Ethics Cat Two

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Question one

I'll look for other options, like bonuses and awards, to acknowledge and be grateful for

his enormous accomplishments. I must point out that performing very well all year long and

fulfilling all prerequisites for promotion are two distinct things that must be taken into account.

Both job ratings have distinct expectations. Without displaying traits that indicate they are

prepared for the next level; a person may excel at the task for which they were hired. In this case,

I will mentor the employee in addition to giving him prizes or bonuses to put him in a position to


I will go ahead and submit a recommendation for promotion on his behalf if he has

performed excellently throughout the year and has also satisfied the criteria set forth by the

organization. Having too many individuals in the grade above him shouldn't prevent him from

getting promoted as long as there is no company policy that limits the number of employees in a

given job grade and the business has a bright financial future. Such behavior could ruin the mood

of all employees. His quick acknowledgement and appreciation will be provided while his

promotion is being approved. This will be acting in a just and moral manner. It could also be

interpreted as an ethical individualism.

This will be acting in a just and moral manner. Additionally, because there is a long-term

interest in maintaining high employee morale and promoting exceptional performance, it could

be seen as an individualistic ethical behavior.

Question two

The assumption that one should concentrate primarily on a solution's correctness is the

purist approach. Typically, the process looks for a methodical, verified, and thorough design.

This contrasts with a pragmatic approach, which looks for a workable and speedy answer. When

looking for a solution, the purist approach respects the law and fairness; one cannot violate

another. Everyone has every right to seek the truth. Everyone must employ pure methods in

order for the purist model to function.

The worker who is accused of smuggling narcotics into his office is unethical. This is

because it is forbidden to consume narcotics at work, and morality demands that employees

uphold their moral standards at all times. No client would want to be serviced by a drunk person,

thus employees should abstain from alcohol while at work. Additionally, finding out that a

particular company employs drug addicts casts a terrible light on the business and drives away

potential clients for the movie. Supervisors are in charge of making sure that workers follow the

law and conduct themselves responsibly.

There are specific limits that the supervisor should not go above, even though they have

the right to make sure that everyone in the company upholds the law and conducts themselves

morally. For instance, the manager shouldn't after work hours. look for measures to catch the

worker or gather evidence against the suspect. Sometimes a suspect may be guilty even though

there isn't enough solid proof to imprison him. Perjury and inspecting suspects' desks without

their permission are examples of criminal behavior (Steinfeld, 2022). Because the purist model

demands that everyone uphold the law, if a worker is suspected, evidence of their guilt should be

obtained in a morally and publicly acceptable manner. According to the circumstances, the fact

that I share an office with the employee disqualifies me from taking on the duty of searching
through his locker. I'm sure that my job description as an employee does not include looking in

other people's lockers while they are not there. It is ideal if the federal officers are used if the

supervisor has suspects. Additionally, according to the purist model, it is forbidden to check

one's desk after hours of work.

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