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DEBESMSCAT Quality Policy

Relate the program goals (PhD Crop Science/PhD Animal Science) to the institution’s
Vision and Mission

Program Outcomes
Program Outcomes Vision Mission
The PhD Crop Science aims to produce
graduates who can:
A. discuss ______ in justifying
B. apply _________ to _________
C. assess _____ and create

Learning Outcomes in Relation to the Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes Program Outcomes
The PhD Crop Science graduates should be able to:
A. discuss ______ to justify __________
B. apply ______to _____________
C. assess ______ and create __________ in

Course Outcomes in Relation to the Learning Outcomes

course Outcomes Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, PhD Crop Science students are
expected to:

Legend: I-Introduced; R-Reinforced; Demonstrated

Note: Course outcomes vary with the number of topics/themes covered. Each course
outcome should be identified according to its level. A course outcome may be an
introductory level in one learning outcome but may be in another level in the same
learning outcome.

Course Information
1. Course Number
2. Course Title
3. Course Description
4. Prerequisite/s
5. Term
6. Credit
7. Number of Hours
8. Course Objective
Course Outline
Week Course Topics Teaching Assessment Number
Outcome and Learning Tools of Hours

Note: In blended learning, Asynchronous and Synchronous sessions are different

therefore teaching and learning activities differ also.

Course Evaluation

Rubric for assessment should be presented and should cover assessment task for
every course outcome including the weight.

Provide a summary of the bases for student assessment

Include the grading system or scale of the institution

Course Requirements

Include the guidelines for each requirement in the course

Class Policies

Include General Class policy and plagiarism rules

Faculty Information


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