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Project cooperation agreemeny


The government of the peoples’ democratic republic

of Algeria


The government of the republic of Ghana

In the field of sport

The government of the peoples’ democratic republic of Algeria represented by the ministry of sports
and the government of the republic of Ghana represented by the ministry of youth and sports
(hereinafter to as ‘’parties’’):

Inspired by the desire to develop bilateral relations in the field of sports:

Working to promote and develop the friendship through exchanges of sports programs for the peoples
of both countries;

Have agreed as follows:

Article -1-


This agreement aims to promote cooperation between the parties and facilitate communication
between the sports ministries in both countries with the aim of strengthening friendship and providing
mutual understanding based on the principle of reciprocity.

Article -2-

Areas of cooperation

A- Sports:
1- Exchanges between the national teams as part of the participation in training transit, friendly
competition and international tournaments held by the two countries in foot-ball and Athletics
2- Exchange of technical/ Administrative sports experts for mutual benefits.
3- Exchange of experiences THROUGH training courses for coaches, referees and judges.
4- Share experiences in mass and school sports as well as university games.
5- Promotion of Bilateral games in selected disciplines.
6- The parties will grant access to each other’s facilities for camping and training of athletes/ teams
in both countries as far as conditions permit
7- The parties will grant access to the use of either party’s sports training institutions for human
resource development and training in the two countries.
8- The parties will encourage interactions between the national sports association/ federations in
Ghana and Algeria.
9- The parties will collaborate in the organization of annual joint sports festival.
10- The parties will exchange technical expertise for needed infrastructure and sporting facilities for
camping and training of athletes/ teams.
11- The parties will encourage the promotion of women’s sports between the two countries as well
as share experiences and best practices in the area of women’s sports
12- The parties will exchange ideas regarding international organizations in the field of sports and
support each other’s position and candidatures in international organizations.
13- The parties will exchange experts in anti-doping to help ensure fairness in sporting activities.

Article -3-
Joint working committee

1- the parties will form a joint working committee which will prepare an implementation plan
within 90 ( ninety) days after signing of this MOU.
2- Upon request by either party, the joint working committee will hold a meeting to monitor
the implementation the plan. These sessions will be held in either country in turn.

Article -4-
Official visit

There shall be visits of official delegations for the development of cooperation in the field of

Article -5-
Settlement of disputes

Any controversy or dispute, or claim arising out of or relating to the performance or

interpretation of this agreement shall be settled amicably between the parties.

Article -6-
Violation of MOU
Any violation of agreement’s provisions by either party which leads to a financial loss other
party will be compensated by the party in violation.

Article -7-
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The parties hereby agree that except with prior written consent or permission from either
party, neither of the parties shall release, disclose, or publish the contents of this agreement
or any confidential information delivered or made available to either party pursuant to this

Article -8-

This agreement is valid for four (4) years from the date of execution and shall be reviewed
by the delegates from each party and will be extended for another period of four (4) years.

Article -9-

This agreement is not intended to be legally binding and each party may terminate by giving
the other six (6) months’ notice of termination prior to the date of its expiry.

Article -10-
Any notice required to be given or served hereunder shall be delivered or sent by any of the parties to
the other party at the address listed at the beginning of this agreement or such other address later to
be notified in writing to the other party.

Article -11-

Done at ………………………., on …………………in three (3) original copiesin Arabic, English and french

The three texts are authentic

For the government of the For the government of the

People’s democratic republic republic of Ghana
Of Algeria

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