and problem-solving strategy.

creating solutions and asking the correct questions. accepting the truth and keeping an open

mind. being analytical to identify the problem's underlying causes.

Mentoring your staff members: The culture of the workplace must include mentoring of

employees. As a leader, it is your duty to mentor them and never allow for micromanagement,

which will sabotage the mentoring process. It is crucial to know where to focus your mentoring

efforts in order to hit the target and boost the team's efficiency. The hard and soft skills acquired

by a team member through mentoring raises the chances of elevating the team spirit.To Sum It

Up The team's passion and commitment will be determined by how well they perform within the

organization. The team's spirit will rise if they are encouraged by small victories and instilled
with the idea that everything is possible. The secret to addressing topics that will bring people

together is constancy.

Why do you think MTS practices ‘a democratic culture, little hierarchy and

substantial employee autonomy’

Organizational democracy is frequently linked to higher levels of creativity, stakeholder

commitment, and employee engagement, all of which eventually led to improved organizational

performance. Nobody enjoys working under micromanagement. It can be annoying to have a

manager or supervisor watching you all the time. Additionally, it undermines employee

confidence in leadership. That is why workplace autonomy is so crucial. Giving employees the

freedom to work how they choose is what is meant by workplace autonomy. Employees that

have autonomy at work are free to choose how and when to complete their tasks. Increased

workplace autonomy accepts the idea that no two people are alike. Each team member may have

a unique strategy, but that strategy need not be ineffective. Each employee is trusted on the

assumption that they will complete their tasks. Most crucially, a lack of engagement at work may

be successfully addressed through autonomy. working group.

Simply giving employees more freedom leads to happier workers. A staff that works

independently and according to its own rules is more likely to be content. Every task is a reason

to feel fulfilled because it represents the results of hard effort and a case of personal

achievement. Employee happiness is a direct effect of greater job autonomy. Happy workers

don't feel the need to look for new employment. As a result, there is a marked decrease in

employee turnover, saving time and effort during the hiring process and onboarding. Low staff
turnover rates help reduce interruptions in the workplace. A team that has collaborated frequently

is probably more effective.

The biggest problem with very knowledgeable workers is finding their work

‘oversimplified’. Discuss any possible remedies that the management of MTS can use to

avert such a crisis

High levels of competence, education, or experience are required of knowledge workers,

and the invention, dissemination, or application of knowledge is central to their employment. We

will make use of this definition for our needs. New ideas are frequently generated by knowledge

work at its most fundamental level. Therefore, implement some of these fundamental leadership

and management techniques to maximize the performance of your knowledge workers and foster

an environment where fresh ideas can flow and flourish. They will aid in the development of

trust and strengthen the connection between the productive work of your knowledge workers and

the success of your business.

The majority of knowledge workers like to have at least some autonomy. They typically

do not want their work to be closely monitored and supervised. Instead, they presumably prefer

managers to make sure they have a productive work environment. to keep knowledge workers'

respect and trust, to monitor their work, and to provide them with the coaching they require.

Create a relationship where knowledge workers have the freedom and assistance, they require to

complete their work. Knowledge is applied in various ways by different people. While some

prefer to think in solitude, others prefer to produce ideas through roundtable talks. Making things

"the same" for everyone might be perceived as being fair in the workplace. However, if you treat

all of your knowledge employees the same, you risk missing out on chances to learn what drives

each one of them and what they each need in order to be more innovative and productive.
Everything may be customized, including the tools you provide, the workspace, the workday

plan, and more. Be open and flexible with their work resources, terms, and circumstances

because your knowledge workers produce results in very different ways from traditional


For optimum productivity to be achieved within an organization employees’ skills

are not adequate. Discuss.

The highest sustainable production level attainable in normal working conditions and

with excellent management is called optimal productivity. A key element of labor productivity is

making sure your staff don't overwork themselves and take care of their physical and emotional

wellbeing. Keep in mind that a healthy worker has more mental and physical energy to handle

daily duties and attain higher levels of productivity and efficiency. A key component of ensuring

productivity is motivation. Employees who lack motivation often become bored when dealing

with routine tasks. Similarly, unmotivated staff members could lack the will to finish difficult


In order to maintain the enthusiasm employees, bring to their jobs managers must

understand that a great majority of employees seek to satisfy three goals. Highlight and

discuss these three goals

The most fundamental human requirements are referred to as physiological demands in

this hierarchy. To believe their most fundamental needs are being satisfied, employees must have

access to essential services and opportunities while they are at work. You must have access to a

bathroom, a location to get water, breaks for meals and snacks, and a relaxing work environment.
A stable income to sustain oneself and pay for a place to live, food, utilities, and other necessities

is also one of your physiological demands in the job.

Another essential necessity that can affect how satisfied you are with your job overall is

safety. Concern for your personal safety as well as the safety of those you care about is normal.

For instance, you might put your family's safety first, which is why you work so hard to meet

their needs for a safe place to live. It's crucial to feel valued and prioritized at work in terms of

your physical safety. You should have confidence in the security and protection of your assets

and personal property. Providing ergonomic office furniture that supports you properly and

lowers your risk of injury, as well as securing the building to keep out potentially dangerous

individuals, are two ways to ensure a safe workplace.

. You might not be as interested at work or as driven to achieve if you don't feel like you

belong. It’s not always simple for people to start and maintain relationships at work. Companies

that conduct social events and provide more chances for networking away from the workplace

typically have greater employee engagement rates than those that don't place as much of an

emphasis on these work-life balance issues. It is simpler to be inspired to work hard and get

results when you feel like you belong and fit in within your workplace and your team.

Hopper, E. (2020). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explained. ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 24.

Sanyal, S., & Hisam, M. W. (2018). The impact of teamwork on work performance of

employees: A study of faculty members in Dhofar University. IOSR Journal of Business

and Management, 20(3), 15-22.

Phina, O. N., Arinze, A. S., Chidi, F., & Chukwuma, D. (2018). The effect of teamwork on

employee performance: A study of medium scale industries in Anambra

State. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 5(2), 174-194.

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