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Roman Chair Back Extension Is/Is Not a Safe and Effective Exercise?


DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000284


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4 authors:

Brad J Schoenfeld Morey J Kolber

City University of New York City - Lehman College Nova Southeastern University


Bret Contreras William J Hanney

University of Central Florida

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The purpose of the Point/Counterpoint Column is to

provide a respectful and balanced discussion in relation to
controversial or current topics in the fields of strength and
conditioning, nutrition, and human performance.

COLUMN EDITOR: Andrew J. Galpin, PhD, CSCS*D,


Roman Chair Back

Extension Is/Is Not a Safe
and Effective Exercise?
Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, CSPS*D, FNSCA,1 Morey J. Kolber, PT, PhD, CSCS*D,2
Bret Contreras, PhD, CSCS,3 and William J. Hanney, DPT, PhD, ATC, CSCS*D4
Exercise Science, Human Performance Laboratory, Health Sciences Department, Lehman College, Bronx, New York;
Department of Physical Therapy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and Physical Department
Therapy, Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group, Boca Raton, Florida; 3Auckland University of Technology, Sport
Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand; and 4Physical Therapy Program, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, Florida

ABSTRACT INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR isometrically as a result of their stabi-

DECISION MAKING. WE WANT TO lizing function at the spine during
HEAR FROM YOU. VISIT NSCA-SCJ. exercise performance (7,11). However,
COM TO WEIGH IN ON THE POINT/ because the larger hip extensor muscu-
COUNTERPOINT QUICK POLL. lature must dynamically take on the
brunt of the load in these exercises,
activation of the lumbar muscles is nec-
DENCE SUPPORTING THE POINT essarily reduced, and thus, they may
AFOREMENTIONED BENEFITS, he lumbar extensors are a group

not receive an adequate stimulus for
PERFORMANCE OF THIS EXERCISE of posterior trunk muscles essen- adaptation. Thus, isolated dynamic
MAY INCREASE THE RISK FOR LOW tial to human movement and
lumbar extension exercises such as that
BACK PAIN AMONG CERTAIN POP- posture. These muscles, which include
performed on the Roman chair may be
ULATION SUBGROUPS. the erector spinae, multifidi, and quad-
necessary to optimize strength- and
ALTHOUGH A CLEAR VERDICT ON ratus lumborum, are particularly impor-
functional-related adaptations of the
THE RISK-TO-BENEFIT RATIO RE- tant from the standpoint of spinal
health, as they help provide stability in associated musculature. In support of
an area of the spine that is prone to this contention, Fisher et al. (5) dem-
injury (1). Indeed, a deconditioning of onstrated that isolated lumbar training
the lumbar extensor musculature has increases lumbar extension torque to
been implicated in lower back pain (3). a greater extent than the Romanian
deadlift, and these improvements actu-
A wide array of exercises can be used
ally showed a positive transfer to per-
Address correspondence for point to Brad
to help strengthen the lumbar exten-
sors. Compound movements such as formance of the Romanian deadlift.
Schoenfeld, and for
counterpoint to Morey J. Kolber, kolber@ the squat, deadlift, and good morning, Moreover, given the well-established among others, work these muscles association between muscle cross-

Copyright  National Strength and Conditioning Association 1

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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

