Participants' Agenda-CCMT June 2013

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CARE International in Pakistan 1

CCMT Workshop June 18th-20th , 2013 @ Islamabad

CARE International in Pakistan

Country Coordination and Management Team (CCMT) Workshop
18th-20th June 2013

Meeting Purpose:
The overall purpose of Country Coordination and Management Team workshop is to provide a discussion & learning forum to all program /
project managers and managers of program support functions to;
1. Share updated information on progress and plans on tri-annual basis, using lens of internal coordination, impact and efficiency
2. Discuss program quality, impact and policy-related matters
3. Feedback and suggestions for further improvement
4. Aligning ourselves with goals of LRSP

The CCMT is not a decision making forum; it may put forward recommendations to Country Leadership Team or other relevant for making
decisions. This time the workshops focus will be on Annual light review of LRSP Pathways and Refining CIP’s 5-year Program document
Day 1: Overall facilitation: Irshad
Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs
0830-0900 Introduction of participants- Irshad Output: The exercise will help participants know each other
Output: Participants achieve increased clarity on CARE Pakistan’s LRSP and five year program
0900- Welcome;
Waleed document with focus on gender and governance and various frameworks
0930 Building on Strategy
Format: Plenary presentation by Waleed followed by Questions and Answer (Q&A) session.
Output: Participants achieve enhanced understanding on how gender program is different
Understanding engendered Aisha
from gender mainstreaming and of engendered governance
0930-1030 and Governance Program Maqsood
Session-a Format: Plenary presentation and general discussion
1030-1045 Tea break
Understanding Gender and
Output: Participants achieve enhanced understanding on governance programming
1045-1130 Governance Program Sadia Ahmed
Format: Presentation and general discussion
Understanding Gender and
Governance focus of
Aisha Output: Help participants to understand gender & governance program and its significance in
Maqsood, achieving the LRSP by applying the program lens on the present projects.
1130-1300 Session-c
Sadia Ahmed
Group Exercise:
Retrospective Application of

Last updated on 14th June, 2013

CARE International in Pakistan 2
CCMT Workshop June 18th-20th , 2013 @ Islamabad

Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs
1300-1400 Lunch break
Output: Participants have clear understanding of five year sector plan so as to be able to further
1400 – Introducing the 5 Yr sector Sector
advance the draft.
1530 plans Coordinators
Format: Power point presentation with each sector having 10 minutes to present.
1530-1545 Tea Break
Output: Program synergies identified and ways of working discussed
Karen and Format:
Group Work: Finding
1545 – Nitasha Plenary presentation on synergies followed by group work.
synergies in the five year
1730 Group work: 4 sectoral groups are formed. Each sector address the following key questions
1. What is the synergy?
2. What are the synergies requiring us to do?

Day 2: Overall facilitation Kaneez Fatima

Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs
Output: Program synergies identified and ways of working discussed
Karen and Format:
Group Work: Finding
0830- Nitasha Plenary presentation on synergies followed by group work.
synergies in the five year
1030 Group work: 4 sectoral groups are formed. Each sector address the following key questions
program (continued)
1. What is the synergy?
2. What are the synergies requiring us to do?
Tea Break -
Output: Participants introduced to impact M&E concept model and how it will cover 5-year
1045- Tracking our progress program
1115 towards impact Format: Plenary presentation on impact M&E concept model (two slides) and examples of
indicators at result levels.
Output: Indicators in the 5-year sector plans are linked to breakthroughs
Group work: Linking Irshad,
1115- Format: Same four sector groups continue. The groups will discuss each indicator in their sector
indicators of 5 Yr pathway Ghufran,
1300 plan to see if it links to the breakthrough. Following question is proposed for the groups;
results to breakthrough Raja, Aisha M
- How this indicator helps in tracking our progress to breakthrough
1400- Group work: Linking Irshad, Output: Indicators in the 5-year sector plans are linked to breakthroughs
1500 indicators of 5 Yr pathway Ghufran, Format: Same four sector groups continue. The groups will discuss each indicator in their sector
results to breakthrough Raja, Aisha M plan to see if it links to the breakthrough. Following question is proposed for the groups;

Last updated on 14th June, 2013

CARE International in Pakistan 3
CCMT Workshop June 18th-20th , 2013 @ Islamabad

Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs
(Continued) -How this indicator helps in tracking our progress to breakthrough
Output: Work plan for refining and producing draft 2 program document
1600 with Work plan for draft 2
Arshad Format: Participants will be asked the following question
working program document
- What would be some key steps in taking forward the Program document?
Output: Priorities defined under the PF and PF reviewed against the 5 years plan
Format: Groups combining CIP and partners will brainstorm on the following questions;
1600- Ayesha - How does the Partnership Framework help take the 5 year programme forward?
Partnership framework
1730 Shaukat - What would be the major priority actions for next FY related to the partnership

Day 3: Overall facilitation Pervaiz Tufail

Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs
1. Transformational
Change CARE Vision
Navaraj Output: Enhance understanding of CARE 2020 vision and Impact measurement system
0830-1000 2. AOP FY14 indicators
Gyawali Format: Power Point Presentation and Group Discussion
Output: To introduce EETAT i.e Efficiency, Effectiveness and Turnaround time for HR, Finance
and Operations and the application of RASCI to achieve EETAT targets.
1000 – Format:
1200(work RASCI, EETAT Waleed: Introduction and concept clarity of EETAT
Nadia and
ing tea) Group Work Nadia, Zulfiqar, Iftikhar: 3 groups, viz HR, Finance and Ops, will discuss the targets of
EETAT and the corresponding RASCI of only 2-3 chosen targets from EETAT. Later each
group will present RASCI to all the participants
1200 –
Guest Speaker Session - Discuss a pathway from LRSP
1300-1400 Lunch Break
1400-1500 Research & knowledge Irshad & Output: priorities around research identified for five-year program document
management focus around Ghufran
gender & governance Group work Format: Quick presentation by Irshad on sharing hypothesis examples from Alan’s report and
similar to those.

Last updated on 14th June, 2013

CARE International in Pakistan 4
CCMT Workshop June 18th-20th , 2013 @ Islamabad

Session #
Session & Content Facilitators Format & Outputs

Group Work: Same sector groups continue. The groups will discuss following matrix;

Results Research Focus (external/Int Hypothesis Responsibility

1500-1530 Closing Waleed Closing Remarks

Last updated on 14th June, 2013

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