sectional area and the ability to pro- performing a few sets of Roman chair conditions of the spine such as spinal
duce force, hypertrophy of the spinal back extensions per week allows most of stenosis and spondylolysis because of
extensors would seem to be a desirable the benefits, while providing ample time the potential for exacerbating symp-
training outcome. Although isometric for the body to recuperate and adapt to toms in this population.
exercise can promote increases in mus- the imposed demands. In conclusion, the Roman chair back
cle mass, dynamic muscular actions Interestingly, a recent review of litera- extension can be considered a safe and
have been shown to produce distinctive ture concluded that regular training viable movement provided performance
responses in anabolic signaling, gene with dynamic lumbar extension exer- is carried out with proper technique in
expression, and protein synthesis that cise may actually facilitate regenera- consideration with the needs and abili-
may confer beneficial effects on hyper- tion and healing in damaged vertebral ties of the individual. Manipulation of
trophic adaptations (4,6,12,13). To this discs (14). The authors point to evi- program variables such as load, volume,
end, research indicates that concentric dence of improved functional out- and frequency will ultimately determine
and eccentric actions elicit diverse mor- comes and bone density changes whether outcomes have a positive ver-
phological adaptations at the fiber fas- from performance of targeted dynamic sus negative impact on spinal structures
cicle level, including regional-specific exercise for the lumbar extensors. for a given individual. As a rule, exer-
differences in hypertrophy (6). The Indeed, evidence suggests that nutrient cises are neither “good” nor “bad,” but
back extension exercise performed on delivery to the discs is enhanced by rather tools to achieve a given outcome.
the Roman chair would therefore flexion-extension movement (9,10), The fitness professional must take into
potentially enhance the adaptive conceivably mediated by a pumping account all aspects of the risk-reward
response to resistance training. action that facilitates transport and dif- continuum when deciding on exercise
The basis of program design should fusion of molecules into the discs. selection in program design.
always focus on the balance of risk and There are numerous techniques asso-
reward. Hence, although there appears ciated with the Roman chair apparatus Brad Schoenfeld is an assistant profes-
to be a clear benefit to performing iso- that can be used to better target the sor in Exercise Science and Director of
lated lumbar extension exercise, it must gluteals, hamstrings, or erectors when the Human Performance Laboratory at
be acknowledged that such movements performing back extensions. When Lehman College.
may have detrimental effects on verte- aiming to strengthen the erectors,
bral structures. Repetitive and forceful proper performance is essential for Bret Contreras is an assistant professor
hyperextension of the lumbar spine can safety and to obtain the desired posi- in Exercise Science and Director of the
lead to facet syndrome, spondylolysis, or tive results. Specifically, the hip exten- Human Performance Laboratory at
spondylolisthesis (2,8). There are strong sors should perform a stabilizing Lehman College.
genetic and anatomic components to action while the erector spinae should
hyperextension-related injuries; obvi- perform a dynamic action (the oppo-
ously, individuals who are predisposed site is true when seeking to strengthen
to hyperextension-related back injuries the hip extensors). We recommend REFERENCES
and pain should exercise more caution 1. Akuthota V and Nadler SF. Core
this be accomplished by (a) position-
strengthening. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85:
with exercise selection, just as is the case ing the end of the pad in line with the S86–S92, 2004.
with other joints in the body (i.e., hip navel; this requires spinal flexion and
2. Alexander MJ. Biomechanical aspects of
conditions and deep squatting). How- extension during execution of the exer- lumbar spine injuries in athletes: A review.
ever, tempo and the degree of hyperex- cise, (b) keeping a slight bend in the Can J Appl Sport Sci 10: 1–20, 1985.
tension of the spine can be augmented knees, (c) crossing the arms in the 3. Conway R, Behennah J, Fisher J, Osborne N,
to increase exercise safety. Using a con- “mummy” position, (d) rounding and Steele J. Associations between trunk
trolled cadence and limiting spinal the lumbar spine over the pad by per- extension endurance and isolated lumbar
motion so that end-range spinal hyper- forming eccentric spinal flexion, (e) ex- extension strength in both asymptomatic
extension is avoided, potential damage tending the spine until hyperextension participants and those with chronic low back
to the posterior elements of the spine is reached, and (f ) using a controlled pain. Healthcare (Basel) 4: E70, 2016.
can be minimized. Moreover, when con- cadence involving a 3 second lowering 4. Eliasson J, Elfegoun T, Nilsson J, Kohnke R,
sidering hyperextension-based injuries phase, a 1 second rising phase, and a 1 Ekblom B, and Blomstrand E. Maximal
experienced by athletes or highly com- lengthening contractions increase p70 S6
second isometric hold at the top of
kinase phosphorylation in human skeletal
petitive injuries, one must recognize that each repetition. Although evidence is muscle in the absence of nutritional supply.
these individuals are often weight- lacking as to what constitutes a “safe” Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 291:
bearing and axially loading the spine. range of motion, it seems prudent to 1197–1205, 2006.
The Roman chair exercise does not lend avoid end ranges of both flexion and 5. Fisher J, Bruce-Low S, and Smith D. A
to direct axial loading, thus would seem- extension. The exercise is likely contra- randomized trial to consider the effect of
ingly be safer. Thus, we argue that indicated for those with degenerative Romanian deadlift exercise on the

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
development of lumbar extension strength. hip and spinal extensors. While any normal. With this being stated, it would
Phys Ther Sport 14: 139–145, 2013. exercise, if appropriately selected be reasonable to postulate that individ-
6. Franchi MV, Atherton PJ, Reeves ND, Fluck and performed correctly, could be uals who have degenerative changes in
M, Williams J, Mitchell WK, Selby A, Beltran considered safe, an inherent risk the spine would present with reduced
Valls RM, and Narici MV. Architectural,
may reside in any exercise that pro- thoracolumbar extension, whereas indi-
functional and molecular responses to
concentric and eccentric loading in human
motes “end-range” thoracolumbar viduals who have congenital hyperlaxity
skeletal muscle. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 210: movements while under a load. Thus, would present with greater extension
642–654, 2014. the relative safety of extension exer- than the reference values presented.
7. Hamlyn N, Behm DG, and Young WB. cises using the Roman chair cannot Thus, in the healthy young adult, exten-
Trunk muscle activation during dynamic be categorized into a safe versus not- sion to an angle of approximately 608
weight-training exercises and isometric safe dichotomy. Rather, safety must from a straight sagittal line would be
instability activities. J Strength Cond Res be determined based on one’s indi- biomechanically permissible; however,
21: 1108–1112, 2007. vidual risk profile and an understand- there are medical conditions that would
8. Harvey J and Tanner S. Low back pain in ing of normal biomechanical events be a concern with respect to performing
young athletes. A practical approach. that occur during the particular exer-
Sports Med 12: 394–406, 1991. the Roman chair to or beyond end-
cise of interest. For the purpose
range extension. Several conditions
9. Holm S and Nachemson A. Nutritional of this column, information pre-
changes in the canine intervertebral disc
come to mind (e.g., sports hernia, spon-
sented in the counterpoint section
after spinal fusion. Clin Orthop Relat Res dylolysis, and spinal stenosis); however,
will focus primarily on the risks asso-
(169): 243–258, 1982. the focus here will primarily be on
ciated with end-range thoracolumbar
10. Holm S and Nachemson A. Variations in degenerative spinal stenosis and pars in-
the nutrition of the canine intervertebral terarticularis defects, hereafter called
disc induced by motion. Spine (Phila Pa As a preface to the counterpoint, it is a spondylolysis (7,10).
1976) 8: 866–874, 1983. first necessary to establish what consti-
Although there are different subtypes of
11. McAllister MJ, Hammond KG, Schilling BK, tutes “end-range” thoracolumbar exten-
spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis (nar-
Ferreria LC, Reed JP, and Weiss LW. sion. This is of considerable importance,
Muscle activation during various hamstring
rowing) of the intervertebral foramen
as the Roman chair offers the option of (where the spinal nerve root exits the
exercises. J Strength Cond Res 28: 1573–
moving from the position of full flexion spine) is the primary concern that will
1580, 2014.
(end range of descent) to end-range be discussed. The reasoning for this
12. Moore DR, Phillips SM, Babraj JA, Smith K,
extension (end range of ascent). The concern is fairly straight forward with
and Rennie MJ. Myofibrillar and collagen
protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle
start position theoretically, for the pur- respect to the clinical and biomechani-
in young men after maximal shortening and pose of this column, will be considered cal evidence. From a clinical research
lengthening contractions. Am J Physiol midrange between flexion and exten- perspective, there is no question that
Endocrinol Metab 288: 1153–1159, 2005. sion (trunk parallel to floor). In a healthy lumbar extension narrows this foramen,
13. Shepstone TN, Tang JE, Dallaire S, Schuenke young adult, the lumbar spines neutral which may compress the spinal nerve
MD, Staron RS, and Phillips SM. Short-term position (natural lordosis) would seem- root (4,10). Specifically, evidence sug-
high- vs. low-velocity isokinetic lengthening ingly resemble the start position of the
training results in greater hypertrophy of the
gests that lumbar extension may lead
Roman chair. The angle of lordosis is to an 11–30% reduction in the size of
elbow flexors in young men. J Appl Physiol
(1985) 98: 1768–1776, 2005.
essentially the relative extension of the the intervertebral foramen (1,3,9).
lumbar spine when compared with Although this may not be a problem
14. Steele J, Bruce-Low S, Smith D, Osborne
N, and Thorkeldsen A. Can specific loading
a sagittal line. Evidence suggests that for an individual with normal lumbar
through exercise impart healing or in the healthy lumbar spine, the natural spine anatomy, an already narrowed
regeneration of the intervertebral disc? lordosis is approximately 328 (8). Thus, foramen from spinal stenosis may not
Spine J 15: 2117–2121, 2015. in the neutral position, the lumbar spine be able to afford further extension with-
is essentially in extension, despite the out experiencing nerve root compres-
trunk appearing parallel to the floor. sion (as a result of decreased
COUNTER POINT Furthermore, evidence suggests that in intervertebral foramen space). A key
ack extension exercises comprise the young healthy spine, the average point to recognize is that individuals

B a heterogeneous group of activities

that collectively share a common
purpose of moving the thoracolumbar
adult would be able to extend approxi-
mately 278 at the thoracolumbar spine
from the neutral start position (natural
with spinal stenosis will face this risk
with end-range extension, as opposed
to those with normal spinal anatomy
spine posteriorly in the sagittal lordosis) (5). End-range extension who would seemingly have little risk
plane. Back extension, hereafter called would then theoretically constitute an exposure. For example, the average
thoracolumbar extension, is performed angle of 598 from the horizontal, and space of the intervertebral foramen in
on the Roman chair for the goal of hyperextension would describe move- the lumbar spine is approximately 8.8
improving muscle performance of the ment beyond what is anatomically and 19.4 mm in the transverse and

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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

sagittal planes, respectively (11). The seems reasonable to assert that the REFERENCES
average nerve root size as it passes Roman chair performed to end-range 1. Fujiwara A, An HS, Lim TH, and Haughton
through the intervertebral foramen is extension would not be safe for an indi- VM. Morphologic changes in the lumbar
intervertebral foramen due to flexion-
3.3–3.9 mm; thus, an anatomically nor- vidual with a spondylolysis.
extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation:
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assume that everyone with spinal steno- intervertebral foramen associated with
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flexion-extension movement. Spine 21:
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A spondylolysis is a condition dividuals who experience pain during or spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis.
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perform the Roman chair. Thus, it Florida Program in Physical Therapy. 2006; discussion 151.

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2017

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